
the origin and development of the epidermis and associated structures in the cercaria of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) (digenea: heterophyidae) from littorina littorea (l.). 19763793
the development of the tail and the excretory system in the cercaria of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) (digenea: heterophyidae from littorina littorea (l.)). 197715264
studies on the pigmented and unpigmented photoreceptors of the cercaria of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) from littorina littorea (l.). 1975235128
cryptocotyle lingua infection in a bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus).approximately 11,000 heterophyid trematodes, crytocotyle lingua, were recovered from the small intestine of a bald eagle, haliaeetus leucocephalus, in nova scotia. severe emaciation of the eagle was attributed to the heavy burden of trematodes. the wide distribution of this trematode in the maritime area and the fact that fish are a primary source of food for eagles in nova scotia might be predisposing factors in this case.1978650779
parasites of red foxes in new brunswick and nova scotia.sixty-one red foxes from new brunswick and nova scotia were examined for helminths. alaria americana, a. arisaemoides, a. mustelae, cryptocotyle lingua, echinostoma revolution and metorchis conjunctus, capillaria aerophila, crenosoma vulpis, toxocara canis, uncinaria stenocephala and taenia crassiceps were found. approximately 67% of the foxes examined were clinically affected with sarcoptes scabiei mange.1978691132
behavioural responses of the cercariae of cryptocotyle lingua (digenea: heterophyidae) to computer-controlled shadow sequences.the cercariae of cryptocotyle lingua have a brief but active life during which they do not feed. in order to maximize the probability of infection they must respond to a variety of host-related stimuli yet conserve their finite energy reserves by minimizing unnecessary muscular activity. in laboratory experiments, simulated shadows representing the passage of a fish host were found to increase population activity levels. evidence was also found for a relationship between shadow duration and the ...19911780183
prevalence and intensity of infection of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) and diplostomum spathaceum (rudolphi)--parasitic metacercariae of baltic cod (gadus morhua l.).a parasitological investigation of baltic cod, caught in the bornholm basin, showed that 1.6% were infected by c. lingua (metacercaria) and 22.5% were infected by d. spathaceum (metacercaria). only the heavily c. lingua infected cod showed discoloured fillets due to metacercariae in the muscle. the highest intensity of infection of d. spathaceum was found in smaller cod, but only minor opaque spots were observed in the infected lenses. the low prevalence of c. lingua is supposed to be a result o ...19863797237
the effect of parasitism by the trematode cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) on the digestive efficiency in the snail host, littorina saxatilis (olivi). 19734786828
on the trematode species. phocitrema fusiforme goto and ozaki, 1930 and cryptocotyle lingua (creplin, 1825). 19655294501
littorina littorea: lowered heat tolerance due to cryptocotyle lingua. 19695362576
ultrastructure of the redia of cryptocotyle lingua. 19676035711
utilization of exogenous glucose by the rediae of parorchis acanthus (digenea: philophthalmidae) and cryptocotyle lingua (digenea: heterophyidae). 19676063994
helminth parasites of wild foxes (vulpes vulpes l.) in the study the helminth fauna of wild foxes (vulpes vulpes) in the netherlands, material was collected from 139 foxes. the following parasites were found. cestodes: taenia spp. 53.3%, hymenolepis spp. 1.5%; trematodes: alaria alata 10.9%, cryptocotyle lingua 3.6%, euparyphium melis 1.5%, apophallus donicus 0.7%; nematodes: toxocara canis 73.7%, uncinaria stenocephala 59.9%, capillaria aerophila 46.8%, c. plica 23.5%, molineus patens 5.1%, crenosoma vulpis 4.5%, strongyloides spp. 0.7%. the tapewor ...19846741217
epidemiological studies on intestinal helminth parasites of rural and urban red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in the united epidemiological study of intestinal helminths in 843 foxes (vulpes vulpes) from southern england revealed the presence of 13 parasite species: five nematodes--toxocara canis (prevalence 55.9%), toxascaris leonina (1.5%), uncinaria stenocephala (68.0%), trichuris vulpis (0.5%) and capillaria aerophila (0.2%); four cestodes--taenia pisiformis (13.8%), taenia hydatigena (2.5%), echinococcus granulosus (0.1%) and dipylidium caninum (3.8%); two trematodes--brachylaima recurva (2.9%) and cryptocoty ...19957571336
parasites of the arctic fox (alopex lagopus) in iceland.forty-four of 50 arctic foxes (alopex lagopus) in iceland harbored 15 species of intestinal parasites, including protozoa: eimeria sp. or isospora sp. (in 4%); trematoda: cryptocotyle lingua (24%), plagiorchis elegans (4%), brachylaemus sp. (12%), tristriata sp. (10%), and spelotrema sp. (8%); cestoda: mesocestoides canislagopodis (72%), schistocephalus solidus (2%), and diphyllobothrium dendriticum (4%); nematoda: toxascaris leonina (50%), toxocara canis (2%), uncinaria stenocephala (4%), and e ...19938355346
effects of trematode parasitism on the behaviour and ecology of a common marine snail (littorina littorea (l.)).cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) is a digenean trematode parasite of the littoral prosobranch gastropod littorina littorea (l.). the literature suggests the snails become infected by grazing guano of the final host, the herring gull, larus argentatus pontoppidan. the parasite emerges from the snail as free-swimming cercariae. interactions between the snail and the parasite at cellular and life-history levels are well established, but little is known of the influences the interaction has on the beha ...200111358576
[infection of the mollusc littorina saxatilis with parthenites of trematodes and their impact on a shell form: analysis of populations inhabiting the littoral coast of the white sea].12 rocky shore populations of littorina saxatilis from three islands of chupa inlet (kandalaksha bay, white sea) were examined for infection with trematodes. morphometric characters (6 indexes of the shell and aperture shape) of molluscs were investigated for all these populations. exposed and sheltered sites were considered at every island and high and low littoral samples were fulfilled at every site. seven species of trematodes, podocotyle atomon, cryptocotyle lingua, renicola sp., himasthla ...200312677672
helminth communities of the lesser sandeel ammodytes tobianus l. off the west coast of ireland.the helminth parasites present in 412 lesser sandeels (ammodytes tobianus) taken from june 1996 to may 1997 from the aran islands on the west coast of ireland were examined. ten helminth parasite species were recorded, and more than 92% of the sandeels were infected with at least 1 helminth species. seven of the species were digeneans, including brachyphallus crenatus, hemiurus communis, derogenes varicus, lecithaster gibbosus, opechona bacillaris, cryptocotyle lingua, and galactosomum lacteum; ...200415562606
[patterns of swimming of cercariae in some trematode species].swimming activity of cercariae in the trematode species cryptocotyle lingua, himasthla elongata, maritrema subdolum, and cercaria parvicaudata (renicola sp.) is studied using video microfilming. the larvae of c. lingua demonstrate a typical intermittent swimming with regularly alternating periods of active movement and passive floating. the duration of both periods during the first 30 min of cercaria's life retains equal, and later the passive period becomes longer. in 15 h the duration of the a ...200516033223
[a comparative analysis of the helminth fauna of kittiwake rissa tridactyla (linnaeus, 1758) and glaucous gull larus hyperboreus gunnerus, 1767 from different parts of the barents sea].the article is based on the results of helminthological observations made on kittiwake rissa tridactyla and glaucous gull larus hyperboreus in 1991-2001 in different areas of the barents sea (eastern murman coast, franz josef land, novaya zemlya, spitzbergen). 18 helminth species (2 trematodes, 11 cestodes, 4 nematodes, and 2 acanthocephalans) were recorded in the kittiwakes and 19 (3 trematodes, 9 cestodes, 5 nematodes and 2 acanthocephalans) species were recorded in the glaucous gulls. tremato ...200516396393
incidental aquatic zoonoses.the following incidental aquatic zoonoses are discussed: eosinophilic mengingitis caused by angiostrongylus cantonesis, the guinea worm (dracunculus medinesis), anisakis infections, cryptocotyle lingua, eye fluke (philophthalmus), the tapeworm diplogonoporus grandis, and shellfish-borne hepatitis.197016512126
helminths of red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in epidemiological study of helminths in 1040 red foxes collected from various localities in denmark during 1997-2002, revealed 21 helminth species at autopsy, including nine nematode species: capillaria plica (prevalence 80.5%), capillaria aerophila (74.1%), crenosoma vulpis (17.4%), angiostrongylus vasorum (48.6% from northern zealand (endemic area)), toxocara canis (59.4%), toxascaris leonina (0.6%), uncinaria stenocephala (68.6%), ancylostoma caninum (0.6%), and trichuris vulpis (0.5%); seve ...200616580775
influence of a thermal discharge on parasites of a cold-water flatfish, pleuronectes americanus, as a bioindicator of subtle environmental change.a study was conducted to ascertain the influence of a thermal discharge on the health and parasites of a coastal cold-water flatfish, the winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus), a species sensitive to environmental change. flounder were sampled in spring 1998 and 1999 beneath the plume and at reference sites north and south up to 1 km from the discharge. species diversity and estimates of abundance of macroscopic algae, invertebrates, and fish were also recorded. after capture by scuba divers ...200718163365
notes on the asexual stages of cryptocotyle lingua. 194718895413
[effect of some pharmacological substances on the motility of the cryptocotyle lingua cercaria (heterophyidae)].the effect of some biologically active substances (acetylcholine, serotonin, octopamine, sodium nitroprussid and fmrf-amide) on the motility of the cryptocotyle lingua cercariae was studied. solutions of fmrf-amide, octopamine, and sodium nitroprussid have no statistically significant influence on the motility of c. lingua. acetylcholine and serotonin in solutions affected the motility through the prolongation of the active phase of swimming. further research is required to elucidate the mechani ...201021061596
the neuro-muscular system in cercaria with different patterns of locomotion.the neuro-muscular system (nms) of cercariae with different swimming patterns was studied with immunocytochemical methods and confocal scanning laser microscopy. specimens of the continuously swimming cercaria parvicaudata, maritrema subdolum and himasthla elongata were compared with specimens of the intermittently swimming cryptocotyle lingua and the attached podocotyle atomon. the patterns of f-actin in the musculature, 5-ht immunoreactive (-ir), fmrfamide-ir neuronal elements, α-tubulin-ir el ...201021113724
solving cryptogenic histories using host and parasite molecular genetics: the resolution of littorina littorea's north american origin.even after decades of investigation using multiple sources of evidence, the natural histories of some species remain unclear (i.e. cryptogenic). a key example is littorina littorea, the most abundant intertidal snail in northeastern north america. native to europe, the snail's ecological history in north america has been debated for over 100 years with no definitive resolution. to resolve its cryptogenic status, we used molecular genetics from a novel combination of the snail and a highly associ ...200818643882
the parasite fauna of the gyrfalcon (falco rusticolus) in iceland.we examined 46 gyrfalcon (falco rusticolus) carcasses from iceland for parasites, including 29 first-year birds and 17 second-year birds and older. endoparasites observed were the trematodes cryptocotyle lingua (prevalence 8%), cryptocotyle concavum (4%), and strigea sp. (8%); the cestode mesocestoides sp. (27%); and the nematodes eucoleus contortus (76%) and serratospiculum guttatum (7%). ectoparasites included the astigmatan mite dubininia accipitrina (47%), a mesostigmatan rhynonyssid mite (4 ...201526280881
spatial ecology of coastal atlantic cod gadus morhua associated with parasite load.acoustic tags and receivers were used to investigate the spatial ecology of coastal atlantic cod gadus morhua (n = 32, mean fork length: 50 cm, range: 33-80 cm) on the norwegian skagerrak coast in 2012. monthly home ranges (hr), swimming activity and depth use varied considerably among individuals and through the months of june, july and august. hr sizes for the period ranged from 0.25 to 5.20 km2 (mean = 2.30 km2. two thirds of the tagged g. morhua were infected with black spot disease cryptoco ...201526177748
parasites of fingerling herring clupea harengus l.: ecology and fine morphology.the parasite fauna of young-of-the-year herring clupea harengus l., off gullmarsfjord and brofjorden, west coast of sweden, was studied between may and october for 4 years, from 1994 to 1997. fifteen species of parasites were found: two protozoa - trichodina sp. and ceratomyxa auerbachi; one species of uncertain affinity - ichthyophonus hoferi; two monogenea - gyrodactylus harengi and pseudanthocotyloides heterocotyle; five digenea - cryptocotyle lingua metacercariae, cercaria pythionike metacer ...200717578600
parasites alter community structure.parasites often play an important role in modifying the physiology and behavior of their hosts and may, consequently, mediate the influence hosts have on other components of an ecological community. along the northern atlantic coast of north america, the dominant herbivorous snail littorina littorea structures rocky intertidal communities through strong grazing pressure and is frequently parasitized by the digenean trematode cryptocotyle lingua. we hypothesized that the effects of parasitism on ...200717517667
spontaneous electrical activity and spikes in the tail of marine cercariae.spontaneous electrical activity is recorded in two species of marine cercariae, cryptocotyle lingua and himasthla elongata, with different types of swimming-by glass microelectrode recordings. slow local field potentials (slfps) of low amplitude and fast high amplitude action potentials (aps) are found. the shape of the slfps is different in the species and correlates with the type of swimming. fast high amplitude aps are recorded for the first time in cercariae. the limited number of aps includ ...201327335850
parasites of winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus) as an additional bioindicator of stress-related exposure to untreated pulp and paper mill effluent: a 5-year field study.a study was conducted in a marine inlet to assess the effects of untreated discharges from a pulp and paper mill, a municipality, and industries in western newfoundland on winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus), a fish species shown previously to be sensitive to environmental contaminants in sediment. the fish were captured by scuba divers about 2 km down-current from the mill discharging effluent containing resin acids, and at three reference sites 2 to 11 km away near the opposite shore, ea ...200717160488
assessment of stress-related bioindicators in winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus) exposed to discharges from a pulp and paper mill in newfoundland: a 5-year field study.this study assessed the effects of discharges from a sulphite-bleaching paper mill on winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus) sampled each spring over a 5-year period in st. george's bay, newfoundland, prior to foraging activity. the fish were captured by scuba divers near the mill and at a reference site 10 km up current. several bioindicators were used to assess fish health. larger and older flounder exhibiting gross and microscopic tissue lesions, lower condition factor, and elevated hepato ...200616485169
rediae of echinostomatid and heterophyid trematodes suppress phagocytosis of haemocytes in littorina littorea (gastropoda: prosobranchia).a modulation of the phagocytic activity of hemocytes from the common periwinkle littorina littorea by secretory-excretory products (sep) released by trematode rediae during axenic in vitro cultivation was studied. the sep released by the parasites himasthla elongata (echinostomatidae) and cryptocotyle lingua (heterophyidae) were found to inhibit the phagocytosis of zymozan particles by periwinkle hemocytes. the specificity of sep effects was assessed: sep of himasthla militaris and cryptocotyle ...200616438967
helminth fauna of the yellow-legged gull larus cachinnans in galicia, north-west spain.thirty-six helminth species were found in 324 gulls examined during june 1994 to february 1996 from different localities of galicia: 25 trematodes (brachylaima sp., brachylecithum microtesticulatum, cardiocephaloides longicollis, cryptocotyle lingua, cryptocotyle concavum, diplostomum spathaceum, echinostephilla virgula, galactosomum phalacrocoracis, gigantobilharzia acotylea, gymnophallus deliciosus, gynaecotyla longiintestinata, himasthla elongata, himasthla quissetensis, knipowitschiatrema ni ...200516336721
effects of host habitat quality on the viability of cryptocotyle lingua (trematoda: digenea) an earlier study it was shown that cryptocotyle lingua cercariae, matured in littorina littorea from a polluted marine lagoon, displayed slower horizontal swimming rates, and reduced longevity compared to cercariae released by periwinkles from a cleaner environment. this work investigated whether the pollution-induced reduction in swimming rates was due to an inefficient swimming action or the adoption of a less direct swimming path. in addition, cercariae from l. littorea that had been trans ...200515727069
four-year monitoring of parasite communities in gobiid fishes of the south-western balticii. infracommunity.the parasite infracommunity of five goby species (pomatoschistus minutus, p. pictus, p.microps, gobiusculus flavescens, gobius niger) from the south-western baltic was investigated during spring, summer and autumn of the years 1997-2000. the mean parasite species number in single hosts was high, ranging between 1.1 (p. minutus), 2.1 (p. pictus) to even 3.3 (p. microps). gobius niger is the only host which lives longer than a year and is infested by almost identical parasites for longer times, i. ...200415034786
four-year monitoring of parasite communities in gobiid fishes of the south-western baltic. i. guild and component community.the parasite communities of goby species (teleostei, percomorphi) from the south-western baltic sea were investigated from 1997 to 2000 in three different seasons. in total, 30 parasite species were found in the guild of four goby spp. from dahmeshöved (lübeck bight). the component community of pomatoschistus minutus comprised 22, pomatoschistus pictus 20, gobiusculus flavescens 18 and gobius niger 14 parasite species, whereas pomatoschistus microps from the salzhaff (mecklenburg bight) harboure ...200312827504
the propulsion of the cercariae of himasthla secunda (nicoll) and cryptocotyle lingua. 19734724421
the ultrastructure of the body wall and associated structures of the cercaria of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) (digenea: heterophyidae) from littorina littorea (l.). 19744432613
the behaviour of the cercaria of cryptocotyle lingua. 19744432612
health of flatfish from localities in placentia bay, newfoundland, contaminated with petroleum and pcbs.this study compared the health of flatfish inhabiting two areas in placentia bay, newfoundland, contaminated either with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) or polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) with samples from reference sites. initially, four species of flatfish, including american plaice (hippoglossoides platessoides), yellowtail flounder (limanda ferruginea), gray sole (glyptocephalus cynoglossus), and winter flounder (pleuronectes americanus), were sampled only for external lesions from ...200312712279
effects of heavy metal pollution on swimming and longevity in cercariae of cryptocotyle lingua (digenea: heterophyidae).effects of heavy metal pollution on the cercariae of the marine trematode cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) were studied by measuring horizontal swimming rate (hsr) and longevity. these factors are important for transmission to the next host, a fish. cercariae released by littorina littorea (l.) collected from polluted and unpolluted sites were compared. both hsr and longevity were significantly reduced in cercariae from the polluted environment. cercarial quality was therefore reduced, directly or ...200111719961
[respiration and motor activity of cercariae of three trematode species from the intertidal mollusc littorina littorea l (gastropoda) from the white sea].the age dynamics in oxygen consumption of the cercariae himasthla elongata, cryptocotyle lingua and cercaria parvicaudata (renicola sp.) was studied using modified winkler's method. it was detected that under stable temperature and water salinity conditions the rate of oxygen uptake depends directly on cercariae size. the highest intensity of energetic metabolism was recorded in the first few hours of cercariae life when their movement activity was maximal. the following reduction of oxygen cons ...200111605457
[comparative morphofunctional analysis of the gastropod-trematode interactions].a morphofunctional aspect of pathogenesis in various mollusc--trematode combinations is very different. to evaluate the level of antagonism between the host and parasite, it is reasonable to use a summarized parameter of general physiological state of infected individuals. the somatic growth of the host could be used for that purpose. analysis of original and reference data has shown, that the gastropod growth response to the trematode infection depends on the longevity of molluscs. the growth a ...200011212617
cryptocotyle lingua in mullet, chelon labrosus; significance of metacercarial excretory proteins in the stimulation of the immune response.'o' group mullet, chelon labrosus, were experimentally infected with cryptocotyle lingua (heterophyidae) by tail dip in a suspension of cercariae. metacercariae were excised after 1 and 24 hours and prepared for tem and post-embedding immunogold labelling. antisera to cercariae of c. lingua were raised in adult mullet by natural infection via the skin and by intra-peritoneal injection of sonicate. the membrane-bound vesicles within the syncytial lining of the metacercarial excretory vesicle were ...19938509613
serotonin and neuropeptide immunoreactivities in the intramolluscan stages of three marine trematode parasites.using an indirect immunofluorescence technique interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy, whole-mount preparations of three genera of marine trematode larvae, cryptocotyle lingua, cercaria emasculans and himasthla leptosoma, were screened for 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) and selected neuropeptide immunoreactivities (irs). irs for pancreatic polypeptide (pp), peptide yy (pyy) and fmrfamide were found in the central nervous systems of the three species of cercariae, immunostaining the paire ...19947971925
excystment of cryptocotyle lingua metacercariae. 19665937188
the helminth fauna of the common seal (phoca vitulina vitulina, linné, 1758) from the wadden sea in lower saxony. part 1: trematodes, cestodes and acanthocephala.between august 1988 and january 1989 110 common seals found dead along the coast of lower saxony were investigated for the occurrence of trematodes, cestodes and acanthocephala. two fluke species, cryptocotyle lingua creplin, 1825 and phagicola septentrionalis van den broek, 1967, two tapeworm species diphyllobothrium cordatum leuckart, 1863 and diphyllobothrium elegans krabbe, 1865, and the acanthocephala species corynosoma strumosum rudolphi, 1802 were found. phagicola septentrionalis and the ...19911789021
the effects of computer-controlled shadow stimuli on the success of cercarial transmission by cryptocotyle lingua (digenea: heterophyidae).pectoral fins from juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were used in a bioassay, the object of which was to quantify the effect of simulated shadow stimuli on the transmission success of the cercariae. for a period of 60 min, parasites and fins were exposed to a sequence of computer-controlled shadow stimuli, continuous light or total darkness, and subsequently the number of infections was counted. trials were conducted with cercariae 1, 12 and 24 h old. within the constraints of the exp ...19921454422
the effects of age, temperature, light quantity and wavelength on the swimming behaviour of the cercariae of cryptocotyle lingua (digenea: heterophyidae).laboratory experiments indicated that the active life-span of the cercariae of cryptocotyle lingua was temperature-dependent. an increase in water temperature and population age both correlated with a tendency for the organisms to become decaudate. the larvae were strongly photoresponsive to lateral light but with time, horizontal swimming rates (hsrs) from release point to light source progressively declined. when measured over a range of light quantities, hsrs peaked at 30 microm/m2/s. hsrs we ...19921437270
stereoscan studies of cercariae, metacercariae, and adults of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin 1825) fischoeder 1903 (trematoda: heterophyidae).the cercaria of cryptocotyle lingua has simple pointed spines all over the body. four pointed modified spines occur dorsally in the mouth, and similar spines surround the openings of the penetration glands. the modified spines are shed shortly after penetration and encystment in the fish host. less than a week after encystment, cytoplasmic folds develop all over the tegument. after about 4 weeks the cytoplasmic folds have disappeared and the spines are now flattened and serrated. the external su ...1977915613
the morphology and ultrastructure of the female reproductive ducts in the metacercaria and adult of cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) (digenea:heterophyida).encysted metacercariae of c. lingua require 38 days in the fish second intermediate host before they are infective to the bird definitive host. morphogenesis of the metacercaria is arrested shortly after 38 days. the ovary and testes are recognizable at 10 days. by 38 days the lumen of the oviduct is apparent and cilia form on the epithelial lining. the receptaculum seminis remains rudimentary. the cells of the uterine primordium are vacuolated but no lumen is present. laurer's canal, vitelline ...1979545938
the immune response of plaice (pleuronectes platessa l) to the metacercariae of cryptocotyle lingua and rhipidocotyle johnstonei.the humoral immune response of plaice to infestations of selected metacercariae was studied. precipitating antibodies to both cryptocotyle lingua and rhipidocotyle johnstonei were demonstrated using agar gel diffusion techniques. immunochemical investigations of these antibodies indicated they were macroglobulins, resembling immunoglobulin m (igm) of mammals. the rate and magnitude of antibody production by the host was determined by the ambient temperature.1977402627
consistency of trematode infection prevalence in host populations across large spatial and temporal scales.parasites can impart heavy fitness costs on their hosts. thus, understanding the spatial and temporal consistency in parasite pressure can elucidate the likeliness of parasites' role as agents of directional selection, as well as revealing variable environmental factors associated with infection risk. we examined spatiotemporal variation in digenetic trematode infection in 18 populations of an intertidal host snail (littorina littorea) over a 300 km range at an 11-yr interval, more than double t ...201627859172
molecular cytogenetics in digenean parasites: linked and unlinked major and 5s rdnas, b chromosomes and karyotype diversification.digenetic trematodes are the largest group of internal metazoan parasites, but their chromosomes are poorly studied. although chromosome numbers and/or karyotypes are known for about 300 of the 18,000 described species, molecular cytogenetic knowledge is mostly limited to the mapping of telomeric sequences and/or of major rdna clusters in 9 species. in this work we mapped major and 5s rdna clusters and telomeric sequences in chromosomes of bucephalus minimus, b. australis, prosorhynchoides carva ...201526680763
parasites and personality in periwinkles (littorina littorea): infection status is associated with mean-level boldness but not repeatability.we demonstrate the presence of animal personality in an inter-tidal gastropod, littorina littorea, both in a sample of individuals infected by the trematode cryptocotyle lingua and in an uninfected sample. on average infected individuals behaved more cautiously than individuals free of infection, but the parasite did not affect repeatability. although the parasite is not associated with greater diversity of behaviour amongst infected individuals, infection might be associated with state-dependen ...201525839751
fecal shedding of toxocara canis and other parasites in foxes and coyotes on prince edward island, canada.knowledge of parasites shed by wild canids can assist in recognizing risk to human and domestic animal health. our aim was to estimate the prevalence of patent infections with toxocara canis and other parasites in foxes (vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (canis latrans) in prince edward island, canada. identification of parasite species was based on microscopic examination of feces, with the use of a sucrose fecal flotation method. sample collection was performed in winter on carcasses of 271 and 185 h ...201323568915
consistent pattern of local adaptation during an experimental heat wave in a pipefish-trematode host-parasite system.extreme climate events such as heat waves are expected to increase in frequency under global change. as one indirect effect, they can alter magnitude and direction of species interactions, for example those between hosts and parasites. we simulated a summer heat wave to investigate how a changing environment affects the interaction between the broad-nosed pipefish (syngnathus typhle) as a host and its digenean trematode parasite (cryptocotyle lingua). in a fully reciprocal laboratory infection e ...201222303448
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