
cell wall composition in relation to the taxonomy of some actinoplanaceae.hydrolytic residues of the cell walls of 48 strains of actinoplanaceae, previously assigned to 10 species and the four genera, actinoplanes, ampullariella, amorphosporangium, and pilimelia, were examined by paper chromatography and column chromatography. comparisons were made for taxonomic purposes between the groupings obtained, by use of chemical characters and the groupings currently recognized morphologically. most of the species investigated had qualitatively distinct cell wall compositions ...19676074406
16s ribosomal dna analysis of the genera micromonospora, actinoplanes, catellatospora, catenuloplanes, couchioplanes, dactylosporangium, and pilimelia and emendation of the family order to determine the phylogenetic structure of the actinomycete family micromonosporaceae, the 16s ribosomal dna sequences of 17 type species of the genera actinoplanes, dactylosporangium, and pilimelia were compared with the 16s ribosomal dna sequences of species of the genera catellatospora, catenuloplanes, and couchioplanes and with those of species of the genus micromonospora and other actinomycete genera for which the sequences have been previously determined. all genera of the family, ...19968782687
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