
detection and quantification of vibrio fischeri autoinducer from symbiotic squid light organs.vibrio fischeri is the specific light organ symbiont of the sepiolid squid species euprymna scolopes and euprymna morsei. both species of squid are luminescent by virtue of their bacterial symbionts, but the natural symbionts of e. scolopes do not produce visible luminescence in laboratory culture. the primary cause of this depressed luminescence by e. scolopes symbionts in culture was found to be the production of relatively low levels of v. fischeri autoinducer, a positive transcriptional core ...19957860584
anaerobic respiratory growth of vibrio harveyi, vibrio fischeri and photobacterium leiognathi with trimethylamine n-oxide, nitrate and fumarate: ecological implications.two symbiotic species, photobacterium leiognathi and vibrio fischeri, and one non-symbiotic species, vibrio harveyi, of the vibrionaceae were tested for their ability to grow by anaerobic respiration on various electron acceptors, including trimethylamine n-oxide (tmao) and dimethylsulphoxide (dmso), compounds common in the marine environment. each species was able to grow anaerobically with tmao, nitrate or fumarate, but not with dmso, as an electron acceptor. cell growth under microaerophilic ...200011234928
renal organs of cephalopods: a habitat for dicyemids and chromidinids.the renal organs of 32 species of cephalopods (renal appendage of all cephalopods, and renal and pancreatic appendages in decapods) were examined for parasite fauna and for histological comparison. two phylogenetically distant organisms, dicyemid mesozoans and chromidinid ciliates, were found in 20 cephalopod species. most benthic cephalopods (octopus and cuttlefish) were infected with dicyemids. two pelagic cephalopod species, sepioteuthis lessoniana and todarodes pacificus, also harbored dicye ...200415376274
the functional-morphological adaptive strategy of digestive organs of decapodiform cephalopods.the digestive organs in decapodiform cephalopod species morphologically vary by individual lifestyle. we examined the following six species of adult decapodiformes cephalopods representing different habitats: todarodes pacificus, loligo bleekeri, loligo edulis, watasenia scintillans (pelagic), sepia lycidas and euprymna morsei (benthic). l. bleekeri and l. edulis possess a bursiform cecal sac connected to the cecum. pelagic species have a single digestive gland smaller than in benthic species. t ...201626369293
conformation changes of cuttlefish (euprymna morsei) rhodopsin following photoconversion.cuttlefish (euprymna morsei) rhodopsin solubilized in lauryl ester of sucrose and its photoproduct, acid metarhodopsin, were examined by small-angle x-ray scattering and chromatofocusing to investigate the conformation changes of visual pigment following photoconversion. from spectroscopic studies, it was found that more than 93% of euprymna rhodopsin could be converted to meta form under the condition of red light irradiation at neutral ph. since almost pure acid metarhodopsin solution was prep ...19912029534
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