
intraspecific chromosome variability in a lemur from the north of madagascar: lepilemur septentrionalis, species nova.a cytogenetical study of 25 lepilemur from the north of madagascar has given evidence for six karyotypes (with four diploid numbers). four of the karyotypes with these diploid numbers--2n = 38, 2n = 36, 2n = 34--we believe evolved from one another by centric fusion; and two karyotypes resulted from the hybridization of two of these (2n = 37 and 2n = 35). the different karyotypes distinguish themselves clearly from those of other species of lepilemur. we have named a new species, lepilemur septen ...1975807113
conservation biology of malagasy strepsirhines: a phylogenetic approach.the phylogenetic diversity of extant lemurs represents one of the most important but least studied aspects of the conservation biology of primates. the phylogenetic diversity of a species is inversely proportional to the relative number and closeness of its phylogenetic relatives. phylogenetic diversity can then be used to determine conservation priorities for specific biogeographic regions. although malagasy strepsirhines represent the highest phylogenetic diversity among primates at the global ...200616365858
molecular and cytogenetic evidence for cryptic speciation within a rare endemic malagasy lemur, the northern sportive lemur (lepilemur septentrionalis).evolutionary relationships of different populations of the threatened malagasy lemur lepilemur septentrionalis were assessed by sequence analysis of mitochondrial dna (d-loop region and partial cyt b gene). one hundred and fifty nine samples were collected from five main different localities in the northern part of madagascar. we applied the phylogenetic species concept based on fixed diagnostic differences to determine the status of different geographical populations. no nucleotide site diagnos ...200415062786
cytogenetic arguments in favour of a taxonomic revision of lepilemur septentrionalis.cytogenetic investigations performed on 30 specimens of lepilemur septentrionalis confirmed the existence of 4 karyotypes differing from each other by 1-2 chromosomal rearrangements. these data, pooled with those obtained in earlier studies, showed that out of 60 animals karyotyped only two kinds of hybrids were detected, allowing us to characterise two chromosomally polymorphic populations. no natural hybrids could be found between these two populations, which could thus be considered as two se ...200611964499
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