
testing for non-target effects of spinosad on twospotted spider mites and their predator phytoseiulus persimilis under greenhouse conditions.the compatibility of the selective insecticide spinosad (conserve sc), at rates recommended for thrips control in greenhouses, with release of the predatory mite phytoseiulus persimilis athias-henriot (acari: phytoseiidae) to control spider mites, was investigated in a crop of ivy geranium pelargonium peltatum, cultivar 'amethyst 96.' plants were inoculated with twospotted spider mites, tetranychus urticae koch (acari: tetranychidae), 2 weeks before treatments were applied. there were three trea ...200616596348
only an early nitric oxide burst and the following wave of secondary nitric oxide generation enhanced effective defence responses of pelargonium to a necrotrophic pathogen.participation of nitric oxide (no) in cross-talk between ivy pelargonium (pelargonium peltatum) leaves and botrytis cinerea was investigated using electrochemical and biochemical approaches. in response to the necrotroph, leaves initiated a near-immediate no burst, but the specificity of its generation was dependent on the genetic makeup of the host plant. in the resistant cultivar, a strong no burst was followed by a wave of secondary no generation, shown by bio-imaging with daf-2da. the epicen ...200717688587
comparing chemical and biological control strategies for twospotted spider mites (acari: tetranychidae) in commercial greenhouse production of bedding plants.efficacy, costs, and impact on crop salability of various biological and chemical control strategies for tetranychus urticae koch (acari: tetranychidae) were evaluated on mixed plantings of impatiens, impatiens wallerana hook.f (ericales: balsaminaceae), and ivy geranium, pelargonium peltatum (1.) l'hér. ex aiton (geraniales: geraniaceae), cultivars in commercial greenhouses. chemical control consisting of the miticide bifenazate (floramite) was compared with two biological control strategies us ...200919253653
applicability of leachates originating from solid-waste landfills for irrigation in landfill restoration projects.since, landfill areas are still the most widely used solid waste disposal method across the world, leachate generated from landfills should be given importance. leachate of landfills exerts environmental risks mostly on surface and groundwater with its high pollutant content, which may cause unbearable water quality. this leads to the obligation for decontamination and remediation program to be taken into progress for the landfill area. among a number of alternatives to cope with leachate, one i ...200819295082
nitric oxide, induced by wounding, mediates redox regulation in pelargonium leaves.the subject of this study was the participation of nitric oxide (no) in plant responses to wounding, promoted by nicking of pelargonium (pelargonium peltatum l.) leaves. bio-imaging with the fluorochrome 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (daf-2da) and electrochemical in situ measurement of no showed early (within minutes) and transient (2 h) no generation after wounding restricted to the site of injury. in order to clarify the functional role of no in relation to modulation of the redox balance d ...200919689772
are nitric oxide donors a valuable tool to study the functional role of nitric oxide in plant metabolism?in the present work, we tested known nitric oxide (no) modulators generating the no(+) (sodium nitroprusside, snp) and no(-ö) forms (s-nitroso-n-acetyl-d-penicillamine, snap and nitrosoglutathione, gsno). this allowed us to compare downstream no-related physiological effects on proteins found in leaves of pelargonium (pelargonium peltatum l.). protein modification via no donors generally affects plant metabolism in a distinct manner, manifested by a lower thiobarbituric acid reactive substance ( ...201121815979
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