indoor and outdoor host-seeking rhythms of anopheles albitarsis (diptera: culicidae) in trinidad, west indies. | the diel host-seeking periodicity of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis lynch-arribalzaga (sensu latu) was monitored on humans during a period of 6 mo in frederick settlement, county caroni, trinidad, west indies. similar abundances and periodicities were recorded at indoor and outdoor sites, with peak host-seeking occurring at 1900 hours. only 78 an. albitarsis females were collected resting indoors, indicating that most females rest outdoors and, therefore, may escape contact with residual i ... | 1992 | 1625309 |
comparative susceptibility of anopheline mosquitoes to plasmodium falciparum in rondonia, brazil. | five anopheline species, anopheles deaneorum, an. albitarsis, an. triannulatus, an. oswaldoi, and an. mediopunctatus were compared to an. darlingi for susceptibility to infection by p. falciparum in costa marques, rondonia, brazil. laboratory reared f1 an. darlingi and anopheline test species were allowed to feed at the same time on falciparum malaria patients who had gametocytes in their blood, and who had not yet been treated with quinine. mosquitoes were dissected and examined for oocysts on ... | 1991 | 1858963 |
comparative susceptibility of anopheline mosquitoes in rondonia, brazil to infection by plasmodium vivax. | seven anopheline species from costa marques, rondonia, brazil were compared with anopheles darlingi for susceptibility to infection by plasmodium vivax. laboratory-reared f1 progeny of field-collected an. darlingi and the test anopheline species were fed at the same time on the same patients, all of whom had gametocytes in peripheral blood before treatment. mosquitoes were dissected on day 8 after infection for oocysts and on days 14-16 after infection for sporozoites. the mean numbers of p. viv ... | 1991 | 1951854 |
colonization and maintenance of anopheles deaneorum in brazil. | anopheles deaneorum, an important malaria vector and a member of the anopheles albitarsis complex, was colonized by an artificial mating technique. morphological and behavioral differences between an. deaneorum and an. albitarsis from costa marques, rondonia, brazil, are discussed. the essential methods and colonization techniques are described. immature development and mortality rates were reduced when dried grass was added to larval rearing pans. males frequently mate more than once using the ... | 1990 | 2230782 |
arbovirus investigations in argentina, 1977-1980. ii. arthropod collections and virus isolations from argentine mosquitoes. | prospective surveys for arboviruses were carried out in santa fe, corrientes, and chaco provinces, argentina, aperiodically during 1977-1980. a total of 313,233 mosquitoes and 598 biting flies other than mosquitoes were collected and tested for virus in 5,197 and 45 pools, respectively. forty virus strains were isolated, all from mosquitoes, as follows: santa fe province: 4 gamboa group viruses from aedeomyia squamipennis, 1 strain each of st. louis encephalitis virus from culex pipiens quinquef ... | 1985 | 2863989 |
arbovirus isolations from mosquitoes collected during and after the 1982-1983 epizootic of western equine encephalitis in argentina. | mosquitoes were collected in santa fe and rio negro provinces, argentina, in 1982-1983 during a western equine encephalitis (wee) epizootic. totals of 153,084 mosquitoes from santa fe province and 484 from rio negro province were tested for virus in 2,351 pools. seventeen virus strains were isolated, all from santa fe collections, as follows: 4 wee, 6 venezuelan equine encephalitis, 1 st. louis encephalitis, 2 antequera, 1 maguari, 1 melao, 1 new vesiculovirus (calchaqui), and 1 gamboa. the wee ... | 1987 | 2880521 |
infectivity of two strains of plasmodium vivax to anopheles albitarsis mosquitoes from colombia. | anopheles albitarsis obtained from villavicencio, colombia, were colonized in the laboratory using force-mating techniques. laboratory reared mosquitoes were allowed to feed on aotus monkeys infected with the salvador ii or the rio meta strains of plasmodium vivax from el salvador and colombia, respectively. in comparison with other species, the an. albitarsis were less susceptible than anopheles freeborni, anopheles culicifacies and strains of anopheles albimanus from el salvador, panama and co ... | 1985 | 3912483 |
blood-digestion kinetics of four anopheles species from trinidad, west indies. | the blood-digestion kinetics of anopheles albitarsis, an. aquasalis, an. bellator and an. homunculus were determined in the laboratory using females collected from two field sites in trinidad. anopheles aquasalis displayed the highest rate of haemolysis (giving an absorbance of 0.36 at 410 nm), followed by an. albitarsis (0.16), an. bellator (0.07) and an. homunculus (0.05). trypsin activity peaked 12-24 h after blood feeding and then declined to zero at 60 h in all four species. anopheles albit ... | 1995 | 7495367 |
diel oviposition patterns of anopheles albitarsis in trinidad, west indies. | the diel pattern of oviposition of wild-caught anopheles albitarsis derived from rice fields in frederick settlement, trinidad, was studied in the laboratory by recording the performance of egg-laying individuals and a colony at 2-h intervals. oviposition was almost exclusively nocturnal, with 79.3% of the eggs being laid during the scotophase. during the rest of the day and during evening twilight, 7.8 and 12.9% eggs were laid, respectively. wild-caught parous females allowed to engorge on huma ... | 1995 | 7616174 |
studies on mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and anthropic environment. 5--breeding of anopheles albitarsis in flooded rice fields in south-eastern brazil. | studies on breeding anopheles albitarsis and association with rice growth in irrigated paddy fields were carried out during the rice cultivation cycle from december 1993 to march 1994. this period corresponded to the length of time of permanent paddy flooding. breeding occurred in the early stage up until five weeks after transplantation when rice plant height was small. that inverse correlation may give potential direction to control measures. | 1994 | 7660032 |
blood-engorgement kinetics of four anopheline mosquitoes from trinidad, west indies. | the blood-feeding kinetics of anopheles albitarsis, an. aquasalis, an. bellator and an. homunculus were determined under laboratory conditions using females collected from two sites in trinidad. many an. aquasalis, an. albitarsis and an. bellator completed probing within 30 s but an. homunculus averaged > 50 s. anopheles albitarsis (68.3 s), an. aquasalis (67.0 s) and an. homunculus (77.7 s) took similar times to fill their guts but an. bellator took longer (106.5 s). more than 75% of the an. al ... | 1995 | 7741595 |
[mosquitos of peri and extradomiciliary environments in the southern region of brazil]. | mosquitoes were collected on sonho real farm, querência do norte county, paraná state, brazil, using human bait and falcão traps between june 1989 and may 1990. the fauna composition, monthly density, hours of major density, human attraction and presence of mosquitoes in domestic animal shelters were investigated. 5,923 mosquitoes of the genera aedes, aedomyia, anopheles, coquillettidea, culex, mansonia, psorophora, sabethes and uranotaenia were collected. 33 species of mosquitoes were identifie ... | 1994 | 7824842 |
studies on mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and anthropic environment. 2. immature stages research at a rice irrigation system location in south-eastern brazil. | a relation between a rice irrigation system and mosquito breeding was established in a study undertaken at the ribeira valley experimental station, from january through december 1992. flooding favoured anopheles (nyssorhynchus) and culex (melanoconion) species, while empty paddies condition were propitious to aedes scapularis and culex (culex) species. compared with a more primitive area of the same region, several species showed high a degree of adaptation to the anthropic environment. among th ... | 1993 | 7911592 |
studies on mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and anthropic environment. 3--survey of adult stages at the rice irrigation system and the emergence of anopheles albitarsis in south-eastern, brazil. | a study of adult culicidae ecology was carried out from january 1992 through january 1993 at the rice irrigation system of the ribeira valley experimental station. the adaptation of anopheles albitarsis to the anthropic environment became evident through the adult collections made at its various habitats represented by the irrigation system and the edge of the residual pond, as well as at those made within the local patchy residual woods. other potential disease vectors were prevalent in the irr ... | 1993 | 7911593 |
genetic evidence for the existence of cryptic species in the anopheles albitarsis complex in brazil: allozymes and mitochondrial dna restriction fragment length polymorphisms. | allozyme and mitochondrial dna (mtdna) restriction studies were undertaken to determine the extent of genetic divergence among field populations of anopheles albitarsis in brazil. two sympatric species, an. deaneorum and an. marajoara, were identified in collections from costa marques (cm), rondonia. genetic evidence includes (1) the presence of two types of individuals, each with diagnostic allelic clusters (for had-1, pgi-1, pep-1, mpi-1, and idh-1), (2) a deficiency of heterozygotes, and (3) ... | 1993 | 8097085 |
studies on mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and anthropic environment. 7-behaviour of adults nyssorhynchus anophelines with special reference to anopheles albitarsis s.l. in south-eastern brazil. | results obtained with catches performed at several sites of the ribeira valley, sp (brazil) are reported. collections with shannon type traps showed a concentration of an.albitarsis s.l. in the experimental farm of pariquera-açu county, associated with the development of irrigated rice cultivation. two species of the complex, named a and b, were recognized. species b predominated in the samples. indoor and outdoor crepuscular human bait captures were performed a the domiciliary environment. the ... | 1995 | 8525310 |
[culicidae of itaipu lake, in the paraná river, southern brazil]. | mosquito catches were made in guaíra county, paraná state, southern brazil, in the vicinity of itaipu dam, from january to december 1991. the catches were made with a shannon light trap and human bait. the shannon light trap was installed beside the highway that used, formerly, to lead to the sete quedas cataracts and the human bait was used in the urban area. data about the culicidae fauna were obtained as to predominant species, seasonal variation, time of highest density and affinity with hum ... | 1995 | 8525315 |
classification of immature stage habitats of culicidae (diptera) collected in córdoba, argentina. | in order to classify mosquito immature stage habitats, samples were taken in 42 localities of córdoba province, argentina, representing the phytogeographic regions of chaco, espinal and pampa. immature stage habitats were described and classified according to the following criteria: natural or artificial; size; location related to light and neighboring houses; vegetation; water; permanence, movement, turbidity and ph. four groups of species were associated based on the habitat similarity by mean ... | 1996 | 8734943 |
systematics of mosquito disease vectors (diptera, culicidae): impact of molecular biology and cladistic analysis. | the field of medical entomology, by nature of its association with problems of human health, has been conservative in its application of molecular and computer technologies to systematic research. recently, however, these methods have opened new interpretations for systematics of disease vectors. medically important insects, particularly mosquitoes, are among those more thoroughly described by conventional taxonomy, and thereby provide a secure framework for testing congruencies with molecular d ... | 1997 | 9017898 |
establishment of a free-mating colony of anopheles albitarsis from brazil. | the establishment of a free-mating colony of anopheles albitarsis sensu siricto, a member of the anopheles albitarsis complex, is described. groups of females from the f5, f6, and f11 generations were examined, and the percent inseminated, mean number of eggs oviposited, and percent hatch discussed. the colony has been continued through 18 generations, with larval development averaging 10 days, and larval mortality ranging between 20 and 30%. | 1997 | 9152884 |
studies on mosquitoes (diptera:culicidae) and anthropic environment. 12-host-seeking behaviour of anopheles albitarsis s.l. in south-eastern brazil. | results obtained with anopheles albitarsis s.l. catches mainly performed through human bait at the ribeira valley region, sp (brazil), are reported. two species of the complex were recognized, namely an. albitarsis s.s. and species b. this latter predominated both in the rice fields and in the dwelling environments. the crepuscular rhythms showed an unimodal sunset pattern with most blood-seeking females caught during dusk. the absence of differences between indoor and outdoor behavior was confi ... | 1996 | 9201890 |
[prevalence of anophelines (diptera: culicidae) during sunset in areas of the itaipu hydroelectric plant in guaíra county, state of paraná, brazil]. | systematic collections of anophelines were conducted from november 1994 to august 1995 from 18:00 to 20:00 hr using shannon traps and human-bait along the lake margin which forms the itaipu hydroelectric reservoir, state of paraná, brazil. species prevalence was studied at 15 min intervals. anopheles albitarsis sensu latu and an. galvaoi, were the most frequently collected mosquitoes. all anopheles species populations peaked between 18:45 and 19:30 hr. the observations illustrate the existence o ... | 1997 | 9580488 |
[marking-release-recapture methods for determining the size of the natural population of anopheles albitarsis l.s (diptera:culicidae)]. | in order to evaluate the size of the anopheles albitarsis s.l. population in the ribeira valley region of the south-eastern s. paulo state, brazil, marking-release-recapture experiments were carried out on the experimental farm in pariquera-açu county where an artificial irrigation system for the cultivation of rice has been installed. the experiments aimed at determining the vectorial capacity of this species. | 1999 | 10457005 |
[species of anopheles (culicidae, anophelinae) in a malaria-endemic area, maranhão, brazil]. | the study of the seasonal fluctuation, nocturnal activity, relative abundance and the richness of anopheles species in anthropic environment is essential to the understanding of the their bioecology and to the surveillance program of malaria control. | 1999 | 10689368 |
[mass production of romanomermis iyengari (nematoda: mermithidae) applied to anopheline breeding sites in boa vista (roraima), brazil]. | in order to begin mass producing the nematode romanomermis iyengari welch, a bioprocessing plant was designed and set up on the grounds of universidad federal in the state of roraima, brazil, after reaching an agreement with the state's health department. the objective of this paper was to establish the basic process for mass breeding the parasite in order to apply it to anopheline breeding sites. cultures were obtained at a rate of 68 during every seven-day cycle, making for a total of 272 cult ... | 2000 | 10808748 |
toxicity of euphorbia milii latex and niclosamide to snails and nontarget aquatic species. | the toxicity of euphorbia milii molluscicidal latex and niclosamide (ncl) to target snails (biomphalaria glabrata and biomphalaria tenagophila) and nontarget aquatic organisms is evaluated. planorbidae snails were killed by very low concentrations of lyophilized latex (48-h lc(50), mg/l: b. glabrata, 0.12; b. tenagophila, 0.09; helisoma duryi, 0.10). latex was less toxic (48-h lc(50) or ec(50), mg/l) to oligochaeta (tubifex tubifex, 0.31), planktonic crustacea (daphnia similis, 0.38; c. dubia, 1 ... | 2000 | 10903832 |
malaria vectors in the municipality of serra do navio, state of amapá, amazon region, brazil. | we conducted a survey to determine the vectors of malaria in six localities of serra do navio municipality, state of amapá, from 1990 to 1991. malaria infection rates of 29.3%, 6.2% and 20.4% were detected by human blood smears in colônia agua branca, porto terezinha and arrependido, respectively. there was no malaria infection detected in serra do navio. fifteen species were identified among 3,053 anopheline mosquitoes collected by human bait and 64.4% were identified as anopheles albitarsis s. ... | 2001 | 11285494 |
biting indices, host-seeking activity and natural infection rates of anopheline species in boa vista, roraima, brazil from 1996 to 1998. | the epidemiology of the transmission of malaria parasites varies ecologically. to observe some entomological aspects of the malaria transmission in an urban environment, a longitudinal survey of anopheline fauna was performed in boa vista, roraima, brazil. a total of 7,263 anophelines was collected in human bait at 13 de setembro and caranã districts: anopheles albitarsis sensu lato (82.8%), an. darlingi (10.3%), an. braziliensis (5.5%), an. peryassui (0.9%) and an. nuneztovari (0.5%). nightly 1 ... | 2002 | 12016435 |
laboratory and field observations on duration of gonotrophic cycle of anopheles albitarsis s.l. (diptera: culicidae) in southeastern brazil. | mark-release-recapture experiments were conducted to determine the duration of the gonotrophic cycle of anopheles albitarsis s.l. in ribeira valley, state of sao paulo, brazil. separate experiments with females collected from the field were followed under laboratory conditions. a mean of 2.4 d was characteristic for the gonotrophic cycle for wild-caught females, whereas 4.4 d was characteristic for females in the laboratory conditions. | 2002 | 12495194 |
anopheles albitarsis eggs: ultrastructural analysis of chorion layers after permeabilization. | construction of transgenic anopheles mosquitoes refractory to plasmodium requires knowledge of mosquito developmental biology. in order to study anopheles embryology the removal or, alternatively, the permeabilization of the melanized and sclerotized egg chorion were attempted. the protocol classically used for chorion removal of drosophila eggs was applied, with partial efficacy, to anopheles albitarsis, a neotropical malaria vector. each step was monitored by scanning electron microscopy and t ... | 1999 | 12770284 |
morphological characters of adult anopheles (nyssorhynchus) marajoara in venezuela. | a morphometric study was carried out to find diagnostic characters with which to update taxonomic keys for field identification of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) marajoara and the 3 other sympatric anopheles (nyssorhynchus) species (an. darlingi, an. argyritarsis, and an. braziliensis) that occur in venezuela. diagnostic random amplified polymorphic dna-polymerase chain reaction markers from wild-caught specimens showed that an. marajoara was the only species in the anopheles albitarsis complex colle ... | 2003 | 12825659 |
two digestive trypsins occur in three species of neotropical anophelines. | trypsin activity increases in the midgut of anopheles aquasalis, anopheles albitarsis, and anopheles darlingi after a bloodmeal. the activity returns to basal levels at the time the blood is completely digested. affinity chromatography, reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (hplc), and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) were used to sequentially purify the mosquito trypsins found in the midguts at 24 h after feeding. aminoterminal sequencing of t ... | 2003 | 14765682 |
anopheles albitarsis s.l. (diptera: culicidae) survivorship and density in a rice irrigation area of the state of são paulo, brazil. | collections of anopheles albitarsis arribalzaga s.l. were conducted from may 1996 to june 2000 to estimate the human biting rate, and mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out to estimate the daily survival probability. the density of an. albitarsis females showed a marked seasonal variation, with peaks as high as 629 individuals per human per night in the wet season. the low daily survival probability of 0.61 is an important factor limiting the vectorial capacity of an. albitarsis s.l ... | 2004 | 15535635 |
karyotype of brazilian anopheles albitarsis sensu lato (diptera:culicidae). | anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis sensu lato is an important malaria vector in brazil, especially in the brazilian amazon region. chromosome preparations of fourth-instar larvae of a. albitarsis from iranduba and coari (am) and ilha comprida (sp) were analyzed for karyotype determination and to improve cytogenetic identification of this species. anopheles albitarsis possesses 2n = 6 chromosomes, with two pairs (submetacentric and metacentric) of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, with ... | 2005 | 16475113 |
tetrahymenidae infection in mosquito populations in a malaria-endemic region of the amazon. | in a field survey performed in a malaria-endemic region of northern amazon, brazil, we encountered ciliate protozoa of the family tetrahymenidae infecting adults and larvae of the following mosquito species: culex sp., anopheles albitarsis l.s., anopheles strodei, anopheles mattogrossensis, anopheles darlingi, and anopheles oswaldoi l.s. based on morphological features and life style, we have tentatively identified the parasite as lambornella sp. the association appears pathogenic for the mosqui ... | 2006 | 16497321 |
the importance of anopheles albitarsis e and an. darlingi in human malaria transmission in boa vista, state of roraima, brazil. | in several districts of boa vista, state of roraima, brazil we found anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis e to be the primary vector of human malaria parasites, and during 2001-2002 it was significantly more abundant than an. darlingi (p < 0.001). other species sampled were an. (nys.) braziliensis, an. (ano.) peryassui, an. (nys.) nuneztovari, an. (nys.) oswaldoi s.l., and an. (nys.) triannulatus. as determined by the elisa technique an. darlingi had a higher overall infection rate (2.1%) compar ... | 2006 | 16830709 |
[anophelines in belém, pará, brazil: current and retrospective data]. | we present the results of anopheline captures in belém, pará, brazil, from 1995-2004, and a comparison with captures from 1930-1999. in the earlier period, 20 species were identified: anopheles albitarsis s.l., an. aquasalis, an. argyritarsis, an. braziliensis, an. darlingi, an. eiseni, an. evansae, an. galvaoi, an. intermedius, an. kompi, an. mediopunctatus, an. nimbus, an. nuneztovari, an. oswaldoi, an. peryassui, an. punctimacula, an. shannoni, an. strodei, an. thomasi, and an. triannulatus. ... | 2006 | 16832529 |
seasonal allergic dermatitis in sheep in southern brazil caused by culicoides insignis (diptera: ceratopogonidae). | the incidence of seasonal dermatitis was studied in a hampshire down flock on a farm in southern brazil. epidemiological data, clinical signs and macroscopic pathology were obtained by visiting the farm. histological lesions were studied in skin biopsies of affected sheep. biting insects were collected from january to april 2005 in an attempt to identify the etiological agent of the disease. disease prevalence was 40%; the age of the affected animals was variable. disease occurred from december ... | 2007 | 17127007 |
habitat suitability mapping of anopheles darlingi in the surroundings of the manso hydropower plant reservoir, mato grosso, central brazil. | hydropower plants provide more than 78 % of brazil's electricity generation, but the country's reservoirs are potential new habitats for main vectors of malaria. in a case study in the surroundings of the manso hydropower plant in mato grosso state, central brazil, habitat suitability of anopheles darlingi was studied. habitat profile was characterized by collecting environmental data. remote sensing and gis techniques were applied to extract additional spatial layers of land use, distance maps, ... | 2007 | 17343728 |
cytogenetic study of anopheles albitarsis (diptera: culicidae) by c-banding and in situ hybridization. | the c-banding pattern and the size and location of the nucleolar organizer regions (nors) are described for the first time in brazilian populations of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis sensu lato. c-banding revealed variation in the size of the centromeric heterochromatic blocks in autosomal chromosomes and in the acrocentric (x) and puntiform (y) sex chromosomes. fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the nors were located in the pericentromeric region of the sex (xx/xy) chromosomes ... | 2006 | 17362336 |
parity and age composition for anopheles darlingi root (diptera: culicidae) and anopheles albitarsis lynch-arribálzaga (diptera: culicidae) of the northern amazon basin, brazil. | parity and age composition for anopheles darlingi and anopheles albitarsis in the northern amazon basin, brazil, were investigated. anopheline ovaries and ovarioles were examined in order to determine whether hourly and seasonal parity status for the vectors an. albitarsis and an. darlingi would vary in two different landscapes (forest and savanna/forest) where malaria is endemic in the northern amazon basin. a total of 1,199 anophelines (535 an. darlingi and 664 an. albitarsis) was dissected fo ... | 2007 | 17633426 |
constant temperature and time period effects on anopheles gambiae egg hatching. | anopheles gambiae giles sensu stricto (diptera: culicidae) egg development and its relation to environmental parameters is an understudied aspect of vector biology. although several studies have illustrated the dramatic effects of temperature on egg development, egg hatching dynamics remain unclear. the objective of this study was to expose an. gambiae eggs to various temperatures for different lengths of time and determine the impact on egg development and hatching count. batches of mosquito eg ... | 2007 | 17847843 |
affinity and diversity indices for anopheline immature forms. | as for the entire amazon region, malaria continues to be a major health public problem in roraima that presented an annual parasitic index of 85.4 in 2005, the highest in brazil. information on anopheline breeding sites is an essential component in malaria control strategies. aiming to contribute to the limited knowledge on anopheline immature forms in roraima, collections and breeding site observations were performed in 10 breeding sites around the capital city boa vista. collections were carri ... | 2007 | 18026638 |
species composition and distribution of adult anopheles (diptera: culicidae) in panama. | anopheles (diptera: culicidae) species composition and distribution were studied using human landing catch data over a 35-yr period in panama. mosquitoes were collected from 77 sites during 228 field trips carried out by members of the national malaria eradication service. fourteen anopheles species were identified. the highest average human biting rates were recorded from anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albimanus (wiedemann) (9.8 bites/person/night) and anopheles (anopheles) punctimacula (dyar and kn ... | 2008 | 18826025 |
the anopheles albitarsis complex with the recognition of anopheles oryzalimnetes wilkerson and motoki, n. sp. and anopheles janconnae wilkerson and sallum, n. sp. (diptera: culicidae). | the anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex includes six species: an. albitarsis, anopheles oryzalimnetes wilkerson and motoki, n. sp., anopheles marajoara, anopheles deaneorum, anopheles janconnae wilkerson and sallum, n. sp. and an. albitarsis f. except for an. deaneorum, species of the complex are indistinguishable when only using morphology. the problematic distinction among species of the complex has made study of malaria transmission and ecology of an. albitarsis s.l. difficult. conse ... | 2009 | 19876554 |
occurrence of apocrine secretion in the larval gut epithelial cells of aedes aegypti l., anopheles albitarsis lynch-arribálzaga and culex quinquefasciatus say (diptera: culicidae): a defense strategy against infection by bacillus sphaericus neide? | cell hypertrophy was the first reaction of the gut epithelial cells of aedes aegypti (l.), anopheles albitarsis (lynch-arribálzaga) and culex quinquefasciatus (say) to the toxins of strains 2362 and s1116 of bacillus sphaericus, as cells had an increase of intracellular secretory activity. soon after the cell hypertrophy developed, vesicles were formed at the cell apical portion, which detached with the plasma membrane, characterizing a type of apocrine secretion like. the first pathway of conta ... | 2009 | 19943010 |
species composition and natural infectivity of anthropophilic anopheles (diptera: culicidae) in the states of córdoba and antioquia, northwestern colombia. | malaria is a serious health problem in the states of córdoba and antioquia, northwestern colombia, where 64.4% of total colombian cases were reported in 2007. because little entomological information is available in this region, the aim of this work was to identify the anopheles species composition and natural infectivity of mosquitoes distributed in seven localities with highest malaria transmission. a total of 1,768 anopheles mosquitoes were collected using human landing catches from march 200 ... | 2009 | 20140372 |
anopheles aquasalis infected by plasmodium vivax displays unique gene expression profiles when compared to other malaria vectors and plasmodia. | malaria affects 300 million people worldwide every year and is endemic in 22 countries in the americas where transmission occurs mainly in the amazon region. most malaria cases in the americas are caused by plasmodium vivax, a parasite that is almost impossible to cultivate in vitro, and anopheles aquasalis is an important malaria vector. understanding the interactions between this vector and its parasite will provide important information for development of disease control strategies. to this e ... | 2010 | 20339545 |
the dominant anopheles vectors of human malaria in the americas: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis. | abstract: | 2010 | 20712879 |
heritability and adaptive phenotypic plasticity of adult body size in the mosquito aedes aegypti with implications for dengue vector competence. | adaptive phenotypic plasticity is particularly important to organisms with developmental cycles that undergo ontogenetic niche shifts that differentially subject individual life stages to heterogeneous and often stressful environmental conditions. the yellow fever and dengue fever vector mosquito, aedes aegypti, typically breeds in small water-filled containers that expose the developing aquatic larvae to competition for resources with conspecifics and high probabilities for habitat drying. here ... | 2010 | 21070891 |
analysis of the evolutionary forces shaping mitochondrial genomes of a neotropical malaria vector complex. | many vectors of human malaria belong to complexes of morphologically indistinguishable cryptic species. here we report the analysis of the newly sequenced complete mitochondrial dna molecules from six recognized or putative species of one such group, the neotropical anopheles albitarsis complex. the molecular evolution of these genomes had been driven by purifying selection, particularly strongly acting on the rna genes. directional mutation pressure associated with the strand-asynchronous asymm ... | 2011 | 21241811 |
identification of a fibrinogen-related protein (fbn9) gene in neotropical anopheline mosquitoes. | malaria has a devastating impact on worldwide public health in many tropical areas. studies on vector immunity are important for the overall understanding of the parasite-vector interaction and for the design of novel strategies to control malaria. a member of the fibrinogen-related protein family, fbn9, has been well studied in anopheles gambiae and has been shown to be an important component of the mosquito immune system. however, little is known about this gene in neotropical anopheline speci ... | 2011 | 21288344 |
laboratory selection for an accelerated mosquito sexual development rate. | abstract: background: separating males and females at the early adult stage did not ensure the virginity of females of anopheles arabiensis (dongola laboratory strain), whereas two years earlier this method had been successful. in most mosquito species, newly emerged males and females are not able to mate successfully. for anopheline species, a period of 24 h post-emergence is generally required for the completion of sexual maturation, which in males includes a 180degrees rotation of the genital ... | 2011 | 21595988 |
variations of insecticide residual bio-efficacy on different types of walls: results from a community-based trial in south cameroon. | determination of residual activity of insecticides is essential information for the selection of appropriate indoor spraying operation. the present study was undertaken to evaluate the residual effect of three candidate insecticide formulations on different indoor surfaces in order to guide future interventions, in the context of cameroon and other african countries. | 2011 | 22047173 |
comparative studies on the stenogamous and eurygamous behavior of eight anopheles species of the hyrcanus group (diptera: culicidae) in thailand. | establishment of laboratory colony is essential for mosquito-borne-disease research. mating behavior of stenogamous anopheles peditaeniatus and seven eurygamous species (anopheles argyropus, anopheles crawfordi, anopheles nigerrimus, anopheles nitidus, anopheles paraliae (=an. lesteri), anopheles pursati and anopheles sinensis), were investigated and compared in this study. the self-mating success of adult mosquitoes in different size cages at two density resting surface (drs) values, 3.6 and 7. ... | 2016 | 27023618 |
culicidae (diptera) selection of humans, chickens and rabbits in three different environments in the province of chaco, argentina. | studies were conducted to determine the selection of humans, chickens and rabbits by culicidae in three different environments in the province of chaco, argentina. mosquitoes were collected fortnightly using cylindrical metal traps containing animal bait (chickens and rabbits). the mosquitoes were collected between june 2001-may 2002. during the same period and with the same frequency, mosquitoes biting the human operators of the traps were collected during the first 15 min of exposure within di ... | 0 | 23903970 |
silent circulation of st. louis encephalitis virus prior to an encephalitis outbreak in cordoba, argentina (2005). | st. louis encephalitis virus is a complex zoonoses. in 2005, 47 laboratory-confirmed and probable clinical cases of slev infection were reported in córdoba, argentina. although the causes of 2005 outbreak remain unknown, they might be related not only to virological factors, but also to ecological and environmental conditions. we hypothesized that one of the factors for sle reemergence in córdoba, argentina, was the introduction of a new slev genotype (slev genotype iii), with no previous activi ... | 2012 | 22303490 |
mitochondrial genome sequences reveal deep divergences among anopheles punctulatus sibling species in papua new guinea. | members of the anopheles punctulatus group (ap group) are the primary vectors of human malaria in papua new guinea. the ap group includes 13 sibling species, most of them morphologically indistinguishable. understanding why only certain species are able to transmit malaria requires a better comprehension of their evolutionary history. in particular, understanding relationships and divergence times among anopheles species may enable assessing how malaria-related traits (e.g. blood feeding behavio ... | 2013 | 23405960 |
phylogenetic analysis and dna-based species confirmation in anopheles (nyssorhynchus). | specimens of neotropical anopheles (nyssorhynchus) were collected and identified morphologically. we amplified three genes for phylogenetic analysis-the single copy nuclear white and cad genes, and the coi barcode region. since we had multiple specimens for most species we were able to test how well the single or combined genes were able to corroborate morphologically defined species by placing the species into exclusive groups. we found that single genes, including the coi barcode region, were ... | 2013 | 23390494 |
abundance, behavior and entomological inoculation rates of anthropophilic anophelines from a primary colombian malaria endemic area. | in colombia for several years, the urabá-bajo cauca and alto sinú region has registered the highest numbers of malaria cases in the country. malaria vector incrimination and the characterization of entomological parameters will allow for a better understanding of malaria transmission dynamics and the design of effective vector control strategies for this region. | 2013 | 23497535 |
diversification of the genus anopheles and a neotropical clade from the late cretaceous. | the anopheles genus is a member of the culicidae family and consists of approximately 460 recognized species. the genus is composed of 7 subgenera with diverse geographical distributions. despite its huge medical importance, a consensus has not been reached on the phylogenetic relationships among anopheles subgenera. we assembled a comprehensive dataset comprising the coi, coii and 5.8s rrna genes and used maximum likelihood and bayesian inference to estimate the phylogeny and divergence times o ... | 2015 | 26244561 |
mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene of anophelines and their association with resistance to pyrethroids - a review. | constant and extensive use of chemical insecticides has created a selection pressure and favored resistance development in many insect species worldwide. one of the most important pyrethroid resistance mechanisms is classified as target site insensitivity, due to conformational changes in the target site that impair a proper binding of the insecticide molecule. the voltage-gated sodium channel (nav) is the target of pyrethroids and ddt insecticides, used to control insects of medical, agricultur ... | 2014 | 25292318 |
the effects of urbanization on global plasmodium vivax malaria transmission. | many recent studies have examined the impact of urbanization on plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity and found a general trend of reduced transmission in urban areas. however, none has examined the effect of urbanization on plasmodium vivax malaria, which is the most widely distributed malaria species and can also cause severe clinical syndromes in humans. in this study, a set of 10,003 community-based p. vivax parasite rate (pvpr) surveys are used to explore the relationships between pvpr i ... | 2012 | 23217010 |
hybrid sterility in crosses between two brazilian sibling species of the anopheles albitarsis complex. | complexes of cryptic species are common in several taxa and this is also the case in the anopheles genus, a group including all known human malaria vectors. the anopheles albitarsis complex comprises at least nine cryptic species, some of which are implicated as vectors of human malaria. several different types of data have been generated for this species complex such as cytogenetics, alloenzymes, morphological and feeding behavioral, hybridization experiments, rapd-pcr and rflp and mitochondria ... | 2014 | 25471342 |
evaluation of a pcr-rflp-its2 assay for discrimination of anopheles species in northern and western colombia. | anopheles mosquitoes are routinely identified using morphological characters of the female that often lead to misidentification due to interspecies similarity and intraspecies variability. the aim of this work was to evaluate the applicability of a previously developed pcr-rflp-its2 assay for accurate discrimination of anophelines in twelve localities spanning three colombian malaria epidemiological regions: atlantic coast, pacific coast, and uraba-bajo cauca-alto sinu region. the evaluation of ... | 2011 | 21345325 |
cryptic species in the anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis (diptera: culicidae) complex: incongruence between random amplified polymorphic dna-polymerase chain reaction identification and analysis of mitochondrial dna coi gene sequences. | random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) diagnostic bands are one tool used to differentiate cryptic mosquito species in the anopheles albitarsis complex. monophyly of four species (a. albitarsis lynch-arribálzaga, a. albitarsis b, a. deaneorum rosa-freitas, and a. marajoara galvão & damasceno) currently identified with the rapd technique was assessed using sequences of the cytochrome oxidase i (coi) mitochondrial dna (mtdna) gene. maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and bayesian analyses supp ... | 0 | 17082822 |
anopheles species composition explains differences in plasmodium transmission in la guajira, northern colombia. | malaria in la guajira, the most northern state of colombia, shows two different epidemiological patterns. malaria is endemic in the municipality of dibulla whereas in riohacha it is characterised by sporadic outbreaks. this study aimed to establish whether differences in transmission patterns could be attributed to different vector species. the most abundant adult female species were anopheles aquasalis, exclusive to riohacha, and anopheles darlingi, restricted to dibulla. anopheles mosquitoes w ... | 0 | 25411002 |
comparative mt genomics of the tipuloidea (diptera: nematocera: tipulomorpha) and its implications for the phylogeny of the tipulomorpha. | a traditionally controversial taxon, the tipulomorpha has been frequently discussed with respect to both its familial composition and relationships with other nematocera. the interpretation of internal relationships within the tipuloidea, which include the tipulidae sensu stricto, cylindrotomidae, pediciidae and limoniidae, is also problematic. we sequenced the first complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of symplecta hybrida (meigen, 1804), which belongs to the subfamily chioneinae of family limoni ... | 2016 | 27341029 |
spatial distributions of anopheles species in relation to malaria incidence at 70 localities in the highly endemic northwest and south pacific coast regions of colombia. | a proper identification of malaria vectors is essential for any attempt to control this disease. between 40 and 47 anopheles species have been recorded in colombia, and eight species complexes have been identified in the last decade. an update of anopheles species distribution and its relationship with malaria is required, particularly for newly identified members of species complexes. | 2016 | 27515166 |
evidence for temporal population replacement and the signature of ecological adaptation in a major neotropical malaria vector in amazonian peru. | the major neotropical malaria vector, anopheles darlingi, was reintroduced into the iquitos, loreto, peru area during the early 1990s, where it displaced other anophelines and caused a major malaria epidemic. since then, case numbers in loreto have fluctuated, but annual increases have been reported since 2012. | 2015 | 26415942 |
new classification of natural breeding habitats for neotropical anophelines in the yanomami indian reserve, amazon region, brazil and a new larval sampling methodology. | here we present the first in a series of articles about the ecology of immature stages of anophelines in the brazilian yanomami area. we propose a new larval habitat classification and a new larval sampling methodology. we also report some preliminary results illustrating the applicability of the methodology based on data collected in the brazilian amazon rainforest in a longitudinal study of two remote yanomami communities, parafuri and toototobi. in these areas, we mapped and classified 112 na ... | 0 | 26517655 |
an overview of malaria transmission from the perspective of amazon anopheles vectors. | in the americas, areas with a high risk of malaria transmission are mainly located in the amazon forest, which extends across nine countries. one keystone step to understanding the plasmodium life cycle in anopheles species from the amazon region is to obtain experimentally infected mosquito vectors. several attempts to colonise anopheles species have been conducted, but with only short-lived success or no success at all. in this review, we review the literature on malaria transmission from the ... | 2015 | 25742262 |
integrated vector management targeting anopheles darlingi populations decreases malaria incidence in an unstable transmission area, in the rural brazilian amazon. | studies on vector behaviour should be conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of vector control measures on malaria protection in endemic areas of latin america, where p. vivax predominates. this work aims to investigate the fauna of anopheline mosquitoes and verify the impact of integrated vector management in two colonization projects in the careiro municipality, western brazilian amazon. | 2012 | 23088224 |
comparison of transmission parameters between anopheles argyritarsis and anopheles pseudopunctipennis in two ecologically different localities of bolivia. | anopheles (anopheles) pseudopunctipennis is a recognized malaria vector in the slopes of the andes of bolivia. there, other species might be involved in malaria transmission and one candidate could be anopheles argyritarsis. although it is generally admitted that this species is not a malaria vector in the neotropical region, its potential role in transmission is still controversial and this situation has to be cleared, at least for bolivia. comparing the vectorial efficiency of an. pseudopuncti ... | 2013 | 23941216 |
mitochondrial genomes and comparative analyses of culex camposi, culex coronator, culex usquatus and culex usquatissimus (diptera:culicidae), members of the coronator group. | the coronator group currently encompasses six morphologically similar species (culex camposi dyar, culex coronator dyar and knab, culex covagarciai forattini, culex usquatus dyar, culex usquatissimus dyar, and culex ousqua dyar). culex coronator has been incriminated as a potential vector of west nile virus (wnv), saint louis encephalitis virus (slev), and venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (veev). the complete mitochondrial genome of cx. coronator, cx. usquatus, cx.usquatissimus, and cx. camp ... | 2015 | 26489754 |
filling gaps on ivermectin knowledge: effects on the survival and reproduction of anopheles aquasalis, a latin american malaria vector. | strategies designed to advance towards malaria elimination rely on the detection and treatment of infections, rather than fever, and the interruption of malaria transmission between mosquitoes and humans. mass drug administration with anti-malarials directed at eliminating parasites in blood, either to entire populations or targeting only those with malaria infections, are considered useful strategies to progress towards malaria elimination, but may be insufficient if applied on their own. these ... | 2016 | 27660149 |
entomological surveillance of behavioural resilience and resistance in residual malaria vector populations. | the most potent malaria vectors rely heavily upon human blood so they are vulnerable to attack with insecticide-treated nets (itns) and indoor residual spraying (irs) within houses. mosquito taxa that can avoid feeding or resting indoors, or by obtaining blood from animals, mediate a growing proportion of the dwindling transmission that persists as itns and irs are scaled up. | 2013 | 23577656 |
phenotypic and genotypic variations among three allopatric populations of lutzomyia umbratilis, main vector of leishmania guyanensis. | in south america, lutzomyia umbratilis is the main vector of leishmania guyanensis, one of the species involved in the transmission of american tegumentary leishmaniasis. in brazil, l. umbratilis has been recorded in the amazon region, and in the state of pernambuco, northeastern region, where an isolated population has been identified. this study assessed the phylogeographic structure and size and shape differences of the wing of three brazilian populations. | 2015 | 26338469 |
sex and rhythms in sandflies and mosquitoes: an appreciation of the work of alexandre afranio peixoto (1963-2013). | i will briefly discuss the work of alexandre a. peixoto on sandflies and mosquitoes, focusing initially on his contributions to the population biology and phylogenetics of brazilian populations of these important hematophagous insects. i shall also review some of his work on the underlying molecular clocks that mediate rhythmic behaviour and physiology in these species. | 2014 | 25046172 |
contribution of fish farming ponds to the production of immature anopheles spp. in a malaria-endemic amazonian town. | in the past decade fish farming has become an important economic activity in the occidental brazilian amazon, where the number of new fish farms is rapidly increasing. one of the primary concerns with this phenomenon is the contribution of fishponds to the maintenance and increase of the anopheline mosquito population, and the subsequent increase in human malaria burden. this study reports the results of a 2-year anopheline abundance survey in fishponds and natural water bodies in a malaria-ende ... | 2015 | 26573145 |
mermithid nematodes found in adult anopheles from southeastern senegal. | over two dozen mermithid nematodes have been described parasitizing mosquitoes worldwide, however, only two species were found in africa. mermithid nematodes kill their mosquito host upon emergence, which suggests that they could be developed as biological control agents of mosquitoes. both romanomermis culicivorax and romanomermis iyengari have been reared for mass release to control numerous anopheles species vector populations, and in one instance this may have led to reduced malaria prevalen ... | 2012 | 22741946 |
land cover, land use and malaria in the amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data. | the nine countries sharing the amazon forest accounted for 89% of all malaria cases reported in the americas in 2008. remote sensing can help identify the environmental determinants of malaria transmission and their temporo-spatial evolution. seventeen studies characterizing land cover or land use features, and relating them to malaria in the amazon subregion, were identified. these were reviewed in order to improve the understanding of the land cover/use class roles in malaria transmission. the ... | 2013 | 23758827 |
the mitochondrial genome of elodia flavipalpis aldrich (diptera: tachinidae) and the evolutionary timescale of tachinid flies. | tachinid flies are natural enemies of many lepidopteran and coleopteran pests of forests, crops, and fruit trees. in order to address the lack of genetic data in this economically important group, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of the palaearctic tachinid fly elodia flavipalpis aldrich, 1933. usually found in northern china and japan, this species is one of the primary natural enemies of the leaf-roller moths (tortricidae), which are major pests of various fruit trees. the 14,932 ... | 2013 | 23626734 |
major chorion proteins and their crosslinking during chorion hardening in aedes aegypti mosquitoes. | the chorion of aedes aegypti eggs undergoes a hardening process following oviposition and individual chorion proteins become insoluble thereafter. our previous studies determined that peroxidase-catalyzed chorion protein crosslinking and phenoloxidase-mediated chorion melanization are primarily responsible for the formation of a hardened, desiccation resistant chorion in a. aegypti eggs. to gain further understanding of peroxidase- and phenoloxidase-catalyzed biochemical processes during chorion ... | 2006 | 17098170 |
frequent blood feeding enables insecticide-treated nets to reduce transmission by mosquitoes that bite predominately outdoors. | the effectiveness of vector control on malaria transmission by long-lasting insecticidal nets (llins) and indoor residual spraying (irs) depends on the vectors entering houses to blood feed and rest when people are inside houses. in the solomon islands, significant reductions in malaria have been achieved in the past 20 years with insecticide-treated bed nets, irs, improved diagnosis and treatment with artemisinin combination therapies; despite the preference of the primary vector, anopheles far ... | 2016 | 26969430 |
epidemiological and entomological studies of a malaria outbreak among french armed forces deployed at illegal gold mining sites reveal new aspects of the disease's transmission in french guiana. | in december 2010, a plasmodium vivax malaria outbreak occurred among french forces involved in a mission to control illegal gold mining in french guiana. the findings of epidemiological and entomological investigations conducted after this outbreak are presented here. | 2016 | 26801629 |
experimental plasmodium vivax infection of key anopheles species from the brazilian amazon. | anopheles darlingi is the major malaria vector in countries located in the amazon region. anopheles aquasalis and anopheles albitarsis s.l. are also proven vectors in this region. anopheles nuneztovari s.l. and anopheles triannulatus s.l. were found infected with plasmodium vivax; however, their status as vectors is not yet well defined. knowledge of susceptibility of amazon anopheline populations to plasmodium infection is necessary to better understand their vector capacity. laboratory coloniz ... | 2013 | 24359307 |
ecological suitability and spatial distribution of five anopheles species in amazonian brazil. | seventy-six sites characterized in amazonian brazil revealed distinct habitat diversification by examining the environmental factors associated with the distribution and abundance of five anopheline species (diptera: culicidae) in the subgenus nyssorhynchus. these included three members of the albitarsis complex, anopheles oryzalimnetes, anopheles marajoara, anopheles janconnae; anopheles triannulatus, and anopheles goeldii. anopheles janconnae abundance had a positive correlation to water flow ... | 2013 | 23546804 |
malaria entomological risk factors in relation to land cover in the lower caura river basin, venezuela. | to explore the effects of deforestation and resulting differences in vegetation and land cover on entomological parameters, such as anopheline species composition, abundance, biting rate, parity and entomological inoculation rate (eir), three villages were selected in the lower caura river basin, state of bolívar, venezuela. all-night mosquito collections were conducted between march 2008-january 2009 using cdc light traps and mosquito magnet® liberty plus. human landing catches were performed b ... | 0 | 23579803 |
population dynamics, structure and behavior of anopheles darlingi in a rural settlement in the amazon rainforest of acre, brazil. | anopheles darlingi is the major vector of malaria in south america, and its behavior and distribution has epidemiological importance to biomedical research. in brazil, an. darlingi is found in the northern area of the amazon basin, where 99.5% of the disease is reported. | 2011 | 21702964 |
a new mtdna coi gene lineage closely related to anopheles janconnae of the albitarsis complex in the caribbean region of colombia. | an understanding of the taxonomic status and vector distribution of anophelines is crucial in controlling malaria. previous phylogenetic analyses have supported the description of six species of the neotropical malaria vector anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis s.l. (diptera: culicidae): an. albitarsis, anopheles deaneorum, anopheles marajoara, anopheles oryzalimnetes, anopheles janconnae and an. albitarsis f. to evaluate the taxonomic status of an. albitarsis s.l. mosquitoes collected in vario ... | 0 | 21225199 |
effects of drying eggs and egg storage on hatchability and development of anopheles arabiensis. | the mass rearing of insects requires a large colony from which individuals can be harvested for sterilization and release. attention is given to larval food requirements and to handling and rearing conditions to ensure predictability and synchrony of development. maximizing production requires optimized adult holding to ensure mating success, blood feeding and oviposition. appropriate egg storage and harvesting is necessary to compensate any unpredicted reduction in egg production. | 2013 | 24028497 |
embryonic desiccation resistance in aedes aegypti: presumptive role of the chitinized serosal cuticle. | one of the major problems concerning dengue transmission is that embryos of its main vector, the mosquito aedes aegypti, resist desiccation, surviving several months under dry conditions. the serosal cuticle (sc) contributes to mosquito egg desiccation resistance, but the kinetics of sc secretion during embryogenesis is unknown. it has been argued that mosquito sc contains chitin as one of its components, however conclusive evidence is still missing. | 2008 | 18789161 |
the remarkable journey of adaptation of the plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite to new world anopheline mosquitoes. | plasmodium falciparum originated in africa, dispersed around the world as a result of human migration and had to adapt to several different indigenous anopheline mosquitoes. anophelines from the new world are evolutionary distant form african ones and this probably resulted in a more stringent selection of plasmodium as it adapted to these vectors. it is thought that plasmodium has been genetically selected by some anopheline species through unknown mechanisms. the mosquito immune system can gre ... | 0 | 25185006 |
lineage divergence detected in the malaria vector anopheles marajoara (diptera: culicidae) in amazonian brazil. | cryptic species complexes are common among anophelines. previous phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mtdna coi gene sequences detected paraphyly in the neotropical malaria vector anopheles marajoara. the "folmer region" detects a single taxon using a 3% divergence threshold. | 2010 | 20929572 |
wing sexual dimorphism of pathogen-vector culicids. | sexual dimorphism in animals has been studied from different perspectives for decades. in 1874 darwin hypothesized that it was related to sexual selection, and even after nearly 140 years, when additional empirical data has become available and the subject has been investigated from a contemporary viewpoint, this idea is still supported. although mosquito (culicidae) wings are of great importance as they play a sex-specific role, little is known about wing sexual dimorphism in these pathogen-vec ... | 2015 | 25890192 |
coffee and its waste repel gravid aedes albopictus females and inhibit the development of their embryos. | dengue is a prevalent arboviral disease and the development of insecticide resistance among its vectors impedes endeavors to control it. coffee is drunk by millions of people daily worldwide, which is associated with the discarding of large amounts of waste. coffee and its waste contain large amounts of chemicals many of which are highly toxic and none of which have a history of resistance in mosquitoes. once in solution, coffee is brownish in colour, resembling leaf infusion, which is highly at ... | 2015 | 25966847 |
purification methodology for viable and infective plasmodium vivax gametocytes that is compatible with transmission-blocking assays. | significant progress toward the control of malaria has been achieved, especially regarding plasmodium falciparum infections. however, the unique biology of plasmodium vivax hampers current control strategies. the early appearance of p. vivax gametocytes in the peripheral blood and the impossibility of culturing this parasite are major drawbacks. using blood samples from 40 p. vivax-infected patients, we describe here a methodology to purify viable gametocytes and further infect anophelines. this ... | 2015 | 26239989 |
a historical perspective on malaria control in brazil. | malaria has always been an important public health problem in brazil. the early history of brazilian malaria and its control was powered by colonisation by europeans and the forced relocation of africans as slaves. internal migration brought malaria to many regions in brazil where, given suitable anopheles mosquito vectors, it thrived. almost from the start, officials recognised the problem malaria presented to economic development, but early control efforts were hampered by still developing pub ... | 0 | 26517649 |
establishment of a free-mating, long-standing and highly productive laboratory colony of anopheles darlingi from the peruvian amazon. | anopheles darlingi is the main malaria vector in the amazon region and is among the most efficient malaria vectors worldwide. however, due to the lack of a well-established laboratory colony, key control-relevant aspects of the bionomics, behaviour, genetics, and vector-parasite relationships of an. darlingi remain unknown. here, biological parameters that had been successful in initiating other anopheles colonies were optimized and improved for an. darlingi, with the aim of establish a free-mat ... | 2015 | 26024853 |