
bloodmeal hosts of anopheles species (diptera: culicidae) in a malaria-endemic area of the brazilian amazon.hosts of blood-fed anophelines (diptera: culicidae) were determined in three riverine villages, 1.5-7.0 km apart, along the matapí river, amapá state, brazil, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay midgut analysis for igg of common vertebrates. anopheles marajoara galvão & damsceno and anopheles darlingi root had higher human blood indices (hbi) than anopheles nuneztovari gabaldón, anopheles triannulatus (neiva and pinto), and anopheles intermedius (chagas), which were relatively zoophilic. hbis o ...200617017232
integrated vector management targeting anopheles darlingi populations decreases malaria incidence in an unstable transmission area, in the rural brazilian amazon.studies on vector behaviour should be conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of vector control measures on malaria protection in endemic areas of latin america, where p. vivax predominates. this work aims to investigate the fauna of anopheline mosquitoes and verify the impact of integrated vector management in two colonization projects in the careiro municipality, western brazilian amazon.201223088224
mosquito magnet® liberty plus trap baited with octenol confirmed best candidate for anopheles surveillance and proved promising in predicting risk of malaria transmission in french french guiana, mosquito magnet® liberty plus trap baited with octenol (mmoct) has been proposed for sampling anopheles darlingi after comparison with cdc light trap and human landing catch (hlc). however, other available lures were not tested. the current study compared mmoct and mm baited with lurex™ (mmlur) to hlc, and analysed entomological data from mmoct collection with malaria cases to facilitate malaria surveillance.201425260354
novel strategies lead to pre-elimination of malaria in previously high-risk areas in suriname, south america.suriname was a high malaria risk country before the introduction of a new five-year malaria control program in 2005, the medical mission malaria programme (mm-mp). malaria was endemic in the forested interior, where especially the stabile village communities were affected.201222230221
new classification of natural breeding habitats for neotropical anophelines in the yanomami indian reserve, amazon region, brazil and a new larval sampling we present the first in a series of articles about the ecology of immature stages of anophelines in the brazilian yanomami area. we propose a new larval habitat classification and a new larval sampling methodology. we also report some preliminary results illustrating the applicability of the methodology based on data collected in the brazilian amazon rainforest in a longitudinal study of two remote yanomami communities, parafuri and toototobi. in these areas, we mapped and classified 112 na ...026517655
effectiveness of mosquito magnet® trap in rural areas in the southeastern tropical atlantic forest.traps are widely employed for sampling and monitoring mosquito populations for surveillance, ecological and fauna studies. considering the importance of assessing other technologies for sampling mosquitoes, we addressed the effectiveness of mosquito magnet® independence (mmi) in comparison with those of the cdc trap with co2 and lurex3® (cdc-a) and the cdc light trap (cdc-lt). field collections were performed in a rural area within the atlantic forest biome, southeastern state of são paulo, braz ...201425424445
annual variations in the number of malaria cases related to two different patterns of anopheles darlingi transmission potential in the maroni area of french guiana.with an annual parasite incidence (api) of 132.1, in the high and moderate risks zones, the maroni area of french guiana has the second highest malaria incidence of south-america after guyana (api = 183.54) and far above brazil (api = 28.25). malaria transmission is occurring despite strong medical assistance and active vector control, based on general who recommendations. this situation is generated by two main factors that are the social and cultural characteristics of this border area, where ...201020307300
variability and genetic differentiation among anopheles (ano.) intermedius chagas, 1908 and anopheles (ano.) mattogrossensis lutz & neiva, 1911 (diptera: culicidae) from the brazilian amazon.anopheles (anopheles) intermedius and anopheles (ano.) mattogrossensis are brazilian anopheline species belonging to the scarcely studied anopheles subgenus. few studies have been done on the genetic differentiation of these species. both species have been found infected by plasmodium and are sympatric with other anopheline species from the nyssorhynchus subgenus. eighteen enzymatic loci were analyzed in larval specimens of an. intermedius and an. mattogrossensis aiming to estimate the variabili ...200516302063
ontogenetic patterns and genetic variation in anopheles (anopheles) intermedius chagas, 1908 and anopheles (anopheles) mattogrossensis lutz & neiva, 1911 (diptera: culicidae) in the brazilian amazon.changes in the expression of genes were observed during development in populations of anopheles (anopheles) intermedius and anopheles (anopheles) mattogrossensis. esterase showed seven zones of activity: est1 was present in all developmental stages of both species; est2 was observed only in larvae of a. intermedius and larvae and pupae of a. mattogrossensis, with greater activity in pupae; est3 and est5 were present in all developmental stages, with greater intensity in larvae; est4 and est6 sho ...200010959120
description of the egg of anopheles (anopheles) intermedius (peryassu, 1908) (diptera: culicidae) by scanning electron microscopy.the egg of anopheles (anopheles) intermedius (peryassu, 1908) is described and illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. literature data on an. (ano.) maculipes (theobald, 1903) is provided.20069394529
genetic variability among anopheles species belonging to the nyssorhynchus and anopheles subgenera in the amazon region.isoenzymatic analyses were performed involving species of the nyssorhynchus and anopheles subgenera in order to estimate the intra and interspecies genetic variability.201120802941
malaria on the guiana shield: a review of the situation in french a climate of growing concern that plasmodium falciparum may be developing a drug resistance to artemisinin derivatives in the guiana shield, this review details our current knowledge of malaria and control strategy in one part of the shield, french guiana. local epidemiology, test-treat-track strategy, the state of parasite drug resistance and vector control measures are summarised. current issues in terms of mobile populations and legislative limitations are also discussed.201425184998
nightly biting cycles of malaria vectors in a heterogeneous transmission area of eastern amazonian brazil.the biting cycle of anopheline mosquitoes is an important component in the transmission of malaria. inter- and intraspecific biting patterns of anophelines have been investigated using the number of mosquitoes caught over time to compare general tendencies in host-seeking activity and cumulative catch. in this study, all-night biting catch data from 32 consecutive months of collections in three riverine villages were used to compare biting cycles of the five most abundant vector species using co ...201323890413
incrimination of anopheles (anopheles) intermedius peryassú, an. (nyssorhynchus) nuneztovari gabaldón, an. (nys.) oswaldoi peryassú as natural vectors of plasmodium falciparum in french guiana.anopheles darlingi root is the major vector of human malaria in the neotropics and has been considered to be the sole malaria vector in french guiana. the presence of other potential vectors suggests that malaria may be transmitted by other species under certain conditions. from 2006-2011, all anopheline specimens collected from 11 localities were assayed to determine if the plasmodium circumsporozoite protein was present. in addition to an. darlingi, we found anopheles oswaldoi, anopheles inter ...201222510842
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