
the occurrence of gapeworm (syngamus trachea) in willow grouse.21.4% of the willow grouse (lagopus lagopus) examined from a coastal locality in northern norway were infected with syngamus trachea. none of the willow grouse examined from an inland locality with colder and longer winters were infected with the parasite. it is suggested that the parasite may influence survival of the grouse population.1975124787
[syngamus trachea as cause of natural occurring helminthiasis in young storks]. 1976136220
anthelmintic activity of thiabendazole against the gapeworm (syngamus trachea) in turkeys. 19674226482
thiabendazole as a deterrent to gapeworm infections in pheasants. 19684234492
[blood loss in turkeys through syngamus trachea (strongyloidea, nematoda)]. 19704246646
the route of migration, development, and pathogenesis of syngamus trachea (montagu, 1811) chapin, 1925, in pheasants. 19714251793
the pathophysiological effect of syngamus trachea infection in turkeys. 19714253673
immune response of thymectomized and bursectomized chickens to syngamus trachea infection. 19714255038
the immune response of hormonally bursectomized chickens to syngamus trachea infection. 19714255039
pulmonary lesions in pheasants immunized against syngamus trachea by chemically abbreviated infections. 19724264416
[action of anthelmintics on the intestine of syngamus trachea]. 19734273543
gapeworm infestation in man. 19744279103
[histological study of the migration of larvae of syngamus trachea (montagu 1811) chapin 1925 in the intestines of eisenia foetida sav]. 19734600465
purification, molecular weight, and oxygen equilibrium of hemoglobin from syngamus trachea, the poultry gapeworm. 19724672960
[infestation of eisenia foetida sav. by syngamus trachea (montagu 1811) chapin 1925]. 19715167189
[biology and pathogenicity of syngamus trachea (strongyloidea, nematoda)]. 19705528526
histopathological alterations in lungs of chickens immunized with irradiated syngamus trachea larvae. 19705528995
[host specificity of syngamus trachea (strongyloidea, nematoda)]. 19705534818
hemoglobins of syngamus trachea and some hosts: electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation, and alkali denaturation. 19676062056
investigation of the chemosensory function of amphids of syngamus trachea using electrophysiological techniques.syngamus trachea, the gape nematode, has been used as a model to study the chemosensory function of amphids. extracellular electrophysiological recordings were performed directly on amphids. the amphids were stimulated by blood serum from a host bird and by d-tryptophan. the spike frequency produced by the amphid increased significantly after the application of the serum and the application of d-tryptophan. two types of amphidial neurones responded to the presence of the stimuli. these extracell ...19957567102
northern bobwhites as disease indicators for the endangered attwater's prairie chicken.because of limited access to the endangered attwater's prairie chicken (tympanuchus cupido attwateri), we used a related species, the northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus), as a surrogate for disease evaluation. free-living northern bobwhites (n = 62) on the attwater prairie chicken national wildlife refuge (near eagle lake, texas, usa) were examined during spring and fall 1993 for helminthic endoparasites and specific antibodies against the infectious agents responsible for nine infectious di ...19989577783
prevalence of helminth parasites of domestic fowl (gallus domesticus) in uganda.a survey of helminth parasites of domestic fowl carried out in uganda between 1977 and 1980 showed a high prevalence in both broiler and local poultry. nematodes especially ascaridia galli and heterakis spp. were most prevalent in both groups of birds. syngamus trachea and capillaria spp. also occurred in both groups. strongyloides avium was found only in broiler birds and gangylonema ingluvicola only in local birds. railletina spp. were the only cestodes found and their prevalence was high in b ...19827157477
efficacy of fenbendazole against helminth parasites of poultry in uganda.fenbendazole 4% (panacur, hoechst) administered in feed was used to treat chickens infected with ascaridia galli, heterakis gallinarum and railletina spp. it was also used to treat syngamus trachea in broiler birds. there was a marked drop in helminth egg counts in the faeces on the second day of treatment and the faeces became negative by the seventh day after the last treatment. post-mortem examination 15 to 21 days later showed that the drug was 100% effective against ascaridia galli and hete ...19826750887
a new record for gapeworm (cyathostoma bronchialis) infection of domestic geese in north america. 195413148488
gapeworm (cyathostoma bronchialis) infection in a duck. 195613286169
[dentition of syngamus trachea (montagu) and systematic position of syngames]. 195713458990
[observation on the appearance of syngamus trachea (montagu, 1811) chapin, 1925 in passeriformes]. 196213990661
preliminary studies on the anthelmintic effects of 2,6-diiodo-4-nitrophenol against the gapeworm, syngamus trachea. 196314080514
immunizing experiments with irradiated larvae of syngamus trachea in chickens. 196514316579
gapeworm infestation of pheasants. 195014772684
treatment of nematodiasis in poultry and game birds with fenbendazole.administration of 100 ppm fenbendazole to 661 pheasants (phasianus colchicus colchicus) and 25 partridges (perdix perdix) for 4 days reduced natural infection with syngamus trachea and/or capillaria obsignata and in some cases with heterakis spp. by more than 90%. a 5-day administration of feed medicated with 30 or 60 ppm fenbendazole resulted in almost 100% efficacy against natural c. obsignata and heterakis gallinae infection in 343 pullets. the treated pullets were kept under poor hygienic co ...19846743169
gapeworm infection of domestic cats in puerto a survey of 40 adult cats in puerto rico, 13 (33%) were found to be infected with the gapeworm synagamus (mammomonogamus) ierei. direct fecal smear and necropsy were the methods used to detect the infection. fourteen adult worm pairs were collected in one cat; the average was four. histologically, evidence of chronic inflammation was observed in the nasopharynx of infected cats. the parasite occurs widely in the caribbean region. it was concluded that the similarity of the gapeworm egg with t ...19806445888
mebendazole, a new potent drug against syngamus trachea in turkeys. 19734271466
stimulation of immunity in pheasants to chemically abbreviated infections of syngamus trachea. 19714251247
the effect of an indirect anthelmintic treatment on parasites and breeding success of free-living pheasants phasianus great britain free-living common pheasants phasianus colchicus are often managed at high densities owing to their popularity as a quarry species. they are prone to infection by a range of parasite species including heterakis gallinarum, capillaria spp. and syngamus trachea. in 1995 the efficacy of an indirect anthelmintic technique for controlling parasitic worm burdens of pheasants was determined in a pilot study on a shooting estate in the south of england. between 2000 and 2003 a large-sca ...200617125551
a pathologic study of wild turkeys in connecticut.during the 1984 to 1986 spring hunting seasons in connecticut, viscera from 300 hunter-killed wild turkeys and blood samples from live-trapped wild turkeys were examined in order to establish a health profile on the state's wild turkey population. seven species of endoparasites were recovered from 224 (75%) of 300 birds: metroliasthes lucida, ascaridia dissimilis, heterakis gallinarum, syngamus trachea, capillaria species, trichomonas gallinarum, and eimeria species. the most prevalent parasites ...19883168472
influence of the anthelmintic mebendazole on microtubules and intracellular organelle movement in nematode intestinal cells.the ultrastructural changes in the intestines of ascaris suum and syngamus trachea, induced by in vivo treatment of the hosts with the anthelmintic mebendazole, are reported. the primary site of drug action seemed to be the organelles involved in the secretory mechanism of the intestinal cells. the block in the transport of secretory granules and in the movement of other subcellular organelles coincided clearly with the disappearance of cytoplasmic microtubules. on the other hand, the microtubul ...19751171646
the efficacy of thiabendazole in the control of gapeworm infection in pheasants. 196317421626
[syngamus trachea of the titmouse]. 19761034451
syngamus trachea infections in the white-backed magpie (gymnorhina hypoleuca) 1978152107
cross-sectional survey on helminth infections of chickens in the samsun region, turkey.a cross-sectional survey was performed to determine the prevalence and intensity of helminth infections in 185 chickens from nine districts in the samsun region, northern turkey between july 1999 and june 2000. in total, 88% of 83 scavenging chickens and 4% of 52 layers from laying batteries were infected, but none of the 50 broilers harboured helminths in the alimentary tract or trachea. the difference in prevalence was statistically significant among broilers, layers from laying batteries and ...200818605376
[not available].a kinetic in vitro study of cell mediated immunity (c.m.i.) has been made in the turkey and the chicken experimentally infected with syngamus trachea. the method used for this purpose was an indirect test based on the inhibition of macrophage spreading. in the turkey, c.m.i. appeared by the 4th day following the infection, reached its maximum by the 15th day, then decreased slowly and disappeared by the 13th week. reinfection induced a c.m.i. significantly greater than those observed in the case ...198018770254
chronic cough and haemoptysis due to a nematode, "syngamus laryngeus".a case of bronchial infection with syngamus laryngeus (gapeworm) in a 42-year-old woman is described. following presentation with chronic cough, haemoptysis and weight loss, a pair of worms was removed at bronchoscopy, with resolution of symptoms.1978150269
efficacy of tetramisole and dichloroxylenol against syngamus trachea in pheasants and turkeys.two water soluble products currently recommended for the treatment of syngamiasis were tested in pheasants and turkeys. dichloroxylenol (rotgape; adams & moulson), was found to have no efficacy. although tetramisole (game bird wormer; ici) administered in drinking water had a moderate efficacy against three- and four-day-old larvae (47 to 71 per cent), its level of efficacy against infections associated with disease, those of seven days and older, was poor (5 to 29 per cent). it is concluded tha ...1977143749
[ecology of syngamosis in a large scale farming area].within recent 20 years, czechoslovak agriculture has undergone considerable changes due to the introduction of largescale farming. our contribution presents the results of studies on chickens (gallus gallus f. dom.) reared traditionally on runs in an area contaminated with the eggs of syngamus trachea distributed with pheasant faeces. in addition to postmortem examination of 336 chicken tracheae, their faeces collected for one year from the runs were examined, but syngamosis was not found. studi ...1976137683
[pathological anatomy and tracheal granuloma due to syngamus trachea in the pheasant]. 1975133071
syngamus trachea: infections produced by parenteral inoculations. 1976133029
syngamus trachea: infections produced by prenatal inoculations of chicken embryos. 1976133028
demonstration of ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in pheasants (phasianus colchicus) with pneumonia and airsacculitis.outbreaks of respiratory disease were investigated in reared pheasants (phasianus colchicus) aged approximately 18 to 32 weeks, released into the semi-wild on four shooting estates in southern england. the clinical signs in the affected birds included swelling of the face and eyes, loss of condition, gasping respirations and coughing. the gross pathology findings included sinusitis, airsacculitis, pleural oedema and lung lesions. the histopathological findings in the affected lungs were characte ...201323581445
causes of morbidity and mortality in free-living birds in an urban environment in birds are often presented to veterinarians at rehabilitation centers as well as in private practice. information about disease processes and causes of death of indigenous free-living birds can aid the clinician in establishing proper treatment and in the assessment of potential zoonotic risks. for the present study, pathogens as causes of morbidity and mortality were determined by performing a complete necropsy on free-living birds presented to the clinic for birds and reptiles of th ...201324136384
[helminths of pheasant (phasianus colchicus) detected by necropsy and faecal examination in samsun, turkey].this study was performed at the gelemen pheasant procreation farm affiliated to the general directorate of nature conservation and national parks, ministry of forest and water affairs.201223339944
[clinical form of syngamiasis of pheasants and its treatment with mebendazole].for the subdueing of the clinical form of the synagamosis of pheasants we successfully applied mebendazole in the dose of 120 mg kg-1 of the feed. because of the lack of drug we administered the dose of 120 mg kg-1 of the feed in one group in the course of seven days to a number of animals, the others (approx. 4000 animals) received the drug only in the course of three days. on the third to fourth day after the application of the preparation the clinical symptoms disappeared and mortality stoppe ...1976132738
analysis of the sensory responses of parasitic nematodes using electrophysiology.use of the electrophysiological technique to examine the sensory perception of live, intact nematodes has provided detailed analysis of responses to known concentrations of test chemicals. the use of larger nematodes, such as the animal-parasite syngamus trachea, enabled direct extracellular recordings from individual sensilla; with smaller nematodes, the recording electrode was inserted close to the cephalic region. extracellular recordings from the cephalic region of second-stage juveniles and ...200111406140
[helminth fauna anseriformes (aves) in the lodz zoological garden].in the years 1959-1990 429 birds on 30 species of anseriformes were examined post mortem at zoo lódź. the helminths were found in 108 birds (25.17%) of 19 species. in infected birds there were found 4 species of trematodes: one of them, catatropis verrucosa is in poland new for cygnus olor; 9 species of cestodes--7 of them are in poland new for examined hosts; namely: drepanidotaenia lanceolata for dendrocygna viduata, cygnus atratus, branta bernicla, and anas platyrhynchos; microsomacanthus par ...19979424942
a cross-sectional study of helminths in rural scavenging poultry in tanzania in relation to season and climate.a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of helminths in rural scavenging poultry on six hundred adult chickens selected randomly from six villages in the morogoro region, tanzania during the wet and the dry seasons, was conducted. the trachea and gastrointestinal tract of each bird were examined for the presence of parasites. all chickens were infected with one or several species of helminths, the average being 4.8 +/- 1.7 helminths per chicken during the wet season and 5.1 +/- 1.8 during the ...19979271471
anthelmintic efficacy of ivermectin against syngamus trachea and capillaria spp. in pheasant.ivermectin (ivm) was perorally administered in dosage schemes 1 x 0.8 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.), 1 x 1.6 mg/kg h.w., 3 x 0.8 mg/kg b.w., and 3 x 1.6 mg/kg b.w. to pheasants infected by syngamus trachea and capillaria spp. the samples of faeces were coprologically examined. the clinical state of pheasant was controlled. in all of the used therapeutical schemes the helminthostatic or partially helminthocide effect against adults of worms was reached. the clinical signs of helmithoses were reduce ...19979269125
biochemical analyses on single amphidial glands, excretory-secretory gland cells, pharyngeal glands and their secretions from the avian nematode syngamus trachea.the gape nematode, syngamus trachea, has been used as a model to study nematode secretions. individual and intact pairs of amphidial glands, pharyngeal glands and pairs of excretory-secretory gland cells have been dissected and their secretory products analysed. the protein profiles of each gland and the total nematode secretions were analysed on 12.5% homogeneous sds-page minigels. the protein analyses revealed that the structural protein profile of each gland is different. the amphidial gland ...19958557460
the gastro-intestinal helminth infections of domestic fowl in dschang, western cameroon.three hundred and fifty one chickens purchased from the dschang animal market were examined for gastro-intestinal helminths. ten species were found with the following prevalences: heterakis brevispiculum (59.3%), ascaridia galli (51.6%), hymenolepis carioca (48.4%), dispharynx spiralis (20.8%), tetrameres americana (17.1%), amoebotaenia cuneata (15.1%), raillietina tetragona (14.5%), syngamus trachea (13.7%), hymenolepis cantaniana (5.7%) and capillaria contorta (2.0%). infections were predomina ...19958552845
[syngamus trachea (mont. 1811) chapin 1925 found in gavia stellata (pont. 1763)]. 19817199786
a comparison of the prevalence and burdens of helminth infections in growers and adult free-range chickens.matched samples of 100 chickens of each of growers and adult rural free-range chickens in morogoro, tanzania, were purchased from the beginning to the end of the long rainy season. at necropsy, the trachea, the gastrointestinal tract and the oviduct were examined for helminth infections. the helminth species isolated comprised 18 nematodes and 8 cestodes but no trematodes. tetrameres fissispina is a new record in tanzania. all the chickens harboured at least three different helminth species. gro ...200212094676
helminth parasites in the intestinal tract of indigenous poultry in parts of kenya.a study was carried out on 456 indigenous poultry intestinal specimens from various towns in kenya to determine the occurrence and distribution of helminth parasites in the intestinal tract of the birds. of the specimens examined, 414 had parasites whereas the remaining 42 had none, which is an infection rate of 90.78%. the main species of helminths found in the intestines were raillietina sp. (47.53%), heterakis gallinarum (21.33%), ascaridia galli (10.03%), strongyloides avium (9.96%), choanot ...200415214699
anthelmintic activity of flubendazole in naturally infected geese and the economic importance of deworming.the efficacy of flubendazole food medication against roundworms in geese was determined under controlled field conditions. the geese were infected with amidostomum anseris, capillaria anseris, trichostrongylus tennis, and syngamus trachea. medicated food was given for 7 consecutive days at a level of 30 ppm. anthelmintic activity, egg production, and hatchability were recorded. flubendazole medication resulted in a 100% worm elimination, no consistent change in egg-lay performance, and a highly ...19846743183
survey on helminthofauna in pheasants from eastern order to assess the parasitological status in imported pheasants, 51 birds (phasianus colchicus) coming from poland and rumania and used in italy in repopulation interventions for hunting purposes were examined. from each animal the trachea, oesophagus, crop and intestine were collected and examined for the presence of nematodes. the examination of the oesophagi and crops of 5 birds revealed the presence of parasites pertaining to the family capillariidae: eucoleus contortus was found in all ...200516252480
[economic losses in pheasant breeding evoked with endoparasites].parasitical invasions constitute a serious veterinary-economic problem in pheasant breeding. the studies were carried out between 1995-1997 in a big breeding centre situated in the middle pomerania region, where the basic flock amounted to 1000-1200 bird individuals. the aim of the study was to determine a condition of the pheasants' affliction with nematodes, reasons for the invasion and possibilities of a decrease in the losses thus brought about. in the subsequent years, the flock affliction ...199916886377
[the helminth and coccidial fauna of pheasants (phasianus colchicus) in view of the specific environmental conditions in pheasantries and in the wild].between october 1999 and january 2000 all together 151 male pheasants were examined for endoparasites. 33 one-year-old birds came from two pheasantries, the remaining 118 birds, aged between one and five years, were wildlife animals. the infestation extensy of all pheasants with endoparasites were 96.7%. a mostly low infestation with coccidia of the three species eimeria (e.) phasiani, e. duodenalis and e. tetartooimia were detected in 41% of all birds. e. tetartooimia was found in germany for t ...200617009712
diseases of indigenous chickens in bokaa village, kgatleng district, botswana.this study examined flock size and management, level of internal and external parasite burden and seroprevalence of antibodies to poultry pathogens in indigenous chickens in bokaa village, kgatleng district, botswana. the mean flock size was 22.6 +/- 6.85 with a range of 11-34. the mean body weights of cocks and hens were 2.28 +/- 0.56 kg and 1.70 +/- 0.38 kg, respectively. housing and commercial poultry feed were not provided. ascaridia galli, heterakis gallinarum and syngamus trachea were foun ...200617137053
specific status and pathogenicity of syngamid nematodes in bird species (ciconiformes, falconiformes, gruiformes) from germany.a total of 549 birds from four orders were examined for nematodes in their respiratory system from 1995 to 2000. twelve individuals of falconiformes (n = 503), one of gruiformes (n = 22) and one of ciconiformes (n = 1), but no bird of the order strigiformes (n = 23) were infected with syngamids. the syngamid species included hovorkonema variegatum, syngamus trachea and cyathostoma trifurcatum from the trachea, bronchi and air sacs, with h. variegatum being the most prevalent. cyathostoma trifurc ...200717381870
presence and species identification of the gapeworm mammomonogamus laryngeus (railliet, 1899) (syngamidae: nematoda) in a semi-wild population of sumatran orangutan (pongo abelii) in adult syngamid nematode parasite couple was found during routine clinical observation in quarantine at the former bohorok rehabilitation station from sputum of pongo abelli and determined as mammomonogamus laryngeus [railliet, a., 1899. syngame laryngieu du boeuf. comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la société de biologie 11, 18-21]. this finding confirmed previous record of ova and adult syngamid nematodes, determined by collet et al. [collet, j.-z., galdikas, b.m.f., su ...200817597171
prevalence and distribution of gastrointestinal helminths and their effects on weight gain in free-range chickens in central zambia.examination of helminths from gastrointestinal tracts of 125 free-range chickens in zambia revealed a 95.2% prevalence rate. the species and their prevalences were: allodapa suctoria (85.6%), tetrameres americana (80.8%), ascaridia galli (28.8%), gonglonema ingluvicola (50.4%), raillietina spp. (81.6%) and heterakis gallinarum (32.8%). no trematodes or syngamus trachea were found. mixed infections accounted for 88.2% as compared to 7.2% of single infections. effects of helminthoses on weight gai ...200717847826
[immune phenomena in experimental syngamosis. 1. antigenic structure of syngamus trachea].the soluble somatic antigens of syngamus trachea were studied by gel electrophoresis and by immunoelectrophoresis, including staining for enzyme activity. rabbit antiserum prepared by repeated injections of parasite material was used to demonstrate the antigens. serum obtained after 12-15 weekly injections produced up to 16 precipitation arcs with the s. trachea preparation. two of the arcs represented reactions against contaminating host material, and enzyme activity was detected in seven arcs. ...197818770407
[use of mebendazole for helminthiases in chickens and geese].103 chickens experimentally infected with capillaria obsignata were treated with mebendazol at a dose of 30 mg/kg body-weight daily for 3 consecutive days. the effectiveness of the drug on the 4th stage larvae as well as immature and mature 5th stage forms were 92,5%, 98% and 98,8% respectively. in another experiment to 32 chickens experimentally infected with syngamus trachea mebendazol was given at 40 mg/kg body-weight on 3 successive days. mebendazol removed the immature and mature gape worms ...197318777386
[the role of paratenic hosts in the life cycles of helminths].paratenic hosts, especially of nematodes, play a major role in spreading many parasite species. the phenomenon of "paratenic parasitism" is illustrated by examples of development of syngamus trachea and proteocephalus longicollis. moravec introduced a concept of "natural paratenic host" for p. longicollis infecting common sculpion, cottus gobio, in europe. according to kennedy, paratenic host richness of anguillicola crassus is an adaptation to new environmental conditions. new studies, involvin ...200819338219
prevalence of helminth parasites in free-range chickens from selected rural communities in kwazulu-natal province of south africa.a total of 79 chickens were randomly collected from 4 rural localities and processed to detect the presence of helminth parasites and their prevalences. sixteen helminth species comprising 12 nematode and 4 cestode species were recorded from the 4 localities. syngamus trachea and cyathostoma spp. were the only helminth species recovered from the respiratory tract and the rest of the helminth species were from the gastrointestinal tract. the most prevalent nematode species across the 4 localities ...201021247015
helminths from willow grouse ( lagopus lagopus ) in two localities in north norway.a total of 77 adult and 123 juvenile willow grouse ( lagopus lagopus ) from the island of karlsöy, and 75 adult and 63 juvenile willow grouse from sennaland on the mainland of north norway were examined for helminths. raillietina urogalli and hymenolepis microps , and ascaridia compar and syngamus trachea were found. all four species occurred regularly in grouse from karlsöy between april and september-october, but only h. microps was frequently found in birds from sennaland. s. trachea only par ...197724228962
gastrointestinal parasitic infections in chickens of upper gangetic plains of india with special reference to poultry coccidiosis.studies on the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of chicken reared under backyard and intensive systems were carried out in two north indian states viz., uttar pradesh and uttarakhand. out of 58 poultry farms screened for gastrointestinal parasites, 81.03 % were positive for eimeria spp., 15.52 % for ascaridia galli, 3.45 % for hetarakis gallinarum, 1.72 % for syngamus trachea, 5.17 % for capillaria spp, 1.72 % for raillietina spp., 1.72 % for trichostrongylus tenuis, 1.72 % for choanotae ...201525698854
density-dependent regulation of fecundity in syngamus trachea infrapopulations in semi-naturally occurring ring-necked pheasants (phasianus colchicus) and wild carrion crows (corvus corone).previous work has highlighted increased opportunities for the transmission of syngamus trachea within pheasant release pens, due in part to high levels of environmental contamination around communal areas. despite this, the distribution of adult worms within their definitive hosts is not significantly different from predicted distributions under taylor's power law. therefore, density-dependent processes are probably acting to regulate s. trachea population dynamics. patterns of nematode fecundit ...201626932519
spatial distribution of infectious stages of the nematode syngamus trachea within pheasant (phasianus colchicus) release pens on estates in the south west of england: potential density dependence?the spatial distribution of the infectious stages of parasites with a direct life cycle is one of the most important factors influencing infectious disease dynamics, and acquisition rates will generally increase as the contact time between parasite and host increases. for animal species that are constrained by feeding opportunities, one might expect disease patterns to be highly skewed within confined systems. the aim of the present study was to identify to what extent, if any, eggs of avian par ...201526220022
endoparasite infection has both short- and long-term negative effects on reproductive success of female house sparrows, as revealed by faecal parasitic egg counts.parasites have the potential to severely reduce host reproductive success. however, the effects of endoparasites on reproductive success have not received the same amount of attention as the effects of parasites on host survival. we investigated the relationship between an avian endoparasite (gapeworm, syngamus trachea) and both current and future reproductive success of female house sparrows (passer domesticus) in a population on the coast of helgeland, northern norway. we found that the propor ...201525933371
spatio-temporal factors influencing the occurrence of syngamus trachea within release pens in the south west of england.syngamus trachea is a pathogenic tracheal nematode that causes syngamiasis in wild and game birds, especially when birds are managed at high densities. despite its pathogenic nature, very little is known about its epidemiology and relationship with ambient temperature and humidity. the spatial and temporal modelling of disease was undertaken on two pheasant estates within the south west of england from april 2014 to august 2014. significant differences between the mean numbers of eggs per gram o ...201525497159
occurrence of fatal syngamosis in emu birds of kerala.two male and two female emu birds of 8 months to 1 year old reared in a private farm were brought dead to college of veterinary and animal sciences, pookode for postmortem examination during the period from july to september, 2010. the birds were emaciated and drooling of blood from the mouth was observed for 2 days prior to death. postmortem examination of the dead birds revealed occurrence of large numbers of red coloured worms throughout trachea with histopathological changes. the worms were ...201424808660
safety of fenbendazole in chinese ring-necked pheasants (phasianus colchicus).ring-necked pheasants raised on propagation farms can be severely parasitized with syngamus trachea (gapeworm) and other parasitic worms. fenbendazole is a highly effective benzimidazole-class anthelmintic that is not currently approved for game bird species in the united states. the objective of this work was to provide target animal safety data to support a label claim for fenbendazole in pheasants at 100 parts per million (ppm) in the feed for 7 consecutive days. demonstration of safety in yo ...201424758107
temporal and spatial variation in prevalence of the parasite syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of house sparrows (passer domesticus).when investigating parasite-host dynamics in wild populations, a fundamental parameter to investigate is prevalence. this quantifies the percentage of individuals infected in the population. investigating how prevalence changes over time and space can reveal interesting aspects in the parasite-host relationship in natural populations. we investigated the dynamic between a common avian parasite (syngamus trachea) in a host metapopulation of house sparrows (passer domesticus) on the coast of helge ...201323790222
do shade-grown coffee plantations pose a disease risk for wild birds?shade-grown coffee plantations are often promoted as a conservation strategy for wild birds. however, these agro-ecosystems are actively managed for food production, which may alter bird behaviors or interactions that could change bird health, compared to natural forest. to examine whether there is a difference between the health parameters of wild birds inhabiting shade-grown coffee plantations and natural forest, we evaluated birds in costa rica for (1) their general body condition, (2) antibo ...201323636482
body condition is negatively associated with infection with syngamus trachea in the ring-necked pheasant (phasianus colchicus).the role that parasites play in regulating animal populations is debated, however recent research hints at their pervasiveness among free-living animal populations. parasites exert both direct and indirect effects on host populations, and can act to regulate populations. the ring-necked pheasant is an important game-bird species in the uk, and large numbers of birds are released annually. the impact of the ubiquitous tracheal nematode, syngamus trachea on pheasant populations through effects on ...201627692308
taxonomic status of syngamus nematodes parasitizing passeriform hosts from central europe: morphological, morphometric and molecular identification.the systematic position and validity of species within genus syngamus have always been controversial. in this present work, we evaluated the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships between three species of syngamus nematodes (syngamus trachea, syngamus taiga and syngamus merulae) and one taxa, determined only to the generic level, collected from respiratory tracts of passeriform hosts from central europe using newly obtained sequences of 2 nuclear markers (internal transcribed spacers 1 ...201627353021
Displaying items 1 - 85 of 85