
[metastrongylidae parasites of european soricidae. description of paracrenosoma combesi n. sp., from crocidura russula hermann, 1780 (author's transl)].description of paracrenosoma combesi n. sp. (skrjabingylinae), a lung parasite from the common white-toothed shrew crocidura russula hermann, 1780 in spain, and differentiation from the only european species of the same genus, paracrenosoma skrajabini (pologentsev, 1935). description of stefanskostrongylus soricis (soltys, 1954) (angiostrongylinae) from the bronches of the pygmy shrew sorex minutus linnaeus, 1766, in spain and comparison with the data of the same species in oriental europe.1977931322
relation of the insular claustrum to the neocortex in insectivora.the claustra of 9 species of insectivora (sorex araneus, sorex minutus, tenrec ecaudatus, solenodon paradoxus, neomys fodiens, erinaceus europaeus, talpa europaea, desmana moschata, potamogale velox) were investigated. in all examined animals we found two parts of the insular claustrum: the main part called by us the pars principalis and more medially situated lamina profunda claustri. in the "basal" insectivora the main part is in close contact with the layer via of the neocortex. in some more ...19901707077
basal rate of metabolism and temperature regulation in sorex coronatus and s. minutus (soricidae: mammalia).1. the basal rate of metabolism (bmr), body temperature and thermal conductance of sorex minutus and sorex coronatus were studied. special attention was given to measuring bmr in resting and postabsorptive shrews. 2. both species exhibit a high bmr, respectively 339 and 289% of the value expected on the basis of body mass. 3. the thermal conductance of both species is similar to the predicted value and their body temperature averages 38.6 and 37.6 degrees c respectively. 4. available data sugges ...19892565786
[arthropod population of sorex araneus l. and sorex minutus l. in forests and forest-free areas of the niemczańskie hills]. 19846506730
centrorhynchus aluconis (acanthocephala) and other helminth species in tawny owls (strix aluco) in great britain.observations on the distribution of centrorhynchus aluconis (acanthocephala) and 6 other species of helminths in the definitive host strix aluco, in tawny owl, are presented. infected owls were collected from 16 sites ranging from tarbet, strathclyde, scotland, to ewhurst, surrey, in the south of england. in addition, unidentified cyclophyllidean cestodes were found in the alimentary tract of the tawny owls. centrorhynchus aluconis was the most prevalent helminth found and had the highest intens ...19938277390
[isolation of coxiella burnetii in shrew mouse sorex minutus in the focus of q fever in northwestern czechoslovakia]. 195713511442
tula virus in populations of small terrestrial mammals in a rural landscape.over 5 years (2000-2004), populations of small mammals from a rural landscape in southern moravia (czech republic) were investigated for the presence of tula virus (tulv) antigen using the elisa set hantagnost. in total, 1566 individuals from 10 species were examined. the prevalence in the common vole (microtus arvalis pallas 1778), the main reservoir of tulv, was 10% (n = 871). the prevalence of tulv antigen increases with its population numbers. the highest number of tulv antigen-positive comm ...201020420534
seewis virus: phylogeography of a shrew-borne hantavirus in siberia, russia.hantaviral antigens were originally reported more than 20 years ago in tissues of the eurasian common shrew (sorex araneus), captured in european and siberian russia. the recent discovery of seewis virus (swsv) in this soricid species in switzerland provided an opportunity to investigate its genetic diversity and geographic distribution in russia.201020426688
the generalist tick ixodes ricinus and the specialist tick ixodes trianguliceps on shrews and rodents in a northern forest ecosystem--a role of body size even among small hosts.understanding aggregation of ticks on hosts and attachment of life stages to different host species, are central components for understanding tick-borne disease epidemiology. the generalist tick, ixodes ricinus, is a well-known vector of lyme borrelioses, while the specialist tick, ixodes trianguliceps, feeding only on small mammals, may play a role in maintaining infection levels in hosts. in a northern forest in norway, we aimed to quantify the role of different small mammal species in feeding ...201526671686
a synopsis of records of myxozoan parasites (cnidaria: myxozoa) from shrews, with additional data on soricimyxum fegati from common shrew sorex araneus in hungary and pygmy shrew sorex minutus in slovakia.myxozoans (cnidaria: myxozoa) are almost exclusively endoparasites of aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates, with the notable exception being two species of soricimyxum prunescu, prunescu, pucek et lom, 2007 described from terrestrial shrews (soricidae) in central europe. myxospores of the two parasites are morphologically indistinguishable, but have ssu rdna sequences that differ by about 4%. herein, we report additional molecular and histology data from soricimyxum fegati prunescu, prunescu, p ...201627312127
a novel myxozoan parasite of terrestrial mammals: description of soricimyxum minuti sp. n. (myxosporea) in pygmy shrew sorex minutus from part of a biodiversity study in northwestern hungary, we conducted a parasitological survey of small mammals. in both common shrews (sorex araneus linnaeus) and pygmy shrews (sorex minutus linnaeus), we found myxospores of a species of soricimyxum prunescu, prunescu, pucek et lom, 2007 (myxosporea) and plasmodia in the bile ducts within the liver. spores from both species of shrewswere morphologically and morphometrically indistinguishable, but differed in their ssu rrna gene sequences by 3.3 ...201526370293
neoskrjabinolepis merkushevae sp. n. (cyclophyllidea: hymenolepididae), a new cestode from shrews from the palaearctic region.neoskrjabinolepis (neoskrjabinolepidoides) merkushevae sp. n. is described from the shrew sorex minutus l. (type host) from belarus. the new species is characterised by rostellar hooks 35-37 microm long, provided with small epiphyseal thickening of the handle; short (35-40 microm) cirrus consisting of a basal part with claw-shaped spines, a parabasal part with thin needle-shaped spines and an unarmed distal part; cirrus-sac slightly passing into median field; and 12-16 eggs per gravid uterus. in ...200818666417
the lung of shrews: morphometric estimation of diffusion capacity.the lungs of 16 shrews from 8 species (sorex minutus, neomys fodiens, suncus etruscus, crocidura russula, c. juvenetae, c. poensis, c. flavescens, c. giffardi) ranging in body weight from 2.2 to 100 g were studied by morphometry in order to compare the structural diffusion capacity for oxygen. dl02, with the oxygen consumption, vo2, measured on the same animals. vo2 was determined by short term measurements using a respirometer. dlo2 was estimated morphometrically. both parameters demonstrated g ...19807394364
new method for visualization of c-heterochromatin in synaptonemal complex spreads.dapi staining of the metaphase chromosomes pretreated with barium hydroxide generates a c-like banding pattern. in this work a protocol for visualizing similar pattern at the synaptonemal complex (sc) spreads after immunostaining is suggested. this method was used to visualize centromeric and sex heterochromatin at the sc spreads of guppy fish (poecilia reticulata peters, 1859). the efficiency of this method was further confirmed at sc spreads of the northern red-backed vole (myodes rutilus (pal ...201324260695
xenoma-like formations induced by soricimyxum fegati (myxosporea) in three species of shrews (soricomorpha: soricidae), including records of new south bohemia, czech republic, 178 shrews, including 98 common shrews, sorex araneus l., 70 pygmy shrews, sorex minutus l., and 10 lesser white-toothed shrews, crocidura suaveolens (pallas), were examined for soricimyxum fegati prunescu, prunescu, pucek et lom, 2007 infections, using squash preparations of unfixed tissues, histological sections and molecular methods. the infection was found in 51 (52%) s. araneus, 14 (20%) s. minutus and 1 (10%) c. suaveolens. the records of the latter two sp ...201122263306
investigation of the ecology of francisella tularensis during an inter-epizootic period.abstract a 1-year study of the ecological cycle of francisella tularensis was performed in an enzootic area during an inter-epizootic period. the study was based on multiple sampling of all major constituents of the disease cycle. seroprevalence of tularemia in the european brown hare (lepus europaeus) population was 5.1% (10/197) with low antibody titers (1/10 and 1/20), and f. tularensis ssp. holarctica was isolated from four hares. f. tularensis was not detected in the 38 common voles (microt ...201021142970
the celtic fringe of britain: insights from small mammal phylogeography.recent genetic studies have challenged the traditional view that the ancestors of british celtic people spread from central europe during the iron age and have suggested a much earlier origin for them as part of the human recolonization of britain at the end of the last glaciation. here we propose that small mammals provide an analogue to help resolve this controversy. previous studies have shown that common shrews (sorex araneus) with particular chromosomal characteristics and water voles (arvi ...200919793757
cornea, retina, and lens morphology in five soricidae species (soricomorpha: mammalia).we analyzed the cornea, retina, and lens of five species of soricidae (pygmy shrew, sorex minutus; common shrew, sorex araneus; millet's shrew, sorex coronatus; water shrew, neomys fodiens; greater white-toothed shrew, crocidura russula) by light and electron microscopy. in all of these species, the corneal epithelium showed a dead cell layer, which may increase the refractive power of the cornea, thereby reducing the hypermetropy that would be expected in a small eye. moreover, the anterior sur ...200919367448
relationships of basal metabolic rate, relative testis size and cycle length of spermatogenesis in shrews (mammalia, soricidae).the aim of the present study was to determinate the cycle length of spermatogenesis in three species of shrew, suncus murinus, sorex coronatus and sorex minutus, and to assess the relative influence of variation in basal metabolic rate (bmr) and mating system (level of sperm competition) on the observed rate of spermatogenesis, including data of shrew species studied before (sorex araneus, crocidura russula and neomys fodiens). the dynamics of sperm production were determined by tracing 5-bromod ...200818402763
metals distribution and interactions in tissues of shrews (sorex spp.) from copper- and zinc-contaminated areas in assess the risk from heavy metal accumulation to insectivorous species exposed to different pollutants, shrews [sorex araneus (linnaeus 1758) and sorex minutus (linnaeus 1766)] were collected in the olkuski ore region (oor; a zn and cd smelter area), legnicko-głogowski copper mine region (lgcr; a copper ore-mining area), and białowieza forest (bf; a control area). a few sites were chosen in each region and a total of 57 animals were collected from them. the liver and kidneys were dissected fr ...200516091604
apparent scarcity of glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in the brain of the pygmy shrew sorex minutus as revealed by immunocytochemistry.we examined astroglial cells in the brain of the pygmy shrew sorex minutus (insectivora). for that purpose we labeled glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) immunohistochemically in brain sections with a polyclonal antibody. antigen retrieval experiments were performed to counteract formaldehyde fixation masking of gfap epitopes. our results showed remarkable paucity of gfap-immunoreactive cells and fibers in the cerebral cortex and nuclei, as well as in the majority of the diencephalic and mese ...200415351450
fiber capillarization relative to mitochondrial volume in diaphragm of shrew.the objective was to examine fiber capillarization in relation to fiber mitochondrial volume in the highly aerobic diaphragm of the shrew, the smallest mammal. the diaphragms of four common shrews [sorex araneus; body mass, 8.2 +/- 1.3 (se) g] and four lesser shrews (sorex minutus, 2.6 +/- 0.1 g) were perfusion fixed in situ, processed for electron microscopy, and analyzed by morphometry. capillary length per fiber volume was extremely high, at values of 8,008 +/- 1,054 and 12,332 +/- 625 mm(-2) ...200212070224
[incidence of coxiella burnetii and rickettsiae from the rmsf group in the sub-alpine region in austria].investigations were carried out on small mammals to determine further distribution of coxiella burnetii and rickettsia rmsf-group in the alpine and sub-alpine regions. in altitudes of 1,200-2,400 m antibodies against clethrionomys glareolus, apodemus flavicollis, sorex alpinus, sorex minutus and microtus agrestis were demonstrated. these findings emphasize that in the entire alpine and sub-alpine regions of austria the occurrence of c. burnetii and rmsf-group rickettsia is to be expected.19892744470
the occurrence of centrorhynchus (acanthocephala) in shrews (sorex araneus and sorex minutus) in the united kingdom.encysted acanthocephalans belonging to the genus centrorhynchus were found in the body cavities of sorex araneus (common shrew) and sorex minutus (pygmy shrew) from boxworth, cambridgeshire, u.k. fifty percent of the male s. araneus and 67% of the male s. minutus examined were found to be infected, with the mean intensity (+/-sd) being 54.3 +/- 91.3 and 14.7 +/- 18.4, respectively. the species of centrorhynchus in the shrews may be centrorhynchus aluconis, which is distributed widely in tawny ow ...19912040960
maximum heart rate of soricine shrews: correlation with contractile properties and myosin composition.maximum heart rates (hr) of three soricine shrews and six other small mammals were measured in response to a single supramaximal dose of isoproterenol (iso) under urethan anesthesia. the highest hr, 1,043 +/- 66 (sd) beats/min (n = 3), was in least shrew (sorex minutus, mean body mass 3.02 +/- 0.81 g). maximum hrs of common shrew (sorex araneus, 7.16 +/- 1.54 g) and water shrew (neomys fodiens, 12.80 +/- 1.54 g) were 938 +/- 29 (n = 7) and 887 +/- 21 (n = 6), respectively. in general, maximum hr ...19921534206
small terrestrial mammals of albania: distribution and diversity (mammalia, eulipotyphla, rodentia).in this paper new records are reported for 23 species of small terrestrial mammals (stm) of albania collected during the field work campaigns organised in the framework of the project "strengthening capacity in national nature protection - preparation for natura 2000 network" (natural) in albania during the summer and autumn of 2016 and 2017 data on small mammals were primarily collected through sherman live-trapping campaigns in six high priority protected areas of albania: korab-koritnik, bred ...201829670434
anatomical and histological studies of an intersexual lesser shrew (sorex minutus l.), with special reference to the effects of the male hormones on the uterus and vagina. 193617104595
invading and expanding: range dynamics and ecological consequences of the greater white-toothed shrew (crocidura russula) invasion in ireland.establishing how invasive species impact upon pre-existing species is a fundamental question in ecology and conservation biology. the greater white-toothed shrew (crocidura russula) is an invasive species in ireland that was first recorded in 2007 and which, according to initial data, may be limiting the abundance/distribution of the pygmy shrew (sorex minutus), previously ireland's only shrew species. because of these concerns, we undertook an intensive live-trapping survey (and used other data ...201424955824
mechanisms of competition among insectivorous mammals.this study investigates the mechanisms of competition between congeneric pairs of insectivorous mammals in two communities in australia and england. direct field observations showed that physical interactions between species do not occur, whereas conspecific encounters are frequent. in field enclosures the smaller, subordinate species in each community (antechinus stuartii: marsupialia: sorex minutus: eutheria) remained alert in the presence of the dominant species (a. swainsonii, s. araneus), a ...199128312492
hantaviruses in finnish soricomorphs: evidence for two distinct hantaviruses carried by sorex araneus suggesting ancient host-switch.hantaviruses are emerging viruses carried by rodents, soricomorphs (shrews and moles) and bats. in finland, puumala virus (puuv) was for years the only hantavirus detected. in 2009, however, seewis virus (swsv) was reported from archival common shrew (sorex araneus) samples collected in 1982 in finland. to elucidate the diversity of hantaviruses in soricomorphs in finland, 180 individuals were screened, representing seven species captured from 2001 to 2012: hantavirus rna was screened using rt-p ...201424997334
new records for anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in small mammal species.tick-borne diseases pose a major threat in public health. the epidemiological dynamics of these diseases depends on the tick vector species and their hosts, as well as the geographical distribution and ecology of both. among many possible hosts for ticks, small mammals have a major role in the development of immature stages of several tick species. small mammals are also important reservoir hosts for several pathogenic agents and possible reservoirs for anaplasma phagocytophilum. in this context ...201829558990
[the chromosome formula of sorex minutus l. (mammalia-insectivora)]. 19655841257
[observations on the species stefanskostrongylus soricis (soltys, 1954)].a short redescription of stefanskostrongylus soricis (soltys, 1954) parasite of sorex minutus from bialowieza forest (poland) and parco nazionale gran paradiso (west italian alps) is given.20061032331
nature of pigment in teeth of pygmy shrew, sorex minutus. 20171058862
how did pygmy shrews colonize ireland? clues from a phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences.there is a long-standing debate as to how ireland attained its present fauna; we help to inform this debate with a molecular study of one species. a 1110 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was sequenced in 74 specimens of the pygmy shrew, sorex minutus, collected from throughout its western palaearctic range. phylogenetic analysis of these sequences revealed several well-supported lineages. most of the 65 haplotypes belonged to a northern lineage, which ranged from britain ...200312908980
detection of rickettsia spp. in fleas collected from small mammals in slovakia, central europe.this survey is aimed at investigation of species composition of fleas removed from small terrestrial mammals captured in rural, suburban, and urban types of habitat and molecular screening of the presence and diversity of rickettsia species in collected ectoparasites. in total, 279 fleas (siphonaptera) belonging to 9 species of 2 families, ceratophyllidae and hystrichopsyllidae, were collected from 115 (46%) out of 250 trapped small mammals of eight species (apodemus agrarius, apodemus flavicoll ...202032366189
molecular evidence and diversity of the spotted-fever group rickettsia spp. in small mammals from natural, suburban and urban areas of eastern slovakia.rickettsiae of the spotted fever group are considered as emerging pathogens; ticks, fleas and mites are known to be their vectors. however, the prevalence and species diversity of rickettsiae in small mammals and the role of these hosts in the circulation of bacteria are much less studied. during 2014-2016, a total of 250 small mammals (apodemus agrarius, apodemus flavicollis, apodemus uralensis, myodes glareolus, crocidura leucodon, crocidura suaveolens, micromys minutus, microtus arvalis, micr ...201830207272
detection of shrew-borne hantavirus in eurasian pygmy shrew (sorex minutus) in central europe.recently, it was found that not only rodents but also shrews are reservoir hosts of hantaviruses. in central europe, only seewis virus, associated with the eurasian common shrew (sorex araneus), has been recognized until now. in the present report, tissue samples from shrews belonging to crocidurinae and soricinae subfamilies, trapped in czech republic, germany, and slovakia, were screened for the presence of novel hantaviruses. three new hantavirus partial l-segment sequences were obtained from ...201323602837
co-circulation of soricid- and talpid-borne hantaviruses in poland.previously, we reported the discovery of a genetically distinct hantavirus, designated boginia virus (bogv), in the eurasian water shrew (neomys fodiens), as well as the detection of seewis virus (swsv) in the eurasian common shrew (sorex araneus), in central poland. in this expanded study of 133 shrews and 69 moles captured during 2010-2013 in central and southeastern poland, we demonstrate the co-circulation of bogv in the eurasian water shrew and swsv in the eurasian common shrew, eurasian py ...201425445646
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