formation of covalent hybrids from amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal fragments of two ovomucoid third domains. | turkey ovomucoid third domain and gambel's quail ovomucoid third domain were converted to their modified forms by specific hydrolysis of the leu18-glu19 reactive site peptide bond. the modified inhibitors were reduced, yielding in each case two chains, the nh2-terminal 1-18 and cooh-terminal 19-56, which could be separated by gel exclusion chromatography under reducing conditions. the chains were then converted to mixed disulfides with glutathione. the nh2-terminal peptide of turkey domain was m ... | 1983 | 6871151 |
the coccidia of quail in the united states. | intestinal contents from 12 scaled quail (callipepla squamata), 10 bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus), 20 harlequin quail (cyrtonyx montezumae), 35 california quail (lophortyx californicus), 15 gambel's quail (lophortyx gambelii), and 29 mountain quail (oreortyx pictus) were examined for coccidian oocysts. only 18 (14.9%) of 121 birds had coccidian oocysts in their feces at the time of collection; these included 9 l. californicus and 9 o. pictus. four eimerians and an isosporan were found in t ... | 1981 | 7310946 |
inclusion body hepatitis in gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii). | an acute necrotizing hepatitis in 1- to 3-wk-old gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii) caused by an adenovirus is described. the infection caused high mortality in captive raised, orphan chicks at two wildlife rehabilitation facilities in arizona (usa). gross lesions varied from pale livers to multiple, pinpoint, white foci scattered throughout the livers. microscopically, scattered foci of hepatocellular necrosis were present. intact hepatocytes at teh periphery of necrotic foci had eosinophilic ... | 1994 | 8028119 |
avian cecal microanatomy: a morphometric comparison of two species. | tissues from the proximal, middle, and distal regions of the ceca of gambel's quail and domestic fowl were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy for ultrastructural detail. cellular aad subcellular structures, including epithelial cell height, mitochondrial volume fraction, microvillar surface area, and junctional complex characteristics, were quantified by stereologic procedures. the mucosal surface of the quail ceca shows a more highly developed pattern of ridges and flat a ... | 1989 | 2575119 |
morphometry of the galliform cecum: a comparison between gambel's quail and the domestic fowl. | tissues from the proximal, middle, and distal regions of the ceca of gambel's quail and domestic fowl were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. cellular and subcellular structures, including epithelial cell height, mitochondrial volume fraction, microvillous surface area, proportion of goblet cells, and junctional complex characteristics, were quantified by a variety of stereologic procedures and other measurement techniques. the mucosal surface of quail cecum shows a much ... | 1990 | 2317843 |
assessing behavioral associations in a hybrid zone through social network analysis: complex assortative behaviors structure associations in a hybrid quail population. | behavior can strongly influence rates and patterns of hybridization between animal populations and species. yet few studies have examined reproductive behaviors in natural hybrid zones within the fine-scale social context in which they naturally occur. we use radio-frequency identification tags with social network analyses to test whether phenotypic similarity in plumage and mass correlate with social behavior throughout a breeding season in a california and gambel's quail hybrid zone. we use a ... | 2019 | 31094596 |
short communication: levels of land use and land cover in phoenix, arizona are associated with elevated plasma triglycerides in the gambel's quail, callipepla gambelii. | gambel's quail, callipepla gambelii, are gregarious birds commonly found in the southwestern deserts of the united states and northwestern mexico. with expanding urbanization, these birds are often found in exurban and suburban areas where they have access to food sources that may differ from those used by birds living in rural habitats and, as a result, also differ morphologically and physiologically. to investigate this hypothesis, we compared the morphology and nutritional physiology of quail ... | 2020 | 32437960 |
incorporating abundance information and guiding variable selection for climate-based ensemble forecasting of species' distributional shifts. | ecological niche models (enms) have increasingly been used to estimate the potential effects of climate change on species' distributions worldwide. recently, predictions of species abundance have also been obtained with such models, though knowledge about the climatic variables affecting species abundance is often lacking. to address this, we used a well-studied guild (temperate north american quail) and the maxent modeling algorithm to compare model performance of three variable selection appro ... | 2017 | 28886075 |
cecal degradation of uric acid in gambel quail. | in birds, urine enters the lower gastrointestinal tract from paired ureters and can be moved in a retrograde fashion into the colon and digestive ceca. as a major constituent of urine, uric acid is carried into these regions of the gastrointestinal tract. in these locations the chemical composition of the urine, including uric acid, could be altered. to examine this possibility the postrenal degradation of uric acid in the hindgut (ceca, colon, and ileum) of the gambel quail (callipepla gambelii ... | 1986 | 3728710 |
structure of avian loop of henle as related to countercurrent multiplier system. | the ultrastructural detail of the avian loop of henle was examined, and comparisons were made to the loop of henle of mammalian kidneys. birds are the only group of vertebrates other than mammals that have the capability of elaborating a urine more concentrated than the plasma. therefore, a comparison of the principal tubular element responsible for this phenomenon was made. gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii) were used as experimental animals. the animals were anesthetized with inactin, and th ... | 1988 | 3414806 |
castration in gambel's and scaled quail: ornate plumage and dominance persist, but courtship and threat behaviors do not. | during the breeding season, testosterone in male birds is often linked to some secondary sexual ornaments, courtship behaviors, and intrasexual aggression. i examined the effect of castration on plumage expression in gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii), a species in which males are highly ornate, and in scaled quail (c. squamata), an unornamented species. using male pairs, each consisting of a castrate and a control, i also assessed whether castration affected (1) the behavior of males, (2) the ... | 2001 | 11161878 |
avian thermoregulation in the heat: resting metabolism, evaporative cooling and heat tolerance in sonoran desert doves and quail. | birds in subtropical deserts face significant thermoregulatory challenges because environmental temperatures regularly exceed avian body temperature. to understand the differing susceptibility of desert birds to increasing temperatures, we examined thermoregulatory performance and estimated heat tolerance limits (htls) for three sonoran desert nesting bird species - gambel's quail, mourning doves and white-winged doves. using flow-through respirometry we measured daytime resting metabolism, evap ... | 2015 | 26582934 |
sex-dependent species discrimination in auditory forebrain of naturally hybridizing birds. | pairs of individuals breed together only if they recognize each other as the same species, but the process of recognizing conspecifics can depend on flexible criteria even when species-specific signals are innate and fixed. this study examines species recognition in naturally hybridizing sister species, california and gambel's quail (callipepla californica and callipepla gambelii), that have vocalizations which are not learned. specifically, this study tests whether being raised in a vocalizing ... | 2009 | 19996584 |
eyeworm infections of oxyspirura petrowi, skrjabin, 1929 (spirurida: thelaziidae), in species of quail from texas, new mexico and arizona, usa. | northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) and scaled quail (callipepla squamata) have been declining steadily throughout much of their historical range over the past few decades. even the rolling plains of texas, historically rich with wild quail and one of the last remaining quail strongholds, has been suffering a population decline, most notably since 2010. gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii) have also been experiencing their own decline throughout their respective range, but not as significant ... | 2016 | 27411757 |
role of california (callipepla californica) and gambel's (callipepla gambelii) quail in the ecology of mosquito-borne encephalitis viruses in california, usa. | gambel's and california quail were infected repeatedly whenever western equine encephalomyelitis virus (weev), st. louis encephalitis virus (slev), and (wnv) west nile virus were active during summer in california. the timing of virus appearance and quail infection coincided well with the appearance of chicks in nature, leading us to hypothesize that large coveys containing these non-immune birds could be important in focal virus amplification in rural settings. however, experimental infection s ... | 2006 | 16989564 |
patterns of avian seroprevalence to western equine encephalomyelitis and saint louis encephalitis viruses in california, usa. | temporal and spatial changes in the enzootic activity of western equine encephalomyelitis (wee) and st. louis encephalitis (sle) viruses were monitored at representative wetland study sites in the coachella, san joaquin, and sacramento valleys of california from 1996 to 1998 using three methods: (1) virus isolation from pools of 50 host-seeking culex tarsalis coquillett females, (2) seroconversions in flocks of 10 sentinel chickens, and (3) seroprevalence in wild birds collected by mist nets and ... | 2000 | 10916291 |
structure of the glomerular capillaries of the domestic chicken and desert quail. | the glomerular capillary architecture of nephrons that include a loop of henle (looped) and those that lack the loop (loopless) nephrons was examined qualitatively and quantitatively by electron microscopy in gallus gallus and callipepla gambelii. the glomerular capillaries of looped nephrons form a dichotomously branched network, while those of loopless nephrons are arranged loosely, and the majority are unbranched. there was no significant difference in the diameter of the glomerular capillari ... | 1995 | 7723047 |
dynamic shifts in social network structure and composition within a breeding hybrid population. | mating behaviour and the timing of reproduction can inhibit genetic exchange between closely related species; however, these reproductive barriers are challenging to measure within natural populations. social network analysis provides promising tools for studying the social context of hybridization, and the exchange of genetic variation, more generally. we test how social networks within a hybrid population of california callipepla californica and gambel's quail callipepla gambelii change over d ... | 2020 | 32772372 |
effects of water load on renal glomerular and tubular function in desert quail. | effects of an acute intravenous water load on glomerular and tubular function were studied in the anesthetized desert quail lophortyx gambelii. total-kidney glomerular filtration rate (gfr) and single-nephron glomerular filtration rates (sngfr) of reptilian-type and mammalian-type nephrons increased by more than 50% compared with the gfr and sngfrs measured during a control mannitol diuresis. despite the increase in gfr, urine flow rate was only 56% of that in control mannitol diuresis, free-wat ... | 1975 | 1147046 |
intrarenal blood flow distribution in the desert quail following salt loading. | the total-kidney glomerular filtration rate (gfr) falls when birds are salt loaded. this fall in gfr is caused by glomerular intermittency. the nephrons that stop filtering are small, surface nephrons without loops of henle. larger nephrons with loops of henle in the deeper regions of the kidney continue to filter during salt loading. microfil casts were made of the renal microvasculature of the desert quail, lophortyx gambelii, in an attempt to determine at what points intrarenal blood flow is ... | 1976 | 10738 |
renal compensation for cecal loss in gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii). | some studies have implicated the avian digestive cecae as important sites of water and solute reclamation working in concert with the lower intestine and the kidneys as part of an integrated osmoregulatory system. in gambel's quail (callipepla gambelii), we studied compensatory adjustments in renal function on days 6-7 and 16-17 following ligation of cecae. plasma osmolality (posm) varied significantly between groups with sham-operated birds (cs), with an average (posm) of 348 mosm/kg h2o and qu ... | 1996 | 8689521 |
functional morphology of the avian medullary cone. | the organization of the renal medulla of the gambel's quail, callipepla gambelii, kidney was examined to determine the number of loops of henle and collecting ducts and the surface area occupied by the different nephron segments as a function of distance down the medullary cones. eleven medullary cones were dissected from the kidneys of four birds, and the tissue was processed and sectioned for light microscopy. in addition, individual nephrons were isolated on which total loop thin descending s ... | 2000 | 11049855 |
how a hybrid zone is maintained: behavioral mechanisms of interbreeding between california and gambel's quail (callipepla californica and c. gambelii). | hybridizing california and gambel's quail (callipepla californica and c. gambelii) are unlike many hybridizing avian species in that pairing primarily occurs within a flock, or covey, that is composed of several families. coveys in the area of sympatry contain mostly hybrid individuals, relative to parental types. i tested whether individuals perceive covey mates as a single species and whether pairing within the covey causes inbreeding and a loss of reproductive success. individuals discriminat ... | 2003 | 14628928 |
gene flow across a climatic barrier between hybridizing avian species, california and gambel's quail (callipepla californica and c. gambelii). | allopatric species commonly interbreed in a restricted margin between their ranges. the particular factors that permit interbreeding between species determine the extent of hybridization and its significance for evolution and conservation. using california quail and gambel's quail (callipepla californica and c. gambelii) that naturally hybridize in a narrow region between relatively mesic and xeric environments, i assessed the exchange of genetic and phenotypic traits in relation to vegetative a ... | 2004 | 15212391 |
persistence and amplification of st. louis encephalitis virus in the coachella valley of california, 2000-2001. | the introduction of a st. louis encephalitis virus (sle) genotype new to southeastern california during 2000 was followed by focal enzootic amplification in the coachella valley that was detected by seroconversions of 29 sentinel chickens in five of nine flocks of 10 chickens each, isolations of virus from 30 of 538 pools of 50 culex tarsalis coquillett females, and collection of 30 positive sera from 2,205 wild birds. this sle strain over wintered successfully and then amplified during the summ ... | 2002 | 12349864 |