
pathogenicity for horses of original sagiyama virus, a member of the getah virus group.sagiyama virus is a member of the getah virus group. its pathogenicity for horses was examined. all the horses infected with the original 4 strains of sagiyama virus (m6/mag 33, mag 121, mag 132 and mag 258) developed pyrexia ranging from 39.0 to 40.0 degrees c. other clinical signs, characterized by eruptions, edema in the hind legs, enlargement of the submandibular lymph node and mild leukopenia, were also manifested. viremia occurred 1-4 days post-inoculation (p.i.). virus was recovered from ...19882847399
inheritance of oral susceptibility of aedes aegypti to chikungunya virus.a colony of rosy eye mutants of aedes aegypti was established. this strain was refractory to chikungunya virus by oral route of infection when compared with the wild-type parent strain. the refractoriness of this strain seems to be due to a mesentronal barrier, since both the mosquito strains supported the multiplication of virus after intrathoracic inoculation. the rosy eye strain was also found to be refractory to sagiyama virus (alphaviridae: getah virus subtype) when compared with wild-type ...19947943547
genome structure of sagiyama virus and its relatedness to other alphaviruses.sagiyama virus (sag) is a member of the genus alphavirus in the family togaviridae, isolated in japan from mosquitoes in 1956. we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the sag genomic rna from the original stock virus which formed a mixture of plaques with different sizes, and that from a full-length cdna clone, psag2, infectious rna transcripts from which formed uniform large plaques on bhk-21 cells. the sag genome was 11698 nt in length exclusive of the 3' poly(a) tail. between the co ...200010769079
sequence requirements for sindbis virus subgenomic mrna promoter function in cultured cells.the sindbis virus minimal subgenomic mrna promoter (spanning positions -19 to +5 relative to the subgenomic mrna start site) is approximately three- to sixfold less active than the fully active -98 to +14 promoter region. we identified two elements flanking the -19 to +5 region which increase its transcription to levels comparable to the -98 to +14 region. these elements span positions -40 to -20 and +6 to +14 and act synergistically to enhance transcription. nine different virus libraries were ...200111264340
arbovirus of marine mammals: a new alphavirus isolated from the elephant seal louse, lepidophthirus macrorhini.a novel alphavirus was isolated from the louse lepidophthirus macrorhini, collected from southern elephant seals, mirounga leonina, on macquarie island, australia. the virus displayed classic alphavirus ultrastructure and appeared to be serologically different from known australasian alphaviruses. nearly all macquarie island elephant seals tested had neutralizing antibodies against the virus, but no virus-associated pathology has been identified. antarctic division personnel who have worked exte ...200111287559
[cloning and primary analysis of 3 'end genome of two alphaviruses isolated from hainan province of china].to further characterize the hbbl7 and ml viruses isolated from hainan province by molecular biology.200011498681
genomic analysis of some japanese isolates of getah virus.using the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and direct sequencing, capsid protein and non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) regions of sagiyama virus and eight getah virus strains were analysed. the viruses were isolated from malaysia and various areas of japan over a period of 30 years. based on the available published sequence data, oligonucleotide primers were designed for rt-pcr and the sequences were determined. our findings showed that though there were differences in the ...200111557154
evolutionary relationships and systematics of the alphaviruses.partial e1 envelope glycoprotein gene sequences and complete structural polyprotein sequences were used to compare divergence and construct phylogenetic trees for the genus alphavirus. tree topologies indicated that the mosquito-borne alphaviruses could have arisen in either the old or the new world, with at least two transoceanic introductions to account for their current distribution. the time frame for alphavirus diversification could not be estimated because maximum-likelihood analyses indic ...200111581380
ross river virus transmission, infection, and disease: a cross-disciplinary review.ross river virus (rrv) is a fascinating, important arbovirus that is endemic and enzootic in australia and papua new guinea and was epidemic in the south pacific in 1979 and 1980. infection with rrv may cause disease in humans, typically presenting as peripheral polyarthralgia or arthritis, sometimes with fever and rash. rrv disease notifications in australia average 5,000 per year. the first well-described outbreak occurred in 1928. during world war ii there were more outbreaks, and the name ep ...200111585790
engineering of a sagiyama alphavirus rna-based transient expression vector.sagiyama virus (sagv), a strain of getah virus in the genus alphavirus in the family togaviridae, has a broad host range in vertebrates and invertebrates but is not pathogenic for humans. we engineered the sagv genome as an efficient transient expression vector using the full-length infectious cdna clone psag2 as the background. a green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene was used as a reporter gene and expressed from a subgenomic mrna. when the gfp gene was placed downstream of the intact capsid pro ...200211939577
comparison of two aquatic alphaviruses, salmon pancreas disease virus and sleeping disease virus, by using genome sequence analysis, monoclonal reactivity, and cross-infection.cell culture isolates of salmon pancreas disease virus (spdv) of farmed atlantic salmon and sleeping disease virus (sdv) of rainbow trout were compared. excluding the poly(a) tracts, the genomic nucleotide sequences of spdv and sdv rnas include 11,919 and 11,900 nucleotides, respectively. phylogenetic analysis places spdv and sdv between the new world viruses of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and eastern equine encephalitis virus and the old world viruses of aura virus and sindbis virus. w ...200212021349
molecular genetic evidence that the hydrophobic anchors of glycoproteins e2 and e1 interact during assembly of alphaviruses.chimeric alphaviruses in which the 6k and glycoprotein e1 moieties of sindbis virus are replaced with those of ross river virus grow very poorly, but upon passage, adapted variants arise that grow >100 times better. we have sequenced the entire domain encoding the e2, 6k, and e1 proteins of a number of these adapted variants and found that most acquired two amino acid changes, which had cumulative effects. in three independent passage series, amino acid 380 of e2, which is in the transmembrane d ...200212239293
isolation of arboviruses from mosquitoes collected in northern response to recent increases in cases of pediatric encephalitis with unknown etiology in northern vietnam, surveillance for arbovirus activity was conducted in four provinces surrounding the city of hanoi during june 2002 and july-august 2004. a total of 20,615 mosquitoes consisting of 19 species in 1,122 pools were processed for virus isolation; virus isolates were obtained from 44 pools. sagiyama virus (11 isolates), getah virus (15 isolates), oya virus (13 isolates), and akabane virus (4 i ...200516103625
isolation and characterization of a sagiyama virus from domestic 2002, a strain of sagiyama virus (sagv) designated ml/taiwan/02 was isolated from farmed pigs in taiwan. the nsp1 and e1 gene sequences of the ml/taiwan/02 strain shared 98.6 and 96.7% homology, respectively, with corresponding genes of a japanese strain of sagv. nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparison revealed this strain of sagv to be most closely related to getah virus, as opposed to its current classification as a subtype of ross river virus. to investigate the seroprevalence of sag ...200616617695
phylogenetic analysis of buggy creek virus: evidence for multiple clades in the western great plains, united states of america.we present the first detailed phylogenetic analysis of buggy creek virus (bcrv), a poorly known alphavirus with transmission cycles involving a cimicid swallow bug (oeciacus vicarius) vector and cliff swallows (petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and house sparrows (passer domesticus) as the principal avian hosts. nucleotide sequences of a 2,075-bp viral envelope glycoprotein-coding region, covering the entire pe2 gene, were determined for 33 bcrv isolates taken from swallow bugs at cliff swallow colonies ...200616936062
genomic analysis of a chinese isolate of getah-like virus and its phylogenetic relationship with other alphavirus, m-1 strain, was isolated from a pool of culicine mosquitoes collected in hainan island of china during an arbovirus survey in 1964. in the present study, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the m-1 strain using rt-pcr and race techniques. the m-1 genome is 11,690 nucleotides (nt) in length and contains two open reading frames (orfs) encoding four nonstructural proteins and five structural proteins, respectively. searches using blast and comparison analyses suggested ...200717570048
discovery of frameshifting in alphavirus 6k resolves a 20-year enigma.the genus alphavirus includes several potentially lethal human viruses. additionally, species such as sindbis virus and semliki forest virus are important vectors for gene therapy, vaccination and cancer research, and important models for virion assembly and structural analyses. the genome encodes nine known proteins, including the small '6k' protein. 6k appears to be involved in envelope protein processing, membrane permeabilization, virion assembly and virus budding. in protein gels, 6k migrat ...200818822126
the neglected arboviral infections in mainland china.the major arboviral diseases in mainland china include japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever (also known as xinjiang hemorrhagic fever), and tick-borne encephalitis. these and other newly found arbovirus infections due to banna virus and tahyna virus contribute to a large and relatively neglected disease burden in china. here we briefly review the literature regarding these arboviral infections in mainland china with emphasis on their epidemiology, primary vectors, ...201020436960
identification of a novel getah virus by virus-discovery-cdna random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd).the identification of new virus strains is important for the study of infectious disease, but current (or existing) molecular biology methods are limited since the target sequence must be known to design genome-specific pcr primers. thus, we developed a new method for the discovery of unknown viruses based on the cdna--random amplified polymorphic dna (cdna-rapd) technique. getah virus, belonging to the family togaviridae in the genus alphavirus, is a mosquito-borne enveloped rna virus that was ...201223268691
sindbis and middelburg old world alphaviruses associated with neurologic disease in horses, south africa.old world alphaviruses were identified in 52 of 623 horses with febrile or neurologic disease in south africa. five of 8 sindbis virus infections were mild; 2 of 3 fatal cases involved co-infections. of 44 middelburg virus infections, 28 caused neurologic disease; 12 were fatal. middelburg virus likely has zoonotic potential.026583836
evolutionary genetics and vector adaptation of recombinant viruses of the western equine encephalitis antigenic complex provides new insights into alphavirus diversity and host switching.western equine encephalitis virus (weev), highlands j virus (hjv), and fort morgan virus (fmv) are the sole representatives of the wee antigenic complex of the genus alphavirus, family togaviridae, that are endemic to north america. all three viruses have their ancestry in a recombination event involving eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) and a sindbis (sin)-like virus that gave rise to a chimeric alphavirus that subsequently diversified into the present-day weev, hjv, and fmv. here, we pr ...201425463613
a tyrosine-to-histidine switch at position 18 of the ross river virus e2 glycoprotein is a determinant of virus fitness in disparate hosts.arthritogenic alphaviruses are human pathogens maintained in nature through alternating replication in vertebrates and mosquitoes. using chimeric viruses, we previously reported that replacement of the pe2 coding region of the t48 strain of ross river virus (rrv-t48) with that from the attenuated dc5692 strain, which differ by 7 amino acids, resulted in an attenuated disease phenotype in a mouse model of rrv-induced rheumatic disease. here, we demonstrate that introduction of one of these amino ...201323514884
adaptive changes in alphavirus mrna translation allowed colonization of vertebrate hosts.members of the alphavirus genus are arboviruses that alternate replication in mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts. in vertebrate cells, the alphavirus resists the activation of antiviral rna-activated protein kinase (pkr) by the presence of a prominent rna structure (downstream loop [dlp]) located in viral 26s transcripts, which allows an eif2-independent translation initiation of these mrnas. this article shows that dlp structure is essential for replication of sindbis virus (sinv) in vertebrate ce ...201222761388
an updated checklist of mosquito species (diptera: culicidae) from updated checklist of 235 mosquito species from madagascar is presented. the number of species has increased considerably compared to previous checklists, particularly the last published in 2003 (178 species). this annotated checklist provides concise information on endemism, taxonomic position, developmental stages, larval habitats, distribution, behavior, and vector-borne diseases potentially transmitted. the 235 species belong to 14 genera: aedeomyia (3 species), aedes (35 species), anophel ...201627101839
genomic characterization of a novel virus of the family tymoviridae isolated from mosquitoes.the family tymoviridae comprises three plant virus genera, including tymovirus, marafivirus, and maculavirus, which are found in most parts of the world and cause severe agricultural losses. we describe a putatively novel member of the family tymoviridae, which is isolated from mosquitoes (culex spp.), referred to as cutlv.201222848363
a structural and primary sequence comparison of the viral rna-dependent rna polymerases.a systematic bioinformatic approach to identifying the evolutionarily conserved regions of proteins has verified the universality of a newly described conserved motif in rna-dependent rna polymerases (motif f). in combination with structural comparisons, this approach has defined two regions that may be involved in unwinding double-stranded rna (dsrna) for transcription. one of these is the n-terminal portion of motif f and the second is a large insertion in motif f present in the rna-dependent ...012654997
the serial propagation of sagiyama virus in several primary and continuous cell cultures. 196314058405
sagiyama virus. ii. some biolgic, physical, chemical and immunologic properties. 196214498264
sagiyama virus, a new group a arthropod-borne virus from japan. i. isolation, immunologic classification, and ecologic observations. 196214498263
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