
somatic antigens of pseudomonads: structure of the o-specific polysaccharide chain of pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans 7591 (serogroup ix) lipopolysaccharide. 19911720347
novel cyclic lipodepsipeptide from pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans strain 508 and syringopeptin antimicrobial activities.the syringopeptins are a group of antimicrobial cyclic lipodepsipeptides produced by several plant-associated pseudomonads. a novel syringopeptin, sp508, was shown to be produced as two homologs (a and b) by pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans strain 508 from apple and to structurally resemble syringopeptin sp22. sp508 differed from sp22 and other syringopeptins by having three instead of four alpha,beta-unsaturated amino acids and a longer beta-hydroxy acyl chain. both sp508 and sp22 displayed ...200516304170
mixtures of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria enhance biological control of multiple cucumber pathogens.abstract plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr) strains inr7 (bacillus pumilus), gb03 (bacillus subtilis), and me1 (curtobacterium flaccumfaciens) were tested singly and in combinations for biological control against multiple cucumber pathogens. investigations under greenhouse conditions were conducted with three cucumber pathogens-colletotrichum orbiculare (causing anthracnose), pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans (causing angular leaf spot), and erwinia tracheiphila(causing cucurbit wilt ...199818944848
saccharomyces cerevisiae cells harboring the gene encoding sarcotoxin ia secrete a peptide that is toxic to plant pathogenic bacteria.sarcotoxin ia is a cecropin-type antibacterial protein produced by the flesh fly, sarcophaga peregrina. similar to other bactericidal small proteins produced by insects, sarcotoxin ia is released into the hemolymph of larvae and nymphs upon mechanical injury or bacterial infection. the gene (sarco) that encodes this toxin was introduced into saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells and was expressed under a constitutive yeast promoter. the transformed yeast cells were grown in a liquid medium, and a ...199910336869
molecular cloning, characterization, and mutagenesis of a pel gene from pseudomonas syringae pv. lachyrmans encoding a member of the erwinia chrysanthemi pelade family of pectate lyases.the pels gene from pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans 859 was cloned by heterologous expression in nonpectolytic p. syringae pv. syringae buvs1, using genomic dna libraries constructed with two novel broad-host-range cosmid vectors, pcpp34 and pcpp47. screening of p. syringae pv. syringae transconjugants for the ability to pit pectate media at ph 6.0 and 8.5 yielded several overlapping clones of the same dna region. ultrathin-layer isoelectric focusing gels, activity-stained with diagnostically ...19979100381
involvement of jasmonic acid/ethylene signaling pathway in the systemic resistance induced in cucumber by trichoderma asperellum t203.abstract trichoderma spp. are effective biocontrol agents for a number of soilborne plant pathogens, and some are also known for their ability to enhance plant growth. it was recently suggested that trichoderma also affects induced systemic resistance (isr) mechanism in plants. analysis of signal molecules involved in defense mechanisms and application of specific inhibitors indicated the involvement of jasmonic acid and ethylene in the protective effect conferred by trichoderma spp. against the ...200518943839
role of swollenin, an expansin-like protein from trichoderma, in plant root colonization.swollenin, a protein first characterized in the saprophytic fungus trichoderma reesei, contains an n-terminal carbohydrate-binding module family 1 domain (cbd) with cellulose-binding function and a c-terminal expansin-like domain. this protein was identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry among many other cellulolytic proteins secreted in the coculture hydroponics medium of cucumber (cucumis sativus) seedlings and trichoderma asperellum, a well-known biocontrol agent and inducer of p ...200818400936
characterization of a mitogen-activated protein kinase gene from cucumber required for trichoderma-conferred plant resistance.the fungal biocontrol agent trichoderma asperellum has been recently shown to induce systemic resistance in plants through a mechanism that employs jasmonic acid and ethylene signal transduction pathways. mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) proteins have been implicated in the signal transduction of a wide variety of plant stress responses. here we report the identification and characterization of a trichoderma-induced mapk (tipk) gene function in cucumber (cucumis sativus). similar to its h ...200616950863
concomitant induction of systemic resistance to pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans in cucumber by trichoderma asperellum (t-203) and accumulation of phytoalexins.most studies on the reduction of disease incidence in soil treated with trichoderma asperellum have focused on microbial interactions rather than on plant responses. this study presents conclusive evidence for the induction of a systemic response against angular leaf spot of cucumber (pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans) following application of t. asperellum to the root system. to ascertain that t. asperellum was the only microorganism present in the root milieu, plants were grown in an aseptic ...200314660384
biocontrol activity and induction of systemic resistance in pepper by compost water extracts against phytophthora capsici.we investigated the effects of water extracts of composts (cwe) from commercial compost facilities for controlling root and foliar infection of pepper plants by phytophthora capsici. among 47 cwe tested, cwe from composts iljuk-3, iljuk-7, shinong-8, and shinong-9 significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited zoospore germination, germ tube elongation, mycelial growth, and population of p. capsici. all selected cwe significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the disease incidence and severity in the seedling and plan ...201020626281
the 18mer peptaibols from trichoderma virens elicit plant defence responses.summary peptaibols, the products of non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (nrps), are linear peptide antibiotics produced by trichoderma and other fungal genera. trichoderma virens strain gv29-8, a well-known biocontrol agent and inducer of plant defence responses, produces three lengths of peptaibols, 11, 14 and 18 residues long, with several isoforms of each. disruption of the nrps gene, tex1, encoded by a 62.8-kb uninterrupted open reading frame, results in the loss of production of all forms of ...200720507534
genetic background of host-pathogen interaction between cucumis sativus l. and pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans.the interplay of plant resistance mechanisms and bacterial pathogenicity is very complex. this applies also to the interaction that takes place between the pathogen pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans (smith et bryan) and the cucumber (cucumis sativus l.) as its host plant. research on p. syringae pv. lachrymans has led to the discovery of specific factors produced during pathogenesis, i.e. toxins or enzymes. similarly, studies on cucumber have identified the specific types of plant resistance e ...200919193976
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