
the intake, digestion and protein degradation of grazed herbage by early-weaned lambs.sixty-four intact lambs and twenty-four lambs fitted with a duodenal cannula were weaned at 6 weeks of age and grazed pure species swards of either lucerne (medicago sativa), white clover ((trifolium repens), ryegrass (lolium perenne) or prairie grass (bromus catharticus) for 6 weeks. intake and duodenal digesta flow were estimated when lambs were 8 and 12 weeks of age. lambs grazing the two legume species grew at a similar rate, as did lambs grazing the two grass species. legumes promoted a 38% ...19921445817
theoretical considerations in the estimation of rumen fractional outflow rate from various sampling sites in the digestive tract.the digesta markers 103ruthenium phenanthroline (ru-p) and 51cr-edta were continuously infused into the rumen of young lambs offered clover hay ad lib. indoors or grazing pure species swards of either lucerne (medicago sativa), white clover (trifolium repens), ryegrass (lolium perenne) or prairie grass (bromus catharticus). following the cessation of infusion the fractional outflow rate (for) of markers from the rumen was estimated from the rate of decline of marker concentration in rumen and ab ...19892789986
voluntary intake, digestibility, and subsequent selection of matua bromegrass, coastal bermudagrass, and alfalfa hays by yearling horses.matua bromegrass (bromus willdenowii kunth. cv. grasslands matua) was introduced in 1973, but little information exists concerning its potential as a hay for horses. thus, voluntary intake and apparent digestibility of om, cp, and fiber components of matua by 18 quarter horse yearlings (mean initial bw 354 kg; se 5.8) were compared with alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) and coastal bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon l.) as hays in a randomized block design. a 15-d adjustment period was followed by a 5-d ...199910521039
matua bromegrass hay for mares in gestation and lactation.matua bromegrass hay (bromus willdenowii kunth) is a high quality forage, but its value for mares during gestation and lactation is not well known. intake, rate of passage, performance, and reproduction by gestating and lactating quarter horse mares fed the hay was investigated. in this experiment, 12, 2- to 12-yr-old gravid mares (mean bw = 553 kg, sd = 36) were fed matua hay (cp = 11.5%) or alfalfa hay (medicago sativa l.) (cp = 15.4%) for variable days prepartum (mean 59.9 d; sd = 23.5) and f ...200212462265
optimal choice of dairy forages in eastern australia.although several forage species such as perennial ryegrass are predominant, there is a wide range of forage species that could be grown in subtropical and temperate regions in australia as dairy pastures. these species have differing seasonal patterns of growth, nutrient quality, and water-use efficiency, as demonstrated in a large experiment evaluating over 30 species at the university of sydney (camden, new south wales, australia). some species can be grazed, whereas others require mechanical ...200717517747
bromus catharticus striate mosaic virus: a new mastrevirus infecting bromus catharticus from australia.although monocotyledonous-plant-infecting mastreviruses (in the family geminiviridae) are known to cause economically significant crop losses in certain areas of the world, in australia, they pose no obvious threat to agriculture. consequently, only a few australian monocot-infecting mastreviruses have been described, and only two have had their genomes fully sequenced. here, we present the third full-genome sequence of an australian monocot-infecting mastrevirus from bromus catharticus belongin ...201021153747
the genetic diversity of wild rescuegrass is associated with precipitation levels. 201424823307
host associations of diuraphis noxia (homoptera: aphididae) biotypes in south africa.the incidence and host associations of russian wheat aphid were investigated in the wheat-growing areas of south africa from 2009 to 2011. most russian wheat aphid samples were collected on dryland wheat, while few samples were collected on irrigation wheat. volunteer wheat and rescue grass were the preferred alternative host plants to cultivated wheat for all three biotypes. no rwasa1 samples were collected from oats, but rwasa2 seemed to be able to survive successfully on oats, with 12.26% of ...201324498762
seedling development and field performance of prairiegrass, grazing bromegrass, and orchardgrass.seedling establishment is a critical phase in pasture management. knowledge of the seedling development of new forages is necessary to develop management practices and recommend species mixtures for pasture seedings. we compared seedling growth and development of prairiegrass (bromus willdenowii kunth = b. catharticus vahl), grazing bromegrass (b. stamineus desv.), and orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.) in controlled environment and field studies. seedlings were sampled weekly for 7 wk in the ...200211756278
on the origins of the tetraploid bromus species (section bromus, poaceae): insights from internal transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear ribosomal dna.the internal transcribed spacer (its) region of nuclear ribosomal dna from 22 diploid and tetraploid annual bromus species of section bromus (poaceae) and three species belonging to other bromus sections, bromus catharticus (section ceratochloa), bromus anomalus (section pnigma), and bromus sterilis (section genea), were investigated by pcr amplification and direct sequencing. the length of the its-1 region varied from 215 to 218 bp, and that of the its-2 region from 215 to 216 bp, in the specie ...19979352648
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