
factors influencing nuisance blackfly (diptera: simuliidae) activity in the scottish highlands.the nuisance activity of blackflies (diptera: simuliidae) was investigated in several habitats on speyside, near kincraig (57 degrees 08'n, 3 degrees 56'w), invernesshire, in central scotland during may-october 1987-89. the main blackfly species caught landing/biting on humans were simulium reptans, s. argyreatum, s. variegetum and the s. tuberosum complex, in order of prevalence. blackfly biting activity occurred from mid-may to mid-september. numbers of female blackflies attracted to volunteer ...19948025319
the relationship between water temperature and the development cycle beginning and duration in three black fly species.understanding environmental factors affecting the timing and rate of animal development, as well as the factors that cause their effects, is of great importance. the purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between the onset and duration of the development from egg to pupal stage and water temperature in three black fly (diptera: simuliidae) species: simulium (simulium) reptans (linnaeus 1758), simulium (byssodon) maculatum (meigen 1804), simulium (boophthora) erythrocephalum (de ...201323879856
effect of egg mass age on subsequent oviposition by simulium reptans (diptera: simuliidae).the frequency distribution of simulium reptans l. egg deposition on artificial substrates with different egg mass age characteristics showed there was a preference for substrates with 1-d-old egg masses present. the reason for this preference is not known, but it may involve an oviposition pheromone.19921495045
[on the gonotrophic cycle in the age distribution of the population of masses of suctorial types of flies (diptera, family sumulidae) in the area of krasnoiarsk. i. gnus cholodkovskii and simulium reptans var. galeratum]. 200913912069
the identity and genetic characterization of simulium reptans (diptera: simuliidae) from central and northern europe.although simulium reptans linnaeus is one of the first two blackfly species ever described its identity and taxonomy are still not precisely defined. s. reptans and closely related species from central and northern europe were characterized based on genetic variability, haplotype number and haplotype distribution. s. galeratum can be considered a synonym of s. reptans, but despite this, two distinct species are present in great britain and central europe. the available name s. reptantoides carls ...201424871012
black flies (diptera, simuliidae) as ecological indicators of stream ecosystem health in an urbanizing area (rome, italy).the effectiveness of simuliidae (diptera, nematocera) as indicators of stream health was tested in the urbanizing area of rome, central italy.201727364403
confirmation of the species status of the blackfly simulium galeratum in britain using molecular taxonomy.since 1920 simulium reptans (linnaeus) (diptera: simuliidae) has been reported as exhibiting two different larval morphotypes, a typical s. reptans and an atypical s. reptans var. galeratum, which differ in the markings of the larval head capsule. inconsistent variation in adults and no apparent variation in the pupae have led taxonomists to conclude that these types in britain are a single species. we investigated populations in britain where either the typical form or var. galeratum is found, ...200818380654
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