epidemiology of two orbiviruses in california's native wild ruminants: preliminary report. | between 1978 and 1983 we collected more than 1,500 serum samples from california's native black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus), 4 races of mule deer (o. h. sp.), tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes), roosevelt elk (c. e. roosevelti), pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana), california bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis californiana), peninsular bighorn sheep (o. c. cremnobates) and desert bighorn sheep (o. c. nelsoni) and analyzed them for agar gel precipitating (agp) antibodies to b ... | 1985 | 2989899 |
antler anomalies in tule elk. | antler anomalies were evident in tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) within 1 yr of reintroduction to point reyes, california (usa). these anomalies are consistent with previously described mineral deficiency-induced anomalies in cervids. the elk were judged deficient in copper. low levels of copper in soils and vegetation at the release site, exacerbated by possible protein deficiency due to poor range conditions, are postulated as likely causes of the antler anomalies. | 1988 | 3193560 |
toxicosis in tule elk caused by ingestion of poison hemlock. | | 1986 | 3505971 |
immobilization of free-ranging desert bighorn sheep, tule elk, and wild horses, using carfentanil and xylazine: reversal with naloxone, diprenorphine, and yohimbine. | | 1985 | 4077657 |
cleft palate in a tule elk calf. | | 1985 | 4078990 |
paratuberculosis in tule elk in california. | | 1981 | 7328012 |
the 'individualization' of large north american mammals. | the enforcement of wildlife laws and the captive breeding of threatened/endangered species requires the ability to identify individual animals. dna profiles of a variety of large north american mammals, birds, and fish were generated using ten different oligonucleotide probes. the probes tested were four multilocus probes [33.6, 33.15, je46, and (tgtc)5] and six 'human unilocus' probes [ms1 (d1s7), cmm101 (d14s13), ynh24 (d2s44), efd52 (d17s26), tbq7 (d10s28), and ms43 (d12s11). each of the prob ... | 1993 | 8400711 |
radiometric culture of mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis from the feces of tule elk. | to determine if mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis has persisted in tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) at point reyes national seashore (california, usa), 100 fresh fecal samples were collected. feces were cultured on a modified bactec 12b radiometric medium for detection of m. avium paratuberculosis. four samples, coming from two separate groups of elk tested positive for m. avium paratuberculosis. thus, a noninvasive technique was used to document the continued presence of m. avium paratuber ... | 1997 | 9249713 |
ehrlichia spp. in cervids from california. | blood samples from six mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), 15 black-tailed deer (o. hemionus columbianus), and 29 elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) were assayed for human monocytic and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (hge) by polymerase chain reaction (pcr), dna sequencing, and serology to determine whether or not cervids are involved in the maintenance of these potential human pathogens in california (usa). the deer were sampled in august to october 1992-95. the 29 tule elk from point reyes n ... | 1998 | 9813842 |
improved immunofluorescence assay for detection of giardia and cryptosporidium from asymptomatic adult cervine animals. | we tested an improved immunofluorescence assay (ifa) in detecting giardia and cryptosporidium from feces of asymptomatic adult cervine animals. samples were concentrated by sucrose flotation before being stained by fluorescent monoclonal antibody and examined microscopically. the detection limit was determined as 500 g. intestinalis cysts or 200 c. parvum oocysts/g of sample. among the 82 samples collected from adult fallow deer, columbian black-tailed deer, and tule elk in northern california, ... | 1999 | 10431741 |
use of porcine zona pellucida (pzp) vaccine as a contraceptive agent in free-ranging tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes). | the potential for the application of porcine zona pellucida (pzp) immunocontraception in wildlife population management has been tested over a 15 year period and promises to provide a useful wildlife management tool. these studies have provided evidence indicating that the use of pzp immunocontraception in wildlife: (i) is effective at both the physiological and population level (liu et al., 1989; kirkpatrick et al., 1996; turner et al., this supplement); (ii) is deliverable by remote means (kir ... | 2002 | 12220156 |
hematologic values for tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes). | hematologic values for 99 tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) from california (usa) are presented. these were obtained from individuals from three captures at tomales point (point reyes national seashore, california) from 1997-98. differences between capture groups were assessed. greatest differences were detected between yearling bulls and cows in december 1998 which may be a reflection of age and reproductive status. | 2002 | 12238377 |
testing for mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in asymptomatic free-ranging tule elk from an infected herd. | forty-five adult tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) in good physical condition were translocated from a population located at point reyes national seashore, marin county (california, usa), to a holding pen 6 mo prior to release in an unfenced region of the park. because infection with mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (mptb) had been reported in the source population, the translocated elk underwent extensive ante-mortem testing using three johne's disease assays: enzyme linked immunoso ... | 2003 | 12910759 |
mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis and mycobacterium avium subsp. avium infections in a tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) herd. | between 2 august and 22 september 2000, 37 hunter-killed tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) were evaluated at the grizzly island wildlife area, california, usa, for evidence of paratuberculosis. elk were examined post-mortem, and tissue and fecal samples were submitted for radiometric mycobacterial culture. acid-fast isolates were identified by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) that discriminates among members of the mycobacterium avium complex (mac). histopathologic evaluations were c ... | 2006 | 17255437 |
mineral deficiencies in tule elk, owens valley, california. | male tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) are susceptible to high rates of antler breakage in owens valley, california. we hypothesized that a mineral deficiency in the diet predisposed male elk to antler breakage. we analyzed elk antler, liver, and forage samples to identify mineral imbalances. we compared the mineral content of livers and antlers from elk in owens valley to samples taken from tule elk at grizzly island wildlife area, a population experiencing normal rates (<5%) of antler breakag ... | 2007 | 17347394 |
influence of a large herbivore reintroduction on plant invasions and community composition in a california grassland. | despite many successful reintroductions of large mammalian herbivores throughout the world, remarkably little attention has focused on how these actions affect native and exotic vegetation at reintroduction sites. one such herbivore is tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes), which was on the brink of extinction in the mid 1800s, but now has numerous stable populations due to intensive reintroduction efforts. here, we summarize results from a 5-year exclosure experiment that explored the effects of t ... | 2007 | 17391201 |
evaluation of the western immunoblot as a detection method for brucella abortus exposure in elk. | brucella abortus has been an important wildlife disease issue for most of the last century, especially because wildlife species are considered to be important disease reservoirs for cattle. diagnostic uncertainty, caused in part by cross-reactions of antibodies to environmental pathogens such as yersinia enterocolitica o:9 on standard brucella serology, has exacerbated the challenges of managing the disease and has highlighted the need for test validation in wildlife species. the western immunob ... | 2010 | 20090021 |
native herbivores and environmental heterogeneity as mediators of an exotic grass invasion. | given that many exotic plant species throughout the world are having large ecological and economic effects, it is vital to understand the forces that mediate their success in novel landscapes. both native herbivores and recipient ecosystems can have substantial effects on the performance of exotic plant species, and may interact with each other or vary in their effects over time. unfortunately, few studies have evaluated the importance of these kinds of context-dependent effects. here, we use a ... | 2017 | 28261465 |
development and characterization of 15 polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite markers for tule elk using hiseq3000. | the tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes) experienced a severe bottleneck in the 1800s, resulting in low genetic diversity. there is a need for high-resolution genetic assays that can be used to differentiate individual elk, including close relatives, with high confidence. an efficient assay requires multiple markers both polymorphic and that can be amplified in concert with other markers in multiplex reactions. to develop such markers, we employed 150-bp paired-end whole genome shotgun sequencing ... | 2016 | 27638816 |