
environmental and host effects on skin bacterial community composition in panamanian frogs.research on the amphibian skin microbiota has focused on identifying bacterial taxa that deter a pathogenic chytrid fungus, and on describing patterns of microbiota variation. however, it remains unclear how environmental variation affects amphibian skin bacterial communities, and whether the overall functional diversity of the amphibian skin microbiota is associated to such variation. we sampled skin microbial communities from one dendrobatoid frog species across an environmental gradient along ...201829520260
the role of temporal call structure in species recognition of male allobates talamancae (cope, 1875): (anura: dendrobatidae).acoustic species recognition in anurans depends on spectral and temporal characteristics of the advertisement call. the recognition space of a species is shaped by the likelihood of heterospecific acoustic interference. the dendrobatid frogs allobates talamancae (cope, 1875) and silverstoneia flotator (dunn, 1931) occur syntopically in south-west costa rica. a previous study showed that these two species avoid acoustic interference by spectral stratification. in this study, the role of the tempo ...201728239241
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