
the post-harvest fruit rots of tomato (lycopersicum esculentum) in nigeria.a survey of the post-harvest fruit rot diseases of tomato was conducted in five states of nigeria. during severe infections, the diseases could cause 25% loss at harvest and 34% loss of the remaining product in transit, storage and market stalls; thus giving an overall loss of about 50% of the product. two types of rots, soft and dry were recognised. the soft rot was found to account for about 85% and the dry rot about 15% of the overall loss. erwinia carotovora, rhizopus oryzae, r. stolonifer, ...1979471028
effect of some medicaments on the oxygen uptake of the spores of some soil fungi.nystatin, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, captan, indoleacetic acid, and colchicin were tested in two concentrations for their effect on the oxygen uptake of the spores of mucor racemosus, cladosporium tenuissimum, cochliobolus spicifer, and macrophomina phaseoli. nystatin and captan inhibited the oxygen uptake of the spores of all fungi used, and this inhibitory effect increases with increasing concentration. on the other hand, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, indoleacetic acid, and colchicin were found t ...1979494856
physiological characteristics of environmental isolates of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi.a total of 39 environmental isolates of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi (fonsecaea pedrosoi: 14 isolates, phialophora verrucosa: 6, cladosporium carrionii: 9, exophiala jeanselmei: 2, ramichloridium subulatum: 6, cladosporium tenuissimum: 1 and phaeoisaria clematidis: 1) were evaluated for their various physiological characteristics including the ability to produce extracellular enzymes. significant physiological characteristics included the ability of isolates of all the species except c. tenuiss ...19892710157
histological studies on the mycoparasitism of cladosporium tenuissimum on urediniospores of uromyces appendiculatus.interactions between the mycoparasite cladosporium tenuissimum and the bean rust uromyces appendiculatus were studied through light and electron microscopy in vitro at the host-parasite interface. urediniospore germination decreased on contact with ungerminated c. tenuissimum conidia, possibly due to antibiosis mechanisms. c. tenuissimum grew towards the bean rust spores and coiled around their germ tubes. penetration of the urediniospores occurred either enzymatically and/or mechanically, throu ...200415119354
secondary mould metabolites of cladosporium tenuissimum, a hyperparasite of rust fungi.investigation of the extracts of a culture of cladosporium tenuissimum, a known hyperparasite of several rust fungi, gave rise to the isolation of cladosporols b-e (2-5). their structure and stereochemistry were elucidated on the basis of 1h and 13c nmr evidence and cd measures. cladosporols 1-5 were active in inhibiting the urediniospore germination of the bean rust agent uromyces appendiculatus.200415279980
species and ecological diversity within the cladosporium cladosporioides complex (davidiellaceae, capnodiales).the genus cladosporium is one of the largest genera of dematiaceous hyphomycetes, and is characterised by a coronate scar structure, conidia in acropetal chains and davidiella teleomorphs. based on morphology and dna phylogeny, the species complexes of c. herbarum and c. sphaerospermum have been resolved, resulting in the elucidation of numerous new taxa. in the present study, more than 200 isolates belonging to the c. cladosporioides complex were examined and phylogenetically analysed on the ba ...201020877444
molecular and morphological identification of fungal species isolated from bealmijang meju.bealmijang is a short-term aged paste made from meju, which is a brick of fermented soybeans and other ingredients. different types of bealmijang are available depending on the geographic region or ingredients used. however, no study has clarified the microbial diversity of these types. we identified 17 and 14 fungal species from black soybean meju (bsm) and buckwheat meju (bwm), respectively, on the basis of morphology, culture characteristics, and internal transcribed spacer and beta-tubulin g ...201122210613
cladosporol a stimulates g1-phase arrest of the cell cycle by up-regulation of p21(waf1/cip1) expression in human colon carcinoma ht-29 cells.cladosporols, purified and characterized as secondary metabolites from cladosporium tenuissimum, display an antifungal activity. in this study, we tested the antiproliferative properties of cladosporol a, the main isoform of this metabolite family, against human cancer cell lines. by assessing cell viability, we found that cladosporol a inhibits the growth of various human colon cancers derived cell lines (ht-29, sw480, and caco-2) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, specifically of h ...201122025467
diversity, phylogeny, anticancer and antimicrobial potential of fungal endophytes associated with monarda citriodora l.present study focuses on diversity and distribution analysis of endophytic fungi associated with different tissues of the monarda citriodora cerv. ex lag. (lamiaceae/labiatae). anticancer and antimicrobial potential of isolated endophytes have also been investigated.201728264654
the mycobiota of air inside and outside the meju fermentation room and the origin of meju fungi.the fungi on meju are known to play an important role as degrader of macromolecule of soybeans. in order to elucidate the origin of fungi on traditional meju, mycobiota of the air both inside and outside traditional meju fermentation rooms was examined. from 11 samples of air collected from inside and outside of 7 meju fermentation rooms, 37 genera and 90 species of fungi were identified. in outside air of the fermentation room, cladosporium sp. and cladosporium cladosporioides were the dominant ...201526539041
free chlorine inactivation of fungi in drinking water sources.the effectiveness of free chlorine for the inactivation of fungi present in settled surface water was tested. in addition, free chlorine inactivation rate constants of cladosporium tenuissimum, cladosporium cladosporioides, phoma glomerata, aspergillus terreus, aspergillus fumigatus, penicillium griseofulvum, and penicillium citrinum that were found to occur in different source waters were determined in different water matrices (laboratory grade water and settled water). the effect of using diff ...201323164218
mycoflora of soybeans used for meju fermentation.diverse fungi are present in korean traditional meju and they are known to play an important role in fermented soybean products. to determine the origin of the fungi in meju, we examined the mycoflora of soybeans from 10 traditional meju factories. the samples were untreated or treated with sodium hypochlorite, and placed on malt extract agar (mea), dichloran 18% glycerol agar (dg18), and dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol agar (drbc) medium. a total of 794 fungal strains were isolated and th ...201323874133
gamma irradiation of cultural artifacts for disinfection using monte carlo this study, it has been investigated the disinfection of korean cultural artifacts by gamma irradiation, simulating the absorbed dose distribution on the object with the monte carlo methodology. fungal contamination was identified on two traditional korean agricultural tools, hongdukkae and holtae, which had been stored in a museum. nine primary species were identified from these items: bjerkandera adusta, dothideomycetes sp., penicillium sp., cladosporium tenuissimum, aspergillus versicolor, ...201222940410
cladosporium cladosporioides and c. tenuissimum cause blossom blight in strawberry in korea.blossom blight in strawberry was first observed in a green house in nonsan, damyang, and geochang areas of korea, between early january to april of 2012. disease symptoms started as a grey fungus formed on the stigma, which led to the blossom blight and eventually to black rot and necrosis of the entire flower. we isolated the fungi purely from the infected pistils and maintained them on potato dextrose agar (pda) slants. to test koch's postulates, we inoculated the fungi and found that all of t ...201526539056
the antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of cladosporols a and b are related to their different binding mode as pparγ ligands.cladosporols are secondary metabolites from cladosporium tenuissimum characterized for their ability to control cell proliferation. we previously showed that cladosporol a inhibits proliferation of human colon cancer cells through a pparγ-mediated modulation of gene expression. in this work, we investigated cladosporol b, an oxidate form of cladosporol a, and demonstrate that it is more efficient in inhibiting ht-29 cell proliferation due to a robust g0/g1-phase arrest and p21(waf1/cip1) overexp ...201626995279
cladosporol a, a new peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (pparγ) ligand, inhibits colorectal cancer cells proliferation through β-catenin/tcf pathway inactivation.cladosporol a, a secondary metabolite from cladosporium tenuissimum, exhibits antiproliferative properties in human colorectal cancer cells by modulating the expression of some cell cycle genes (p21(waf1/cip1), cyclin d1).201424735796
antagonism of the two-needle pine stem rust fungi cronartium flaccidum and peridermium pini by cladosporium tenuissimum in vitro and in planta.abstract selected isolates of cladosporium tenuissimum were tested for their ability to inhibit in vitro aeciospore germination of the two-needle pine stem rusts cronartium flaccidum and peridermium pini and to suppress disease development in planta. the antagonistic fungus displayed a number of disease-suppressive mechanisms. aeciospore germination on water agar slides was reduced at 12, 18, and 24 h when a conidial suspension (1.5 x 10(7) conidia per ml) of the cladosporium tenuissimum isolate ...200118943590
effect of phloridzin on lipid biosynthesis by cladosporium tenuissimum cooke.a local strains of cladosporium tenuissimum was found unsuitable as a producer of lipid. addition of phloridzin to the fermentation media induced this organism to accumulate a moderate level of lipid, especially sterols increased highly in the presence of phloridzin. the promoting effect of phloridzin may be due to directing the sugar breakdown towards lipid biosynthesis and/or transforming the free fatty acids and oxalacetic acid to acetyl-co a.19863751496
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