
trichobilharzia regenti n. sp. (schistosomatidae, bilharziellinae), a new nasal schistosome from europe.members of the genus trichobilharzia are parasitic in visceral or nasal body parts of their avian hosts. the examination of water snails in south bohemia revealed a schistosome infection in radix peregra snails. the experimental infection of ducklings (anas platyrhynchos, cairina moschata) confirmed that a new trichobilharzia species--t. regenti n. sp.--was found. the adults, eggs and larvae (miracidia and cercariae) of the species were morphologically characterized. the adult occupy the nasal b ...19989879557
nasal schistosomes of wildfowl in the czech central europe, the adults of nasal bird schistosomes of the genus trichobilharzia have only been reported from experimental infections. our work confirmed a relatively high prevalence of these parasites in wild anatid birds in the czech republic. the isolated miracidia were used to infect the radix peregra (an autochtonous snail species) which proved to be a susceptible intermediate host. subsequently, the emerged cercariae penetrated the skin of domestic ducks and adults were found in the n ...200212444462
interactions related to non-host snails in the host-finding process of euparyphium albuferensis and echinostoma friedi (trematoda: echinostomatidae) order to determine whether the miracidia of euparyphium albuferensis and echinostoma friedi are sensitive to their host snail (hs) and capable of discriminating between hs and non-host snails (nhs), or whether these nhs can interfere and thus reduce the infection rates (decoy effect), a total of three experiments were conducted with hs, nhs and snail-conditioned water (scw). gyraulus chinensis is the hs for e. albuferensis miracidia, while physa acuta, radix peregra and lymnaea fuscus are con ...200313680373
[swimmer's itch in landmannalaugar, iceland].swimmer's itch (si) or human cercarial dermatitis is caused by free-swimming larvae of bird parasites of the family schistosomatidae (trematoda) which have penetrated thorough the skin. sometimes, mainly during first infections, the larvae do not cause any symptoms but if trapped by the immune system of the host each larva causes a maculopapular eruption. so far, five bird schistosome species have been reported in iceland. cercariae are shed by the freshwater snail radix peregra but adults live ...200516219972
[are nasal trichobilharzia cercariae potential threath to human health?]during late summer in 1995 to 1997, repeated outbreaks of maculopapular skin eruptions were observed on legs of children after wading in the pond of the family park in reykjavík, iceland. investigation, starting in autumn 1997, revealed that the causative agent was a previously undescribed schistosome cercaria of the genus trichobilharzia, shed by radix peregra, the only snail occurring in the pond. this was the first report of swimmer's itch in iceland. infection experiments with cercariae from ...200216940624
peptidases of trichobilharzia regenti (schistosomatidae) and its molluscan host radix peregra s. lat. (lymnaeidae): construction and screening of cdna library from intramolluscan stages of the parasite.trichobilharzia regenti is a neurotropic bird schistosome,causing cercarial dermatitis in humans. in this study, zap cdna expression library from radix peregra s. lat. hepatopancreases containing intramolluscan stages of t. regenti was constructed and screened using pcr with specific and degenerate primers, designed according to previously described serine and cysteine peptidases of other parasite species. full-length sequences of cathepsins b1 and l, and two serine peptidases, named rpsp1 and r ...200717886737
trichobilharzia spp. in natural conditions in annecy lake, france.annecy lake is a well-known focus of human cercarial dermatitis in france. identification of the parasites, however, was not performed in the past. previous studies suspected two species, trichobilharzia franki and trichobilharzia regenti, based on the presence of parasites in mallards and/or morphological identification of snails emitting ocellate furcocercariae. following a standardized molecular approach, we studied snails and furcocercariae and compared their haplotypes with those deposited ...200818320223
euparyphium albuferensis and echinostoma friedi (trematoda: echinostomatidae): experimental cercarial transmission success in sympatric snail communities.euparyphium albuferensis and echinostoma friedi cercarial infectivity to four species of sympatric snails was examined under single- or multiple-choice laboratory conditions to show the level of parasite-snail host compatibility. radix peregra, lymnaeafuscus, physella acuta and gyraulus chinensis act as second intermediate hosts of both parasite species although different cercarial transmission success (cts) was observed. in single-host experiments, r. peregra and p. acuta showed a high degree o ...200818666415
bird schistosome diversity in iceland: molecular evidence.during the years 2002-2007, icelandic freshwater snails and birds from different orders were examined for bird schistosomes. only the snail radix peregra and anatid birds proved to be infected. in total, 32 samples of bird schistosome cercariae from seven localities and four samples of adults of anas platyrhynchos and mergus serrator from two localities were used for sequencing of the internal transcibed spacer (its) region of rdna. based on the sequence and position in the phylogenetic tree, fi ...200919296877
a review on swimmer's itch and the occurrence of bird schistosomes in the past decade, swimmer's itch (si) has repeatedly occurred in people who have been wading or bathing in ponds or lakes in iceland where water birds and snails are abundant. some of the affected sites were warmed by geothermal activity, and others were not. a search for the causative agent of si, ocellate furcocercariae that have been found in iceland only in radix peregra snails, revealed an average infection prevalence of 1.4% (n = 12,432). locally, infection rates commonly exceeded 6%, th ...200919368747
evidence of fasciola hepatica infection in radix peregra and a mollusc of the family succineidae in ireland.worldwide molluscs of the genera lymnaea, pseudosuccinea, galba and stagnicola act as intermediate hosts of the common liver fluke, fasciola hepatica. galba truncatula is the only recorded intermediate host of f. hepatica within ireland and is the principle intermediate host within europe. to investigate the transmission of liver fluke on the teagasc hill sheep farm, co. mayo, ireland, snail species other than g. truncatula, were collected from the lowland pasture (snail sp. 'a') in may (n=23) a ...200919446399
molecular characterization and expression analysis of cathepsin l1 cysteine protease from pearl oyster pinctada fucata.cathepsin l is one of the crucial enzyme superfamilies and involved in the immune responses. in this study, a cdna encoding cathepsin l cysteine protease was identified and characterized from pearl oyster pinctada fucata (designated as pocl1). the pocl1 cdna was 1160 bp long and consisted of a 5'-untranslated region (utr) of 15 bp, a 3'-utr of 149 bp with a polyadenylation signal (aataaa) at 11 nucleotides upstream of the poly(a) tail, and an open reading frame (orf) of 996 bp encoding a polypep ...201020573562
molecular diversity of trichobilharzia franki in two intermediate hosts (radix auricularia and radix peregra): a complex of species.recently, the systematic use of the molecular approach as a complement to the other approaches (morphology, biology, life cycle) has brought help for the identification of species considered as different in the past to be regrouped and synonymised, and distinctions to be drawn between species similar at the morphological level. among these species, we tried to clarify the situation of trichobilharzia frankimüller and kimmig, 1994, species that today include more than 50 haplotypes notably coming ...201020708105
molluscicidal activity of crude water and hexane extracts of hypericum species on radix peregra spite of the intense research on both chemical constituency and biological activity of hypericum species, potential applications of their active components on pest control have been less investigated. in the present study, hypericum androsaemum (tutsan), hypericum foliosum (malfurada), and hypericum undulatum (wavy st. john's wort) aqueous and hexane extracts were studied for their molluscicidal and ovicidal activities against radix peregra. the molluscicidal activity of the aqueous extracts ...201122170085
transmission of calicophoron daubneyi and fasciola hepatica in galicia (spain): temporal follow-up in the intermediate and definitive hosts.paramphistomosis caused by calicophoron daubneyi and fasciolosis caused by fasciola hepatica are common parasitic diseases of livestock animals. transmission of the diseases depends on the presence of intermediate hosts, i.e. freshwater gastropods such as lymnaeids. we carried out a 2-year-long study of the dynamics of the snail population acting as the intermediate host for these parasites, considering the population structure in terms of size/age and infection status. in addition, we determine ...201627894356
biodiversity of trematodes in their intermediate mollusc and fish hosts in the freshwater ecosystems of europe.we analysed two novel databases containing 2,380 and 8,202 host-parasite-locality records for trematode parasites of molluscs and fishes, respectively, to assess the biodiversity of trematodes in their intermediate mollusc and fish hosts in the freshwater environment in europe. the "mollusc" dataset covers large numbers of pulmonate (29 spp.), "prosobranch" (15 spp.) and bivalve (11 spp.) molluscs acting as first intermediate hosts for 171 trematode species of 89 genera and 35 families. of these ...201626898591
integrative taxonomic approach to the cryptic diversity of diplostomum spp. in lymnaeid snails from europe with a focus on the 'diplostomum mergi' species complex.recent molecular studies have discovered substantial unrecognised diversity within the genus diplostomum in fish populations in europe and north america including three species complexes. however, data from the first intermediate host populations are virtually lacking. this study addresses the application of an integrative taxonomic approach to the cryptic species diversity of diplostomum spp. in natural lymnaeid snail populations in europe with a focus on the 'd. mergi' species complex.201526036245
diplostomum von nordmann, 1832 (digenea: diplostomidae) in the sub-arctic: descriptions of the larval stages of six species discovered recently in iceland.frequent infections with diplostomum spp. (digenea: diplostomidae) were found in the freshwater snail radix peregra (müller) and three fish species, the salmonids salmo trutta fario l., salvelinus alpinus (l.) and the gasterosteid gasterosteus aculeatus l., collected in four lakes in south-western iceland in 2012. detailed analysis of the isolates integrating molecular, morphological and ecological data revealed that these belong to diplostomum spathaceum (rudolphi, 1819) and five putative new s ...201425301510
transmission patterns of fasciola hepatica to ruminants in sweden.transmission patterns of fasciola hepatica were investigated on beef cattle (n=3) and sheep (n=3) farms in sweden between 2011 and 2012. the dynamics of fluke infection, particularly estimated time of infection, were screened each grazing season by elisa detection of antibodies in lambs (n=94) and first grazing season calves (n=61). colostral transfer of f. hepatica antibodies from seropositive ewes was detected in sheep up to 11 weeks of age. in sheep, the estimated time of infection differed s ...201424818749
molecular diversity of avian schistosomes in danish freshwater snails.avian schistosomes are widespread parasites of snails and waterfowl and may cause cercarial dermatitis (swimmer's itch) in humans, a disease that is frequently reported in european countries. these parasites are known to occur in denmark, but here, we applied a new approach using molecular tools to identify the parasites at species level. in order to do that, 499 pulmonate freshwater snails (radix sp., lymnaea stagnalis, stagnicola sp. and planorbarius corneus) were sampled from 12 lakes, ponds, ...201626573519
effect of echinostoma friedi (trematoda: echinostomatidae) experimental infection on longevity, growth and fecundity of juvenile radix peregra (gastropoda: lymnaeidae) and biomphalaria glabrata (gastropoda: planorbidae) snails.the effect of echinostoma friedi experimental infection on longevity, growth and fecundity of two susceptible first intermediate host snails, radix peregra and biomphalaria glabrata, was studied to contrast the level of compatibility. 120 r. peregra and 150 b. glabrata snails were used exposed to one, three or five miracidia and divided in three categories: inf (snails exposed and infected); eni (exposed but not infected) and c (control or not miracidial-exposed snails). r. peregra inf snails' d ...200717805574
infectivity of echinostoma friedi miracidia to different snail species under experimental conditions.the infectivity of echinostoma friedi (trematoda: echinostomatidae) miracidia was studied experimentally in a range of laboratory-reared snails that coexist in the same natural locality, namely radix peregra, lymnaea fuscus, l. truncatula (lymnaeidae), gyraulus chinensis, helisoma duryi (planorbidae) and physella acuta (physidae), and snails from different geographical origins acting naturally or experimentally as intermediate hosts of schistosoma spp., namely planorbarius metidjensis (from mála ...200616923279
effects of intra- and interspecific competition on the sensitivity of aquatic macroinvertebrates to carbendazim.the ecological risk assessment of pesticides and other potentially toxic chemicals is generally based on toxicity data obtained from single-species laboratory experiments. in the field, however, contaminant effects are ubiquitously co-occurring with ecological interactions such as species competition and predation, which might influence the sensitivity of the individuals exposed to toxicants. the present experimental study investigated how intra- and interspecific competition influence the respo ...201526024811
trichobilharzia mergi sp. nov. (trematoda: digenea: schistosomatidae), a visceral schistosome of mergus serrator (l.) (aves: anatidae).parasitological investigations on red-breasted mergansers (mergus serrator l.) in iceland revealed digenean flukes of the family schistosomatidae. adult worms were detected in blood vessels of the large intestine and eggs were deposited in the mucosa and surrounded by granulomatous reactions. traditional morphological methods showed that the flukes have very slender filiform bodies, males are equipped with a short gynaecophoric canal and both suckers and spatulate ends are present on each sex. a ...201323501058
acute and chronic effects of particle-associated fenvalerate on stream macroinvertebrates: a runoff simulation study using outdoor microcosms.agricultural edge-of-field runoff usually contaminates surface waters with particle-associated pesticides. however, the acute and chronic effects on the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities have rarely been addressed. outdoor flow-through stream microcosms were exposed for 1 h in triplicate to approximately 3.1 g/l of total suspended solids spiked with 0.0, 13.6, 136, or 1,365 microg/kg of the pyrethroid insecticide fenvalerate (fv). the effects on eight species typical of agricultural streams ...200111525490
disturbance, biological legacies and community development in stream mesocosms.disturbances reduce the biota in stream ecosystems, and leave biological legacies, including remnant species, which potentially influence post-disturbance community development but are poorly understood. we investigated whether three remnant species, the snail radix peregra, the mayfly serratella ignita and the freshwater shrimp gammarus pulex, affected community development in mesocosms that mimicked disturbed habitat patches in streams. following 21 days of colonisation, we found that the occu ...200616639570
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