
phylogeny and rapid northern and southern hemisphere speciation of goldfinches during the miocene and pliocene epochs.mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) from 25 out of 31 extant goldfinches, siskins, greenfinches and redpolls (genus carduelis) has been sequenced from living samples taken around the world, specimens have also been photographed. phylogenetic analysis consistently gave the same groups of birds, and this grouping was generally related to geographical proximity. it has been supposed that pleistocene glaciations played a crucial role in the origin of extant diversity and distribution of northern hemi ...19989791543
spectral composition of light as a zeitgeber for birds living in the high arctic summer.the hypothesis was tested whether periodic changes in spectral composition of light are an effective zeitgeber for synchronization (entrainment) of circadian rhythms of birds breeding in the high arctic summer. two palearctic passerine birds, the brambling (fringilla montifringilla) and the common redpoll (carduelis f. flammea), which both breed during summer at latitudes above the arctic circle and migrate to temperate zone latitudes for wintering, were studied. to investigate the effect of dai ...199910497949
salmonellosis in songbirds in the canadian atlantic provinces during winter-summer 1997-98.from winter 1997 to summer 1998, an epizootic of salmonellosis affected several species of songbirds over a large area of the eastern north american continent. this article describes the details of this epizootic in the canadian atlantic provinces, based on laboratory examination of dead affected birds and on suspected but unconfirmed cases of salmonellosis reported by members of the public. the common redpoll (carduelis flammea) was the species most often affected, followed by pine siskins (c. ...200010642873
carotenoids in bird plumage: the complement of red pigments in the plumage of wild and captive bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula).we have studied the carotenoid pigments in the red plumage of male bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) immediately following capture and after the completion of the moult in captivity under dietary control. astaxanthin, adonirubin, and alpha-doradexanthin, as well as papilioeritrinone and canthaxanthin (in lower amounts) are in every case the dominant carotenoids in the plumage pigment of wild individuals. alpha-doradexanthin is responsible for the reddish-rose colour, which captive individuals adopt ...200111250548
epidemiologic and pathologic aspects of salmonella typhimurium infection in passerine birds in norway.septicemic salmonellosis caused by salmonella typhimurium 4, 12: i:1, 2 was diagnosed in 94 (64.8%) of 145 small passerines comprising nine species, examined in norway during 1999-2000. the birds were found dead at private feeding places throughout the country. the bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula), eurasian siskin (carduelis spinus), common redpoll (carduelis flammea), and eurasian greenfinch (carduelis chloris) were the most frequently affected species. pathologic findings in 94 carcasses included ...200312685069
the cybercell database (ccdb): a comprehensive, self-updating, relational database to coordinate and facilitate in silico modeling of escherichia coli.the cybercell database (ccdb: http://redpoll. is a comprehensive, web-accessible database designed to support and coordinate international efforts in modeling an escherichia coli cell on a computer. the ccdb brings together both observed and derived quantitative data from numerous independent sources covering many aspects of the genomic, proteomic and metabolomic character of e.coli (strain k12). the database is self-updating but also supports 'community' annotation, a ...200414681416
physiological responses to photoperiod in three cardueline finch species.cardueline finches (canaries, goldfinches, and rosefinches, etc.) vary widely in the degree to which their natural reproductive schedules track seasonal changes in photoperiod. in this study, we tested for photo-induction of reproductive development and photorefractoriness in males of three cardueline finch species: pine siskins (carduelis pinus), common redpolls (carduelis flammea), and white-winged crossbills (loxia leucoptera). exposure to long days (20l:4d) in winter induced gonadal growth a ...200415094340
complexity and integration in sexual ornamentation: an example with carotenoid and melanin plumage pigmentation.sexual ornaments often consist of several components produced by distinct developmental processes. the complexity of sexual ornaments might be favoured by mate choice of individual components in different environments which ultimately results in weak interrelationships (integration) among the developmental processes that produce these components. at the same time, sexual selection for greater exaggeration of individual components favours their stronger co-dependence on organismal resources. this ...200415525416
interspecific variation in photo-induced gnrh plasticity among nomadic cardueline finches.changes in response to photoperiod are of fundamental importance to seasonal cycles in avian reproductive development. in this study we present data on photo-induced changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) immunoreactivity associated with the development of photorefractoriness in males of 3 closely related species of cardueline finch: common redpoll (carduelis flammea), pine siskin (c. pinus) and white-winged crossbill (loxia leucoptera). all are nomadic, mid- to high-latitude breeders ...200515821347
escherichia albertii in wild and domestic birds.escherichia albertii has been associated with diarrhea in humans but not with disease or infection in animals. however, in december 2004, e. albertii was found, by biochemical and genetic methods, to be the probable cause of death for redpoll finches (carduelis flammea) in alaska. subsequent investigation found this organism in dead and subclinically infected birds of other species from north america and australia. isolates from dead finches in scotland, previously identified as escherichia coli ...201020350378
candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis in ticks from migrating birds in sweden.candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis (cnm; family anaplasmataceae) was recently recognized as a potential tick-borne human pathogen. the presence of cnm in mammals, in host-seeking ixodes ticks and in ticks attached to mammals and birds has been reported recently. we investigated the presence of cnm in ornithophagous ticks from migrating birds. a total of 1,150 ticks (582 nymphs, 548 larvae, 18 undetermined ticks and two adult females) collected from 5,365 birds captured in south-eastern sweden wa ...201526207834
biochemical properties of red currant varieties in relation to storage.eleven red currant varieties (ribes rubrum l.) cultured in serbia were evaluated for some of their biochemical properties such as total phenolics, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, invert sugar, soluble solid content, and acidity. the average amount of ascorbic acid varied from 50.5-71.6 mg/100 g fw, while concentration of invert sugars ranged from 6.0%-9.0%. the highest amounts of total phenolics and anthocyanins were detected in variety redpoll (153.4 mg gae/100 g fw and 19.3 mg/100 g, respectively ...201021046468
a probabilistic approach for validating protein nmr chemical shift has been estimated that more than 20% of the proteins in the bmrb are improperly referenced and that about 1% of all chemical shift assignments are mis-assigned. these statistics also reflect the likelihood that any newly assigned protein will have shift assignment or shift referencing errors. the relatively high frequency of these errors continues to be a concern for the biomolecular nmr community. while several programs do exist to detect and/or correct chemical shift mis-referencing or che ...201020446018
low support for separate species within the redpoll complex (carduelis flammea-hornemanni-cabaret) from analyses of mtdna and microsatellite markers.the redpoll complex, consisting of three currently recognized species (carduelis flammea, c. hornemanni and c. cabaret), is polytypic in biometry, morphology, physiology and behaviour. however, previous genetic work has not revealed any indications of genetic differentiation. we analysed sequence variation in the mtdna control region, and allele frequencies of supposedly faster evolving microsatellites (n=10), in an attempt to detect molecular genetic support for the three species, as well as tw ...200818439841
drugbank: a comprehensive resource for in silico drug discovery and exploration.drugbank is a unique bioinformatics/cheminformatics resource that combines detailed drug (i.e. chemical) data with comprehensive drug target (i.e. protein) information. the database contains >4100 drug entries including >800 fda approved small molecule and biotech drugs as well as >3200 experimental drugs. additionally, >14,000 protein or drug target sequences are linked to these drug entries. each drugcard entry contains >80 data fields with half of the information being devoted to drug/chemica ...200616381955
vadar: a web server for quantitative evaluation of protein structure quality.vadar (volume area dihedral angle reporter) is a comprehensive web server for quantitative protein structure evaluation. it accepts protein data bank (pdb) formatted files or pdb accession numbers as input and calculates, identifies, graphs, reports and/or evaluates a large number (>30) of key structural parameters both for individual residues and for the entire protein. these include excluded volume, accessible surface area, backbone and side chain dihedral angles, secondary structure, hydrogen ...200312824316
rapid and accurate calculation of protein 1h, 13c and 15n chemical shifts.a computer program (shiftx) is described which rapidly and accurately calculates the diamagnetic 1h, 13c and 15n chemical shifts of both backbone and sidechain atoms in proteins. the program uses a hybrid predictive approach that employs pre-calculated, empirically derived chemical shift hypersurfaces in combination with classical or semi-classical equations (for ring current, electric field, hydrogen bond and solvent effects) to calculate 1h, 13c and 15n chemical shifts from atomic coordinates. ...200312766419
refdb: a database of uniformly referenced protein chemical shifts.refdb is a secondary database of reference-corrected protein chemical shifts derived from the biomagresbank (bmrb). the database was assembled by using a recently developed program (shiftx) to predict protein (1)h, (13)c and (15)n chemical shifts from x-ray or nmr coordinate data of previously assigned proteins. the predicted shifts were then compared with the corresponding observed shifts and a variety of statistical evaluations performed. in this way, potential mis-assignments, typographical e ...200312652131
the hypothalamus and adrenal regulate modulation of corticosterone release in redpolls (carduelis flammea--an arctic-breeding song bird).free-living redpolls (carduelis flammea-a species that breeds in the alaskan arctic), modulate corticosterone release in response to capture and restraint depending upon the breeding site. we extended these findings to adults undergoing a prebasic molt (the energetically costly replacement of feathers) and to juveniles. results indicate not only that the stress response is dramatically reduced at one breeding site, but that the stress response during molt and in juveniles is lower still. in fact ...19989480742
separation and identification of carotenoids in bird's plumage by high-performance liquid chromatography--diode-array detection.the coloured feathers of carduelis spinus (siskin), c. flammea (redpoll), serinus serinus (serin), loxia curvirostra (crossbill), pinicola enucleator (grossbeak), carpodacus roseus (pallas rosefinch) and pyrrhula pyrrhula (bullfinch) have been extracted with a new procedure using mild conditions (a few minutes at room temperature). after the separation of melanines and proteins, the extracts were analyzed by hplc-ms and hplc-uv-vis. the main components of the pigments were identified in all the ...19958548026
[molecular variants of histone h5 of linnet (acanthis flammea)].five electrophoretic variants of h5 histone were detected in the population of linnet (acanthis flammea). using the method of incomplete succinilation the number of lysine residues, electrophoretic positive charge and molecular length were determined for some variants of h5 histone and for their fragments, obtained after treatment with n-bromosuccinimide and chymotrypsin. the difference in structure of h5 variants was found to be connected with the region, confined by the phenylalanine residue a ...20137121462
latitudinal and population specific differences in timing of daily and seasonal functions in redpolls (acanthis flammea).1. the daily (circadian) rhythm of activity and rest of common redpolls (acanthis f. flammea l.) from 65°n lat. was measured for about one year in individuals outdoors at two latitudes (48° and 65°n). during winter at both latitudes, activity-time (α) of common redpolls approximated the duration of daylight (including civil twilights); onset of activity, however, occurred at lower light intensities than end of activity. during mid-summer, a rest-time (p) of ca. 5 h was maintained at both latitud ...197628308867
daily and seasonal variation in metabolic response to cold during rest and forced exercise in the common redpoll. 19734147936
the effect of acclimation and acclimatization on the resting metabolic rate of the common redpoll. 19724145240
the effect of diet and captivity on the fatty acid composition of redpoll (acanthis flammea) depot fats. 19685653709
synchronizing feather-based measures of corticosterone and carotenoid-dependent signals: what relationships do we expect?carotenoids produce many of the red, orange and yellow signal traits of birds, and individuals must trade off utilizing carotenoids for physiological processes versus ornamentation. proximate mechanisms regulating this trade-off are poorly understood, despite their importance for expression of color signals. corticosterone (cort) may play a significant mechanistic role in signal expression because it mobilizes energy substrates and influences foraging behavior. we used a unique feather-based app ...201424233689
differentially expressed genes match bill morphology and plumage despite largely undifferentiated genomes in a holarctic songbird.understanding the patterns and processes that contribute to phenotypic diversity and speciation is a central goal of evolutionary biology. recently, high-throughput sequencing has provided unprecedented phylogenetic resolution in many lineages that have experienced rapid diversification. the holarctic redpoll finches (genus: acanthis) provide an intriguing example of a recent, phenotypically diverse lineage; traditional sequencing and genotyping methods have failed to detect any genetic differen ...201525735539
complete mitochondrial genome of the common redpoll (carduelis flammea).the common redpoll (carduelis flammea) is one species of family fringillidae. in the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial dna sequences of this species. the mitochondrial genome of common redpoll is a circular molecule of 16 820 bp in size and contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rrna genes, 22 trna genes and 1 control region. the total base composition is 31.35% for c, 14.14% for g, 30.57% for a and 23.94% for t, respectively. the phylogenetic tree of common redpoll and 12 oth ...201626122338
phylogeography of crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, and rosefinches.mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) from 24 carduelini species including crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, rosefinches, and other related, but not conclusively classified species, was sequenced. these sequences were also compared with all the available sequences from the genera carduelis, serinus, and passer. phylogenetic analyses consistently gave the same groups of finches and the calculated divergence times suggest that speciation of the studied species occurred between 14 and 3 million year ...200111529508
mitochondrial dna homogeneity in the phenotypically diverse redpoll finch complex (aves: carduelinae: carduelis flammea-hornemanni).breeding redpoll finches (aves: carduelinae) show extensive plumage and size variability and, in many cases, a plumage polymorphism that is not related to age or sex. this has been ascribed to extreme phenotypic variation within a single taxon or to moderate variability within distinct taxa coupled with hybridization. the predominant view favors the recognition of two largely sympatric species: carduelis flammea, comprised of four well-marked subspecies-flammea, cabaret, islandica, and rostrata; ...199528564874
interaction of effects of light, temperature, and season on the circadian period of carduelis flammea. 19744437641
seasonal change in light sensitivity in carduelis flammea. 19724657658
within-lineage divergence of avian haemosporidians: a case study to reveal the origin of a widespread haemoproteus parasite.avian haemosporidian parasites are particularly diverse and widespread. to date, more than 3,000 distinct cytochrome b lineages have been recorded, of which some present extremely wide geographical distributions, even including multiple continents. whether these isolates represent one or several cryptic species remains unknown. here we carried out a case study of siskin1, a common haemosporidian parasite lineage belonging to the morphologically described species haemoproteus tartakovskyi. to she ...201931145032
the annual lipid cycle and feeding behavior of alaskan lipids were extracted from 161 redpolls (acanthis spp.) collected each month of the year from october 1962 to september 1963, in interior alaska. a lipid index (weight of ether extract x100/live body weight) was calculated for each sample. lipids were also extracted from sections of pectoral muscle, livers and hearts representing each month.body weight and lipid index were significantly positively correlated being highest in january and lowest in september. total lipid content was signific ...197728308974
comparative analysis of avian hearts provides little evidence for variation among species with acquired endothermy.mammals and birds acquired high performance hearts and endothermy during their independent evolution from amniotes with many sauropsid features. a literature review shows that the variation in atrial morphology is greater in mammals than in ectothermic sauropsids. we therefore hypothesized that the transition from ectothermy to endothermy was associated with greater variation in cardiac structure. we tested the hypothesis in 14 orders of birds by assessing the variation in 15 cardiac structures ...201930667083
when taxonomy meets genomics: lessons from a common songbird.taxonomy is being increasingly informed by genomics. traditionally, taxonomy has relied extensively on phenotypic traits for the identification and delimitation of species, though with a growing influence from molecular phylogenetics in recent decades. now, genomics opens up new and more powerful tools for analysing the evolutionary history and relatedness among species, as well as understanding the genetic basis for phenotypic traits and their role in reproductive isolation. new insights gained ...201526095582
variation in the structure of bird nests between northern manitoba and southeastern ontario.traits that converge in appearance under similar environmental conditions among phylogenetically independent lineages are thought to represent adaptations to local environments. we tested for convergence in nest morphology and composition of birds breeding in two ecologically different locations in canada: churchill in northern manitoba and elgin in southeastern ontario. we examined nests from four families of passerine birds (turdidae: turdus, parulidae: dendroica, emberizidae: passerculus and ...201121552515
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