
serologic survey of selected zoonotic disease agents in black-tailed jack rabbits from western texas.a serologic survey for the agents of rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf) (rickettsia rickettsii), borrelia spp. including the causative agent for lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi), and plague (yersinia pestis) was conducted on blood samples collected from 30 and 46 black-tailed jack rabbits (lepus californicus) from an urban environment in lubbock, texas (usa) during winter 1987 and the following spring 1988, respectively. antibody titers to the agents of rmsf and borreliosis were detected in ...19902106044
collections of dermacentor parumapertus from cattle. 19655848806
life history of the tick dermacentor parumapertus in utah. 195613367963
the capitulum and feeding mechanism of dermacentor parumapertus neumann 1901. 195713441313
new host records for the immature stages of the tick dermacentor parumapertus. 195514354526
tick-borne rickettsioses around the world: emerging diseases challenging old concepts.during most of the 20th century, the epidemiology of tick-borne rickettsioses could be summarized as the occurrence of a single pathogenic rickettsia on each continent. an element of this paradigm suggested that the many other characterized and noncharacterized rickettsiae isolated from ticks were not pathogenic to humans. in this context, it was considered that relatively few tick-borne rickettsiae caused human disease. this concept was modified extensively from 1984 through 2005 by the identif ...200516223955
genetic diversity of the q fever agent, coxiella burnetii, assessed by microarray-based whole-genome comparisons.coxiella burnetii, a gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium, causes human q fever and is considered a potential agent of bioterrorism. distinct genomic groups of c. burnetii are revealed by restriction fragment-length polymorphisms (rflp). here we comprehensively define the genetic diversity of c. burnetii by hybridizing the genomes of 20 rflp-grouped and four ungrouped isolates from disparate sources to a high-density custom affymetrix genechip containing all open reading frames (orfs) ...200616547017
update on tick-borne rickettsioses around the world: a geographic approach.tick-borne rickettsioses are caused by obligate intracellular bacteria belonging to the spotted fever group of the genus rickettsia. these zoonoses are among the oldest known vector-borne diseases. however, in the past 25 years, the scope and importance of the recognized tick-associated rickettsial pathogens have increased dramatically, making this complex of diseases an ideal paradigm for the understanding of emerging and reemerging infections. several species of tick-borne rickettsiae that wer ...024092850
pheromone-induced aggregation of ixodid ticks before host contact.the presence of a pre-feeding aggregation pheromone was demonstrated in the species dermacentor variabilis, dermacentor andersoni, dermacentor parumapertus, amblyomma americanum and haemaphysalis leporispalustris by assay within a petri dish. however, amblyomma maculatum and amblyomma cajennense did not aggregate in the sector containing discs of presumed pheromone within the hour period. d. andersoni and a. americanum recognized each other's pheromone and a. americanum recognized that of h. lep ...19836683667
ecology of tick vectors of american spotted fever.the author reviews the natural history of the tick vectors of american spotted fever. the discussion concerns the ecology of the rocky mountain wood tick, dermacentor andersoni, the american dog tick, dermacentor variabilis, and the lone-star tick, amblyomma americanum, all of which are proven vectors of rocky mountain spotted fever to man. also included are the rabbit tick, haemaphysalis leporispalustris and dermacentor parumapertus, which very rarely bite man but which are considered of import ...19695306621
experimental infection with western equine encephalomyelitis virus in wild rodents indigenous to kern county, california.six species of rodents from kern county, california, were inoculated subcutaneously with western equine encephalomyelitis (wee) virus to determine their susceptibility to infection and their potential as natural hosts. ammospermophilus nelsoni, citellus beecheyi, dipodomys heermanni, dipodomys nitratoides, peromyscus maniculatus, and sciurus griseus were readily infected. infection was usually fatal in dipodomys species, c. beecheyi, and s. griseus, but was clinically inapparent in other species ...19744426699
ectoparasites of sympatric cottontails (sylvilagus audubonii nelson) and jack rabbits (lepus californicus mearns) from the high plains of eastern new mexico.eight species of ectoparasites were recovered from 35 sylvilagus audubonii and 35 lepus californicus occurring sympatrically near the clovis-portales area of eastern new mexico. recovered were anoplura (haemodipsus setoni), diptera (cuterebra lepusculi and cuterebra ruficrus), siphonaptera (echidnophaga gallinacea and euhoplopsyllus glacialis), and acari (ornithodoros parkeri, dermacentor parumapertus, and haemaphysalis leporispalustris). jaccard's index showed a 50% ectoparasitic overlap with h ...19883418460
establishment and characterization of a diploid cell line from the tick, dermacentor parumapertus neumann (acarina: ixodidae).establishment of a continuous cell line (rml-14) from embryonic tissues of the tick dermacentor parumapertus neumann is reported. the culture medium employed consisted of a combination (2:1) of eagle's and l-15 (leibovitz) media supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum, 10% tryptose phosphate broth, and 0.1% bovine plasma albumin. at the 8th passage, 99% of dividing cells had the female chromosome complement, among which more than 70% had a diploid chromosome number of 22. at the 13th passage, c ...1977592041
isolation and characterization of a unique strain of rickettsia parkeri associated with the hard tick dermacentor parumapertus neumann in the western united 1953, investigators at the rocky mountain laboratories in hamilton, montana, described the isolation of a spotted fever group rickettsia (sfgr) species from dermacentor parumapertus collected from black-tailed jackrabbits (lepus californicus) in northern nevada. several decades later, investigators characterized this sfgr by using mouse serotyping methods and determined that it represented a distinct rickettsial serotype, related closely to rickettsia parkeri; nonetheless, the parumapertus ag ...201728213544
nyamiviridae: proposal for a new family in the order mononegavirales.nyamanini virus (nymv) and midway virus (midwv) are unclassified tick-borne agents that infect land birds and seabirds, respectively. the recent molecular characterization of both viruses confirmed their already known close serological relationship and revealed them to be nonsegmented, single- and negative-stranded rna viruses that are clearly related to, but quite distinct from, members of the order mononegavirales (bornaviruses, filoviruses, paramyxoviruses, and rhabdoviruses). a third agent, ...201323636404
effect of prescribed fire for tick control in california chaparral.prescribed fire was investigated as a method for controlling ixodid and argasid ticks in chaparral habitats in northern california. two experimental and two adjacent control plots within a wildlife preserve were monitored for 1 yr postburn. ticks were collected by flagging vegetation, by co2-baited pitfall trap, and by live-trapping rodents. twice as many rodents were caught at control sites compared with burn sites and no dusky-footed woodrats, neotoma fuscipes baird, were found in the treatmen ...200919769046
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