
ultrastructure of sarcocystis sp. from the malaysian house rat, rattus rattus diardii.the ultrastructure of sarcocystis sp. from the malaysian house rat, rattus rattus diardii, was studied with the electron microscope. the thin, uniformly-dense primary cyst wall had a row of vesicular invaginations which were also seen along the wall of the villi-like projections or cytophaneres. within the villi were spherical bodies and hollow, curled structures. the ground substance beneath the primary cyst wall extended into the cyst as thin septa or trabeculae separating the tightly-packed z ...1977410181
internal parasites of feral cats from the tasmanian midlands and king island.eighty-six feral cats from a sheep grazing area in the tasmanian midlands and 21 from king island were examined for internal parasites. major food items in order of decreasing prevalence in stomach contents were insects, lizards, birds, rodents and frogs in the midlands, and rodents, birds, insects, and lizards on king island. feral cats from the midlands had 4 cestode, 7 nematode, 2 trematode and 3 protozoan parasites as follows: spirometra erinacei (66.3%), taenia taeniaeformis (2.3%), dipylid ...1976985246
chlamydiosis in a red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis).a red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis) with signs of respiratory distress and diarrhea was captured in the manchac wildlife management area, louisiana (usa) and died the following day. at necropsy, the carcass was emaciated and there were splenomegaly, and fibrinous pericarditis, airsacculitis, and perihepatitis. microscopically, there were fibrinous pericarditis and airsacculitis, myocardial necrosis, necrotizing hepatitis, splenic necrosis with reticuloendothelial cell hyperplasia, interstitial ...19921602582
sarcosporidian infection in pigs in uruguay.examination of enzymatic digests of samples of the crux diaphragm obtained at abbatoirs in montevideo, uruguay, indicated that 57.2% of 269 pigs weighing 90-140 kg were infected with sarcocystis sp. the morphology of sarcocystis in h & e stained sections indicated that they were sarcocystis miescheriana.19921561758
a review of sarcocystis of domestic animals and of other coccidia of cats and dogs.the nomenclature, life cycles, and pathogenicity of sarcocystis of domestic animals are reviewed. sarcocystis had a 2-host life cycle, with carnivores as definitive hosts and herbivores as intermediate hosts. the following species are found in domestic animals (with the definitive hosts given in parentheses): 3 species in the ox: s cruzi (dog, wolf, coyote, raccoon, fox), s hirsuta (cat), s hominis (man, monkey); 2 species in the sheep: s ovicanis (dog), s tenella (cat); 3 species in the pig: s ...1976824260
[importance of the fox (vulpes vulpes) in the transmission of sarcosporidiosis from the steinbock (capra ibex) at the gran paradiso national park].sarcosporidiasis is a very common infection of steinbocks (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of gran paradiso national park, italian western alps, frequently with serious cardiac involvement. no dogs or cats are allowed inside the park, to the contrary foxes (vulpes vulpes) are present every where, near steinbocks and chamois, and eat on the bodies of dead animals. feces of vulpes vulpes were collected in the same area, where the infected capra ibex used for the following experiment ...1975823518
prevalence of sarcocystis infection and other intestinal parasitisms in dogs from a humane shelter in ohio.fecal specimens from 500 stray dogs in columbus, oh, were examined for evidence of intestinal parasitisms. prevalences (%) of coccidia were: sarcocystis sp, 1.8; isospora canis, 1.8; and isospora ohioensis, 3.6. prevalences (%) of helminths were: toxocara canis, 19.2; toxascaris leonina, 10.2; trichuris sp, 42.2; capillaria sp; 1.0; ancylostoma sp, 60.8; uncinaria sp, 2.4; and taenia sp, 7.4.1976815230
sarcocystis sp. in the myocardium of a water buffalo from sulawesi (celebes), indonesia. 1975809847
apparent isolation of sarcocystis sp. from human blood (a preliminary note). 1975806997
frequency of sarcocystis spp in detroit, metropolitan area, michigan.a survey of sarcocystis spp in feral animals and in domesticated animals slaughtered in detroit, mi, was undertaken during a 6-month period, april to september, 1973, using histologic and digestion diagnostic techniques. results indicated 75.3% of 789 sheep and 10.8% of 306 lambs were infected. infection in young and adult sheep was low in april (0% of 78 lambs and 6.7% of 62 adult sheep), but increased in july (24% of 90 lambs and 94.1% of 201 adult sheep). high frequency of sarcocystis in summ ...1975803806
developmental stages of sarcocystis fusiformis (railliet, 1897) and sarcocystis sp., of the water buffalo, in the small intestines of cats and dogs respectively. 1977415373
developmental stages of sarcocystis fusiformis (railliet, 1897) and sarcocystis sp., of the water buffalo, in the small intestines of cats and dogs respectively. 1977415372
sarcocystis cernae sp. n., relacement name for sarcocystis sp. cerná and loucková, 1976. 1977414977
demonstration of the sexual phases of sarcoystis fusiformis (railliet, 1897) and sarcocystis sp. of the water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in the small intestines of cats and dogs. 1977407676
studies of endoparasites of the mourning dove (zenaida macroura) in the southeast united states.from september, 1973, through november, 1974, 255 mourning doves (zenaida macroura) were collected in the southeastern united states and examined for endoparasites. thirteen species of endoparasites were found and included six species of protozoans, one trematode, two cestodes, and four nematodes. new host records included sarcocystis sp., echinostoma revolutum, hymenolepis sp., aproctella stoddardi, ascaridia columbae, and dispharynx nasuta.1977402483
ultastructural studies of sarcocystis sp. from the camel (camelus dromedarius) in means of electron microscopy a study has been made on sarcocystis from 29 camels (camelus dromedarius) in egypt. in oesophagus and diaphragm muscles sarcocysts have been observed. the micromorphology of metrocytes, merozoites as well as of the cyst wall has been described.1979120047
histochemical study of sarcocystis sp. intramuscular cysts in gastrocnemius and soleus of the cat.histochemical investigations of sarcocystis microcysts found in two hindleg muscles of cats were carried out. genus identification was based on the reinforced cyst membrane structure and its dimensions, the structure of the sarcocysts, and an electron microscopic survey of bradyzoite characteristics. the cyst membrane is partly contributed by the host myofiber, the characteristic histochemical features of which it retains. materials adjacent to the limiting membrane make it appear thicker than i ...19883148930
parasite-related lesions in a bearded seal, erignathus barbatus.a free-ranging adult male bearded seal (erignathus barbatus) killed by polar bears was salvaged and examined at necropsy. significant findings included diffuse intrahepatic bile duct fibrosis and chronic cholangitis; multiple nodules of chronic fibrosing pancreatitis; and gastric ulcers. trematode eggs (family campulidae) were found in the pancreatic nodules. these eggs and the trematodes that produced them probably caused the pancreatic and liver lesions. phocanema decipiens and contracaecum os ...1979113564
light and electron microstructure of a sarcocystis sp. from the malaysian long-tailed monkey, macaca fascicularis.the ultrastructure of the cyst wall and zoites of a species of sarcocystis from the skeletal muscles of a naturally-infected malaysian long-tailed monkey, macaca fascicularis, is described in detail. the wavy, electron-dense primary cyst wall is thin (55 nm) and invaginated. cytophaneres are absent. the ground substance contains electron-dense granules and bundles of parallel, fibrillar elements in some areas. thin trabeculae are present. the zoites measure 1.2 x 4.7 microns and have an interior ...1979111569
sarcocystis sp from the goat in india. 1978105455
sarcocystis sp. in mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) in washington: prevalence and search for the definitive host.during october and november 1986, sarcocystis sp. was detected in 24 of 56 (43%) tongues from hunter-killed mountain goats (oreamnos americanus) in washington (usa). sarcocysts had an unusual sessile polyp-shaped branched wall. mean size of 154 sarcocysts was 71.3 x 37.8 microns (range, 20 to 248 x 10 to 120 microns), and the mean intensity was 2.3 (range, 1 to 28). in an attempt to identify the definitive host, infected tongues were fed to four coyotes (canis latrans), eight domestic dogs, four ...19892509738
fine structure of gametogony and oocyst formation in sarcocystis sp. in cell culture. 19734128535
electron microscopy of sarcocystis sp.: cyst wall, micropore, rhoptries, and an unidentified body. 19734199253
quinine inhibition of host cell penetration by toxoplasma gondii, besnoitia jellisoni, and sarcocystis sp. in vitro. 19724625324
electron microscope study of sarcocystis sp. 19664957102
sarcocystis sp. in the slow loris, nycticebus coucang. 19704986059
sarcocystis in american black ducks wintering in new jersey.macrocysts of a protozoan parasite, sarcocystis sp., were found in 28 of 173 american black ducks (anas rubripes) examined during winters 1984-1985, 1985-1986 and 1986-1987 in south coastal new jersey (usa). no macrocysts were detected in 80 juvenile black ducks. in adults, the prevalence of macrocysts increased from 3% (1 of 37) in 1984-1985, to 36% (12 of 33) in 1985-1986, and 65% (15 of 23) in 1986-1987. this increase could result in a greater number of harvested birds being discarded, or a c ...19902117676
gametogony of sarcocystis sp. in cell culture.sexual stages and cystlike bodies of sarcocystis sp., a protozoan parasite found in muscles of reptiles, birds, and mammals, including man, developed in cell culture. motile organisms, obtained from leg muscles of wild grackles, were inoculated into cell line cultures of embryonic bovine kidney. mature micro-and macrogametes and the cystlike forms were found 30 and 42 hours after inoculation respectively. these observations indicate that the parasite is probably a coccidium.19724621497
sporocysts isolated from the southern copperhead (agkistrodon contortrix contortrix) produce sarcocystis montanaensis-like sarcocysts in prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster).sporulated oocysts and free sporocysts of a sarcocystis sp. were isolated from the feces of a southern copperhead (agkistrodon contortrix contortrix) collected in arkansas (usa). twenty sporocysts measured 11.2 by 8.5 microns, lacked a stieda body, and had four sporozoites and a granular sporocyst residuum. sarcocysts similar to those of sarcocystis montanaensis were present in the tongues of prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster) inoculated orally with 800 sporocysts 128 days previously. sarcocys ...19911902524
ultrastructure of sarcocystis sp. n. from the eastern chipmunk (tamias striatus). 19836419488
a sarcocystis sp.-like protozoan and concurrent canine distemper virus infection associated with encephalitis in a raccoon (procyon lotor).a raccoon (procyon lotor) with signs of weakness was captured in upstate new york (usa). despite attempted care in a rehabilitation facility, the animal died and was examined because of suspected infectious neurologic disease. the cerebrum had a marked, locally extensive, neutrophilic, necrotizing encephalitis with numerous associated intralesional protozoal organisms, and a moderate to marked multifocal perivascular nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. based on morphology and immunohistochemical ...19911758036
[an electron microscopic study of the macro- and microcysts of coccidia in the genus sarcocystis from buffalo].two sarcosporidian species from muscles of the water buffalo examined in azerbaijan were studied. the one making macrocysts was identified as s. fusiformis, whereas the other producing microcysts appeared to be not s. levinei as it might have been expected. indeed, the microcysts found in the muscles of the buffalo in the slaughterhouse [correction of slaughtery] of baku differed essentially in morphology of the cyst wall from that of s. levinei, sooner resembling that of s. cruzi from cattle. t ...19902148852
sarcocystis sp. in muscles of free-ranging florida panthers and cougars (felis concolor).sarcocysts of sarcocystis sp. were found in the striated muscles from 11 of 14 wild florida panthers (felis concolor coryi) and four of four cougars (two wild f. concolor stanleyana and two captive f. concolor of undetermined subspecies). the common occurrence of sarcocysts in muscles of top carnivores such panthers and cougars is unexplained. this stage of the life cycle is normally confined to the muscles of the prey species. because large felids are rarely preyed upon, it is unlikely that a s ...19892509739
gastrointestinal helminths and protozoa from two raccoon populations in kansas.a survey in kansas compared the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths and protozoa in 2 raccoon (procyon lotor) populations; a population in a typical rural setting and a relatively undisturbed population on a military reservation. gastrointestinal tracts of 128 raccoons were examined. freeze storage of alimentary tracts prevented collection of data on trematode prevalence. helminth infections other than trematodes included 1 acanthocephalan, 2 cestodes, and 3 nematodes. helminths were found ...19892614594
sarcocystis sp. in muscles of domestic cats. 19863080840
eimeria and sarcocystis in raccoons in illinois.eimeria nuttalli oocysts were found in 58% (21/36) and e. procyonis oocysts in 25% (9/36) of raccoons procyon lotor in illinois, and sporocysts of sarcocystis sp. in 17% (2/12) of other raccoons in illinois. the oocysts of e. nuttalli were ellipsoidal to ovoid, 15-21 x 12-17 micrometer, with a one-layered, smooth, colorless wall. the oocysts of e. procyonis were 22-28 x 18-22 micrometer, with a rough, striated, brownish, two-layered wall. the sporulated sporocysts of sarcocystis sp. were 11-13 x ...19816792347
experimental transmission of sarcocystis sp. (protozoa: sarcocystidae) between the shoveler (anas clypeata) duck and the striped skunk (mephitis mephitis).muscle containing macroscopic cysts of sarcocystis sp. from naturally infected wild shoveler (anas clypeata) ducks was fed to two captive striped skunks (mephitis mephitis). the skunks passed sporocysts in their feces beginning 19 and 22 days post-infection, and continued to pass small numbers of sporocysts sporadically to 63 and 51 days post-infection, respectively. sporocysts from the skunks were administered orally to four laboratory-reared shovelers. no cysts were found in ducks examined 56 ...19816796702
sarcocystis sp. in the one-humped camel (camelus dromedarius) from afghanistan. 19863081235
mouse (mus musculus) as intermediate host of sarcocystis sp. from the goshawk (accipiter gentilis).sporocysts from the goshawk (accipiter gentilis) were experimentally transferred to the mouse (mus musculus). it was found that the goshawk is the host of one of the sarcosporidians inducing muscle sarcocystosis in mice. thin-walled, sporulated oocysts expelled by the goshawk measured 16.5-19.0 x 12.0-13.0 micron. those which measured 12.0-13.5 x 8.2-9.0 micron were widely elliptical, with rounded poles. no asexual reproduction of parasites was detected in the viscera of mice. the cysts started ...19863084365
placental transfer of specific antibodies during ovine congenital toxoplasmosis.the passage of non-toxoplasma antibodies from dam to fetus through damaged placenta was studied in sheep inoculated with toxoplasma gondii. six ewes were inoculated with chicken globulins and leptospira bacterins 2 months before oral inoculation with toxoplasma gondii oocysts. ewes were euthanatized between 42 and 62 days after t gondii inoculation. antibody titers against chicken globulins, leptospira spp, haemonchus contortus, sarcocystis spp, and t gondii were measured in the maternal and fet ...19873105371
myopathy associated with megaloschizonts of haemoproteus meleagridis in a wild turkey from florida.necropsy of an emaciated adult wild turkey (meleagris gallopavo osceola) that died in captivity soon after capture revealed numerous macroscopic 1-2 mm white cysts in the pectoral muscles. microscopic, aseptate protozoan megaloschizonts, 50-150 microns in diameter, corresponded to the cysts in histological sections. the megaloschizonts were surrounded by a thick, hyaline wall and packed with spherical merozoites less than 1 micron in diameter. muscle fibers surrounding most of the megaloschizont ...19873114504
granulomatous myositis in association with sarcocystis sp. infection in wild ducks. 19826808984
studies on endoparasites of the black bear (ursus americanus) in the southeastern united states.examination of 53 black bears (ursus americanus) from six states in the southeastern united states revealed at least 17 species of endoparasites, including sarcocystis sp., spirometra mansonoides (spargana), macracanthorhynchus ingens, ancylostoma caninum, arthrocephalus lotoris, baylisascaris transfuga, capillaria aerophila, capillaria putorii, crenosoma sp., cyathospirura sp., dirofilaria immitis, gnathostoma sp., gongylonema pulchrum, microfilariae, molineus barbatus, physaloptera sp. and str ...1978418189
corrections in the names of rodent coccidia (apicomplexa, coccidiasina).the following new taxonomic combinations are introduced for coccidia whose names were previously given erroneously: dorisa bengalensis (bandyopadhyay & ray, 1982) n. comb. from the indian palm squirrel funambulus pennanti in india; eimeria sicistae from the intestine of the birch mouse sicista tianschanica in the ussr; e. hydrochaeri carini, 1937 emend. from the capybara hydrochaerus hydrochaerus in south america; frenkelia sp. (doby, jeannes & rault 1965) from the brain of the water vole arvico ...19873123645
sarcocystis in muscles of raccoons (procyon lotor l.).sarcocysts of sarcocystis sp. were found in 26 (50%) of 52 raccoons (procyon lotor) from ohio, pennsylvania, florida, and maryland. although only 4 (7.7%) of 52 cardiac muscles specimens were found to contain sarcocysts, 25% to 36.5% of tongue, diaphragm, masseter muscle, and esophagus specimens were found infected. by light microscopy, sarcocyst walls were less than 3 micron thick and had no conspicuous projections; interior septa were indistinct. by transmission electron microscopy, sarcocyst ...19873123650
prevalence, ultrastructure of the cyst wall and infectivity for the dog and cat of sarcocystis sp. from fallow deer (cervus dama).the prevalence of sarcocystis sp. (protozoa: sarcocystidae) in fallow deer (cervus dama) in tuscany, italy was determined by digestion technique and histological examination. forty-four of 45 fallow deer were infected. infections occurred in adult deer and in fawns. samples from the heart were more intensively parasitized than samples from tongue, oesophagus and diaphragm muscle. with transmission electron microscopy, the primary cyst wall was folded and formed narrow, overlapping, sinuous proje ...19883127606
prevalence of sarcocystis cysts in pigs and sheep in spain.samples of serum and diaphragm muscle were collected from 100 pigs, and serum samples and oesophagi were collected from 100 sheep. the diaphragm muscle and oesophageal tissues were examined for the presence of macroscopic and microscopic sarcocystis cysts by compression between trichinoscope plates as well as by tissue digestion with pepsin solution. the sera were examined by the indirect haemagglutination test (iha), using antigens from sarcocystis gigantea. with these methods, 95% of the sheep ...19883130717
intramuscular sarcocystis sp. in two cats and a dog.sarcocystis sp. was diagnosed in the skeletal muscle of a cat and myocardium of a dog and cat. the cysts were similar in size and structure when examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. the 3 animals were debilitated and probably immunocompromised due to pancytopenia or terminal neoplasia.19883135379
disseminated sarcocystosis in a cat with lymphosarcoma.cysts of the protozoan sarcocystis sp were found in skeletal and cardiac musculature in a 1.5-year-old cat with lymphosarcoma. the cat was felv-positive and had grossly visible neoplastic involvement of the spinal cord, mediastinum, bone marrow, and kidneys. ultrastructural examination of the parasitic cyst wall suggested that the species in this case was different from that described in the only other reported case. it was hypothesized that immunosuppression from felv infection permitted an abe ...19883142827
[muscular sarcosporidiosis: report of a case].a case of sarcosporidiosis in a 29 year-old woman is presented. the clinical picture showed a definitive myopathic pattern with symmetrical proximal weakness of shoulder and pelvic girdle and also weakness on neck flexors; the facial muscles were intact and she denied dysphagia. the histological findings after a muscle biopsy obtained from left deltoid muscle showed many round cysts within the muscle fibres without any surrounding inflammatory reaction. the cysts diameters varied from 30 to 500 ...19853937512
ostertagiosis in captive bison in new york state: report of nine cases.type ii ostertagiosis was found at necropsy in 9 american bison (bison bison) from 3 farms in new york. clinical signs included severe diarrhea, emaciation, unthrifty coats, anemia, and weakness. in severely affected animals, the macroscopic abomasal changes consisted of irregular thickening and edema of the mucosa, resulting in a pebbly or morocco-leather appearance. microscopically, many gastric pits and glands were dilated, lined by hyperplastic epithelium, and contained nematode sections or ...1979157257
ultrastructure of the cyst and life cycle of sarcocystis sp. from wild sheep (ovis musimon).sarcocystis sp. (eimeriina: sarcocystidae) is described as a heteroxenous coccidian with domestic dogs as an experimental definitive host and wild sheep (ovis musimon) as natural intermediate hosts. mature sarcocysts of this sarcocystis sp. were examined by transmission electron microscopy. sarcocysts in various muscle tissues were microscopic, had a thin primary cyst wall and septa and measured 81.0 x 30.5 microns. the cysts were located within muscle cells and were limited by a primary cyst wa ...19911906112
[diagnosis of sarcocystosis in sheep using the indirect fluorescence test and elisa].the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) was compared with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of specific antibodies to sarcocystis sp. a set of 275 ovine blood samples was examined by both reactions. cystozoites of sarcocystis gigantea were used as the corpuscular antigen for the ifat. for the diagnostics of sarcocystosis by the elisa technique used the sandwich test of the antibody titration with a soluble antigen which was also prepared from s. gigantea macro ...19921641936
indirect haemagglutination reaction with antigen of sarcocystis gigantea (railliet, 1886) ashford, 1977.the water extract from cryolyzed whole muscle cysts of sarcocystis gigantea from sheep, in spite of the high lectin content, is a suitable antigen for the detection of specific antibodies by means of indirect haemagglutination reaction (iha). the agglutinating effect of lectin from parasitic cysts can be eliminated with a 0.5% concentration of lactose dissolved in all solutions used for iha. in sera of slaughterhouse sheep, positive titres ranging from 1:80 to 1:1 280 were registered. positive r ...19836414913
muscle sarcocystosis in pheasants and first records of the genus sarcocystis in phasianus colchicus linné, 1758 in czechoslovakia.during examination of 41 pheasants from the vicinity of jindrichův hradec (south bohemia) muscle sarcocystosis was found in 15 birds (i.e., in 36.5%). there were two types of sarcosporidia. type i was recorded in 3 pheasants and possessed small cystozoites measuring 6 x 2 micrometers. there occurred also stages measuring 3-4 x 2 micrometers corresponding in their morphology to merozoites of the pre-cystic phase of reproduction. type ii was found in 12 birds and possessed large, lancet-shaped cys ...19846425155
sarcocystis sp. in guanaco (lama guanicoe) and effect of temperature on its viability.the biology of the sarcocystis sp. that infect guanacoes was studied by feeding the infected meat to dogs, cats, rats and mice. tissues from guanaco, heavily infected with macrocysts, were fed to these animals and their faeces collected daily and examined for the presence or absence of sporocysts. it was shown that only dogs were suitable definitive hosts. the effect of cooking and freezing on the viability of this protozoan organism was also investigated. freezing to -18 degrees c and -24 degre ...19846437052
prevalence of sarcocystis in camels (camelus dromedarius) from al-ahsa, saudi arabia.the oesophagus, diaphragm and heart of 103 camels slaughtered at al-ahsa abattoir were investigated for infection with sarcocysts. sarcocystis cysts were found in 91 camels (88.35%): in the diaphragm of 79.6%, oesophagus of 72.8% and heart of 71.8%. two morphologically distinct sarcocysts were found. thin-walled cysts (141-400 x 70.5-188 microns) were in all the three indicator organs while the thick-walled cysts (170-194 x 117.5-188 microns) were only found in the oesophagus. experimental feedi ...19968686170
the fox as definitive host for sarcocystis sp. gjerde, 1984 from skeletal muscle of reindeer (rangifer tarandus). with a proposal for sarcocystis tarandivulpes n. sp. as replacement name. 19846441474
sarcocystosis in cattle in kentucky.sarcocystosis was diagnosed in 41 eighteen-month-old heifers and steers. clinical signs included anorexia, severe weight loss, nervousness, hypersalivation, lameness, and hair loss on the extremities. hair loss was noticed especially at the end of the tail, where there was complete loss of the switch, giving the animals a "rat-tail" appearance. consistent gross changes observed at necropsy of four affected animals included generalized lymphadenopathy, erosions and ulcerations in the oral cavity ...19806767674
the prevalence of giardia and other intestinal parasites in children, dogs and cats from aboriginal communities in the determine the prevalence of giardia duodenalis and other intestinal parasites in children, dogs and cats from aboriginal communities in the west kimberley region of western australia.19938450779
serum antibodies to giardia intestinalis detected by immunofluorescence using trophozoites as antigen.anti-giardia antibodies were studied in 88 sera of patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic giardiasis by using the indirect immunofluorescent test and giardia intestinalis trophozoites from an axenic culture as antigen. the sera of 40 healthy subjects were used as a control group and of 28 patients with other intestinal parasites (14 with sarcocystis sp. and 14 with symptomatic entamoeba histolytica infection) have been investigated for determination of test specificity. 82% of sera from pati ...19846324429
antelopes (bovidae) kept in european zoological gardens as intermediate hosts of sarcocystis species.four different forms of sarcocysts from the zoo-kept antelopes addax nasomaculatus. antilope cervicapra, taurotragus oryx and boselaphus tragocamelus (bovidae) were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy, in special consideration of the cyst wall. the sarcocysts found in addax (born in a zoo) were not distinguishable from sarcocystis medusiformis of australasian sheep by their morphology and would be the first indication for the occurrence of this species in europe. sarcocyst ...19969257346
electron microscope study of merogony preceding cyst formation of sarcocystis sp. in roe deer (capreolus capreolus).precystic merogony of sarcocystis sp. was studied in roe deer fawns 33, 45, and 49 days postinoculation (pi) with 2 x 10(4)-10(5) sporocysts recovered from dogs. single merozoites, but no meronts, were found 33 days pi in liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. transforming merozoites and meronts were found in myofibroblasts, satellite cells, and endothelial cells of muscle tissue on 45 and 49 days pi; they were surrounded by two membranes. typical coccidian merozoites differentiated simultaneously arou ...19836414194
prevalence and distribution of sarcocystis sp among wild swine of southeastern united states.digestive techniques revealed sarcocystis sp infection in 62 of 192 (32%) wild swine collected in alabama, arkansas, georgia, louisiana, mississippi, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, virginia, and west virginia. sarcosporidia were not detected in wild swine of florida and were rarely found in the lower coastal plains of georgia, mississippi, and south carolina. swine from mountainous terrain in north carolina, tennessee, and west virginia and bottomland floodplain regions of alabama, a ...19816799467
sarcocystis sp. in the eastern cottontail (sylvilagus floridanus).sarcocystis sp. was observed in 100 of 185 (54.1%) eastern cottontails (sylvilagus floridanus) examined in pennsylvania over a three year period. gross and histologic examination commonly revealed cysts in skeletal muscle of the fore and hind legs, flanks and loins. two rabbits had cysts in esophageal skeletal muscle. host response to sarcocystis sp. is described. adult rabbits had a significantly greater rate of infection (69.3%) than juveniles (20.7%) (p less than 0.01).19826808158
ultrastructure of gamonts and gametes and fertilization of sarcocystis sp. from the roe deer (capreolus capreolus) in dogs.gamonts of sarcocystis sp. from the roe deer were examined in the intestine of dogs 10 h after inoculation. early macrogamonts were limited by a three-membranous pellicle, and situated in a parasitophorous vacuole. female sexual stages during fertilization, the macrogametes, were limited by five membranes, and microgametes were observed in the parasitophorous vacuole. the outer membranes of the microgamete and macrogamete fuse, and the nucleoplasm of the microgamte enters the cytoplasm of the ma ...19826810569
ultrastructure of sarcocystis sp. from the muscle of a white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus).sarcocystis sp. from the muscle of naturally infected white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) was examined by transmission electron microscopy. the primary cyst wall forms regularly spaced protrusions filled with electron-lucent ground substance; no fibrils are present in the protrusions. the cysts are divided by septa into compartments containing typical coccidian metrocytes and merozoites. taxonomy of the protozoon from the white-tailed deer-dog is discussed.19826814090
fine structural study of sarcocystis sp. from egyptian camels (camelus dromed arius). 19816814211
dieldrin poisoning and botulism in australian pelicans (pelecanus conspicillatus).autopsies and laboratory examinations of material from 24 australian pelicans found sick or dead in southern coastal queensland in 1977 to 1979 revealed dieldrin poisoning in 8 from the brisbane region and botulism in 8 from brisbane, bundaberg and gladstone. in those diagnosed as dieldrin poisoning, brain and liver samples contained 12.1 to 27.4 and 34.0 to 48.1 mg/kg dieldrin respectively. all of these birds were emaciated, 2 had convulsed and 1 had muscle tremors. low and probably insignifica ...19827126063
evidence for sarcocystis as the etiologic agent of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis.equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (epm) was diagnosed in 10 horses. by electron microscopy, schizonts were found in intact host cells of the spinal cords or, more frequently, free in the extracellular spaces. developmental stages of schizonts differed morphologically, and the late stage of schizogony was characterized by endopolygeny. these findings permitted tentative identification of the protozoon as a sarcocystis sp. free merozoites were present in the extracellular spaces or in cells of th ...19806778993
multifocal myositis associated with sarcocystis sp in a horse.multifocal myositis was diagnosed in a 7-year-old quarter horse gelding on the basis of history and findings on physical examination, serum biochemical analysis, electromyography, and microscopic examination of frozen sections of muscle biopsy specimens. histologic examination of the muscle specimen revealed multifocal accumulations of histiocytes, lymphocytes, and plasma cells, with attendant myofiber degeneration and necrosis. parasitic cysts with morphologic characteristics of sarcocystis sp ...19947730127
experimental transmission of a sarcosporidian from alpine ibex to domestic sheep and goats.sporocysts of sarcocystis sp. from dogs fed with ibex meat were orally inoculated into kids and lambs. three kids, given 4 x 10(6) and 4 x 10(4) sporocysts, respectively, died from acute sarcocystosis. schizonts, though found in all the tissues of these kids, were particularly numerous in the kidneys, brain and spinal cord. another three kids inoculated with 5 x 10(3) sporocysts and two lambs, inoculated with 1 x 10(6) and 5 x 10(3) sporocysts, respectively, showed no clinical signs and were sac ...19883152281
endoparasites of selected populations of cottontail rabbits (sylvilagus floridanus) in the southeastern united states.during the fall of 1966 and spring of 1967, 260 cottontail rabbits (sylvilagus floridanus) were collected from 13 sites in 8 southeastern states and examined for endoparasites. in order of prevalence, the endoparasites found were: obeliscoides cuniculi, trichostrongylus calcaratus, trichostrongylus affinis, taenia pisiformis (cysticerci), raillietina salmoni, eimeria spp., longistriata noviberiae, cittotaenia variabilis, hasstilesia tricolor, trichuris leporis, dermatoxys veligera, passalurus am ...19807411746
endoparasites and selected infectious agents in bobcats (felis rufus) from west virginia and georgia.a total of 143 bobcats (felis rufus) from west virginia and 10 bobcats from georgia was examined for parasites and selected infectious agents. a total of 31 species of parasites was recovered including 1 protozoan, 1 trematode, 4 cestodes, 1 acanthocephalan and 24 nematodes. results indicate bobcats are important definitive hosts for sarcocystis sp. and toxoplasma gondii. thirteen species (paragonimus kellicotti, spirometra mansonoides, taenia macrocystis, t. rileyi, capillaria putorii, toxascar ...19816802988
light and electron microscope study of sarcocystis sp. from the fallow deer (cervus dama).by means of light and electron microscopy a study was made of sarcocystis sp. from 11 fallow deer (cervus dama). cysts of sarcocystis sp. were found in the tongue and abdominal muscle of 3 of 11 deer from forests near bonn (frg). these measured 212-560 micron in length and 54-120 micron in width and contained metrocytes and merozoites. the cyst wall, which had narrow band-like protrusions, is compared with other sarcocystis sp. from cervidae.19853920839
purification of cystozoites of sarcocystis sp. by the chromatographic gel spheron.cystozoites of sarcocystis sp. isolated from beef muscles were purified by elution through spheron chromatographic gel. using the number of cystozoites recovered and the purity of suspension as criteria, the effect of length of gel column, rate of elution, and ionic strength of the eluent was evaluated. the optimum purity was achieved at the elution rate of 10 ml/min and column length of 100 mm. the recovery of cystozoites (38-56%) was in correlation to the ionic strength of the eluent. of the c ...19853936755
sarcocystis spp. in white-tailed deer. i. definitive and intermediate host spectrum with a description of sarcocystis odocoileocanis n. sp.sporocysts containing four sporozoites and measuring (avg.) 15.2 micrometers x 10.7 micrometers (n = 195) were shed in the feces of dogs (canis familiaris) 8 to 16 days (avg. 11.6 days) after the first feeding of venison infected with sarcocystis sp. sporocysts containing four sporozoites and measuring (avg.) 11.5 micrometers x 8.1 micrometers (n = 35) were shed by a cat (felis catus) 14 days after ingesting sarcocystis-infected venison. statistical (pooled t-test) comparison of the mean measure ...19816802990
[the possible pathways of substance transport in the muscle cysts of 2 species of sarcosporidia (sarcocystis, apicomplexa, sporozoa)].the present work is a sequel of our previous cytological investigations of the cyst-forming coccidia of the genus sarcocystis (reported elsewhere), now performed on two species from different hosts: s. muris (mouse) and sarcocystis sp. (water buffalo). acid phosphatase is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum of cystic zoites, its activity being seen in particular in the microenemes. as was established earlier (radchenko, 1991b), these organelles are extended regions of the smooth endoplasmic ...19938328021
enteric coccidia (apicomplexa) in the small intestine of the northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina).sporulated oocysts (mean dimensions = 13.0 x 10.8 microns) and sporocysts (11.3 x 5.5 microns) of a coccidian resembling frenkelia sp. or sarcocystis sp. were present in the lamina propria of the small intestine of a naturally-infected northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) collected near medford, oregon (usa). dimensions of these oocytes and sporocysts appear to be considerably smaller than those from other sarcocystid species with avian definitive hosts. additionally, numerous devel ...19938355357
a field and laboratory evaluation of a commercial elisa for the detection of giardia coproantigens in humans and dogs.a capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (celisa) was evaluated for its ability to detect giardia coproantigens in the faeces of humans and dogs in the perth metropolitan area and aboriginal communities in fitzroy crossing, western australia. using zinc sulphate flotation and light microscopy, giardia cysts and/or trophozoites were observed in 8 of 57 (14%) human stool samples from perth and 21 of 55 (38%) stool samples from fitzroy crossing, after 2 separate examinations. analysis of diagnos ...19938465392
a report of intestinal sarcocystosis in the bullsnake (pituophis melanoleucus sayi) and a re-evaluation of sarcocystis sp. from snakes of the genus pituophis.we report a severe enteric infection of sarcocystis sp. from a wild-caught bullsnake (pituophis melanoleucus sayi). the animal was collected in october 1988 by a commercial dealer, imported into the united kingdom during november 1988 and purchased by the london zoo, in december 1988. the animal was not fed after capture and was anorexic from the time of purchase to the time of death in january 1989. on necropsy, the animal was emaciated and the mucosa of the proximal intestine was markedly thic ...19958592365
serologic responses of cattle and other animals infected with neospora examine cross-reactivity among neospora caninum and closely-related apicomplexans.19968669764
a coprological survey of parasites of wild neotropical conjunction with an ecological study of jaguars in the cockscomb basin of belize, central america, fecal samples from jaguars (panthera onca), jaguarundis (felis yagouaroundi), ocelots (felix pardalis), and pumas (felix concolor) were examined for parasite products (eggs, larvae, and oocysts). of the 45 samples examined, 39 (86.7%) were positive for parasite products, 23 of 25 (92%) jaguar samples were positive, as were all of the puma (4/4) and ocelot (8/8) samples. four of 6 samples from un ...19863783346
intestinal sarcocystosis in thai determine the prevalence of sarcocystis and other intestinal parasites in thai laborers who were going abroad for work, stool examinations of 362 asymptomatic laborers were studied. the four most frequently parasites found in stool were sarcocystis sp (23.2%), opisthorchis viverini (40.3%), hookworm (21.5%), and strongyloides stercoralis (14.1%). giardia intestinalis (5.2%), entamoeba coli (1.7%), endolimax nana (2.5%), blastocystis hominis (4.1%), echinostoma sp (3.6%), trichuris trichiura ( ...19969031398
experimental induction of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in horses using sarcocystis sp. sporocysts from the opossum (didelphis virginiana).sarcocystis sp. sporocysts isolated from eight feral opossums (didelphis virginiana) were pooled and fed to 18 commercially reared budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), 14 wild-caught sparrows (passer domesticus), one wild-caught slate-colored junco (junco hyemalis) and five weanling horses (equus caballus). all budgerigars died within 5 weeks post inoculation (wpi). histologic examination revealed meronts within the pulmonary epithelia and typical sarcocystis falcatula sarcocysts developing in ...19979066066
dalmeny disease in an alpaca (lama pacos): sarcocystosis, eosinophilic myositis and abortion.disseminated eosinophilic myositis was diagnosed in an alpaca that had been imported to the usa from peru 5 years earlier. the myositis was associated with macroscopically visible large sarcocysts that were characterized histologically by septate compartments containing bradyzoites, and ultrastructurally by cyst walls composed of anastomosing villous protrusions. two hours before death, the alpaca aborted an 8-month-gestation fetus, but no lesions were found in the uterus, placenta or fetus. add ...199910486166
disease patterns in field and bank vole populations during a cyclic decline in central finland.declining field vole (microtus agrestis) and bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus) populations were sampled (117 field voles and 34 bank voles) in south-central finland during the winter of 1988-89. the last surviving field voles were caught in april and bank voles in february. a subsample (16) of the april field voles were taken live to the laboratory for immunosuppression. the histopathology of the main internal organs and the presence of aerobic bacteria and certain parasites were studied. in t ...200010670697
trypanosomiasis in raccoons from georgia.trypanosoma cruzi frequently infects wild mammals in the southern united states but little is known about the effect of the parasite on reservoir hosts such as the raccoon (procyon lotor). to investigate this issue, 30 raccoons trapped on st. catherine's island (georgia, usa) during september, 1994 were tested for t. cruzi infection by examination of wet mounts of fresh blood and by culturing blood in liver infusion tryptose medium. thirteen animals (43%) were found to be infected with t. cruzi. ...19989476234
phylogenetic analysis of coccidia based on 18s rdna sequence comparison indicates that isospora is most closely related to toxoplasma and neospora.the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic affinities of coccidia with isosporan-type oocysts have been unclear as overlapping characters, recently discovered life cycle features, and even recently discovered taxa, continue to be incorporated into biological classifications of the group. we determined the full or partial 18s ribosomal rna gene sequences of three mammalian isospora spp., isospora felis, isospora ohioensis and isospora suis, and a sarcocystis sp. of a rattlesnake, and used these ...19989561772
[sarcocystis sp. in the diaphragm of a domestic cat (felis catus) from valdivia, chile].during 1987, diaphragms of 24 domestic cats from the city of valdivia, chile, were examined. in one (3.7%) cat infection by cysts of sarcocystis sp. was observed. this is the first report of feline muscular infection by sarcocystis sp. in chile.19969196952
ultrastructure of the cyst wall of sarcocystis sp. in roe deer.samples of heart, tongue, oesophagus and diaphragm muscle from twenty-two naturally infected roe deer (capreolus capreolus) harvested in central italy were examined for sarcosporidiasis. the structure of sarcocystis spp. muscle cysts was examined by light and electron microscopy. only one type of thin-walled cyst was distinguished by light microscopy. electron microscopy showed cysts having a thin highly folded primary cyst wall, without fibrillar material, that formed thin hair-like protrusions ...19979391971
acute fulminant sarcocystosis in a captive-born rhesus macaque.a captive-born juvenile female rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) was acquired from a commercial breeder and placed in quarantine. within 8 days of arrival, the animal became anorexic, inactive, and dehydrated. subsequently, generalized edema and facial ecchymoses developed, and despite supportive therapy, the animal became moribund and was euthanatized. macroscopic examination showed diffuse stippling and streaking of the myocardium. histopathologic examination revealed multifocal to coalescing my ...19989823591
meningoencephalitis due to a sarcocystis neurona-like protozoan in pacific harbor seals (phoca vitulina richardsi).seven pacific harbor seals with meningoencephalitis associated with sarcocystis neurona-like protozoa are described. six of the 7 seals were free-ranging and were found stranded over an 80-km stretch of central california coastline; the other was captive. all had marked to severe nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis, most severe in the cerebellar cortex. immunohistochemistry for s. neurona antigens was positive on brain tissue in all cases, revealing numerous merozoites as well as developing and m ...19989920311
protozoan parasites and pathological findings in hydromys chrysogaster (muridae: hydromyinae) from queensland.tissues from 23 australian water rats (hydromys chrysogaster) collected from five localities in central and northern queensland, australia, between february 1992 and may 1993, were examined for protozoan parasites and additional pathological changes. we found klossiella hydromyos in the kidneys, toxoplasma gondii in the brain and skeletal muscles and sarcocystis sp. in the somatic musculature. other pathological findings, including interstitial nephritis, interstitial pneumonia and a tongue absc ...19968722276
the severe combined immunodeficient mouse as a definitive host for sarcocystis muris.peroral and intraperitoneal inoculation of severe combined immunodeficient (scid) mice with cystozoites of three coccidia of the genus sarcocystis (protozoa, apicomplexa; s. dispersa, sarcocystis sp., and s. muris) revealed that after peroral administration, only s. muris could develop in the immunodeficient mouse host. the cystozoites of s. muris transformed into gamonts and, after fertilization, performed sporulation with the production of infectious sporocysts in the small intestine of the sc ...199910431742
sarcocystis atheridis sp. nov., a new sarcosporidian coccidium from nitsche's bush viper, atheris nitschei tornier, 1902, from uganda.transmission experiments were performed to elucidate the life cycle of a sarcocystis sp. found in a nitsche's bush viper, atheris nitschei nitschei (serpentes: viperidae), from uganda. sporocysts measuring 10.4 (10.0-11.0) x 8.0 (7.0-8.5) microm were given to laboratory mice (crl: cd1), laboratory rats (wistar h), and barbary striped mice, lemniscomys barbarus. sarcocysts developed in the skeletal muscles of laboratory mice and l. barbarus. no sarcocyst was observed in laboratory rats. merogony ...199910431745
search for the trematode prouterina wescotti in black bears in oregon.forty-six heads of free-ranging black bears (ursus americanus) collected in may and june of 1995 and 1996 from oregon (usa) were examined for the trematode prouterina wescotti and other parasites. only sarcocystis sp. was detected in two adult male bears. prouterina wescotti has been found only once previously in one black bear from idaho (usa); its normal definitive host remains unknown.199910479105
gastric spiral bacteria and intramuscular sarcocysts in african lions from namibia.six juvenile male, one adult male, and three adult, female african lions (panthera leo) from etosha national park, republic of namibia were presented for necropsy. two of four adults and one of six juveniles had moderate numbers of gastric spiral bacteria. additionally, four of four adults had sarcocysts. all juveniles had enteric sarcocystis sp. oocysts, but no sarcocysts. the gastric spiral bacteria were located extracellularly in fundic and pyloric glands, and also apparently intracellularly ...19989577779
sarcocysts (sarcocystis sp.: sporozoa) in the european badger, meles meles.sarcocysts from the tongue muscle of a european badger (meles meles) are reported for the first time and described by light and transmission electron microscopy. judging from the ultrastructure of the cyst wall, the parasite is similar to the species sarcocystis gracilis rátz, 1909 sensu erber, boch & barth (1978) from roe deer and possibly identical with it. this is noteworthy regarding the intermediate host specificity.19948008456
phylogenetic analysis of sarcocystis spp. of mammals and reptiles supports the coevolution of sarcocystis spp. with their final hosts.sequences of the small subunit rrna genes were obtained for two coccidians, sarcocystis dispersa and an unnamed sarcocystis sp. which parasitise the european barn owl and an african viperid snake as their final host, respectively, and share mouse as their intermediate host. phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data showed that sarcocystis sp. from the viperid snake is most closely related to another sarcocystis sp. isolated from an american crotalid snake, while s. dispersa grouped with other b ...199910404278
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