
ectoparasites of the blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra).fifty-two free-ranging blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra) from texas were examined for ectoparasites. two species of sucking lice (anoplura), one species of chewing louse (mallophaga), one species of louse fly (diptera), and three species of ticks (acari) were found. this is the first report of the anoplurans linognathus cervicaprae and l. pithodes from the western hemisphere. the southern deer ked (lipoptena mazamae), the winter tick (dermacentor albipictus), and the rabbit tick (haemaphy ...19921512888
listeriosis in an immature black buck antelope (antilope cervicapra).a 10-week-old, black buck antelope calf, from the mesker park zoo in evansville, indiana was found dead without observed signs of illness. necropsy disclosed disseminated ecchymoses on the pericardium, diaphragm, intestines, and renal capsules and more extensive hemorrhage in the muscles of the hindquarters. there were numerous, 1 mm, pale foci on the capsular and cut surfaces of the liver and spleen which, on microscopic examination, were necrotic foci containing variable numbers of neutrophils ...19873108524
blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra), a new host for psoroptes cuniculi (acari: psoroptidae).information was requested on the cause of extensive lesions and death of a blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra). psoroptes cuniculi, the ear mite of domestic rabbits, was identified as the cause of the lesions. death of the antelope was attributed to a secondary bacterial infection. this is the first report of p. cuniculi on blackbuck antelope. the potential impact of these mites on blackbuck antelope and other exotics in texas is unknown.19883352089
cryptosporidiosis in young artiodactyls.cryptosporidium was found in the intestinal tract of 10 blackbuck, 2 scimitar-horned oryx, 2 fringe-eared oryx, 2 addax, and 1 sable antelope that had diarrhea. cryptosporidia were most numerous in the small intestine, but also were found in the cecum, spiral colon, and colon. the small intestine had minimal inflammation in association with the cryptosporidia. salmonella typhimurium was isolated from 10 of the 51 animals evaluated, with extensive inflammation of the cecum, spiral colon, and colo ...19854077628
transmissibility of gastrointestinal nematodes from blackbuck antelope to cattle, sheep, and goats. 19734795399
[capillaria bilobata bhalerao, 1933 in antilope cervicapra linnaeus, 1758]. 19705421615
unusually large sex chromosomes in the sitatunga (tragelaphus spekei) and the blackbuck (antilope cervicapra). 19685658170
[description of setaria cervicapra n. sp., parasite of antilope cervicapra in india and note on the cuticular structure of s. capreola]. 19666008182
a comparison of vertebrate interferon gene families detected by hybridization with human interferon dna.cloned human interferon complementary dnas were used as hybridization probes to detect interferon alpha and beta gene families in restriction endonuclease digests of total genomic dna isolated from a wide range of vertebrates and invertebrates. a complex interferon-alpha multigene family was detected in all mammals examined, whereas there was little or no cross-hybridization of human interferon-alpha complementary dna to non-mammalian vertebrates or invertebrates. in contrast, human interferon-b ...19836306247
partially irreversible cold-induced lipid phase transitions in mammalian sperm plasma membrane domains: freeze-fracture an effort to investigate the nature of the cellular injury caused when mammalian spermatozoa are cooled prior to cryopreservation, the occurrence of thermal phase transitions amongs the lipid components of the sperm plasma membrane was investigated by the use of freeze-fracture electron microscopy. the mechanisms by which glycerol and egg yolk exert protective effects during semen cooling and freezing were also examined. ram and blackbuck spermatozoa, maintained at 30 degrees c prior to fixat ...19846747573
chromosomal evolution in gazelles.the chromosomes of nine gazelle species and two other antilopinae species (antidorcas marsupialis and antilope cervicapra) were prepared from fibroblast cultures. g- and c-band karyotypes were constructed, and when possible, autosomal arms were numbered according to the cattle standard karyotype. diploid chromosome numbers ranged from 30 to 58. based on band similarity, chromosome-arm homoeologies were extensive, whereas shared homoeologous biarmed chromosomes were rare. therefore evolution in t ...19957608514
neurologic disease attributable to infection with parelaphostrongylus tenuis in blackbuck antelope.substantial mortality attributable to infection with parelaphostrongylus tenuis was reported in 2 herds of blackbuck antelope (antelope cervicapra) in southwestern louisiana. both herds had outbreaks in which all affected antelope had neurologic disease and subsequently died. affected antelope were anorectic and weak. they staggered, trembled, isolated themselves from the herd, became recumbent, and, possibly, were blind. in 1 herd, 6 of 27 antelope were affected, and in the second herd, 7 antel ...19968926198
antelopes (bovidae) kept in european zoological gardens as intermediate hosts of sarcocystis species.four different forms of sarcocysts from the zoo-kept antelopes addax nasomaculatus. antilope cervicapra, taurotragus oryx and boselaphus tragocamelus (bovidae) were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy, in special consideration of the cyst wall. the sarcocysts found in addax (born in a zoo) were not distinguishable from sarcocystis medusiformis of australasian sheep by their morphology and would be the first indication for the occurrence of this species in europe. sarcocyst ...19969257346
phylogenetic relationships in the bovid subfamily antilopinae based on mitochondrial dna sequences.a molecular phylogeny of the subfamily antilopinae was determined using the two mitochondrial dna (mtdna) genes cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase iii. the tribe antilopini is monophyletic with antidorcas marsupialis and litocranius walleri basal to the large genus gazella. antilope cervicapra falls within gazella. this placement would either make gazella paraphyletic or require that the genus name gazella be changed to antilope. gazella thomsonii is supported as a subspecies of g. rufifrons. ...199910381312
morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the barbary sheep, ammotragus lervia.the dorsal lingual surface of a barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia) was examined by scanning electron microscopy (sem). the tongue was about 20 cm in length. there were about 30 vallate papillae on both sides. filiform, conical, fungiform and vallate papillae were found. the filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue, excepted for the lingual torus where conical papillae were present. the fungiform papillae were present rounded bodies, and more densely distribu ...200010998934
helminths collected from the indian antelope, antilope cervicapra. 196314074041
[on nematode fauna of the indian gazelle (antilope cervicapra) and its host specificity]. 196514272963
genotyping of clostridium perfringens isolated from domestic and exotic ruminants and swine.clostridium perfringens types a, b, c, d and e are known to cause severe enteritis/enterotoxaemia and diseases (especially caused by type a) belonging to the gas oedema complex in many species. samples from the small intestine as well as faeces of domestic and exotic animals suffering from enterotoxaemic signs or having died within days after first occurance of toxaemia were submitted for typing c. perfringens toxovars by multiplex pcr. the following species have been investigated: domestic shee ...200314535937
effect of anaerobic fungi on in vitro feed digestion by mixed rumen microflora of buffalo.five strains of anaerobic fungi isolated from the faeces of wild (hog deer, cervus porcinus; blackbuck, antelope cervicapra; spotted deer, axis axis; nilgai, baselophus tragocamelus) and rumen liquor of domestic (sheep, ovies aries) ruminants showing high fibrolytic enzyme producing ability were added to mixed rumen microflora of buffalo to study their effect on the digestibility of lignocellulosic feed (wheat straw and wheat bran in the ratio of 80:20), enzyme production and fermentation end pr ...200415535463
development of novel heminested pcr assays based on mitochondrial 16s rrna gene for identification of seven pecora species.characterization of molecular markers and the development of better assays for precise and rapid detection of wildlife species are always in demand. this study describes a set of seven novel heminested pcr assays using specific primers designed based on species-specific polymorphism at the mitochondrial 16s rrna gene for identification of blackbuck, goral, nilgai, hog deer, chital, sambar and thamin deer.200516095528
seroprevalences of antibodies to neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii in zoo animals.neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite that causes neuromuscular disease in dogs and abortions in cattle. little is known about the prevalence of antibodies to this parasite in zoo animals. sera from 556 animals, from 13 czech and slovak zoos were tested for antibodies to n. caninum and toxoplasma gondii by indirect fluorescent antibody test. antibodies to n. caninum were found in 31 of 556 zoo animals (5.6%), representing 18 of 114 species tested: eurasian wolf (canis lupus lupus), maned ...200616387445
characterization of equid herpesvirus 1 (ehv-1) related viruses from captive grevy's zebra and blackbuck.equid herpes virus 1 (ehv-1) related isolates from a captive blackbuck (strain ro-1) and grevy's zebra (strain t965) behaved similarly to ehv-1 and ehv-9 in respect to their host cell range. restriction enzyme analysis and a phylogenetic tree confirmed that ro-1 and t965 were identical and more closely related to ehv-1 than to ehv-9. differences from ehv-1 became obvious firstly, by amino acid alignments revealing two unique substitutions in the gb protein of ro-1 and t965. secondly, an ehv-1 ty ...200616891794
serologic responses of barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), indian antelope (antilope cervicapra), wallaroos (macropus robustus), and chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) to an inactivated encephalomyocarditis virus vaccine.encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) is a picornavirus with a worldwide distribution, capable of infecting a wide range of species. episodes of emcv-associated mortality have been reported in zoos and national parks around the world, including sporadic cases at taronga zoo, sydney. an inactivated emcv vaccine was evaluated by inoculating barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), indian antelope (antilope cervicapra), eastern wallaroos (macropus robustus), and chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). a proportion of ...200517315459
morbidity and mortality associated with arcanobacterium pyogenes in a group of captive blackbuck (antilope cervicapra).arcanobacterium pyogenes was associated with necrotizing pneumonia; mandibular osteomyelitis; peritonitis; and hepatic, pulmonary, renal, and subcutaneous abscessation in a group of captive blackbuck (antilope cervicapra). males were more frequently (73.3%) affected than females. infection with a. pyogenes was fatal or necessitated euthanasia in 15 of 16 (93.7%) cases. deaths associated with a. pyogenes occurred most frequently (60%) during winter.200517323570
chemical restraint of exotic animals in a disease regulatory program.the african red tick (rhipicephalus evertsi neuman) is widely distributed in africa but had never been identified in north america until september 1960 when it was found in a wild animal compound in florida. the red tick is a vector of cattle fever (piroplasmosis) and several other exotic diseases including the highly fatal east coast fever. the 130 acre compound contained more than 300 african and asian animals, including giraffes, camels, zebras, elands, nilghais, blackbuck, aoudads, ostriches ...196317649416
intraspecific variation in group size in the blackbuck antelope: the roles of habitat structure and forage at different spatial scales.the main ecological factors that are hypothesized to explain the striking variation in the size of social groups among large herbivores are habitat structure, predation, and forage abundance and distribution; however, their relative roles in wild populations are not well understood. i combined analyses of ecological correlates of spatial variation in group size with analyses of individual behaviour in groups of different sizes to investigate factors maintaining variation in group size in an indi ...200717786484
development of a management program for a mixed species wildlife park following an occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever.during late 2001 and early 2002, a mixed species wildlife park in north carolina experienced an acute outbreak of morbidity and mortality in pere david's deer (elaphurus davidianus), axis deer (axis axis), blackbuck antelope (antelope cervicapra), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus). clinical signs varied from fulminant disease, progressing from depression to bloody scours to death in fewer than 4 days in pere david's deer, to a more protracted for ...200818817000
ejaculate characteristics, short-term semen storage and successful artificial insemination following synchronisation of oestrus in the indian blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra).the blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) is a small (20-30 kg) indian antelope that is listed on schedule i of the indian wildlife protection act, 1972. studies were undertaken to develop assisted reproductive technologies, such as synchronisation of oestrus and non-surgical ai, to support the conservation and genetic management of this indian antelope. semen characteristics, testosterone levels and the feasibility of short-term cold storage of semen were investigated. furthermore, different oestrous ...200919567218
sequence analysis of the prion protein gene in mongolian gazelles (procapra gutturosa).prion diseases are a group of human and animal neurodegenerative conditions, which are caused by the deposition of an abnormal isoform prion protein (prpsc) encoded by a single copy prion protein gene (prnp). in sheep, genetic variations of prnp were found to be associated with the incubation period, susceptibility, and species barrier to the scrapie disease. we investigated the sequence and polymorphisms of the prion protein gene of mongolian gazelles (gprnp). gprnp gene sequence analysis of bl ...200919579063
spermatogonial stem cells in the testis of an endangered bovid: indian black buck (antilope cervicapra l.).numerous wild bovids are facing threat of extinction owing to the loss of habitat and various other reasons. spermatogonial stem cells (sscs) represent the only germline stem cells in adult body that are capable of self-renewal and that can undergo differentiation to produce haploid germ cells. sscs can, therefore, serve as a useful resource for preservation of germplasm of threatened and endangered mammals. the indian black buck (antilope cervicapra l.) is a small indian antelope that is listed ...201121719218
morphology of the lingual papillae in the sitatunga.we examined the dorsal lingual surfaces of an adult sitatunga (tragelaphus spekei) by scanning electron microscopy. filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were observed. the filiform papillae consisted of a larger main papilla and smaller secondary papillae. the filiform papilla contained connective tissue core consisting of several processes. the fungiform papillae were round in shape. the connective tissue core of the fungiform papilla was flower-bud shaped. lenticular papillae were limited ...201121882593
carcass composition and meat quality parameters of entire and castrate farmed blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra).this is the first report on the meat quality and carcass composition of farmed blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra). seventeen animals comprising entire males aged 7-10 months, entire males aged 13-16 months, and castrated males aged 13-16 months of age were raised on improved pastures, herded (one man plus a dog) into yards, transported 63 km and slaughtered in a commercial abattoir. carcasses were tenderstretched (hung by the pelvis allowing the hind legs to drop). castration reduced livew ...199622061051
wild ungulate decision-making and the role of tiny refuges in human-dominated landscapes.wildlife conservation in human-dominated landscapes requires that we understand how animals, when making habitat-use decisions, obtain diverse and dynamically occurring resources while avoiding risks, induced by both natural predators and anthropogenic threats. little is known about the underlying processes that enable wild animals to persist in densely populated human-dominated landscapes, particularly in developing countries. in a complex, semi-arid, fragmented, human-dominated agricultural la ...201626985668
data on phylogenetic analyses of gazelles (genus gazella) based on mitochondrial and nuclear intron markers.the data provided is related to the article "phylogenetic analyses of gazelles reveal repeated transitions of key ecological traits and provide novel insights into the origin of the genus gazella" [1]. the data is based on 48 tissue samples of all nine extant species of the genus gazella, namely gazella gazella, gazella arabica, gazella bennettii, gazella cuvieri, gazella dorcas, gazella leptoceros, gazella marica, gazella spekei, and gazella subgutturosa and four related taxa (saiga tatarica, a ...201627054158
sequence-based appraisal of the genes encoding neck and carbohydrate recognition domain of conglutinin in blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) and goat (capra hircus).conglutinin, a collagenous c-type lectin, acts as soluble pattern recognition receptor (prr) in recognition of pathogens. in the present study, genes encoding neck and carbohydrate recognition domain (ncrd) of conglutinin in goat and blackbuck were amplified, cloned, and sequenced. the obtained 488 bp orfs encoding ncrd were submitted to ncbi with accession numbers kc505182 and kc505183. both nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences were analysed with sequences of other ruminants retrieved ...201425028649
multilocus genotypes and broad host-range of enterocytozoon bieneusi in captive wildlife at zoological gardens in china.enterocytozoon bieneusi is a common opportunistic pathogen that is widely detected in humans, domestic animals and wildlife, and poses a challenge to public health. the present study was performed to evaluate the prevalence, genotypic diversity and zoonotic potential of e. bieneusi among wildlife at chengdu and bifengxia zoological gardens in sichuan province, china.201627391225
occurrence and identification of contagious ecthyma in blackbuck.a carcass of male free ranging adult blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) was presented for necropsy examination exhibiting thick confluent nodular skin lesions around the mouth and the dry scaly crusts/fissures on the skin of abdomen, thigh and shoulder with subcutaneous haemorrhages. the skin sample around mouth was found positive for orf virus (orfv) identified by counterimmunoelectrophoresis and pcr. histopathology of the mouth skin revealed the hyperkeratinization, epidermal sloughing and epithe ...201627366773
macroscopic digestive tract anatomy of two small antelopes, the blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) and the arabian sand gazelle (gazella subgutturosa marica).the digestive tract anatomy of 14 blackbucks (antilope cervicapra) and seven arabian sand gazelles (gazella subgutturosa marica) was quantified by dimensions, area and weight. data from the two small-sized antilopinae were evaluated against a larger comparative data set from other ruminants classified as having either a 'cattle-type' or 'moose-type' digestive system. the digestive anatomy of the blackbuck resembled that of 'cattle-type' ruminants, which corresponds to their feeding ecology and p ...201626514913
solute and particle retention in a small grazing antelope, the blackbuck (antilope cervicapra).digesta retention patterns have been suggested to play a major role in ruminant diversification. two major digestion types have been proposed, termed 'cattle-type' and 'moose-type', that broadly correspond to the feeding categories of grazers and intermediate feeders on the one, and browsers on the other hand. we measured and calculated the mean retention time (mrt) of a solute and a particle (<2 mm) marker in the gastrointestinal tract (git) and the reticulorumen (rr) of a small grazer, the ind ...201525490292
the arterial circle of the brain, its branches and connections in selected representatives of the antilopinae.the arterial circle of the brain, that is, the circle of willis, and its branches in ruminants have been chiefly described in farm animals and only in selected wild species. in view of the deficit of information about this vascular region in numerous other species of the ruminantia, the arteries of the encephalic base were analyzed in five antelope species representing different genera of the bovidae, antilopinae. specimens of the following species were examined: springbuck (antidorcas marsupial ...201525694115
nanger, eudorcas, gazella, and antilope form a well-supported chromosomal clade within antilopini (bovidae, cetartiodactyla).the evolutionary clade comprising nanger, eudorcas, gazella, and antilope, defined by an x;bta5 translocation, is noteworthy for the many autosomal robertsonian fusions that have driven the chromosome number variation from 2n = 30 observed in antilope cervicapra, to the 2n = 58 in present eudorcas thomsoni and eudorcas rufifrons. this work reports the phylogenetic relationships within the antilopini using comprehensive cytogenetic data from a. cervicapra, gazella leptoceros, nanger dama ruficoll ...201525416455
a revised phylogeny of antilopini (bovidae, artiodactyla) using combined mitochondrial and nuclear genes.antilopini (gazelles and their allies) are one of the most diverse but phylogenetically controversial groups of bovids. here we provide a molecular phylogeny of this poorly understood taxon using combined analyses of mitochondrial (cytb, coiii, 12s, 16s) and nuclear (kcas, sptbn1, prkci, mc1r, thyr) genes. we explore the influence of data partitioning and different analytical methods, including bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony, on the inferred relationships within ant ...201323485920
the 34,xy1,der(13) chromosome constitution with loss of y2 is associated with unilateral testicular hypoplasia in the endangered indian blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra).the present study is the first report of unilateral testicular hypoplasia in 3 of 15 (20%) indian blackbuck antelopes (antilope cervicapra). interestingly, the condition was restricted to only the right testis in all cases. cytogenetic analysis revealed chromosomal aneuploidy in the affected individuals which had a 34,xy(1),der(13) karyotype with loss of the acrocentric (autosomal) y(2) and an aberrant chromosome 13. we further determined that the semen output and the circulating testosterone le ...201222846804
molecular insights into x;bta5 chromosome rearrangements in the tribe antilopini (bovidae).for a clade that includes antilope, gazella,nanger and eudorcas (antilopinae), x;bta5 translocation is a synapomorphy. using a combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) probes and polymerase chain reaction techniques, we provide (i) the first insight into the x;bta5 architecture which differs in the species under study: antilope cervicapra (genus antilope), gazella leptoceros (genus gazella) and nanger dama ruficollis (genus nanger), (ii) determination of interstitial satellite dn ...201222327909
developmental competence of oocytes recovered from postmortem ovaries of the endangered indian blackbuck (antilope cervicapra).the ability to rescue gametes from endangered or wildlife species and to subsequently produce viable embryos holds tremendous potential as a means to increase the population size of endangered or wildlife species. the objective of this study was to assess the meiotic and developmental competence of oocytes recovered from postmortem ovaries of the indian blackbuck. oocytes collected from the ovaries of dead blackbucks were allowed to mature in vitro and then tested for developmental potential by ...201020710122
effects of copper oxide wire particle bolus therapy on trichostrongyle fecal egg counts in exotic artiodactylids.four species of artiodactylids (scimitar-horned oryx [oryx dama]), roan antelope [hippotragus equinus], blackbuck [antilope cervicapra]), and blesbok [damaliscus pygargus phillipsi]) totaling 13 animals were treated with a one-time 12.5-g dose of copper oxide wire particles (cowps) in a bolus form. pretreatment, individual trichostrongyle fecal egg counts (fecs) were performed using the mcmaster technique. individual posttreatment fecs were performed every 7 days for 35 days beginning 7 days aft ...200819110710
irregular tooth wear and longevity in captive wild ruminants: a pilot survey of necropsy reports.tooth wear is often suggested as an important factor limiting the life span of free-ranging wildlife. given the frequent occurrence of poor dental health in captive animals reported in the literature, one would expect tooth health to be a limiting factor in captivity as well. additionally, it could be assumed that brachydont (browsing) animals are more susceptible to dental health problems than are hypsodont (grazing) animals, given current indications for systematic increased tooth wear in some ...200818432098
morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the blackbuck, antilope cervicapra.the dorsal lingual surface of a blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) was examined by scanning electron microscopy (sem). the tongue was about 125 mm in length. there were about 30 vallate papillae on both sides. filiform, conical, fungiform and vallate papillae were found. the filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue, excepted for the lingual torus where conical papillae were present. the fugiform papillae were present rounded bodies, and more densely distribute ...199910693328
hormonal and behavioural detection of oestrus in blackbuck, antilope cervicapra, and successful artificial insemination with fresh and frozen semen.hormonal detection of urinary pregnanediol-3 alpha-glucuronide proved an effective method of monitoring the progress of oestrous cycles in the blackbuck; observation of sexual behaviour in a vasectomized male was, however, a more practical procedure. good correlation was observed between the occurrence of minimal pregnanediol concentrations in females and the maximal behavioural response by the male. on the basis of intervals between periods of behaviourally detected oestrus, a mean cycle length ...19883361506
tricholipeurus balanicus balanicus (werneck, 1938) (mallophaga, trichodectidae) on blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra l.) in texas. 19853981750
probable gene duplication in alpha-chain locus of the blackbuck antilope cervicapra. 19817333651
parasites of the blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra) in texas. 19734701184
gross composition and fatty acid constitution of blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra) milk. 19725056105
feed consumption, diet digestibility and mineral utilization in captive blackbuck (antelope cervicapra) fed different levels of concentrates.a feeding trial was conducted to know the level of concentrates in the diet of antelope cervicapra at which diet digestibility and mineral utilization were optimum. fifteen blackbucks (25-33 kg bw) were distributed into three groups of five each. fresh oat (avena sativa) and berseem (trifolium alexandrinum) fodders were offered ad libitum to all the animals. in addition, animals in groups ii and iii received concentrate mixture at the rate of 0.5 and 1% of bw, whereas animals in group i received ...201322093070
identification of pheromone-carrying protein in the preorbital gland post in the endangered indian male blackbuck antelope cervicapra mammals, a low molecular mass protein (17-20 kda) reported from the pheromone sources such as urine, saliva, glandular secretion, etc., as ligand-carrier (pheromone carrier) has been associated with chemo-communication. since the preorbital gland post is one of the major pheromone sources in indian blackbuck, an endangered species, we assumed that it possibly contains low molecular mass protein for chemical communication. hence, we investigated the preorbital gland post in territorial and non ...201526742321
detection of estrus in indian blackbuck: behavioural, hormonal and urinary volatiles evaluation.the determination of the reproductive status is one of the most important factors for effective wild life conservation and management, and effective use of assisted reproductive techniques like artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer depends on the knowledge of the basic reproductive physiology. in this context the reproductive status of female blackbucks (antelope cervicapra l.) was assessed by behaviour and determination, sex steroid hormones in faeces and urinary volat ...201323229002
feed consumption, nutrient utilization and serum metabolite profile of captive blackbucks (antelope cervicapra) fed diets varying in crude protein content.a feeding trial was conducted to determine the optimum level of crude protein (cp) in the diet of captive blackbuck (antelope cervicapra) in which feed consumption and nutrient utilization are maximal. fifteen blackbucks (bw 25-34 kg) were distributed into three groups of five each in an experiment of 75-days duration including a digestion trial of 5-day collection period. all the animals were offered 200 g of concentrates and fresh maize fodder ad libitum. the overall cp content of the three re ...201221585563
impact of zoo visitors on the fecal cortisol levels and behavior of an endangered species: indian blackbuck (antelope cervicapra l.).this study investigated behavioral activities (resting, moving, aggressive, social, and reproductive behavior) and fecal cortisol levels in 8 individually identified adult male blackbucks during periods of varying levels of zoo visitors (zero, low, high, and extremely high zoo visitor density). this study also elucidated whether zoo visitor density could disturb nonhuman animal welfare. this study analyzed fecal cortisol from the samples of blackbuck by radioimmunoassay and found significant dif ...201121191845
assessment of dominance hierarchy through urine scent marking and its chemical constituents in male blackbuck antelope cervicapra, a critically endangered ungulates the process of chemical communication by urinary scent marking has been directly related to reproductive dominance, territorial defense and proximity to resources. the differences in the frequency of urine marking and chemical composition of urine of males antelope cervicapra before, during and after the dominance hierarchy period were assessed. the variations in the urine marking and its chemical profiles of dominant males (n=9), bachelors (n=5) and sub-adult males (n=5) were compa ...201020547215
squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in a blackbuck. 19846096335
seed dispersal by ungulates in the point calimere wildlife sanctuary: a scientific and perspective analysis.exotic woody weed plants are a very serious threat to seed dispersed by ungulate in the tropical forest of asia. the ungulates in point calimere wildlife sanctuary (pcws) are a significant role in native indigenous seed dispersal. the exotic woody weed tree prosopis juliflora prevalence distributed in the pcws and they might potentially alter the native medicinal plant species. in the present investigation, we have assessed the seed dispersal by ungulates in pcws from january to march 2017. four ...202032994738
investigating the genetic diversity and presence of forensically informative nucleotide sequences in indian antelope (antilope cervicapra) using multiple genes of the mitochondrial genome.indian antelope or blackbuck (antilope cervicapra) is one of the widely distributed endemic species in india among wild bovids and a majority of preferred habitats are in human-dominated landscapes. poaching threats and habitat degradation are major factors for the decline in blackbuck population from its distribution range. till date, there is no detailed study using molecular techniques in india on blackbuck, except a few studies entailing phylogenetic scenario based on inadequate sampling and ...201931486977
multilocus nuclear markers provide new insights into the origin and evolution of the blackbuck (antilope cervicapra, bovidae).evolutionary relationships between members of the antilopina taxon have been much debated in recent years. the 'true antelope' clade is currently comprised of 4 genera viz., gazella, nanger, eudorcas and the monotypic genus antilope, that includes a. cervicapra. most studies have focused on the mitochondrial genome or morphological data to study their relationships. however, signals from mitochondrial data can often be misleading when compared with nuclear markers, as has been shown in multiple ...201931323336
a data-based study in support of blackbuck related cases from haryana.haryana state (located in the northern part of india), is lacking in natural forest, but it has rich biodiversity of some wild animals, especially the blackbuck antelopes. the maximum population of blackbucks in the state is living in open cultivated fields. blackbucks were once found abundantly throughout haryana, but now they are limited to the south-west part of the state, driven almost to extinction in the rest of haryana, mainly because of habitat destruction and wildlife crime. this data r ...201829845095
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