
identification of lactococci and enterococci by colony hybridization with 23s rrna-targeted oligonucleotide probes.specific sequences of 23s rrna of lactococcus lactis, enterococcus faecalis, enteroccus faecium, and enterococcus malodoratus/enterococcus avium were identified, and complementary oligonucleotide probes were synthesized. the specificity of the probes was evaluated by dot blot and colony hybridizations. the probes can be used for the specific detection and identification of colonies of the corresponding species in mixed cultures.19902275539
species identification of enterococci via intergenic ribosomal pcr.accurate species identification of enterococci has become important with the wide prevalence of acquired vancomycin resistance and the presence of less epidemiologically important, inherently vancomycin-resistant enterococci. using a collection of enterococcal strains, we found that pcr amplification of the intergenic spacer (its-pcr) between the 16s and 23s rrna genes can produce amplicon profiles characteristic of the enterococcus examined. the species examined were group i enterococci (entero ...19979114380
sequencing the gene encoding manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase for rapid species identification of enterococci.simple pcr and sequencing assays that utilize a single pair of degenerate primers were used to characterize a 438-bp-long dna fragment internal (soda(int)) to the soda gene encoding the manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase in 19 enterococcal type strains (enterococcus avium, enterococcus casseliflavus, enterococcus cecorum, enterococcus columbae, enterococcus dispar, enterococcus durans, enterococcus faecalis, enterococcus faecium, enterococcus flavescens, enterococcus gallinarum, enterococc ...200010618129
typing of enterococcus faecium by polymerase chain reaction and pulsed field gel electrophoresis.polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with jb1 or rep consensus oligonucleotides and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge) were used to study genomic dna extracted from 31 strains of enterococci. eleven atcc strains, representative of 11 species of enterococcus, were initially tested by jb1-pcr, revealing that enterococcus malodoratus and enterococcus hirae presented identical banding patterns. eight enterococcus faecium isolates from stanford university and 12 from são paulo hospital were studied b ...200011050655
identification of enterococcus species and phenotypically similar lactococcus and vagococcus species by reverse checkerboard hybridization to chaperonin 60 gene from four recent studies (s. h. goh et al., j. clin. microbiol. 36:2164-2166, 1998; s. h. goh et al., j. clin. microbiol. 34:818-823, 1996; s. h. goh et al., j. clin. microbiol. 35:3116-3121, 1997; a. y. c. kwok et al., int. j. syst. bacteriol. 49:1181-1192, 1999) suggest that an approximately 600-bp region of the chaperonin 60 (cpn60) gene, amplified by pcr with a single pair of degenerate primers, has utility as a potentially universal target for bacterial identification (id). this cpn60 ...200011060051
diversity of domain v of 23s rrna gene sequence in different enterococcus species.the highly conserved central loop of domain v of 23s rna (nucleotides 2042 to 2628; escherichia coli numbering) is implicated in peptidyltransferase activity and represents one of the target sites for macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin b antibiotics. dna encoding domain v (590 bp) of several species of enterococcus was amplified by pcr. twenty enterococcal isolates were tested, including enterococcus faecium (six isolates), enterococcus faecalis, enterococcus avium, enterococcus durans, e ...200011060057
application of trna intergenic spacer pcr for identification of enterococcus species.trna intergenic spacer pcr (tdna-pcr) was evaluated for its usefulness in the differentiation of enterococcal species of human and animal origin. this technique was carried out for 124 strains belonging to 17 enterococcal species and generated dna fragments, which were separated by capillary electrophoresis. tdna-pcr enabled us to discriminate for all species tested. enterococcus faecium showed minor but reproducible differences with enterococcus durans, while enterococcus hirae was easily disti ...200011060090
evidence for horizontal gene transfer in evolution of elongation factor tu in enterococci.the elongation factor tu, encoded by tuf genes, is a gtp binding protein that plays a central role in protein synthesis. one to three tuf genes per genome are present, depending on the bacterial species. most low-g+c-content gram-positive bacteria carry only one tuf gene. we have designed degenerate pcr primers derived from consensus sequences of the tuf gene to amplify partial tuf sequences from 17 enterococcal species and other phylogenetically related species. the amplified dna fragments were ...200011092850
bile salt hydrolase activity of enterococci isolated from food: screening and quantitative hundred seventeen enterococcal strains isolated from food (47 enterococcus faecium, 48 enterococcus faecalis, 16 enterococcus durans, 2 enterococcus gallinarum, 3 enterococcus casseliflavus, and 1 enterococcus malodoratus) were screened for bile salt hydrolase (bsh) activity on de man, rogosa, and sharpe agar medium containing taurocholic acid and calcium chloride. the highest incidence of bsh-active strains was observed for e. faecalis (81%) followed by e. faecium (50%) and e. durans (44%). ...200111348009
identification of enterococcal isolates by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis and partial sequence analysis of pcr-amplified 16s rdna variable v6 regions.based on partial sequence analysis of pcr-amplified 16s rdna variable v6 regions of 14 enterococcal type strains, enterococcus faecalis, enterococcus mundtii, enterococcus gallinarum, enterococcus avium, enterococcus raffinosus and enterococcus saccharolyticus showed characteristic sequence motifs which made it possible to separate them into six individual species lines. furthermore, two species cluster groups could be identified, including (i) enterococcus faecium, enterococcus durans, enteroco ...200111430498
detection of biogenic amine producer bacteria in a typical italian goat cheese.the aim of this study was to research decarboxylating bacterial strains and biogenic amine content in a typical italian goat cheese (robiola di roccaverano). the study was performed on fresh and ripened samples of goat cheese manufactured from industrial and artisanal producers. sixty-seven bacterial strains isolated showed decarboxylating activity, and enterococcus faecalis was the most widespread decarboxylating species in all artisanal and industrial products. pediococcus acidilactici and ent ...200818236686
identification and tracing of enterococcus spp. by rapd-pcr in traditional fermented sausages and meat environment.four local small-scale factories were studied to determine the sources of enterococci in traditional fermented sausages.200919120623
bacterial diversity of darfiyeh, a lebanese artisanal raw goat's milk order to contribute to the preservation of the lebanese dairy heritage, the aim of this study was to characterize the darfiyeh cheese, a traditional variety made from raw goat's milk and ripened in goat's skin. three independent batches of darfiyeh production were analyzed after 20, 40 and 60 days of ripening. mesophilic lactobacilli, thermophilic coccal-shaped lactic acid bacteria (lab) and thermophilic lactobacilli were enumerated. in order to explore the darfiyeh natural ecosystem, a combi ...200919527841
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