
a pasteurella-like bacterium associated with pneumonia in captive megachiropterans.a novel pasteurella-like organism was recovered postmortem from lung tissue of two captive wahlberg's epauleted fruit bats (epomophorus wahlbergi), with severe, unilateral pneumonia. the bats had been recently shipped and died shortly after release from a 30-day quarantine. one presented with clinical signs of anorexia and lethargy before death; the other died without prior clinical symptoms. the same pasteurella-like organism was recovered antemortem from subcutaneous abscesses in two captive l ...200415193080
hippocampal neurogenesis and cortical cellular plasticity in wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat: a qualitative and quantitative study.species-specific characteristics of neuronal plasticity emerging from comparative studies can address the functional relevance of hippocampal or cortical plasticity in the light of ecological adaptation and evolutionary history of a given species. here, we present a quantitative and qualitative analysis of neurogenesis in young and adult free-living wahlberg's epauletted fruit bats. using the markers for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (pcna), bromodeoxyuridine (brdu), doublecortin (dcx) and ...201020948188
the entorhinal cortex of the megachiroptera: a comparative study of wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat and the straw-coloured fruit bat.this study describes the organisation of the entorhinal cortex of the megachiroptera, straw-coloured fruit bat and wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat. using nissl and timm stains, parvalbumin and smi-32 immunohistochemistry, we identified five fields within the medial (mea) and lateral (lea) entorhinal areas. mea fields e(cl) and e(c) are characterised by a poor differentiation between layers ii and iii, a distinct layer iv and broad, stratified layers v and vi. lea fields e(i), e(r) and e(l) are d ...201020127356
nuclear organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic systems in the brains of two megachiropteran species.the nuclear organization of the cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic systems within the brains of the megachiropteran straw-coloured fruit bat (eidolon helvum) and wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (epomophorus wahlbergi) were identified following immunohistochemistry for cholineacetyltransferase, tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin. the aim of the present study was to investigate possible differences in the nuclear complement of the neuromodulatory systems of these species in c ...201020566331
sugar assimilation and digestive efficiency in wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (epomophorus wahlbergi).fruit- and nectar-feeding bats have high energy demands because of the cost of flight, and sugar is a good fuel because it is easily digested and absorbed. this study investigated the digestive efficiency of different sugars at different concentrations in wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (epomophorus wahlbergi). we predicted that the sugar type and concentration would affect the total amount of solution consumed, while the total energy gained and the apparent assimilation efficiency would be high ...201222178662
field studies on the african fruit bat epomophorus wahlbergi (sundevall), with special reference to male interactions, site attachment and group cohesion were studied in a free-living colony of epomophorus fruit bats. daily activites in an undisturbed colony were recorded. special attention was paid to the peculiar calling behavior of courting male during the night. structure and repetition rate of their sounds were analyzed in the laboratory. a special mode of acoustic interaction was found and related to the observed spacing out of calling males. by following feeding animals in the field a ...1976936788
a morphometric analysis of the lung of a species of bat.the lungs of five adult epauleted fruit-bats (epomophorus wahlbergi) of mean body weight 96 g were analysed morphometrically. the lung volume per unit body weight was 0.043 cm3/g, the surface area of the tissue barrier (i.e., the effective alveolar surface area) component of the blood-gas pathway per unit body weight was 138 cm2/g, and the surface density of the tissue barrier (surface area of the tissue barrier per unit volume of parenchyma) was 121 mm2/mm3. the harmonic mean thickness of the t ...19827178701
stereological methods for estimating the functional surfaces of the chiropteran small intestine.a tissue sampling protocol has been devised for studying the functional surfaces of chiropteran small intestine and drawing comparisons within and between species. the goal was to obtain minimally biased stereological estimates of villous and microvillous surface areas and the numbers of microvilli. the approach is illustrated using the intestines of 3 bats (from frugivorous and entomophagous groups) and is based on the use of vertical sections and cycloid test arcs. a sampling scheme with 3 lev ...19957591999
gut morphology and morphometry in the epauletted wahlberg's fruit bat (epomophorus wahlbergi, sundevall, 1846).the morphological adaptations of the fruit bat small intestine to which the high functional efficiency could be related and the possible landmarks delineating the various parts of the gut were examined. the stomach was the carnivorous type with large rugae spanning the entire luminal aspect down to the pyloric sphincter, which was reflected internally as a prominent fold. externally, the intestine was a continuous tube uninterrupted by any structures. the cranial fifth of the small gut had long, ...200111396843
the sweet side of life: nectar sugar type and concentration preference in wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat.whether nectarivores or frugivores place selective pressure on the plants they feed on, in terms of nectar or fruit traits, is much debated. globally sugar preferences, concentration preference and digestive ability of avian nectarivores have been extensively researched. in contrast, relatively little is known about mammalian nectarivores or frugivores in terms of these, particularly old world species. consequently effect of sugar type and concentration on food preference in wahlberg's epaulette ...201222575606
summit metabolism and metabolic expansibility in wahlberg's epauletted fruit bats (epomophorus wahlbergi): seasonal acclimatisation and effects of captivity.summit metabolism (m sum), the maximum rate of resting metabolic thermogenesis, has been found to be broadly correlated with climatic variables and the use of heterothermy in some endotherms. far less is known about m sum and metabolic expansibility [me, the ratio of m sum to basal metabolic rate (bmr)] in bats compared with many other endotherm taxa. we measured bmr and m sum during winter and summer in captive and wild populations of a pteropodid from the southern subtropics, wahlberg's epaule ...201424363417
partitioning of evaporative water loss into respiratory and cutaneous pathways in wahlberg's epauletted fruit bats (epomophorus wahlbergi).the relative contributions of respiratory and cutaneous evaporation to total evaporative water loss (tewl) and how the partitioning of these two avenues varies with environmental temperature has received little attention in bats. we trained wahlberg's epauletted fruit bats (epomophorus wahlbergi) captured in pretoria, south africa, to wear latex masks while hanging in respirometry chambers, and we measured respiratory evaporative water loss (rewl) and cutaneous evaporative water loss (cewl) over ...201524769711
too hot to sleep? sleep behaviour and surface body temperature of wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat.the significance of sleep and factors that affect it have been well documented, however, in light of global climate change the effect of temperature on sleep patterns has only recently gained attention. unlike many mammals, bats (order: chiroptera) are nocturnal and little is known about their sleep and the effects of ambient temperature (ta) on their sleep. consequently we investigated seasonal temperature effects on sleep behaviour and surface body temperature of free-ranging wahlberg's epaule ...201525775371
the structural design of the bat wing web and its possible role in gas exchange.the structure of the skin in the epauletted fruit bat (epomophorus wahlbergi) wing and body trunk was studied with a view to understanding possible adaptations for gas metabolism and thermoregulation. in addition, gas exchange measurements were performed using a respirometer designed for the purpose. the body skin had an epidermis, a dermis with hair follicles and sweat glands and a fat-laden hypodermis. in contrast, the wing web skin was made up of a thin bilayered epidermis separated by a conn ...200717971117
a stereological comparison of villous and microvillous surfaces in small intestines of frugivorous and entomophagous bats: species, inter-individual and craniocaudal differences.the extents of functional surfaces (villi, microvilli) have been estimated at different longitudinal sites, and in the entire small intestine, for three species of bats belonging to two feeding groups: insect- and fruit-eaters. in all species, surface areas and other structural quantities tended to be greatest at more cranial sites and to decline caudally. the entomophagous bat (miniopterus inflatus) had a mean body mass (coefficient of variation) of 8.9 g (5%) and a mean intestinal length of 20 ...19979343854
differences in the male mating calls of co-occurring epauletted fruit bat species (chiroptera, pteropodidae, epomophorus wahlbergi and epomophorus crypturus) in kruger national park, south africa.almost nothing is known about the mating ecology and behavior of epauletted fruit bats (epomophorus spp) of which eight species occur worldwide. two species of epauletted fruits bats (epomophorus wahlbergiandepomophoruscrypturus)overlap in their distributional ranges in kruger national park (knp), south africa. morphologically, these two species are nearly identical to the human eye and field recognition is based upon the number and position of palatal rugae of captured individuals. in addition, ...201531966102
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