fungal planet description sheets: 469-557. | novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: australia: apiognomonia lasiopetali on lasiopetalum sp., blastacervulus eucalyptorum on eucalyptus adesmophloia, bullanockia australis (incl. bullanockia gen. nov.) on kingia australis, caliciopsis eucalypti on eucalyptus marginata, celerioriella petrophiles on petrophile teretifolia, coleophoma xanthosiae on xanthosia rotundifolia, coniothyrium hakeae on hakea sp., diatrypella banksiae on banksia for ... | 2016 | 28232766 |
diverse novel mesorhizobia nodulate new zealand native sophora species. | forty eight rhizobial isolates from new zealand (nz) native sophora spp. growing in natural ecosystems were characterised. thirty eight isolates across five groups showed greatest similarity to mesorhizobium ciceri lmg 14989(t) with respect to their 16s rrna and concatenated reca, glnll and rpob sequences. seven isolates had a 16s rrna sequence identical to m. amorphae atcc 19665(t) but showed greatest similarity to m. septentrionale lmg 23930(t) on their concatenated reca, glnll and rpob sequen ... | 2015 | 25498849 |
mesorhizobium waimense sp. nov. isolated from sophora longicarinata root nodules and mesorhizobium cantuariense sp. nov. isolated from sophora microphylla root nodules. | in total 14 strains of gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from sophora longicarinata and sophora microphylla root nodules and authenticated as rhizobia on these hosts. based on the 16s rrna gene phylogeny, they were shown to belong to the genus mesorhizobium, and the strains from s. longicarinata were most closely related to mesorhizobium amorphae accc 19665t (99.8–99.9 %), mesorhizobium huakuii iam 14158t (99.8–99.9 %), mesorhizobium loti usda 3471t (99.5–99.9 %) and mesorhi ... | 2015 | 26296780 |