
comparative susceptibility of anopheline mosquitoes to plasmodium falciparum in rondonia, brazil.five anopheline species, anopheles deaneorum, an. albitarsis, an. triannulatus, an. oswaldoi, and an. mediopunctatus were compared to an. darlingi for susceptibility to infection by p. falciparum in costa marques, rondonia, brazil. laboratory reared f1 an. darlingi and anopheline test species were allowed to feed at the same time on falciparum malaria patients who had gametocytes in their blood, and who had not yet been treated with quinine. mosquitoes were dissected and examined for oocysts on ...19911858963
comparative susceptibility of anopheline mosquitoes in rondonia, brazil to infection by plasmodium anopheline species from costa marques, rondonia, brazil were compared with anopheles darlingi for susceptibility to infection by plasmodium vivax. laboratory-reared f1 progeny of field-collected an. darlingi and the test anopheline species were fed at the same time on the same patients, all of whom had gametocytes in peripheral blood before treatment. mosquitoes were dissected on day 8 after infection for oocysts and on days 14-16 after infection for sporozoites. the mean numbers of p. viv ...19911951854
a cytogenetic analysis of the polytene chromosomes of anopheles triannulatus (diptera: culicidae) from western venezuela.the larval polytene chromosomes of anopheles triannulatus are described for the first time in this report. the population from western venezuela was chosen arbitrarily as the chromosome standard and is the basis for the photomap presented here. anopheles trannulatus displays whole-arm associations distinct from other members of the subgenus nyssorhynchus that have been examined cytogenetically. the association pattern for an. triannulatus is 2r-3r and 2l-3l, rather than the more common 2r-2l and ...19912055451
[culicidae of itaipu lake, in the paraná river, southern brazil].mosquito catches were made in guaíra county, paraná state, southern brazil, in the vicinity of itaipu dam, from january to december 1991. the catches were made with a shannon light trap and human bait. the shannon light trap was installed beside the highway that used, formerly, to lead to the sete quedas cataracts and the human bait was used in the urban area. data about the culicidae fauna were obtained as to predominant species, seasonal variation, time of highest density and affinity with hum ...19958525315
differential attraction of venezuelan anophelines to human collectors.during a longitudinal study on vector biology and malaria transmission in western venezuela the degree of attraction of mosquitoes to 4 people who carried out landing catches was evaluated. an analysis of variance of the log(x + 1)-transformed data showed that there were no significant differences in attractiveness of various individuals to anopheles nuneztovari, anopheles marajoara, or anopheles triannulatus.19958825515
comparative egg morphology of six species of the albimanus section of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) (diptera:culicidae).scanning electron micrographs were used to describe and compare structures of eggs obtained from wild-caught females of 6 species of the albimanus section of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) from south america, which includes important regional vectors of human malaria. among species from the oswaldoi complex, eggs of anopheles oswaldoi (peryassu) were not differentiated from those of its sibling anopheles konderi galvão & damasceno, and eggs of the former species from brazil, ecuador, and suriname sho ...19979103756
larval habitats of anopheline mosquitoes in the upper orinoco, venezuela.survey of larval habitats of anopheline mosquitoes was conducted in ocamo in the state of amazonas, southern venezuela. the sampled habitats belonged to three different hydrological types: lagoons (26 habitats), forest pools including flooded forest (16 habitats), and forest streams (4 habitats). out of 46 habitats surveyed, 31 contained anopheline larvae. six species were found: anopheles darlingi, anopheles triannulatus, anopheles oswaldoi, anopheles peryassui, anopheles punctimacula, and anop ...199910672542
[species of anopheles (culicidae, anophelinae) in a malaria-endemic area, maranhão, brazil].the study of the seasonal fluctuation, nocturnal activity, relative abundance and the richness of anopheles species in anthropic environment is essential to the understanding of the their bioecology and to the surveillance program of malaria control.199910689368
[seasonal distribution of malaria vectors in machadinho d'oeste, rondônia state, amazon region, brazil].the objective of this study was to describe the seasonal distribution of malaria vectors in machadinho d'oeste, rondônia state, brazil. the study was based on data from the brazilian national health foundation (funasa) for the period from april 1993 to november 1994. a total of 97 field visits were conducted, and 93 intradomiciliary and 95 peridomiciliary collections were performed. the most frequently captured species in both the intra- and peridomiciles was anopheles darlingi, followed by anop ...200212488912
geographical distribution of anopheles darlingi in the amazon basin region of peru.malaria has reemerged as a significant public health disease threat in peru, especially within the amazon basin region. this resurgence of human cases caused by infection with plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax is thought to be associated with the spread of anopheles darlingi, the principal south american malaria vector, into new areas of the amazon basin. however, comprehensive studies of the distribution for this species have not been conducted in peru for several years, nor are histor ...200314710728
differentiation and genetic variability in natural populations of anopheles (n.) triannulatus (neiva & pinto, 1922) of brazilian amazonia.populations of anopheles triannulatus from macapá (ap), aripuanã (mt), ji-paraná (ro), and manaus-janauari lake (am) were studied using 16 enzymatic loci. the results of the isozyme analysis showed that the population of macapá presented higher polymorphism (56.3%). the lowest variability was observed in the population of manaus (p = 25.0; ho = 0.077 +/- 0.046). the results of wright's f statistics showed unbalance due to excess of homozygotes (f(is) > f(st)), denoting a certain intrapopulationa ...200415462307
anopheles triannulatus (neiva and pinto): a new anopheles record from trinidad, west indies.we report the first collection of anopheles triannulatus from trinidad, west indies. adults were captured using human bait while larvae and pupae were collected from a pond located in valencia, north trinidad. the associated species was an. oswaldoi. this new record increases the number of mosquito species belonging to the genus anopheles to 14 and the total species count from 162 to 163 in trinidad, west indies.200516252524
molecular confirmation of the specific status of anopheles halophylus (diptera: culicidae) and evidence of a new cryptic species within an. triannulatus in central brazil.anopheles halophylus silva-do-nascimento & lourenço-de-oliveira was recently described using morphological and biological variants in specimens previously identified as anopheles triannulatus (neiva & pinto). because these two species occur in sympatry in central brazil, we used allozymes to determine the extent of gene flow to confirm that they are different species. of 11 allozyme loci analyzed, one (mpi) was found to be diagnostic for an. halophylus and an. triannulatus, confirming their spec ...200616739400
bloodmeal hosts of anopheles species (diptera: culicidae) in a malaria-endemic area of the brazilian amazon.hosts of blood-fed anophelines (diptera: culicidae) were determined in three riverine villages, 1.5-7.0 km apart, along the matapí river, amapá state, brazil, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay midgut analysis for igg of common vertebrates. anopheles marajoara galvão & damsceno and anopheles darlingi root had higher human blood indices (hbi) than anopheles nuneztovari gabaldón, anopheles triannulatus (neiva and pinto), and anopheles intermedius (chagas), which were relatively zoophilic. hbis o ...200617017232
habitat suitability mapping of anopheles darlingi in the surroundings of the manso hydropower plant reservoir, mato grosso, central brazil.hydropower plants provide more than 78 % of brazil's electricity generation, but the country's reservoirs are potential new habitats for main vectors of malaria. in a case study in the surroundings of the manso hydropower plant in mato grosso state, central brazil, habitat suitability of anopheles darlingi was studied. habitat profile was characterized by collecting environmental data. remote sensing and gis techniques were applied to extract additional spatial layers of land use, distance maps, ...200717343728
diverse population dynamics of three anopheles species belonging to the triannulatus complex (diptera: culicidae).the triannulatus complex of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) consists of at least three sibling species, namely anopheles triannulatus s.s., anopheles halophylus and a third undescribed member herein referred to as an. triannulatus "c". sympatric anophelines belonging to species complexes, even though closely related, may exploit different environments such as larval habitats. in this paper we hypothesize that rainfall and seasonal flooding would distinctly influence the availability of larval habitats ...200718209937
natural infectivity of anopheles species from the pacific and atlantic regions of colombia.malaria is an important public health problem in colombia. among the major vectors in colombia, anopheles albimanus is recognized for its importance on the pacific coast where it is the predominant species; it is also found in the atlantic coast, although its vectorial role in this region is not clear. we examined the occurrence of an. albimanus in four localities of the pacific and three of the atlantic coast. morphological identification of problematic specimens was confirmed by a molecular as ...200818554564
species composition and distribution of adult anopheles (diptera: culicidae) in panama.anopheles (diptera: culicidae) species composition and distribution were studied using human landing catch data over a 35-yr period in panama. mosquitoes were collected from 77 sites during 228 field trips carried out by members of the national malaria eradication service. fourteen anopheles species were identified. the highest average human biting rates were recorded from anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albimanus (wiedemann) (9.8 bites/person/night) and anopheles (anopheles) punctimacula (dyar and kn ...200818826025
[record of epidemiologically important culicidae in the rural area of manaus, amazonas].the biodiversity of the amazon region includes many species of arthropod vectors in different ecotopes, thus enabling occurrences of diseases like malaria, filariasis and arbovirosis. from august 2001 to july 2002, we gathered culicids from inside homes, from areas surrounding these homes and from forested areas of the são joão community, in the rural zone of manaus, state of amazonas. 1240 specimens were collected, belonging to the culicinae (99%) and anophelinae (1%) subfamilies, with 50 speci ...200819142448
species composition and natural infectivity of anthropophilic anopheles (diptera: culicidae) in the states of córdoba and antioquia, northwestern colombia.malaria is a serious health problem in the states of córdoba and antioquia, northwestern colombia, where 64.4% of total colombian cases were reported in 2007. because little entomological information is available in this region, the aim of this work was to identify the anopheles species composition and natural infectivity of mosquitoes distributed in seven localities with highest malaria transmission. a total of 1,768 anopheles mosquitoes were collected using human landing catches from march 200 ...200920140372
concordant phylogeographies of 2 malaria vectors attest to common spatial and demographic histories.the phylogeography of south american lineages is a topic of heated debate. although a single process is unlikely to describe entire ecosystems, related species, which incur similar habitat limitations, can inform the history for a subsection of assemblages. we compared the phylogeographic patterns of the cytochrome oxidase i marker from anopheles triannulatus (n = 72) and previous results for a. darlingi (n = 126) in a broad portion of their south american distributions. both species share simil ...201020511380
salivary polytene chromosome map of anopheles darlingi, the main vector of neotropical photomap of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) darlingi root, 1926, is described for a population from guajará-mirim, state of rondonia, brazil. the number of sections in the previous a. darlingi reference map was maintained and new subsections were added to the five chromosome arms. breakage points of paracentric inversions had been previously incorporated into the photomap of this species. an additional inversion is reported, called 3lc, totaling 14 inversions in the a. darlingi chromosome arms. th ...201020682862
the dominant anopheles vectors of human malaria in the americas: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis.abstract:201020712879
[The presence of Culicidae species in medium-sized cities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and the risk of West Nile fever and other arbovirus infection].The objectives for this study were to measure the diversity of Culicidae species, describe their abundance and seasonal variation in São José do Rio Preto, SP, and discuss the risk of arbovirus infections.201121860898
comparison of capture methods for the diagnosis of adult anopheline populations from state of mato grosso, brazil.the present study compares human landing catches of primary malaria vectors with two alternative methods of capture: the shannon trap and the mosquito magnet.201121860993
variations of insecticide residual bio-efficacy on different types of walls: results from a community-based trial in south cameroon.determination of residual activity of insecticides is essential information for the selection of appropriate indoor spraying operation. the present study was undertaken to evaluate the residual effect of three candidate insecticide formulations on different indoor surfaces in order to guide future interventions, in the context of cameroon and other african countries.201122047173
inventory of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in conservation units in brazilian tropical dry brazil, most studies of the culicidae family are concentrated in rainforest regions. as such, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the diversity of culicidae in regions with different climatic and vegetational characteristics. the aim of this study was to compile an inventory of culicidae in protected areas of the semi-arid region of the state of minas gerais, brazil, in order to better understand the diversity of the family within this region. the study was conducted across four protected ...026200963
effectiveness of mosquito magnet® trap in rural areas in the southeastern tropical atlantic forest.traps are widely employed for sampling and monitoring mosquito populations for surveillance, ecological and fauna studies. considering the importance of assessing other technologies for sampling mosquitoes, we addressed the effectiveness of mosquito magnet® independence (mmi) in comparison with those of the cdc trap with co2 and lurex3® (cdc-a) and the cdc light trap (cdc-lt). field collections were performed in a rural area within the atlantic forest biome, southeastern state of são paulo, braz ...201425424445
saint louis encephalitis virus in mato grosso, central-western brazil.the dengue virus (denv), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (yfv), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in brazil. because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the saint louis encephalitis ...026200961
culicidae (diptera) selection of humans, chickens and rabbits in three different environments in the province of chaco, argentina.studies were conducted to determine the selection of humans, chickens and rabbits by culicidae in three different environments in the province of chaco, argentina. mosquitoes were collected fortnightly using cylindrical metal traps containing animal bait (chickens and rabbits). the mosquitoes were collected between june 2001-may 2002. during the same period and with the same frequency, mosquitoes biting the human operators of the traps were collected during the first 15 min of exposure within di ...023903970
comparison of automatic traps to capture mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in rural areas in the tropical atlantic several countries, surveillance of insect vectors is accomplished with automatic traps. this study addressed the performance of mosquito magnet® independence (mmi) in comparison with those of cdc with co2 and lactic acid (cdc-a) and cdc light trap (cdc-lt). the collection sites were in a rural region located in a fragment of secondary tropical atlantic rainforest, southeastern brazil. limatus durhami and limatus flavisetosus were the dominant species in the mmi, whereas ochlerotatus scapulari ...024402154
colombian anopheles triannulatus (diptera: culicidae) naturally infected with plasmodium spp.the role of anopheles triannulatus as a local vector has not yet been defined for malaria-endemic regions of colombia. therefore, the aim of this work was to detect an. triannulatus naturally infected with plasmodium spp., as an approximation to determining its importance as malaria vector in the country. a total of 510 an. triannulatus were collected in six malaria-endemic localities of nw and se colombia from january 2009 to march 2011. in the nw, two specimens were naturally infected; one wit ...201327335865
abundance, behavior and entomological inoculation rates of anthropophilic anophelines from a primary colombian malaria endemic colombia for several years, the urabá-bajo cauca and alto sinú region has registered the highest numbers of malaria cases in the country. malaria vector incrimination and the characterization of entomological parameters will allow for a better understanding of malaria transmission dynamics and the design of effective vector control strategies for this region.201323497535
phylogeography of the neotropical anopheles triannulatus complex (diptera: culicidae) supports deep structure and complex patterns.the molecular phylogenetic relationships and population structure of the species of the anopheles triannulatus complex: anopheles triannulatus s.s., anopheles halophylus and the putative species anopheles triannulatus c were investigated.201323433428
genetic diversity of anopheles triannulatus s.l. (diptera: culicidae) from northwestern and southeastern colombia.anopheles triannulatus s.l. is a species complex, however in colombia its taxonomic status is unclear. this study was conducted to understand the level of genetic differentiation or population structure of specimens of an. triannulatus s.l. from northwestern and southeastern colombia. cytochrome oxidase subunit i (coi) and internal transcribed spacer (its2) sequence analyses suggested high genetic differentiation between the nw and se populations. a tcs network and bayesian inference analysis ba ...201222949519
evaluation of a pcr-rflp-its2 assay for discrimination of anopheles species in northern and western colombia.anopheles mosquitoes are routinely identified using morphological characters of the female that often lead to misidentification due to interspecies similarity and intraspecies variability. the aim of this work was to evaluate the applicability of a previously developed pcr-rflp-its2 assay for accurate discrimination of anophelines in twelve localities spanning three colombian malaria epidemiological regions: atlantic coast, pacific coast, and uraba-bajo cauca-alto sinu region. the evaluation of ...201121345325
molecular taxonomy of the two leishmania vectors lutzomyia umbratilis and lutzomyia anduzei (diptera: psychodidae) from the brazilian amazon.lutzomyia umbratilis (a probable species complex) is the main vector of leishmania guyanensis in the northern region of brazil. lutzomyia anduzei has been implicated as a secondary vector of this parasite. these species are closely related and exhibit high morphological similarity in the adult stage; therefore, they have been wrongly identified, both in the past and in the present. this shows the need for employing integrated taxonomy.201324021095
larval habitat characteristics of the main malaria vectors in the most endemic regions of colombia: potential implications for larval control.malaria incidence has recently decreased globally and, as malaria elimination is envisioned as a possibility by the health authorities, guidance is needed to strengthen malaria control strategies. larval source treatment, which could complement routine vector control strategies, requires knowledge regarding the anopheles larval habitats.201526620401
anopheles species composition explains differences in plasmodium transmission in la guajira, northern colombia.malaria in la guajira, the most northern state of colombia, shows two different epidemiological patterns. malaria is endemic in the municipality of dibulla whereas in riohacha it is characterised by sporadic outbreaks. this study aimed to establish whether differences in transmission patterns could be attributed to different vector species. the most abundant adult female species were anopheles aquasalis, exclusive to riohacha, and anopheles darlingi, restricted to dibulla. anopheles mosquitoes w ...025411002
mosquito-host interactions during and after an outbreak of equine viral encephalitis in eastern panama.mosquito blood meals provide information about the feeding habits and host preference of potential arthropod-borne disease vectors. although mosquito-borne diseases are ubiquitous in the neotropics, few studies in this region have assessed patterns of mosquito-host interactions, especially during actual disease outbreaks. based on collections made during and after an outbreak of equine viral encephalitis, we identified the source of 338 blood meals from 10 species of mosquitoes from aruza abajo, ...201324339965
new classification of natural breeding habitats for neotropical anophelines in the yanomami indian reserve, amazon region, brazil and a new larval sampling we present the first in a series of articles about the ecology of immature stages of anophelines in the brazilian yanomami area. we propose a new larval habitat classification and a new larval sampling methodology. we also report some preliminary results illustrating the applicability of the methodology based on data collected in the brazilian amazon rainforest in a longitudinal study of two remote yanomami communities, parafuri and toototobi. in these areas, we mapped and classified 112 na ...026517655
an overview of malaria transmission from the perspective of amazon anopheles the americas, areas with a high risk of malaria transmission are mainly located in the amazon forest, which extends across nine countries. one keystone step to understanding the plasmodium life cycle in anopheles species from the amazon region is to obtain experimentally infected mosquito vectors. several attempts to colonise anopheles species have been conducted, but with only short-lived success or no success at all. in this review, we review the literature on malaria transmission from the ...201525742262
integrated vector management targeting anopheles darlingi populations decreases malaria incidence in an unstable transmission area, in the rural brazilian amazon.studies on vector behaviour should be conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of vector control measures on malaria protection in endemic areas of latin america, where p. vivax predominates. this work aims to investigate the fauna of anopheline mosquitoes and verify the impact of integrated vector management in two colonization projects in the careiro municipality, western brazilian amazon.201223088224
comparison of transmission parameters between anopheles argyritarsis and anopheles pseudopunctipennis in two ecologically different localities of bolivia.anopheles (anopheles) pseudopunctipennis is a recognized malaria vector in the slopes of the andes of bolivia. there, other species might be involved in malaria transmission and one candidate could be anopheles argyritarsis. although it is generally admitted that this species is not a malaria vector in the neotropical region, its potential role in transmission is still controversial and this situation has to be cleared, at least for bolivia. comparing the vectorial efficiency of an. pseudopuncti ...201323941216
entomological surveillance of behavioural resilience and resistance in residual malaria vector populations.the most potent malaria vectors rely heavily upon human blood so they are vulnerable to attack with insecticide-treated nets (itns) and indoor residual spraying (irs) within houses. mosquito taxa that can avoid feeding or resting indoors, or by obtaining blood from animals, mediate a growing proportion of the dwindling transmission that persists as itns and irs are scaled up.201323577656
mosquito magnet® liberty plus trap baited with octenol confirmed best candidate for anopheles surveillance and proved promising in predicting risk of malaria transmission in french french guiana, mosquito magnet® liberty plus trap baited with octenol (mmoct) has been proposed for sampling anopheles darlingi after comparison with cdc light trap and human landing catch (hlc). however, other available lures were not tested. the current study compared mmoct and mm baited with lurex™ (mmlur) to hlc, and analysed entomological data from mmoct collection with malaria cases to facilitate malaria surveillance.201425260354
natural plasmodium infection in monkeys in the state of rondônia (brazilian western amazon).simian malaria is still an open question concerning the species of plasmodium parasites and species of new world monkeys susceptible to the parasites. in addition, the lingering question as to whether these animals are reservoirs for human malaria might become important especially in a scenario of eradication of the disease. to aid in the answers to these questions, monkeys were surveyed for malaria parasite natural infection in the amazonian state of rondônia, brazil, a state with intense envir ...201323731624
contribution of fish farming ponds to the production of immature anopheles spp. in a malaria-endemic amazonian the past decade fish farming has become an important economic activity in the occidental brazilian amazon, where the number of new fish farms is rapidly increasing. one of the primary concerns with this phenomenon is the contribution of fishponds to the maintenance and increase of the anopheline mosquito population, and the subsequent increase in human malaria burden. this study reports the results of a 2-year anopheline abundance survey in fishponds and natural water bodies in a malaria-ende ...201526573145
is there an efficient trap or collection method for sampling anopheles darlingi and other malaria vectors that can describe the essential parameters affecting transmission dynamics as effectively as human landing catches? - a review.distribution, abundance, feeding behaviour, host preference, parity status and human-biting and infection rates are among the medical entomological parameters evaluated when determining the vector capacity of mosquito species. to evaluate these parameters, mosquitoes must be collected using an appropriate method. malaria is primarily transmitted by anthropophilic and synanthropic anophelines. thus, collection methods must result in the identification of the anthropophilic species and efficiently ...025185008
epidemiological and entomological studies of a malaria outbreak among french armed forces deployed at illegal gold mining sites reveal new aspects of the disease's transmission in french december 2010, a plasmodium vivax malaria outbreak occurred among french forces involved in a mission to control illegal gold mining in french guiana. the findings of epidemiological and entomological investigations conducted after this outbreak are presented here.201626801629
implications for changes in anopheles darlingi biting behaviour in three communities in the peri-iquitos region of amazonian peru.malaria transmission in the peri-iquitos region of amazonian peru has been designated as seasonal and hypo-endemic with recently described hyper-endemic hotspots. despite relatively recent distribution of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets (llins), malaria in amazonian peru persists and increased substantially in 2014 compared to previous years. anopheles darlingi, identified as the main malaria vector, is known for its variable behaviour depending on locality and environment.201526223450
experimental plasmodium vivax infection of key anopheles species from the brazilian amazon.anopheles darlingi is the major malaria vector in countries located in the amazon region. anopheles aquasalis and anopheles albitarsis s.l. are also proven vectors in this region. anopheles nuneztovari s.l. and anopheles triannulatus s.l. were found infected with plasmodium vivax; however, their status as vectors is not yet well defined. knowledge of susceptibility of amazon anopheline populations to plasmodium infection is necessary to better understand their vector capacity. laboratory coloniz ...201324359307
nightly biting cycles of malaria vectors in a heterogeneous transmission area of eastern amazonian brazil.the biting cycle of anopheline mosquitoes is an important component in the transmission of malaria. inter- and intraspecific biting patterns of anophelines have been investigated using the number of mosquitoes caught over time to compare general tendencies in host-seeking activity and cumulative catch. in this study, all-night biting catch data from 32 consecutive months of collections in three riverine villages were used to compare biting cycles of the five most abundant vector species using co ...201323890413
ecological suitability and spatial distribution of five anopheles species in amazonian brazil.seventy-six sites characterized in amazonian brazil revealed distinct habitat diversification by examining the environmental factors associated with the distribution and abundance of five anopheline species (diptera: culicidae) in the subgenus nyssorhynchus. these included three members of the albitarsis complex, anopheles oryzalimnetes, anopheles marajoara, anopheles janconnae; anopheles triannulatus, and anopheles goeldii. anopheles janconnae abundance had a positive correlation to water flow ...201323546804
malaria entomological risk factors in relation to land cover in the lower caura river basin, explore the effects of deforestation and resulting differences in vegetation and land cover on entomological parameters, such as anopheline species composition, abundance, biting rate, parity and entomological inoculation rate (eir), three villages were selected in the lower caura river basin, state of bolívar, venezuela. all-night mosquito collections were conducted between march 2008-january 2009 using cdc light traps and mosquito magnet® liberty plus. human landing catches were performed b ...023579803
population dynamics, structure and behavior of anopheles darlingi in a rural settlement in the amazon rainforest of acre, brazil.anopheles darlingi is the major vector of malaria in south america, and its behavior and distribution has epidemiological importance to biomedical research. in brazil, an. darlingi is found in the northern area of the amazon basin, where 99.5% of the disease is reported.201121702964
wing sexual dimorphism of pathogen-vector culicids.sexual dimorphism in animals has been studied from different perspectives for decades. in 1874 darwin hypothesized that it was related to sexual selection, and even after nearly 140 years, when additional empirical data has become available and the subject has been investigated from a contemporary viewpoint, this idea is still supported. although mosquito (culicidae) wings are of great importance as they play a sex-specific role, little is known about wing sexual dimorphism in these pathogen-vec ...201525890192
seasonal distribution of malaria vectors (diptera: culicidae) in rural localities of porto velho, rondônia, brazilian amazon.we conducted a survey of the malaria vectors in an area where a power line had been constructed, between the municipalities of porto velho and rio branco, in the states of rondônia and acre, respectively. the present paper relates to the results of the survey of anopheles fauna conducted in the state of rondônia. mosquito field collections were performed in six villages along the federal highway br 364 in the municipality of porto velho, namely porto velho, jaci paraná, mutum paraná, vila abunã, ...026200969
late pleistocene environmental changes lead to unstable demography and population divergence of anopheles albimanus in the northern neotropics.we investigated the historical demography of anopheles albimanus using mosquitoes from five countries and three different dna regions, the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit i gene (coi), the single copy nuclear white gene and the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer two (its2). all the molecular markers supported the taxonomic status of a single species of an. albimanus. furthermore, agreement between the coi and the white genes suggested a scenario of pleistocene geographic fragmentatio ...201020888924
distinct population structure for co-occurring anopheles goeldii and anopheles triannulatus in amazonian evaluate whether environmental heterogeneity contributes to the genetic heterogeneity in anopheles triannulatus, larval habitat characteristics across the brazilian states of roraima and pará and genetic sequences were examined. a comparison with anopheles goeldii was utilised to determine whether high genetic diversity was unique to an. triannulatus. student t test and analysis of variance found no differences in habitat characteristics between the species. analysis of population structure o ...023903977
investigating associations between biting time in the malaria vector anopheles arabiensis patton and single nucleotide polymorphisms in circadian clock genes: support for sub-structure among an. arabiensis in the kilombero valley of tanzania.there is growing evidence that the widespread use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (llins) is prompting malaria vectors to shift their biting towards times and places where people are not protected, such as earlier in the evening and/or outdoors. it is uncertain whether these behavioural shifts are due to phenotypic plasticity and/or ecological changes within vector communities that favour more exophilic species, or involve genetic factors within vector species to limit their contact with llins ...201626920563
classification of immature mosquito species according to characteristics of the larval habitat in the subtropical province of chaco, classify mosquito species based on common features of their habitats, samples were obtained fortnightly between june 2001-october 2003 in the subtropical province of chaco, argentina. data on the type of larval habitat, nature of the habitat (artificial or natural), size, depth, location related to sunlight, distance to the neighbouring houses, type of substrate, organic material, vegetation and algae type and their presence were collected. data on the permanence, temperature, ph, turbidity, ...201121739026
anthropophilic anopheles species composition and malaria in tierradentro, córdoba, colombia.malaria is still a primary health problem in colombia. the locality of tierradentro is situated in the municipality of montelíbano, córdoba, in the northwest of colombia, and has one of the highest annual parasite index of malaria nationwide. however, the vectors involved in malaria transmission in this locality have not yet been identified. in this study, the local anthropophilic anopheles composition and natural infectivity with plasmodium were investigated. in august 2009, 927 female anophele ...201424863977
egg maturation in neotropical malaria vectors: one blood meal is usually enough.the requirement of more than one blood meal to complete a gonotrophic cycle is reported here to be infrequent among field-collected anopheles (nyssorhynchus), including anopheles darlingi, south america's most important malaria vector. the overall frequencies of host-seeking females that did not develop eggs after one blood feeding were low for anopheles darlingi (6.6%), anopheles rondoni (5.0%), and anopheles triannulatus (2.2%); the majority of wild-caught females that did not develop eggs aft ...19989879075
the influence of the area of the serra da mesa hydroelectric plant, state of goiás, on the frequency and diversity of anophelines (diptera: culicidae): a study on the effect of a reservoir.bioecological aspects of anophelines (diptera: culicidae) near areas under the direct influence of the hydroelectric plant reservoir of serra da mesa in goiás, brazil, were analyzed.201525860461
parity and influence of abiotic factors on anopheles in the manso dam, state of mato grosso, brazil.this study examined the parity of anopheles mosquitoes and the influence of abiotic factors on the distribution of these mosquitoes in the manso dam, mato grosso, brazil.201323681431
molecular divergence in the timeless and cpr genes among three sympatric cryptic species of the anopheles triannulatus complex.anopheles triannulatus s.l. is a malaria vector with a wide geographic distribution, ranging from argentina-nicaragua and trinidad. here we analysed sequences of two genes, timeless and cpr, to assess the genetic variability and divergence among three sympatric cryptic species of this complex from salobra, central-western brazil. the timeless gene sequences did not conclusively differentiate anopheles halophylus and an. triannulatus species "c". however, a partial separation has been observed be ...201121881777
almendravirus: a proposed new genus of rhabdoviruses isolated from mosquitoes in tropical regions of the americas.the rhabdoviridae is a diverse family of negative-sense single-stranded rna viruses, many of which infect vertebrate hosts and are transmitted by hematophagous arthropods. others appear to be arthropod specific, circulating only within arthropod populations. herein, we report the isolation and characterization of three novel viruses from mosquitoes collected from the americas. coot bay virus was isolated from anopheles quadrimaculatus mosquitoes collected in the everglades national park, florida ...201727799634
isolation and characterization of polymorphic dna microsatellite loci for anopheles triannulatus sensu lato (diptera: culicidae) and cross-amplification in congeneric species.anopheles (nyssorhynchus) triannulatus is a complex of 3 species. thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in 20 to 25 individuals from manaus (am, brazil). the number of alleles per locus varied from 3 to 10 (mean = 6.0). the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.250 to 0.875 (mean = 0.680) and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.376 to 0.844 (mean = 0.698). two loci exhibited null alleles and all loci were in hardy-weinberg equilibrium. no linkage disequilibri ...201323546982
entomological characterization of malaria in northern colombia through vector and parasite species identification, and analyses of spatial distribution and infection rates.malaria remains a worldwide public health concern and, in colombia, despite the efforts to stop malaria transmission, the incidence of cases has increased over the last few years. in this context, it is necessary to evaluate vector diversity, infection rates, and spatial distribution, to better understand disease transmission dynamics. this information may contribute to the planning and development of vector control strategies.201729078770
composition of anopheline (diptera: culicidae) community and its seasonal variation in three environments of the city of puerto iguazú, misiones, order to extend the knowledge of the composition of the anopheline community and the seasonal variation related to anthropogenic modifications in the city of puerto iguazú, adult females were captured between 2009 and 2012. samples were collected in three environments with different degrees of anthropogenic modification: urban, periurban, and wild. alpha diversity was evaluated as the 'true' diversity of the species in each environment. among environments, range-abundance curves were used to ...201729194513
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