
diversity and spatial distribution of vectors and hosts of t. brucei gambiense in forest zones of, southern cameroon: epidemiological and vector distribution of trypanosoma brucei gambiense was studied in relation to habitat types and seasons. six (19.35%) of the 31 mammal species recorded in bipindi were reservoir hosts. cercopithecus nictitans was confined to the undisturbed forest and the low intensive shifting cultivation zones, while cephalophus monticola, cephalophus dorsalis, cricetomys gambianus, atherurus africanus and nandinia binotata occurred in all the habitat types. as for vectors of human african trypanosom ...201020067756
updating the evolutionary history of carnivora (mammalia): a new species-level supertree complete with divergence time estimates.although it has proven to be an important foundation for investigations of carnivoran ecology, biology and evolution, the complete species-level supertree for carnivora of bininda-emonds et al. is showing its age. additional, largely molecular sequence data are now available for many species and the advancement of computer technology means that many of the limitations of the original analysis can now be avoided. we therefore sought to provide an updated estimate of the phylogenetic relationships ...201222369503
the complete mitochondrial genome of the african palm civet, nandinia binotata, the only representative of the family nandiniidae (mammalia, carnivora).here i report the complete mitochondrial genome of the african palm civet, (nandinia binotata) as sequenced from overlapping pcr products. the genome is 17,103 bp in length and contains the 37 genes found in a typical mammalian genome: 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer rna genes and 2 ribosomal rna genes. the control region of n. binotata includes both rs2 and rs3 tandem repeats. the overall base composition on the l-strand is a: 33.6%, c: 27.3%, g: 13.0%, and t: 26.1%.201624937569
influence of habitat and seasonal variation on wild mammal diversity and distribution with special reference to the trypanosoma brucei gambiense host-reservoir in bipindi (cameroon).to evaluate the role of wildlife in the resurgence and perenisation of human african trypanosomiasis (hat), we investigated the influence of habitat and seasonal variations on the diversity and spatial distribution of wild mammals, with special reference to those recognised as potential host-reservoirs of trypanosoma brucei gambiense in bipindi (southwestern cameroon). to achieve this, we carried out transect surveys in four habitat types over two years. a total of 31 mammal species were recorde ...200919732737
phylogenetic analysis reveals the presence of the trypanosoma cruzi clade in african terrestrial mammals.despite the impact of some trypanosome species on human and livestock health, the full diversity of trypanosomes in africa is poorly understood. a recent study examined the prevalence of trypanosomes among a wide variety of wild vertebrates in cameroon using species-specific pcr tests, but six trypanosome isolates remained unidentified. here they have been re-examined using fluorescent fragment length barcoding (fflb) and phylogenetic analysis of glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase ...200919027884
the ancestral carnivore karyotype (2n = 38) lives today in ringtails.chromosome painting was used to investigate the conservation of high-resolution longitudinal 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (dapi)/g bands in carnivore chromosomes. cat (felis catus) and raccoon dog (nyctereutes procyonoides) painting probes were hybridized to the ringtail (bassaricus astutus), dwarf mongoose (helogale parvula), and malagasy civet (fossa fossa) to identify homologous chromosome elements. the patterns of chromosome segment homology among carnivore species allowed us to reconstruct ...200818339652
trichinella britovi etiological agent of sylvatic trichinellosis in the republic of guinea (west africa) and a re-evaluation of geographical distribution for encapsulated species in west africa, trichinella infection was documented in humans and animals from senegal in the 1960s, and the biological characters of one isolate showed a lower infectivity to domestic pigs and rodents when compared with that of a trichinella spiralis pig isolate from europe. to identify the trichinella species present in west africa, a survey was conducted in a total of 160 wild animals in the republic of guinea. three viverridae, one true civet (viverra civetta) and two african palm civets (n ...200515964575
identification of trypanosomes in wild animals from southern cameroon using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr).one possible explanation of the maintenance of many historical foci of sleeping sickness in central africa could be the existence of a wild animal reservoir. in this study, pcr was used to detect the different trypanosome species present in wild animal captured by hunters in the southern forest belt of cameroon (bipindi). trypanosomes were also detected by a parasitological method (quantitative buffy coat: qbc). parasite could not be isolated in culture medium (kit for in vitro isolation: kivi). ...200212514949
phylogeny of the carnivora (mammalia): congruence vs incompatibility among multiple data sets.the purpose of this study was to determine the higher-level phylogenetic relationships among carnivora, using a conditional data combination (cdc) approach to analyzing multiple data sets. new nucleotide sequences (851 base pairs from intron i of the transthyretin gene) among 22 representatives of the 11 families of carnivora were generated and analyzed in concert with, and comparison to, other mitochondrial and morphological character data. conditional data combination analyses of the four inde ...19989667990
[new filaria of the cercopithifilaria genus, parasite of an african carnivore].description of cercopithifilaria corneti sp. n., a parasite of the subcutaneous tissues of nandinia binotata, is given. with its 16 species parasitizing a variety of mammals from all over the world, the genus cercopithifilaria has a homogeneous morphology and a uniform biology (dermal microfilariae, ixodid vectors). it is suggested that the unexpected host range is the consequence of particular speciation phenomena in relation to the biology of ixodidae.19873508510
the functional anatomy of the hindlimb of some african viverridae (carnivora).the functional anatomy of the hindlimb of 12 species of viverrids was studied with relation to locomotion. the animals were allocated to primary locomotor categories on the basis of their anatomy and locomotion. the climbing, arboreal walking category (nandinia binotata) is characterized by a small sacroiliac articulation, the iliopsoas inserts onto a medially located lesser trochanter and the femoral condyles are not posteriorly placed. the hindfoot is plantigrade and its structure permits cons ...19761255730
maximising camera trap data: using attractants to improve detection of elusive species in multi-species traps are a key tool in ecological studies, and are increasingly being used to understand entire communities. however, robust inferences continue to be hampered by low detection of rare and elusive species. attractants can be used to increase detection rates, but may also alter behaviour, and little research has evaluated short-term, localized response to the presence of attractants. we conducted three camera trap surveys in kibale national park, uganda, using food baits and scent lures ( ...201931141506
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