
[16s rdna-rflp analysis of actinomycetes associated with marine sponge hymeniacidon perleve].106 culturable symbiotic actinomycetes strains were isolated from intertidal marine sponge hymeniacidon perleve collected from chinese yellow sea. the 16s rdna sequences of these strains were amplified and rflp patterns were analyzed by digestion of 16s rdna fragments with hha i. 11 different patterns were identified, with confirmation by the rflp analysis using vector nti simulation. using hha i rflp patterns, the actinomycetes could be identified at the genus level. phylogentic trees using 16s ...200516496685
culturable actinobacteria from the marine sponge hymeniacidon perleve: isolation and phylogenetic diversity by 16s rrna gene-rflp analysis.a total of 106 actinobacteria associated with the marine sponge hymeniacidon perleve collected from the yellow sea, china were isolated using eight different media. the number of species and genera of actinobacteria recovered from the different media varied significantly, underlining the importance of optimizing the isolation conditions. the phylogenetic diversity of the actinobacteria isolates was assessed using 16s rrna gene amplification-restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysi ...200616871424
phylogenetic analysis of saccharothrix and related taxa: proposal for actinosynnemataceae fam. nov.partial sequences for 16s rdna were determined for strains of the genus saccharothrix, including most described species, as well as strains of the described species of the related genera kutzneria, actinokineospora and actinosynnema. these were aligned with published sequences for other species of these genera, as well as those of the genera 'actinoalloteichus', 'asiosporangium', lentzea, kutzneria, streptoalloteichus and representative taxa from other actinomycete families. phylogenetic analysi ...200010826820
goodfellowia gen. nov., a new genus of the pseudonocardineae related to actinoalloteichus, containing goodfellowia coeruleoviolacea gen. nov., comb. nov.during the course of a phylogenetic evaluation of saccharothrix strains held in the ars culture collection, it was discovered that saccharothrix coeruleoviolacea nrrl b-24058(t) is unrelated to other species within this genus, and a polyphasic study was undertaken to clarify its taxonomic position. strain nrrl b-24058(t) is observed to be phylogenetically separate from the genus saccharothrix and is most closely related to the genus actinoalloteichus. the strain exhibits chemotaxonomic propertie ...200616738092
actinoalloteichus spitiensis sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a cold desert of the indian actinobacterial strain, rmv-1378t, isolated from a cold desert of the indian himalayas, was subjected to polyphasic taxonomic characterization. the strain formed branching, non-fragmenting vegetative hyphae and did not produce diffusible pigments. neither aerial mycelium nor spore formation was observed. the g+c content of the dna was 72.0 mol%. the strain had chemotaxonomic characteristics typical of the genus actinoalloteichus and was closely related (99.3 % 16s rrna gene sequence similarit ...200516280527
actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus gen. nov., sp. nov.phylogenetic analysis of 'actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus' based on its 16s rdna sequence confirmed that the organism belongs to the family pseudonocardiaceae. it contains glutamic acid, alanine and meso-diaminopimelic acid as cell wall amino acids, and menaquinone 9 (h4). its taxonomic characteristics differ from those of the previously described organisms of the family pseudonocardiaceae. on the basis of these morphological, physiological, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic analyses, a new genus, ...200010939647
[development of a genetic modification system for caerulomycin producer actinoalloteichus sp. wh1-2216-6].in order to enable the caerulomyicn biosynthetic study by in vivo gene disruptions, it is crucial to develop a genetic modification system for the producer actinoalloteichus sp. wh1-2216-6.201122097768
cyclic bipyridine glycosides from the marine-derived actinomycete actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus wh1-2216-6.cyanogrisides a-d (1-4), four new glycosidic derivatives of bipyridine featuring a novel cyclic glycoside generated by vicinal hydroxyl groups of an aglycone with both the anomeric center and the adjacent carbonyl of a keto sugar, were isolated from the marine-derived actinomycete actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus wh1-2216-6. the structures of 1-4 were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis, x-ray single crystal diffraction, cd spectra, and chemical methods.201122026388
cytotoxic bipyridines from the marine-derived actinomycete actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus wh1-2216-6.five new bipyridine alkaloids (1-5) and a new phenylpyridine alkaloid (6), which we name caerulomycins f-k, along with five known analogues (7-11), were isolated from the marine-derived actinomycete actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus wh1-2216-6. the structures of 1-6 were established on the basis of spectroscopic analyses and chemical methods. compounds 1-10 showed cytotoxicity against the hl-60, k562, kb, and a549 cell lines, with ic(50) values of 0.26 to 15.7 µm. compounds 7 and 8 also showed anti ...201121770434
actinoalloteichus nanshanensis sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of a fig tree (ficus religiosa).a gram-positive, aerobic actinomycete, designated strain neau 119(t), was isolated from the rhizosphere of a fig tree and was characterized using a polyphasic approach. the isolate formed branching, non-fragmenting vegetative hyphae and produced black pigment on yeast extract/malt extract (isp medium 2). the g+c content of the dna was 76.6 mol%. the organism had chemotaxonomic characteristics typical of the genus actinoalloteichus and was closely related to the type strains of actinoalloteichus ...201120562245
comprehensive investigation of marine actinobacteria associated with the sponge halichondria panicea.representatives of actinobacteria were isolated from the marine sponge halichondria panicea collected from the baltic sea (germany). for the first time, a comprehensive investigation was performed with regard to phylogenetic strain identification, secondary metabolite profiling, bioactivity determination, and genetic exploration of biosynthetic genes, especially concerning the relationships of the abundance of biosynthesis gene fragments to the number and diversity of produced secondary metaboli ...201020382810
reclassification of streptomyces caeruleus as a synonym of actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus and reclassification of streptomyces spheroides and streptomyces laceyi as later synonyms of streptomyces niveus.previous studies have proposed that streptomyces caeruleus is an earlier heterotypic synonym for streptomyces niveus and streptomyces spheroides. in this study, phylogenetic analysis of the almost complete 16s rrna gene sequences of the streptomyces caeruleus type strains nbrc 13344(t), jcm 4014(t) and nrrl b-2194(t) revealed that s. caeruleus was closely related to actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus and not to s. niveus, s. spheroides or any other species of the genus streptomyces. moreover, the di ...200819060064
actinoalloteichus hymeniacidonis sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from the marine sponge hymeniacidon perleve.a polyphasic study was undertaken to establish the taxonomic status of a gram-positive, aerobic actinomycete, strain hpa177(t), isolated from a marine sponge, hymeniacidon perleve. the organism formed branching, non-fragmenting vegetative hyphae and produced black pigment. chemotaxonomic characteristics were consistent with its assignment to the genus actinoalloteichus. analysis of the 16s rrna gene sequence showed that strain hpa177(t) formed a robust clade with type strains of the genus actino ...200617012552
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