
the failure of trichothecene mycotoxins and whole cultures of fusarium tricinctum to cause experimental haemorrhagic syndromes in calves and pigs.piglets and calves were dosed orally with pure diacetoxyscirpenol (das) and t-2 toxin, crude extracts of fusarium tricinctum containing t-2 toxin, and whole cultures of f tricinctum containing t-2 toxin at a constant daily rate of 0.1 mg toxin per kg body-weight (piglets) or 0.2 mg toxin per kg body-weight (calves). the treatment continued for periods of seven to 78 days but it failed to induce clinical haemorrhagic syndromes. increasing the dose of f tricinctum culture five-fold for eight days ...1979516301
a new trichothecene mycotoxin isolated from fusarium tricinctum. 1978621328
fosfonochlorin, a new antibiotic with spheroplast forming activity.a new antibiotic, fosfonochlorin, was found in the culture filtrate of four strains of fungi freshly isolated from soil samples. these strains were identified as fusarium avenaceum, fusarium oxysporum, fusarium tricinctum and talaromyces flavus. fosfonochlorin was a low molecular weight antibiotic (mw 158), soluble in water and methanol, but insoluble in acetone, ethyl acetate and chloroform. it was named after its possession of phosphorus and chlorine atoms, each one molar in its structure. the ...19892925511
fusariotoxicoses of farm animals and mycotoxic leucoencephalomalacia of the equine associated with the finding of trichothecenes in feedstuffs.mycotoxicoses involving horses, rabbits and cattle have been studied. fusarium tricinctum and t-2 toxin were isolated from all incriminated feedstuffs. other isolated trichothecenes from the feed included ht-2, verrucarins and roridin. the toxins were separated, identified and quantitated using thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. t-2 toxin was detected in amounts varying from 0.5-204 ppm. the contaminated feedstuffs in connection with the affected horses a ...19863727349
severe oral lesions in chickens caused by ingestion of dietary fusariotoxin t-2.fusariotoxin t-2 is a mycotoxin produced by fusarium tricinctum which was implicated in moldy corn toxicosis of farm animals. graded concentrations of dietary fusariotoxin t-2 (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 mug/g, respectively) were given to groups of 40 chickens. raised yellowish-white lesions on the mouth parts were produced by all concentrations, and the size of the lesions was dose-related. the growth rate was reduced significantly (p < 0.05) by concentrations of 4, 8, and 16 mug/g. the mouth fluid ...19724561104
identification of t-2 toxin in moldy corn associated with a lethal toxicosis in dairy cattle.over a 5-month period during the winter of 1970-71, 20% of the lactating holstein cows in a wisconsin dairy herd died after prolonged ingestion of a diet containing 60% moldy corn infested with fusarium tricinctum (2 x 10(5) propagules per g of moldy corn). ethyl acetate extracts of the ground dried corn induced severe dermal reactions when applied to the skin of shaved 60-g albino rats and killed four of five 100-g rats that were force fed 1 ml in 2 ml of pure corn oil. t-2 toxin (3-hydroxy-4, ...19724640734
toxic effects of a butenolide mycotoxin and of fusarium tricinctum cultures in cattle. 19725027735
effects on turkey poults of rations containing corn invaded by fusarium tricinctum (cda.) sny. & hans.consumption of an otherwise balanced ration containing 1% of corn invaded by fusarium tricinctum isolate 2061-c resulted in the death of 13% of turkey poults within 35 days, in decreased feed efficiency and weight gain, and moderate development of bilateral necrotic lesions at angles of the mouth, especially in those that succumbed. consumption of a ration with 2% of corn invaded by f. tricinctum resulted in death of 60 to 83% of the birds, in greatly reduced growth and feed efficiency in the su ...19725059619
purification and properties of an l-asparaginase from fusarium tricinctum. 19715107776
toxicologic studies of fusarium tricinctum (corda) snyder et hansen from moldy corn. 19715315879
mycotoxins produced by fusarium tricinctum as possible causes of cattle disease. 19705433998
response of cattle to mycotoxins of fusarium tricinctum isolated from corn and fescue. 19705472343
isolation and partial characterization of a toxin from fusarium tricinctum on moldy corn. 19665954701
[clinical, morphological and biochemical changes in pigs caused by the toxic metabolites of fusarium tricinctum].experiments were carried out with pigs in the course of 30 days with the use of dietary mixtures containing 10 and 20 per cent cultures of fusarium tricinctum in rice. the treated animals showed higher sensitivity to trichotecenes. these moulds metabolites raised the activity of the serum glutamate oxaloacetate and glutamate-pyruvate transaminases, aldolase, lactate dehydrogenases, alkaline phosphatase, lipid level, and leukocyte count but lowered the amount of total protein and that of hemoglob ...19817324375
visoltricin, a novel biologically active compound produced by fusarium tricinctum.the major compound responsible for toxicity to artemia salina of some fusarium tricinctum strains has been isolated, and its structure has been elucidated by spectroscopical methods, i.e. uv, ir, ms, 1h-nmr and 13c-nmr. the novel compound, trivially named visoltricin, is the first imidazole derivative produced by fusarium spp., and its structure has been established as the methyl ester of 3-[1-methyl-4-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-imidazol-5yl]-2-propenoic acid (molecular formula c13h18n2o2; mw = 234.29 ...19957664951
restriction enzyme fragment patterns of mtdna from a galactose oxidase-producing mold.1. mitochondrial dnas from dactylium dendroides, hypomyces rosellus, fusarium graminearum, gibberella fujikuroi, fusarium tricinctum strains and a galactose oxidase (gao)-producing mold (original strain) presented distinctive restriction enzyme fragment patterns with the endonucleases hind iii and ecori. 2. a small number of comigrating bands was found when the gao-producing mold was compared with the others. the molecular size of mtdna from the gao-producing mold, as judged by summation of frag ...19937906173
isoelectric focusing isozyme profiles and taxonomic distances among fusarium species of the sections arthrosporiella and sporotrichiella.isozymes from 18 isolates representing seven species of the fusarium sections arthrosporiella and sporotrichiella were compared by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels. of the six enzyme systems tested esterase and malate dehydrogenase showed the largest variation. a numerical analysis of the pi values determined for acid phosphatase, esterase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucose isomerase and phosphoglucomutase resulted in a dendrogam demonstrating the ...19938304009
effects of the infection of toxigenic fungi and an antagonistic streptomyces strain on wheat spikes.the objective of the present study was to determine the effect on infection of wheat spikes by toxigenic fungi (aspergillus parasiticus nrrl 2999, fusarium tricinctum nrrl 3299, fusarium graminearum ceremic 136/92) and a strain of streptomyces sp. that is antagonistic to the above-mentioned fungi. wheat grains (variety granero inta) were sown in 8 pots containing natural soil and kept in a greenhouse chamber. in the period of the early anthesis the wheat spikes were inoculated with conidial susp ...19969011829
antimicrobial activity of essential oils and ethanol extract of phlomis fruticosa l. (lamiaceae).the essential oils and an ethanol extract of phlomis fruticosa l. were evaluated for antibacterial and antifungal activities. seven bacterial and seven fungal species were used. among them were human, animal and plant pathogens, food poisoning bacteria and fungi which are known as potential mycotoxin producers. the essential oils showed antibacterial activity against staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, bacillus subtilis, klebsiella pneumoniae and micrococcus luteus. the essential oils extra ...200010861970
immunological detection of fusarium species in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed to detect fusarium species in foods. antibodies to proteins extracted from the mycelia of fusarium graminearum and fusarium moniliforme (verticillioides) were produced in new zealand white rabbits. these antibodies detected 13 fusarium species in addition to the producer strains. levels of fusarium semitectum and fusarium tricinctum strains were below the detection threshold. the specificity of the assay was tested against 70 mo ...200312636300
mycoflora of two types of portuguese dry-smoked sausages and inhibitory effect of sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and methyl p-hydroxybenzoate on mold growth rate.the mycoflora of chouriqo types alentejano and ribatejano, two varieties of portuguese dry-smoked sausages, have been investigated after a producer-defined shelf life period (120 days at 20 +/- 5 degrees c) in modified atmosphere packaging (55% n2 and 45% co2). on the basis of morphological and physiological characteristics, the isolates were identified as penicillium, aspergillus, fusarium, rhizopus, monilia, absidia, and cephalosporium. the species identified were as follows: penicillium terre ...200717612078
antifungal effects of the bioactive compounds enniatins a, a(1), b, b(1).to produce enniatin (ens), fusarium tricinctum cect 20150 was grown in a liquid medium of potato (pdb), being mycotoxin purified by high performance liquid chromatography (hplc) with a reverse phase semipreparative column using a mobile phase of acetonitrile/water using gradient condition. the purity of the ens fractions was verified by analytical hplc and lc/ms-ms. the pure fractions of ens were utilized to study the biological activity on several mycotoxigenic moulds as fusarium verticilloides ...201020417654
anticholinesterase activity of the fusarium metabolite visoltricin and its n-methyl derivative.visoltricin is a bioactive 4,5-disubstituted n-methylimidazole produced by fusarium tricinctum, which shows toxic activity towards artemia salina larvae and miotic activity on rabbit eye. the anticholinesterase properties and kinetic parameters of visoltricin and n-methyl visoltricin were assessed. visoltricin anticholinesterase activity was demonstrated on human serum [median inhibitory concentration (ic(50)) = 2.6 x 10(-4)m], bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase ec (ic(50) = 4 x 10( ...199420692939
antibacterial activity of the enniatin b, produced by fusarium tricinctum in liquid culture, and cytotoxic effects on caco-2 cells.the enniatins (ens) are bioactive compounds of hexadepsipeptidic structure produced by several strains of fusarium sp. the en b was purified from extracts of fusarium tricinctum growth on liquid culture of potato dextrose broth (pdb), using a semipreparative liquid chromatography (lc) followed by an analytical lc. the purity and the structure of the isolated compound were confirmed by the determination of the extinction coefficient and with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (esi-ms) stud ...201121417626
production of fusarielins by fusarium.fusarielins constitute a relative unexplored group of secondary metabolites, which have been isolated mainly from unidentified aspergillus and fusarium strains. in the present study we show that the ability to produce fusarielins is restricted to a few fusarium species. among the 15 analyzed species fusarielins were identified only in extracts from fusarium graminearum and fusarium tricinctum. the influence of different carbon sources on fusarielin biosynthesis was examined and the results showe ...201223290226
isolation and purification of enniatins a, a(1), b, b(1), produced by fusarium tricinctum in solid culture, and cytotoxicity effects on caco-2 cells.enniatins (ens) are antibiotic compounds of hexadepsipeptidic structure produced by several strains of fusarium spp. the ens a, a(1), b, b(1) were purified from extracts of fusarium tricinctum grown on a solid medium of corn, by a low pressure liquid chromatography (lplc) on reverse phase of amberlite xad-7 followed by semipreparative lc. the purity and the structure of the isolated compounds were confirmed by lc-ms/ms. the technique of the purification of the fungal extract enabled complete sep ...201020417655
enniatins a1, b and b1 from an endophytic strain of fusarium tricinctum induce apoptotic cell death in h4iie hepatoma cells accompanied by inhibition of erk phosphorylation.enniatins are mycotoxins which have important impact on human health, e.g. as contaminants of cereals, but also are discussed as possible anticancer agents. we investigated toxic effects of enniatins a1, b and b1 isolated from fusarium tricinctum on different cancer cell lines. the enniatins showed moderate activity in hepg2 and c6 cells (ec(50)-values approximately 10-25 microm), but were highly toxic in h4iie cells (ec(50)-values approximately 1-2.5 microm). in h4iie cells, all enniatins incre ...200919065580
toxic effects of fusarium mycotoxin butenolide on rat myocardium and primary culture of cardiac myocytes.mycotoxin toxicosis has been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of keshan disease (kd), an endemic cardiomyopathy prevailing in some regions of china. butenolide (4-acetamido-4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid gamma-lactone, cas no. 16275-44-8), a mycotoxin produced by several fusarium species such as fusarium tricinctum and fusarium graminearum, is frequently detected from the cereals in the endemic areas of kd. the present study is undertaken to investigate whether this mycotoxin can induce myocardial ...200717603091
t-2 toxin decreases logarithmic growth rates of tobacco callus tissues.t-2 toxin, a mycotoxin produced by fusarium tricinctum, decreases logarithmic growth rates of tobacco (nicotiana tabacum l.) pith callus tissues. toxin concentrations as low as 0.003 mum will decrease growth rates; a concentration of 0.081 mum will halt growth completely. additional exogenous cytokinin will reduce the inhibition by toxin only when the initial cytokinin and toxin concentrations are quite low (about 0.01 mum). when inhibited tissues are transferred to media lacking toxin, they ass ...197316658625
an oligonucleotide microarray for the identification and differentiation of trichothecene producing and non-producing fusarium species occurring on cereal grain.cereal grain may be infected with a number of fusarium species some of which are producers of highly toxic compounds such as the trichothecenes. correct identification of these species is essential for risk assessment of cereal grain for human or animal consumption. most of the available methods for identification are either time consuming or aimed at only one or a few target species. microarray technology offers parallel analysis of a high number of dna targets. in this study 57 capture oligonu ...200515823394
occurrence of mycotoxin in farro samples from southern italy.the occurrence of nine mycotoxins and of contamination by pre- and postharvest fungal pathogens of cereals was investigated in samples of stored triticum monococcum l., triticum dicoccon schrank (emmer), and triticum spelta l. (spelt). in italy, all three species are collectively referred to as farro. the samples examined were harvested in summer 2000 from eight different sites in southern italy. conventional fluorimetric and diode array-based high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) analys ...200515726990
guaianolides from centaurea nicolai: antifungal activity.a new guaianolide, 3-deacetyl-9-o-acetylsalograviolide a, along with four known closely related lactones, salograviolide a, 9-o-acetylsalograviolide a, kandavanolide and salograviolide b were detected in the aerial parts of the flowering plant centaurea nicolai. antifungal tests performed on salograviolide a and its 9-o-acetyl and 3-o-deacetyl-9-o-acetyl derivatives revealed inhibitory activity against aspergillus niger, a. ochraceus, penicillium ochrochloron, cladosporium cladosporoides, fusari ...199910501024
isolation and characterization of new chlamydosporol related metabolites of fusarium chlamydosporum and fusarium tricinctum.fusarium chlamydosporum strain t-826 isolated from corn in the usa produced chlamydosporol and two analogs which have been identified by various spectroscopic techniques as: 7,8-dihydro-5-hydroxy-4-methoxy-trans-7,8-dimethyl-2h,5h-pyrano(4, 3-b)pyran-2-one (or isochlamydosporol) and 4-methoxy-5-hydroxymethyl-6-(3-butan-2-ol)-2h-pyran-2-one (or chlamydospordiol). chlamydosporol (compound a + b) chlamydospordiol (compound c) and isochlamydosporol (compound d) were produced together (up to 6000 mic ...19947984219
heterokaryosis in fusarium tricinctum and f. sporotrichioides.heterokaryons were formed in intra- and interspecific crosses between fusarium sporotrichioides and f. tricinctum auxotrophs. segregant homokaryons were evaluated for trichothecene toxin production in culture. results were consistent with nuclear control of toxin synthesis. the sexual compatibility of auxotrophs and 30 additional f. tricinctum sensu snyder & hansen strains was tested. perithecial production was restricted to crosses between florida isolates pathogenic to english ivy (hedera heli ...19836581272
effects of fusarium cultures, t-2 toxin, and zearalenone on reproduction of turkey females.nicholas large white turkey hens in egg production (10 per treatment) were individually fed cultures of fusarium roseum 'gibbosum' to provide 100 ppm zearalenone, fusarium tricinctum at a level of .1% of the diet, fusarium roseum alaska at a level of 2% of the diet, 100 ppm purified zearalenone, and 5 ppm purified t-2 toxin for 8 weeks. the following 4 weeks the birds were fed a control diet. hens were inseminated every 2 weeks with .05 ml of pooled semen from males fed a control diet. after 30 ...19836220267
toxic effects on trout, rats, and mice of t-2 toxin produced by the fungus fusarium tricinctum (cd.) snyd. et hans. 19695804758
biological assays for two mycotoxins produced by fusarium tricinctum.a survey was made to detect microorganisms useful for assaying butenolide [4-acetamido-4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid gamma-lactone] and t-2 toxin [4beta, 15-diacetoxy-8alpha-(3-methylbutyryloxy)-12,13-epoxytricothec -9-en-3alpha-ol]. these mycotoxins produced by strains of fusarium tricinctum have been implicated in mycotoxicosis of livestock. although butenolide proved to be a very weak antibiotic, assay discs containing 100 mug of this toxin inhibited sprillum serpens nrrl b-2052, vibrio tyrogenus ...19705485724
toxicity of some fusarium section sporotrichiella strains in relation to mycotoxin production.the relationship between the toxicities of crude extracts and purified toxins of fusarium spp. belonging to the section sporotrichiella has been assessed. toxicity was determined on the basis of death of artemia salina larvae and of viability and blastogenic response of bovine and human lymphocytes. trichothecene-producing strains of fusarium sporotrichioides and fusarium poae were toxic to a. salina and to lymphocyte blastogenesis. a strain of fusarium tricinctum, producing visoltricin and chla ...19921610205
effects in mice of simultaneous prenatal exposure to ochratoxin a and t-2 toxin.aspergillus ochraceus and fusarium tricinctum are food contaminating molds whose toxic metabolites, ochratoxin a and t-2 toxin, are known mammalian teratogens. in order to determine the possible effects of simultaneous exposure to such environmental agents, ochratoxin a (2 or 4 mg/kg) and t-2 toxin (0.5 mg/kg) were injected ip, either together or individually, in cd-1 mice on gestation days 8 or 10. ochratoxin induced craniofacial malformations when given alone on day 8, but not on day 10. t-2 t ...1978625706
effects on laying hens of feeding corn invaded by two species of fusarium and pure t-2 mycotoxin.balanced rations containing 2.5 and 5.0% of corn invaded by fusarium tricinctum, (with 8 and 16 p.p.m. of t-2 toxin) were fed to white leghorm laying hens. the ration containing 5% of the fungus-invaded corn resulted in reduced feed intake and reduction in weight gain and in egg production. rations containing 2.5 and 5.0% of corn invaded by f. roseum 'gibbosum' (with 25 and 50 p.p.m., respectively, of monoacetoxyscirpenol) resulted in an abrupt decrease in feed intake to 10-20% of normal, subseq ...1977605028
[the occurrence of a toxigenic strain of fusarium tricinctum in connection with disease in a dairy cow].the fungus fusarium tricinctum, producing t-2 toxin, was isolated from mouldy maize silage. t-2 toxin was identified by tlc and by a bioassay. consumption of mouldy silage resulted in a disease in a dairy cow, which had to be killed. the patho-anatomical findings obtained in the slaughtered cow generally suggested trichothecene poisoning. it was derived from these findings that the disease was due to the presence of trichothecenes in the feed.1979115129
inducing secondary metabolite production by the endophytic fungus fusarium tricinctum through coculture with bacillus subtilis.coculturing the fungal endophyte fusarium tricinctum with the bacterium bacillus subtilis 168 trpc2 on solid rice medium resulted in an up to 78-fold increase in the accumulation in constitutively present secondary metabolites that included lateropyrone (5), cyclic depsipeptides of the enniatin type (6-8), and the lipopeptide fusaristatin a (9). in addition, four compounds (1-4) including (-)-citreoisocoumarin (2) as well as three new natural products (1, 3, and 4) were not present in discrete f ...201324175613
in vitro antimicrobial activities and mechanism of 1-octen-3-ol against food-related bacteria and pathogenic fungi.1-octen-3-ol, known as mushroom alcohol, is a natural product extracted from fungi and plants. its antimicrobial activities against five common food-related bacteria and two pathogenic fungi were evaluated in this paper, including staphylococcus aureus, bacillus subtilis, staphylococcus epidermidis, escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, fusarium tricinctum and fusarium oxysporum. the results showed that 1-octen-3-ol had a strong antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria, especially ...201728794307
plant growth-promoting potential of endophytic fungi isolated from solanum nigrum leaves.fungal endophytes have been characterized as producers of phytohormones and potent promoters of plant growth. in this study, two fungal endophytes, fusarium tricinctum rsf-4l and alternaria alternata rsf-6l, were isolated from the leaves of solanum nigrum. culture filtrates (cfs) from each isolate were initially screened for indole compounds, and assayed for their ability to promote the growth of dongjin rice plants. nearly all plant growth attributes examined (i.e., chlorophyll content, root-sh ...201526081602
t-2 toxin production by fusarium tricinctum on solid substrate.a method has been developed to produce and purify gram quantities of t-2 toxin [4beta, 15-diacetoxy-8alpha-(3-methylbutyryloxy)-12, 13-epoxytrichothec-9-en-3alpha-ol], a mycotoxin elaborated by a strain of fusarium tricinctum isolated from toxic corn. after growing for 3 weeks at 15 c on 1,200 g of white corn grits, f. tricinctum nrrl 3299 elaborated at least 9.0 g of t-2 toxin, and 2.3 g of crystalline product was recovered. a lesser amount of toxin was produced on rice, but none was detected i ...20165103481
production of enniatins a, a1, b, b1, b4, j1 by fusarium tricinctum in solid corn culture: structural analysis and effects on mitochondrial respiration.enniatins (ens) are secondary fungal metabolites with hexadepsipeptidic chemical structure and they possess a number of potent biological activities that can contaminate several kind of food and foodstuffs increasing the exposure risk for consumers. ens are produced by several fusariun strains including fusarium subglutinans, fusarium proliferatum and fusarium tricinctum. production of a mixture of ens was performed by culturing f. tricinctum item 9496 on white corn as substrate. the solid cultu ...201223692767
chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the volatile oil from fusarium tricinctum, the endophytic fungus in paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis.the volatile oil, obtained by hydro-distillation from fusarium tricinctum, the endophytic fungus isolated from paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis, was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc-ms). trans-1,2,3,3a,4,7a-hexahydro-7a-methyl-5h-inden-5-one (73.1%), 2-methylene-4,8,8-trimethyl-4-vinyl bicyclo [5.2.0] nonane (12.0%), and 2,6-dimethyl-6-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl) bicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-ene (4.5%) were the major compounds of the 15 identified components accounting for 95.4% of the ...201122224305
fungistatic activity of bicyclo[4.3.0]-γ-lactones.five optically active and sixteen racemic lactones (nine of them new) of bicyclo[4.3.0]nonane structure were synthesized. ic(50) values for the following phytopathogens were determined: aspergillus ochraceus am 456, fusarium culmorum am 282, fusarium oxysporum am 13, fusarium tricinctum am 16. effect of compound structures, especially stereogenic centers, on fungistatic activity has been discussed. the highest fungistatic activity was observed for trans-7,8-dibromo-cis-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2 ...201121520970
modelling inactivation by aqueous chlorine dioxide of dothiorella gregaria sacc. and fusarium tricinctum (corda) sacc. spores inoculated on fresh chestnut kernel.aims:  to model survival curves of dothiorella gregaria sacc. and fusarium tricinctum (corda) sacc. spores inoculated on fresh chestnut kernel exposed to aqueous chlorine dioxide (clo(2) ). methods and results:  spores of two dominant spoilage fungi, d. gregaria and f. tricinctum, were inoculated onto chestnut kernel and treated with clo(2) . the inactivation efficacy of clo(2) treatment increased with clo(2) concentration and treatment time. the weibull model was the best model to describe the ...201121501197
toxigenicity of enniatins from western australian fusarium species to brine shrimp (artemia franciscana).the high prevalence (14 of 24 isolates) of enniatin-producing isolates from western australian fusarium species isolated from pasture legumes associated with sheep feed refusal and rat deaths, and the high toxicity of their crude extracts to brine shrimp (artemia franciscana) from a previous study warranted further investigation of this class of mycotoxin. crude extracts from fusarium acuminatum, fusarium avenaceum, fusarium tricinctum and fusarium sambucinum, along with enniatins a, a1, b and b ...201121352844
induced production of bromomethylchlamydosporols a and b from the marine-derived fungus fusarium tricinctum.the addition of cabr(2) to the fermentation of a marine-derived fusarium tricinctum resulted in production of halogenated chlamydosporol analogues. two new antimicrobial halogenated pyranopyranones, bromomethylchlamydosporols a (1) and b (2), and two known compounds, chlamydosporol (an inseparable epimeric mixture of 7r:7s = 1:1 from (1)h nmr data) (3) and fusarielin a (4), were isolated from the culture. the structures of 1 and 2 were assigned through a combination of spectroscopic data analyse ...201021090694
prospecting fungal parasites of the potato cyst nematode globodera pallida using a rapid screening filamentous fungal species were isolated from individual eggs of globodera pallida cysts collected from infested fields in shelley idaho, usa and identified as chaetomium globosum, fusarium oxysporum, fusarium solani, fusarium tricinctum, microdochium bolleyi, purpureocillium lilacinum, and plectosphaerella cucumerina. their ability to reduce infection by g. pallida in planta were assessed in simple, reproducible micro-rhizosphere chambers (micro-rocs). all fungi reduced g. pallida infecti ...201728375550
wildly growing asparagus (asparagus officinalis l.) hosts pathogenic fusarium species and accumulates their mycotoxins.asparagus officinalis l. is an important crop in many european countries, likely infected by a number of fusarium species. most of them produce mycotoxins in plant tissues, thus affecting the physiology of the host plant. however, there is lack of information on fusarium communities in wild asparagus, where they would definitely have considerable environmental significance. therefore, the main scientific aim of this study was to identify the fusarium species and quantify their typical mycotoxins ...201626687343
new process for t-2 toxin production.strains of fusarium produced high levels of t-2 toxin when cultured on certain media absorbed into vermiculite. modified gregory medium was nutritionally complex (2% soya meal, 0.5% corn steep liquor, 10% glucose) and, when inoculated with the appropriate fungal strain, yielded maximum t-2 toxin within 24 days of incubation at 19 degrees c. on vogel synthetic medium n (h. j. vogel, microb. genet, bull. 13:42-43, 1956) supplemented with 5% glucose, optimal toxin levels were synthesized after incu ...19827125654
the compositional mosaic of fusarium species and their mycotoxins in unprocessed cereals, food and feed products in food safety depends on continuous monitoring of food contaminants such as mycotoxins in cereals and cereal-derived products. here, we combine this type of investigation with quantitative occurrence data on fusarium infestation of these products in extensive correlation studies. finally, this contributes to a thorough understanding of the presence, origin and physiology of fusarium head blight (fhb) related mycotoxins and the correlations within their ranks. two hundred and thirty-seven sa ...201424806576
deoxynivalenol and other selected fusarium toxins in swedish wheat--occurrence and correlation to specific fusarium species.wheat is often infected by fusarium species producing mycotoxins, which may pose health risks to humans and animals. deoxynivalenol (don) is the most important fusarium toxin in swedish wheat and has previously been shown to be produced mainly by fusarium graminearum. however, less is known about the co-occurrence of don and f. graminearum with other toxins and fusarium species in sweden. this study examined the distribution of the most important toxigenic fusarium species and their toxins in wi ...201323962919
deoxynivalenol and other selected fusarium toxins in swedish oats--occurrence and correlation to specific fusarium species.fusarium moulds frequently contaminate oats and other cereals world-wide, including those grown in northern europe. to investigate the presence of toxigenic fusarium species and their toxins in oats, samples were taken during 2010 and 2011 in three geographical regions of sweden (east, west, south). the samples were analysed by real-time pcr for the specific infection level of seven fusarium species associated with oats and other cereals (fusarium poae, fusarium graminearum, fusarium langsethiae ...201323962918
atp citrate lyase 1 (acl1) gene-based loop-mediated amplification assay for the detection of the fusarium tricinctum species complex in pure cultures and in cereal samples.the combined data set of the acl1 and tef-1α gene sequences of 61 fungal strains assigned to fusarium tricinctum, fusarium avenaceum, fusarium acuminatum, fusarium arthrosporioides, fusarium flocciferum and fusarium torulosum were used to study the phylogenetic relations between taxa. f. tricinctum, f. acuminatum and f. avenaceum formed distinct clades. members of the f. tricinctum/f. acuminatum clade fall into three well supported lineages, of which the largest includes the epitype of f. tricin ...201222867849
interactions of fusarium species during prepenetration development.interspecies interactions between fusarium avenaceum, fusarium culmorum, fusarium graminearum, fusarium poae, and fusarium tricinctum were studied during early growth stages of isolates on model surfaces. additionally, germination and germ tube growth of the pathogens were studied on attached and detached wheat leaves at 10 °c and 22 °c. two-species interactions between fusarium isolates during germination and germ tube growth were assessed after 8 hours of incubation. all species except f. tric ...201222749170
development of taqman assays for the quantitative detection of fusarium avenaceum/fusarium tricinctum and fusarium poae esyn1 genotypes from cereal grain.fungi of the genus fusarium are important plant pathogens and contaminants of cereal grains producing different types of mycotoxins. enniatins are a group of mycotoxins with ionophoric properties frequently detected in north european grains. within the fusarium complex responsible for grain infection, fusarium avenaceum, fusarium poae and fusarium tricinctum are the most potential enniatins producers. this study presents the development of two quantitative taqman mgb (minor groove binder) assays ...201121059180
identification of different fusarium spp. in allium spp. in 2013 allium cepa bulbs from different fields in northern and southern germany, seeds and sets from onion breeders were analysed for infestation with fusarium species. the same investigation was done in 2014 with different edible allium spp. from local markets. different fusarium spp. were isolated and identified by morphological characterisation. 24 different fusarium spp. were identified. the diversity of fusarium spp. and the intensity of infestation was higher on edible bulbs compared to t ...201527141742
rapid identification of fusarium graminearum species complex using rolling circle amplification (rca).rolling circle amplification (rca) of dna is a sensitive and cost effective method for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi without the need for sequencing. amplification products can be visualized on 1% agarose gel to verify the specificity of probe-template binding or directly by adding fluorescent dyes. fusarium head blight (fhb) is currently the world's largest threat to the production of cereal crops with the production of a range of mycotoxins as an additional risk. we designed set ...201222326479
reduction of the enniatins a, a₁, b, b₁ by an in vitro degradation employing different strains of probiotic bacteria: identification of degradation products by lc-ms-lit.the degradation of the fusarium mycotoxins ens by 9 bacterial strains characteristic of the gastrointestinal tract like bb. longum, bb. bifidum, bb. breve, bb. adolescentes, lb. rhamnosus, lb. casei-casei, s. termofilus, lb. ruminis, lb. casei and twenty two strains of saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. the fermentations were carried out in the liquid medium of de man rogosa sharpe (mrs) under anaerobic conditions for bifidobacteria streptococcus and lactobacillus, and in potato dextrose brot ...201323587849
phytotoxic activity against bromus tectorum for secondary metabolites of a seed-pathogenic fusarium strain belonging to the f. tricinctum species complex.the winter annual grass bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) has become highly invasive in semiarid ecosystems of western north america. in these areas, a natural phenomenon, complete cheatgrass stand failure ('die-off'), is apparently caused by a complex interaction among soilborne fungal pathogens. several fusarium strains belonging to the fusarium tricinctum species complex were isolated from these soils and found to be pathogenic on b. tectorum seeds. one of these strains was produced in cheatgrass ...201728278617
optimization of enniatin production by solid-phase fermentation of fusarium tricinctum.enniatins are cyclic depsipeptides produced by fungi of the genus fusarium that are of interest due to their pronounced biological activities; especially enniatins a, a1, b, and b1 possess anticarcinogenic and anti-hiv properties. in the present study, f. tricinctum was grown on seven solid media and in one liquid growth medium with or without addition of peptone or of amino acid precursors in order to identify favourable media with simple cultivation conditions for maximum enniatin production. ...201323923619
tricinonoic acid and tricindiol, two new irregular sesquiterpenes from an endophytic strain of fusarium tricinctum.two new rare irregular sesquiterpenes, tricinonoic acid (1) and tricindiol (2), and the known furanopyrrolidones, ng-391 (3) and ng-393 (4), have been isolated from an etoac extract of fusarium tricinctum, a fungus endophytic in the root tissue of the sonoran desert plant, rumex hymenosepalus. the structures of 1 and 2 were elucidated on the basis of their high-resolution mass, 1d and 2d nmr spectroscopic data. a possible biosynthetic route to 1 and 2 from farnesyl diphosphate is proposed.201020221941
identification of chlamydosporol, a mycotoxin isolated from a culture of fusarium tricinctum.fusarium tricinctum strain (kf 260) isolated from wheat in poland, produced on maize cultures a compound (c11h14o5, mw226) toxic toartemia salina. the compound, identified by various spectroscopical tecniques as 5-hydroxy-4-methoxy-6,8a-dimethyl-6, 7-dihydro-2h, 8ah-pyrano/2, 3-b/pyran-2-one, was identical to chlamydosporol, a mycotoxin recentlydiscovered in cultures off._ chlamydosporum isolated from rice. the compound showed inhibitory effect on human lymphocyte proliferation at concentration ...199123605729
trichothecene production in liquid stationary cultures of fusarium tricinctum nrrl 3299 (synonym: f. sporotrichioides): comparison of quantitative brine shrimp assay with physicochemical analysis.stationary liquid cultures of fusarium tricinctum nrrl 3299 (synonym: f. sporotrichioides) produce t-2 toxin, neosolaniol, diacetoxyscirpenol, and ht-2 toxin when cultured on peptone-enriched czapek dox medium. at 15 and 27 degrees c, maximum t-2 toxin yield (265 and 50 mug/ml) was found after 10 to 14 and 7 days, respectively. the t-2 toxin in the culture medium was metabolized rapidly at 27 degrees c and slowly at 15 degrees c. addition of 0.025% (wt/vol) sorbic acid to the medium resulted in ...198516346884
production and purification of a peptide of fusarium tricinctum that causes conidia of penicillium to swell.a process is described for production of a cyclodepsipeptide complex (cdpc) from autoclaved white corn grits fermented with fusarium tricinctum nrrl 3510. yields of more than 2.5 g cdpc/kg of medium were obtained. previously, we described the conspicuous swelling of penicillium digitatum conidia and hyphal tips incubating in a medium supplemented with the cdpc, a trio of metabolites produced by strains of f. tricinctum and f. roseum. analysis of the cdpc mass spectra and the amino acid compositi ...19854047127
production of nivalenol and fusarenone-x by fusarium tricinctum fn-2b on a rice substrate.fusarium tricinctum fn-2b was grown on a rice substrate at room temperature (22 to 26 degrees c) for 2 weeks followed by growth at a low temperature (10 to 12 degrees c) for an additional 2 weeks. a total of 1.5 g of nivalenol and 80 mg of fusarenone-x were obtained from 2 kg of rice culture. the methods of production, extraction, and purification are described.198416346650
biosynthesis of radiolabeled t-2 toxin by fusarium tricinctum.incubation of fusarium tricinctum nrrl 3299 on a solid rice medium in the presence of [1-14c]sodium acetate, [2-3h]mevalonic acid, [2-14c]mevalonic acid, or [5-3h]mevalonic acid yielded preparations of radiolabeled t-2 toxin with specific activities of 1.008, 1.64, 0.656, and 7.35 muci/mmol, respectively.19817235702
the structures of toxins from two strains of fusarium tricinctum. 19685648271
a new enniatin antibiotic from the endophyte fusarium tricinctum corda.enniatins (ens), a group of antibiotics commonly produced by various strains of fusarium, are six-membered cyclic depsipeptides formed by the union of three molecules of d-α-hydroxyisovaleric acid and three n-methyl-l-amino acids. the endophyte fusarium tricinctum corda was isolated from the fruits of hordeum sativum jess. and cultivated on a rice medium. the fungal metabolites were extracted with methanol and were identified, employing liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as ens a, a1, b, b1 ...201525315756
eroded swimmeret syndrome in female crayfish pacifastacus leniusculus associated with aphanomyces astaci and fusarium spp. infections.we describe a novel syndrome in crayfish, eroded swimmeret syndrome (ess), affecting wild female signal crayfish pacifastacus leniusculus. ess causes partial or total swimmeret erosion. we observed ess only in female signal crayfish larger than 40 mm carapace length, i.e. sexually mature and probably having carried eggs at least once. the eroded swimmerets were melanised, indicating a crayfish immune system response. we isolated fusarium tricinctum species complex (sc), f. sambucinum sc, saprole ...201525590772
fusarium tricinctum t-2 toxin inhibits auxin-promoted elongation in soybean hypocotyl.t-2 toxin, a mycotoxin produced by fusarium tricinctum, inhibited elongation of excised hypocotyl sections of glycine max var. hawkeye 63. auxin-promoted elongation was inhibited more severely than was control elongation, and a 1 hour preincubation of 5 mum toxin prevented the induction of a faster rate of elongation by auxin. while the inhibition of elongation by cytokinin was similar to that of the toxin, the mode of action of the two compounds appeared to be different, i.e. their effects on e ...197316658626
detection of fusarium tricinctum from cereal grain using pcr assay.contamination of cereals with mycotoxins produced by fusarium is a worldwide problem requiring rapid and sensitive detection methods. this paper describes the development of a pcr protocol facilitating the detection of f. tricinctum, which belongs to the fhb (fusarium head blight) complex responsible for contamination of cereal grains with enniatins and moniliformin. sequence alignment of partial igs rdna revealed a single nucleotide polymorphism, which was used to design primers differentiating ...018670068
osmac approach leads to new fusarielin metabolites from fusarium tricinctum.using the osmac (one strain many compounds) approach, the fungal endophyte fusarium tricinctum was cultivated on fruit and vegetable juice-supplemented solid rice media. this led to an up to 80-fold increase in the accumulation of the new natural product fusarielin j (1), as well as to the induction of two new natural products fusarielin k (2) and fusarielin l (3) and the known derivatives fusarielins a (4) and b (5). compounds 2-5 were not detected when the fungus was grown on rice media lackin ...201728270687
fusarium tricinctum, an endophytic fungus exhibits cell growth inhibition and antioxidant endophytic fungus (strain t6) isolated from taxus baccata was studied for its effect on the growth of human breast cancer cell line (mcf-7), human cervical cancer cell line (hela) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) as well as for its antioxidant activity. based on morphological characters and internal transcribed spacer (its) sequence analysis, this fungus (strain t6) was identified as fusarium tricinctum. this fungus has shown inhibition in the growth of the mcf-7 and hela cancer ...201627784939
a preliminary study in wistar rats with enniatin a contaminated feed.a 28-day repeated dose preliminary assay, using enniatin a naturally contaminated feed through microbial fermentation by a fusarium tricinctum strain, was carried out employing 2-month-old female wistar rats as in vivo experimental model. in order to simulate a physiological test of a toxic compound naturally produced by fungi, five treated animals were fed during 28 days with fermented feed. as control group, five rats were fed with standard feed. at the 28th day, blood samples were collected f ...201424329503
mycotoxin t-2 of fusarium tricinctum and chromosome changes in chinese hamster bone marrow. 19807440243
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