
circumcostal cloacapexy in a python.a chronic cloacal prolapse in an indian python was repaired by modification of a cloacapexy technique. after isolation of the cloaca, stay sutures were placed through the lumen of the cloaca and through the musculature of the body wall, incorporating a rib within the pexy.19912004995
a novel mycoplasma sp. associated with proliferative tracheitis and pneumonia in a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus).proliferative lymphocytic tracheitis and pneumonia were observed histologically in the respiratory tract of a captive burmese python (python molurus bivittatus). a mycoplasma species was isolated from the respiratory tissue. polymerase chain reaction analysis of the 16s rrna gene sequence of the isolate showed 0.90 similarity to mycoplasma agassizii, an organism previously shown to cause respiratory disease in reptiles. based on these findings, a novel mycoplasma species was suspected to be the ...19979447490
purification and characterization of islet hormones (insulin, glucagon, pancreatic, polypeptide and somatostatin) from the burmese python, python molurus.insulin was purified from an extract of the pancreas of the burmese python, python molurus (squamata:serpentes) and its primary structure established as: a chain: gly-ile-val-glu-gln-cys-cys-glu-asn-thr10-cys-ser-leu-tyr-glu-leu- glu-asn-tyr-cys20-asn. b-chain: ala-pro-asn-gln-his-leu-cys-gly-ser-his10-leu-val-glu-ala-leu-tyr- leu-val-cys-gly20-asp-arg-gly-phe-tyr-tyr-ser-pro-arg-ser30. with the exception of the conservative substitution phe --> tyr at position b25, those residues in human insul ...19979350978
disposition of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin after intramuscular injection in juvenile burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus).eleven juvenile burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus) weighing 0.75-1.75 kg were randomly divided into two groups. blood samples were obtained through surgically placed anterior carotid artery cannulas. six pythons received a single i.m. injection of enrofloxacin at 5 mg/kg. blood samples were obtained at 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hr postinjection. a mean (+/- sd) maximal plasma concentration of 1.66 (+/- 0.42) micrograms/ml was measured at 5.75 hr postinjection. the harmonic me ...19979226619
sarcosporidiasis in rodents from to six sarcocystis spp. were identified in the skeletal muscles of 41 (33%) of 124 wild rodents (rattus spp. and bandicota indica) mainly captured in the central plains of thailand throughout the year in 1995. included were s. singaporensis, s. villivillosi, and s. murinotechis-like cysts all of which showed a striated cyst wall at the light microscopical level, and sarcocystis cymruensis, s. sulawesiensis, and s. zamani which possessed smooth cyst walls. the ultrastructure of the cyst wall ...19979391972
plasma concentrations of chloramphenicol in snakes.plasma chloramphenicol concentrations after a subcutaneous injection were studied in 87 snakes of 16 different species. the biological half-life of chloramphenicol varied from 3.3 hours in the indigo snake (drymarchon corais couperi) to 22.1 hours in the midland water snake (nerodia sipedon). a single dosage of 50 mg of chloramphenicol/kg of body weight produced plasma concentrations greater than 5 micrograms/ml for nearly 72 hours in 2 species of water snakes (nerodia erythrogaster, nerodia sip ...19854083608
plasma levels and renal handling of endogenous amino acids in snakes: a comparative study.plasma levels of 22 endogenous amino acids were measured by ion-exchange chromatography in four species of snakes: thamnophis sirtalis, t. radix, aipysurus laevis, and python molurus. despite considerable interspecific variation in the amino acid composition, all species showed relatively high plasma concentrations of histidine, a feature apparently unique to reptiles. the renal handling of these amino acids was studied by renal clearance methods. as in other vertebrates, net tubular absorption ...19863711817
poikilotherms as reservoirs of q-fever (coxiella burnetii) in uttar pradesh.water snakes (natrix natrix), rat snakes (ptyas korros), cobras (naja naja), pythons (python molurus), tortoises (kachuga sp.), plankton fish (cirrhina mrigala), frogs (rana tigrina), toads (bufo sp.) and monitors (varanus indicus) were screened for evidence of q-fever infection by the capillary agglutination test on sera to detect antibodies and/or by attempts to demonstrate coxiella burnetii in spleen and liver samples. sero-reactors were observed among water and rat snakes, pythons and tortoi ...1979459042
postprandial morphological response of the intestinal epithelium of the burmese python (python molurus).the postprandial morphological changes of the intestinal epithelium of burmese pythons were examined using fasting pythons and at eight time points after feeding. in fasting pythons, tightly packed enterocytes possess very short microvilli and are arranged in a pseudostratified fashion. enterocyte width increases by 23% within 24 h postfeeding, inducing significant increases in villus length and intestinal mass. by 6 days postfeeding, enterocyte volume had peaked, following as much as an 80% inc ...200516002308
thermoregulation in a brooding female indian python, python molurus varying environmental temperatures, measurements of body temperatures and gas exchange of a female indian python (python molurus bivittatus) show that during the brooding period this animal can regulate its body temperature by physiological means analogous to those in endotherms. ambient temperatures below 33 degrees c result in spasmodic contractions of the body musculature with a consequent increase in metabolism and body temperature.19665908075
effects of meal size on postprandial responses in juvenile burmese pythons (python molurus).pythons were reported previously to exhibit large changes in intestinal mass and transporter activities on consuming meals equal to 25% of the snake's body mass. this paper examines how those and other adaptive responses to feeding vary with meal size (5, 25, or 65% of body mass). larger meals took longer to pass through the stomach and small intestine. after ingestion of a meal, o2 consumption rates rose to up to 32 times fasting levels and remained significantly elevated for up to 13 days. thi ...19979087654
endoscopic examination of snakes by access through an air sac.sixteen boa constrictors (boa constrictor), three royal pythons (python regius) and 15 burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus) were examined endoscopically by access through the air sac. the snakes were immobilised in a ventral position using a half-open anaesthetic system with assisted ventilation and a mixture of isoflurane and oxygen. the rigid endoscope was introduced percutaneously and the internal structure of the lungs and the air sac, and the shape, size and external surface of the l ...200616565339
notes on clotting in a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus).studies of the clotting mechanisms in the plasma of a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) confirm earlier information that both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of thrombin formation participate in reptilian hemostasis. plasma fibrinogen was present at a concentration comparable to that in human plasma. other assays were hampered by the need to use nonreptilian reagents. the activated partial thromboplastin time was shorter than was that of human plasma, thus implying the presence of prot ...19902341766
riboflavin-binding protein from reptiles: a comparison with avian riboflavin-binding proteins.1. riboflavin-binding protein (rbp) has been isolated for the first time from reptilian sources. 2. rbp from eggs of python molurus (indian python) and chrysemys picta (painted turtle) has been isolated and compared to rbp from gallus gallus domesticus (chicken), a well-characterized protein, and a newly isolated rbp from cairina moschata (muscovy duck). 3. each of the proteins is phosphorylated and glycosylated. 4. the ratio of riboflavin binding to protein is 1:1 and the kd for each protein is ...19883396329
a comparative study on glyoxalase ii from vertebrata.s-2-hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase (glyoxalase ii) from the liver of animals belonging to the various vertebrate classes (oryctolagus cuniculus, gallus gallus, python molurus, rana esculenta, esox lucius) have been purified from 100,000 g supernatants of liver homogenates, using acetone fractionation and affinity chromatography. subsequent comparative studies were concerned with some molecular and kinetic properties. isoelectric focusing gave evidence for a single form of liver glyoxalase ii i ...19873495432
shed snake skin and hairless mouse skin as model membranes for human skin during permeation studies.difficulties in obtaining and using human skin have tempted many workers to employ animal membranes for percutaneous absorption studies. we have investigated the suitability of two species of snake (elaphe obsoleta, python molurus) for this purpose and compared our in vitro experimental results for human skin and for hairless mouse, a currently popular model. the effects of long-term hydration on the membranes were investigated over 8 d using tritiated water as a model permeant. the initial perm ...19902299198
temporal effects of 3 commonly used anticoagulants on hematologic and biochemical variables in blood samples from macaws and burmese pythons.few studies have been done to evaluate anticoagulants for use with blood samples from birds and reptiles. heparin currently is the most commonly used anticoagulant in practice, but may adversely affect blood cell staining and quantitation.200516270264
isolation and characterisation of crocodile and python ovotransferrins.transferrins play a major role in iron homeostasis and metabolism. in vertebrates, these proteins are synthesised in the liver and dispersed within the organism by the bloodstream. in oviparous vertebrates additional expression is observed in the oviduct and the synthesised protein is deposited in egg white as ovotransferrin. most research on ovotransferrin has been performed on the chicken protein. there is a limited amount of information on other bird transferrins, and until our previous paper ...200717351671
osteitis deformans (paget's disease) in a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus)--a case report.osteitis deformans (paget's disease of bone) is a chronic focal disorder of bone remodelling characterized by an initial increase in osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, with subsequent compensatory increase in new bone formation, resulting in a disorganized mosaic of woven and lamellar bone. in the burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) of this report, multifocal gross swellings involving the proximal third of the vertebral spine were observed and associated with anorexia, a relative inabil ...200717222574
effects of temperature on the metabolic response to feeding in python ectothermic vertebrates, reptiles undergo diurnal and seasonal changes in body temperature, which affect many biological functions. in conjunction with a general review regarding the effects of temperature on digestion in reptiles, we describe the effects of various temperatures (20-35 degrees c) on the metabolic response to digestion in the burmese python (python molurus). the snakes were fed mice amounting to 20% of their body weight and gas exchange (oxygen uptake and co(2) production) wer ...200212443910
effects of digestive status on the reptilian gut.reptiles, including the burmese python, python molurus bivittatus, that feed at infrequent intervals show a prominent increase in gastrointestinal mass, metabolism and brush border transport rates after feeding. current knowledge and theories around these phenomena, as well as studies on the innervation of the reptilian gut, are summarised in this review. little is known about the putative changes in the nervous and humoral control systems of the gut, and it is not known whether feeding affects ...200212443909
epizootic of fatal amebiasis among exhibited snakes: epidemiologic, pathologic, and chemotherapeutic epizootic of reptilian amebiasis seems to have caused the death of 15 to 16 large and valuable captive snakes (boas, pythons, and anacondas) occupying one of 5 large display dioramas in the steinhart aquarium of the california academy of science, golden gate park, san francisco. subsequent review of previous snake deaths in the colony indicated that of 464 snakes that had died since early 1969, 89 snakes had intestinal or hepatic lesions, and 80 of these snakes had pathologic features which i ...19751147335
retained caseous yolk sac in a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus).retained yolk sacs are common in the domestic chicken and account for considerable morbidity and mortality during late embryonic development and within the first 10 days of life. what is believed to be the first recorded instance of a retained caseous yolk sac and its successful surgical removal from a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) is reported. the snake experienced no post-operative complications and continues to be well 16 mo following surgery.19902250338
multi-host model-based identification of armillifer agkistrodontis (pentastomida), a new zoonotic parasite from china.pentastomiasis is a rare parasitic infection of humans. pentastomids are dioecious obligate parasites requiring multiple hosts to complete their lifecycle. despite their worm-like appearance, they are commonly placed into a separate sub-class of the subphylum crustacea, phylum arthropoda. however, their systematic position is not uncontested and historically, they have been considered as a separate phylum.201020386597
structural flexibility of the small intestine and liver of garter snakes in response to feeding and fasting.garter snakes thamnophis sirtalis parietalis feed frequently but also tolerate extended periods of fasting when food is unavailable. we studied the dynamics, reversibility and repeatability of size changes of the small intestine and liver using ultrasonography. we employed light and transmission electron microscopy and flow cytometry to study the tissue mechanism that drives this flexibility. we compared garter snakes that fed every other day, snakes that fed once a week and fasting snakes. in a ...200211976350
responses of python gastrointestinal regulatory peptides to the burmese python (python molurus), the rapid up-regulation of gastrointestinal (gi) function and morphology after feeding, and subsequent down-regulation on completing digestion, are expected to be mediated by gi hormones and neuropeptides. hence, we examined postfeeding changes in plasma and tissue concentrations of 11 gi hormones and neuropeptides in the python. circulating levels of cholecystokinin (cck), glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (gip), glucagon, and neurotensin increase ...200111707600
[studies on chemical constituents of the gall of python molurus bivittatus schlegel].two constituents were isolated from the gall of python molurus bivittus schlegel, one is sodium taurodeoxycholate (i). the other is a new compound--sodium tauropythocholate (ii). its structure was elucidated as 3 alpha, 12 alpha, 16 alpha-trihydroxy-5-cholan-24-oic acid n-[2-sulfoethyl] amide by ir, 1hnmr, 13cnmr, ms 13c-1h cosy, and chemical reaction.19921293939
intracardiac flow separation in an in situ perfused heart from burmese python python molurus.the heart of non-crocodilian reptiles has two separate atria that receive blood from the systemic and pulmonary circulations. the ventricle is not fully divided, but is compartmentalised into two chambers (cavum dorsale and cavum pulmonale) by a muscular ridge that runs from the apex to the base of the ventricle. the muscular ridge is small in turtles, but is well developed in varanid lizards and many species of snakes. these anatomical differences correlate with an effective blood flow separati ...200212151377
effect of feeding on circulating micronutrient concentrations in the burmese python (python molurus).burmese pythons (python molurus) regulate digestive performance and metabolism with the ingestion of each meal. to explore the python's postprandial responses, we monitored the concentrations of blood micronutrients and homocysteine during fasting and for 15 days after feeding. plasma folate concentrations peaked with a 270% increase over fasting levels 3 days after feeding, whereas plasma b-12 peaked with a 66% increase within 1 day. erythrocyte folate concentrations were highest 15 days after ...200111423336
structural flexibility of the intestine of burmese python in response to feeding.the small intestine of burmese pythons, python molurus bivittatus, undergoes a remarkable size increase shortly after feeding. we studied the dynamics, reversibility and repeatability of organ size changes using noninvasive imaging techniques. we employed light and electron microscopy, flow cytometry and immunohistology to study the cytological mechanisms that drive the size changes of the small intestine. within 2 days of feeding, the size of the small intestine increased to up to three times t ...200111136618
acariasis on pet burmese python, python molurus bivittatus in identify the acari present on pet burmese pythons in malaysia and to determine whether there is any potential public health risk related to handling of the snakes.201121771459
increased blood oxygen affinity during digestion in the snake python molurus.many snakes exhibit large increases in metabolic rate during digestion that place extensive demands on efficient oxygen transport. in the present study, we describe blood oxygen affinity following three weeks of fasting and 48 h after feeding in the burmese python (python molurus). we also report simultaneous measurements of arterial blood gases and haematological parameters. arterial blood was obtained from chronically implanted catheters, and blood oxygen-dissociation curves were constructed f ...200212324542
two-dimensional echocardiographic anatomy of the snake heart (python molurus bivittatus).two-dimensional echocardiography was performed on burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus) to determine an optimal echocardiographic imaging technique for snakes and to describe the echocardiographic anatomy of the snake heart. five snakes immobilized with tiletamine/zolazepam and maintained on isoflurane in oxygen were imaged in dorsal recumbency. the portion of the snake's body containing the heart was submerged in warm water to reduce the artifact created by air trapped between and under t ...199910023997
Python erythrocytes are resistant to a-hemolysin from Escherichia coli.a-Hemolysin (HlyA) from Escherichia coli lyses mammalian erythrocytes by creating nonselective cation pores in the membrane. Pore insertion triggers ATP release and subsequent P2X receptor and pannexin channel activation. Blockage of either P2X receptors or pannexin channels reduces HlyA-induced hemolysis. We found that erythrocytes from Python regius and Python molurus are remarkably resistant to HlyA-induced hemolysis compared to human and Trachemys scripta erythrocytes. HlyA concentrations th ...201122064954
molecular evolution of peptide tyrosine--tyrosine: primary structure of pyy from the lampreys geotria australis and lampetra fluviatilis, bichir, python and desert tortoise.peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (pyy) has been isolated from the intestines of two species of reptile, the desert tortoise gopherus agassizii (testudines) and the burmese python python molurus (squamata), from the primitive actinopterygian fish, the bichir polypterus senegalis (polypteriformes) and from two agnathans, the southern-hemisphere lamprey geotria australis (geotriidae) and the holarctic lamprey lampetra fluviatilis (petromyzontidae). the primary structure of bichir pyy is identical to the p ...199910100922
ultrasonographic diagnosis of an endocarditis valvularis in a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) with 11-yr-old burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) was presented with a history of respiratory symptoms. computed tomography and an endoscopic examination of the left lung were performed and revealed severe pneumonia. microbiologic examination of a tracheal wash sample and an endoscopy-guided sample from the lung confirmed infection with salmonella enterica ssp. iv, enterobacter cloacae, and klebsiella pneumoniae. computed tomographic examination demonstrated a hyperattenuated structure wit ...201021370657
gastric function and its contribution to the postprandial metabolic response of the burmese python python molurus.the large intact prey ingested by burmese pythons require considerable processing by the stomach before passage into the small intestine. to investigate the function and cost of gastric digestion and its contribution to postprandial metabolic response for the burmese python, i examined the rate of gastric digestion, the postprandial profile of gastric ph and the effects of decreasing gastric workload on the metabolic cost of digestion, referred to as specific dynamic action (sda). ingested meal ...200312682094
retroviral particles in neoplasms of burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus).neoplastic diseases associated with retroviruses were diagnosed in four burmese pythons (python molurus bivattatus) from a single collection. snake no. 1 was a 7-year-old female with recurrent undifferentiated mesenchymal round cell tumor (lymphosarcoma) of the oral cavity. at necropsy, similar neoplastic masses were evident in the uterus and ovary, and there was diffuse involvement of the spleen. snake no. 2 was a 4.5-year-old female that was euthanatized because of complications following rese ...200111572567
trichinella papuae and trichinella zimbabwensis induce infection in experimentally infected varans, caimans, pythons and turtles.the discovery of trichinella zimbabwensis in farm crocodiles of zimbabwe has opened up a new frontier in the epidemiology of the trichinella genus. the objective of the present study was to investigate the infectivity of encapsulated species (t. spiralis, t. nativa, t. britovi, t. murrelli and t. nelsoni) and non-encapsulated species (t. pseudospiralis, t. papuae and t. zimbabwensis) in caimans (caiman crocodilus), varans (varanus exanthematicus), pythons (python molurus bivittatus) and turtles ...200415074882
molecular genetic evidence for parthenogenesis in the burmese python, python molurus bivittatus.parthenogenesis among reptiles is rare. only a few species have the ability to reproduce asexually. most of these are obligate parthenogenetic species that consist (almost) entirely of females, which can reproduce solely through parthenogenesis. rarer are sexual species that only sporadically reproduce through parthenogenesis. a female python molurus bivittatus (reptilia, boidae) from the artis zoo, amsterdam, produced eggs in five consecutive years that contained embryos while she was isolated ...200312634818
septicaemia secondary to infection by corynebacterium macginleyi in an indian python (python molurus).a seven-year-old female indian python (python molurus) weighing about 35kg was euthanased after several clinical episodes of stomatitis, pneumonia, ophthalmitis and dystocia over a period of four years. the animal had been maintained in a terrarium in a circus truck at an adequate temperature. during shows, however, the snake was considered to be exposed to stressful conditions for several hours at a time at low temperatures and with noise and bright lights. a post-mortem examination indicated u ...200615996494
tachykinins (substance p, neurokinin a and neuropeptide gamma) and neurotensin from the intestine of the burmese python, python molurus.peptides with substance p-like immunoreactivity, neurokinin a-like immunoreactivity and neurotensin-like immunoreactivity were isolated in pure form from an extract of the intestine of the burmese python (python molurus). the primary structure of python substance p (arg-pro-arg-pro-gln-gln-phe-tyr-gly-leu- met-nh2) shows one amino acid substitution (phe8-->tyr) compared with chicken/alligator substance p and an additional substitution (lys3-->arg) as compared with mammalian substance p. the neur ...19979437709
evidence for different origin of sex chromosomes in snakes, birds, and mammals and step-wise differentiation of snake sex chromosomes.all snake species exhibit genetic sex determination with the zz/zw type of sex chromosomes. to investigate the origin and evolution of snake sex chromosomes, we constructed, by fish, a cytogenetic map of the japanese four-striped rat snake (elaphe quadrivirgata) with 109 cdna clones. eleven of the 109 clones were localized to the z chromosome. all human and chicken homologues of the snake z-linked genes were located on autosomes, suggesting that the sex chromosomes of snakes, mammals, and birds ...200617110446
a three-dimensional kinematic analysis of tongue flicking in python molurus.the forked snake tongue is a muscular organ without hard skeletal support. a functional interpretation of the variable arrangement of the intrinsic muscles along the tongue requires a quantitative analysis of the motion performance during tongue protrusion and flicking. therefore, high-speed fluoroscopy and high-speed stereo photogrammetry were used to analyse the three-dimensional shape changes of the tongue in python molurus bivittatus (boidae). the posterior protruding part of the tongue elon ...200414747414
effects of meal size, clutch, and metabolism on the energy efficiencies of juvenile burmese pythons, python molurus.we explored meal size and clutch (i.e., genetic) effects on the relative proportion of ingested energy that is absorbed by the gut (apparent digestive efficiency), becomes available for metabolism and growth (apparent assimilation efficiency), and is used for growth (production efficiency) for juvenile burmese pythons (python molurus). sibling pythons were fed rodent meals equaling 15%, 25%, and 35% of their body mass and individuals from five different clutches were fed rodent meals equaling 25 ...200717913527
evaluation of simultaneous permeation and metabolism of methyl nicotinate in human, snake, and shed snake skin.the transdermal permeation and metabolic characteristics of methyl nicotinate (mn) in stratum corneum and split-thickness human skin and three species of shed snake and snake skin (elaphae obsoleta, naja kaouthia, and python molurus bivittatus) were evaluated. in vitro skin transport using excised skin and hydrolysis experiments using skin homogenate were carried out. the flux of mn, a metabolite, nicotinic acid (na), and the total (mn+na), as well as kinetic parameters (v(max) and k(m)) for hyd ...200818300102
ticks on captive and free-living wild animals in northeastern brazil.from 2005 to 2009, 147 ticks found on 32 wild animals from or referred to two zoobotanical parks (parque zoobotânico arruda câmara and parque estadual dois irmãos) located in northeastern brazil were identified. ticks found on two veterinarians working in one of the parks (i.e., parque estadual dois irmãos), after return from forested areas within the park's territory, were also identified. the following tick-host associations were recorded: amblyomma fuscum neumann on boa constrictor l.; amblyo ...201019693679
functional changes with feeding in the gastro-intestinal epithelia of the burmese python (python molurus).the morphology of the digestive system in fasting and refed burmese pythons was determined, as well as the localization of the proton (h(+), k(+)-atpase) and sodium (na(+), k(+)-atpase) pumps. in fasting pythons, oxyntopeptic cells located within the fundic glands are typically non-active, with a thick apical tubulovesicular system and numerous zymogen granules. they become active immediately after feeding but return to a non-active state 3 days after the ingestion of the prey. the proton pump, ...200919799514
prioritizing blood flow: cardiovascular performance in response to the competing demands of locomotion and digestion for the burmese python, python molurus.individually, the metabolic demands of digestion or movement can be fully supported by elevations in cardiovascular performance, but when occurring simultaneously, vascular perfusion may have to be prioritized to either the gut or skeletal muscles. burmese pythons (python molurus) experience similar increases in metabolic rate during the digestion of a meal as they do while crawling, hence each would have an equal demand for vascular supply when these two actions are combined. to determine, for ...201020008365
postprandial increase of oleoylethanolamide mobilization in small intestine of the burmese python (python molurus).oleoylethanolamide (oea) is an endogenous lipid mediator that inhibits feeding in rats and mice by activating the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (ppar-alpha). in rodents, intestinal oea levels increase about threefold upon refeeding, a response that may contribute to the induction of between-meal satiety. here, we examined whether feeding-induced oea mobilization also occurs in burmese pythons (python molurus), a species of ambush-hunting snakes that consume hu ...200616373434
first reports of ectoparasites collected from wild-caught exotic reptiles in florida.we collected ectoparasites from 27 of 51 wild-caught, free-ranging exotic reptiles examined in florida from 2003 to 2008. sampled animals represented eight species, five of which yielded ectoparasites. reported new parasite distribution records for the united states include the following: the first collection of the african tick amblyomma latum (koch) from a wild-caught animal [ball python, python regius (shaw)] in the united states; the first collection of the lizard scale mite hirstiella stami ...201121337954
double valvular insufficiency in a burmese python (python molurus bivittatus, linnaeus, 1758) suffering from concomitant bacterial pneumonia.ultrasonography, and, to a lesser extent, echocardiography are now well-established, noninvasive, and painless diagnostic tools in herpetologic medicine. various cardiac lesions have been previously described in reptiles, but valvulopathy is rarely documented in these animals and, consequently, is poorly understood. in this report, sinoatrial and atrioventricular insufficiencies were diagnosed in a 5-yr-old captive dyspneic burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) on the basis of echocardiogra ...201021370663
discovery of highly divergent repeat landscapes in snake genomes using high throughput sequencing.we conducted a comprehensive assessment of genomic repeat content in two snake genomes, the venomous copperhead (agkistrodon contortrix) and the burmese python (python molurus bivittatus). these two genomes are both relatively small (∼1.4 gb), but have surprisingly extensive differences in the abundance and expansion histories of their repeat elements. in the python, the readily identifiable repeat element content is low (21%), similar to bird genomes, whereas that of the copperhead is higher (4 ...201121572095
sequencing the genome of the burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) as a model for studying extreme adaptations in snakes.abstract: the consortium for snake genomics is in the process of sequencing the genome and creating transcriptomic resources for the burmese python. here, we describe how this will be done, what analyses this work will include, and provide a timeline.201121801464
selected regulation of gastrointestinal acid-base secretion and tissue metabolism for the diamondback water snake and burmese python.snakes exhibit an apparent dichotomy in the regulation of gastrointestinal (gi) performance with feeding and fasting; frequently feeding species modestly regulate intestinal function whereas infrequently feeding species rapidly upregulate and downregulate intestinal function with the start and completion of each meal, respectively. the downregulatory response with fasting for infrequently feeding snakes is hypothesized to be a selective attribute that reduces energy expenditure between meals. to ...201222162867
a multi-organ transcriptome resource for the burmese python (python molurus bivittatus).abstract:201121867488
molecular evidence of potential novel spotted fever group rickettsiae, anaplasma and ehrlichia species in amblyomma ticks parasitizing wild snakes.amblyomma ticks parasitize a wide range of animals in tropical regions. this study describes the identification of amblyomma ticks from wild snakes in malaysia and the detection of potential human pathogens such as rickettsia, anaplasma, ehrlichia and bartonellae in the ticks.201525889376
cooking and grinding reduces the cost of meat digestion.the cooking of food is hypothesized to have played a major role in human evolution partly by providing an increase in net energy gain. for meat, cooking compromises the structural integrity of the tissue by gelatinizing the collagen. hence, cooked meat should take less effort to digest compared to raw meat. likewise, less energy would be expended digesting ground meat compared to intact meat. we tested these hypotheses by assessing how the cooking and/or grinding of meat influences the energy ex ...200717827047
discovery of the elusive leptin in birds: identification of several 'missing links' in the evolution of leptin and its receptor.leptin is a pleiotropic protein best known for regulation of appetite and fat storage in mammals. while many leptin orthologs have been identified among vertebrates, an authentic leptin in birds has remained elusive and controversial. here we identify leptin sequence from the peregrine falcon, falco peregrinus (pfleptin), and identify sequences from two other birds (mallard and zebra finch), and 'missing' vertebrates (elephant shark, alligator, indian python, chinese soft-shelled turtle, and coe ...201424663438
myiasis by megaselia scalaris (diptera: phoridae) in a python affected by pulmonitis.myiases are caused by the presence of maggots in vertebrate tissues and organs. myiases have been studied widely in humans, farm animals, and pets, whereas reports of myiasis in reptiles are scarce. we describe a case of myiasis caused by the megaselia scalaris (loew) in an indian python (python molurus bivittatus, kuhl) (ophida: boidae). the python, 15 yr old, born and reared in a terrarium in the mainland of venice (italy), was affected by diffuse, purulent pneumonia caused by burkholderia cep ...201323427672
prevalence and molecular identification of cryptosporidium isolates from pet lizards and snakes in order to acquire prevalence and genetic data on cryptosporidium infections in captive lizards and snakes kept as pets, a survey was conducted on 150 individual reptiles from southern italy. fecal samples were preserved in 5% formalin and analyzed using a commercial immunofluorescence assay (ifa) for the detection of cryptosporidium oocysts and giardia cysts. ifa revealed the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts in nine of the 150 samples examined (6.0%), precisely in 6/125 snakes (4.8%) and in ...201223193530
the effect of meal composition on specific dynamic action in burmese pythons (python molurus).we quantified the specific dynamic action (sda) resulting from the ingestion of various meal types in burmese pythons (python molurus) at 30 degrees c. each snake was fed a series of experimental meals consisting of amino acid mixtures, simple proteins, simple or complex carbohydrates, or lipids as well as meals of whole animal tissue (chicken breast, beef suet, and mouse). rates of oxygen consumption were measured for approximately 4 d after feeding, and the increment above standard metabolic r ...200515778938
identification and characterization of two closely related unclassifiable endogenous retroviruses in pythons (python molurus and python curtus).boid inclusion body disease (bibd) is a fatal disorder of boid snakes that is suspected to be caused by a retrovirus. in order to identify this agent, leukocyte cultures (established from python molurus specimens with symptoms of bibd or kept together with such diseased animals) were assessed for reverse transcriptase (rt) activity. virus from cultures exhibiting high rt activity was banded on sucrose density gradients, and the rt peak fraction was subjected to highly efficient procedures for th ...012097574
mycobacterium genavense infection in two species of captive snakes.mycobacterium is an important zoonotic agent with companion, livestock and wildlife animals reportedly playing a role as reservoirs. although its association with reptiles has been described, the disease cycle remains to be fully established, particularly in snakes. accordingly, this study aimed to report the occurrence of mycobacteriosis with clinical pneumonia in one exotic python snake (python molurus) and one native green snake (philodryas olfersii) from the sorocaba zoo, são paulo state, br ...201627777582
matched regulation of gastrointestinal performance in the burmese python, python burmese pythons fasting and feeding cause dramatic regulation of gastric acid production and intestinal nutrient uptake. predictably, other components of their gastrointestinal tract are similarly regulated with each meal. we therefore assessed the matched regulation of gastrointestinal performance by comparing the postprandial activities and capacities of gastric (pepsin), pancreatic (amylase and trypsin) and intestinal (aminopeptidase-n and maltase) enzymes, and intestinal nutrient uptake. ...200818344488
oviduct adenocarcinoma in some species of captive snakes.this article reports 5 cases of oviduct adenocarcinoma in adult captive snakes from smithsonian's national zoological park. this neoplasm was found in 1 of each of the following species: emerald tree boa (corallus caninus), amazonian tree boa (corallus enydris enydris), burmese rock python (python molurus bivittatus), northern pine snake (pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus), and corn snake (elaphe guttata). grossly, tan to red firm masses were found within oviducts in 3 cases. in an additional ...200818725476
whole transcriptome analysis of the fasting and fed burmese python heart: insights into extreme physiological cardiac adaptation.the infrequently feeding burmese python (python molurus) experiences significant and rapid postprandial cardiac hypertrophy followed by regression as digestion is completed. to begin to explore the molecular mechanisms of this response, we have sequenced and assembled the fasted and postfed burmese python heart transcriptomes with illumina technology using the chicken (gallus gallus) genome as a reference. in addition, we have used rna-seq analysis to identify differences in the expression of bi ...201021045117
primary vagal nerve projections to the lateral descending trigeminal nucleus in boidae (python molurus and boa constrictor).the primary vagal axons and terminals within the lateral descending trigeminal tract (dlv) and nucleus (dlv) of two species of boidae are studied following hrp injections of the vagal nerve. labeled fibers and terminals are found in the tail portion of the dlv and dlv, partly forming a neuropil at its margin. the labeled thin fibers and neuropil seem to correspond to the c-fibers and marginal neuropil of crotalinae.19836839166
prey targeting by the infrared-imaging snake python molurus: effects of experimental and congenital visual deprivation.boid and crotaline snakes possess two distinct types of organ evolved to image radiant electromagnetic energy: the lateral eye, which responds to visible light, and the pit organ, which responds to infrared radiation. while infrared imaging may allow accurate predatory targeting in complete absence of visual information, both infrared and visual information are probably normally involved in prey targeting. we examined the roles of vision and infrared imaging in python molurus predatory performan ...200111164522
ultrasonographic anatomy of the coelomic organs of boid snakes (boa constrictor imperator, python regius, python molurus molurus, and python curtus).to determine the ultrasonographic features of the coelomic organs of healthy snakes belonging to the boidae and pythonidae families.201222533394
the influence of midazolam on heart rate arises from cardiac autonomic tones alterations in burmese pythons, python molurus.the gabaa receptor agonist midazolam is a compound widely used as a tranquilizer and sedative in mammals and reptiles. it is already known that this benzodiazepine produces small to intermediate heart rate (hr) alterations in mammals, however, its influence on reptiles' hr remains unexplored. thus, the present study sought to verify the effects of midazolam on hr and cardiac modulation in the snake python molurus. to do so, the snakes' hr, cardiac autonomic tones, and hr variability were evaluat ...201729104018
the big squeeze: scaling of constriction pressure in two of the world's largest snakes, python reticulatus and python molurus bivittatus.snakes are important predators that have radiated throughout many ecosystems, and constriction was important in their radiation. constrictors immobilize and kill prey by using body loops to exert pressure on their prey. despite its importance, little is known about constriction performance or its full effects on prey. we studied the scaling of constriction performance in two species of giant pythons (python reticulatus and python molurus bivittatus) and propose a new mechanism of prey death by c ...201526347553
challenges to a molecular approach to prey identification in the burmese python, python molurus bivittatus.molecular approaches to prey identification are increasingly useful in elucidating predator-prey relationships, and we aimed to investigate the feasibility of these methods to document the species identities of prey consumed by invasive burmese pythons in florida. we were particularly interested in the diet of young snakes, because visual identification of prey from this size class has proven difficult. we successfully extracted dna from the gastrointestinal contents of 43 young pythons, as well ...201526623196
ontogenetic shifts and spatial associations in organ positions for snakes.snakes possess an elongated body form and serial placement of organs which provides the opportunity to explore historic and adaptive mechanisms of organ position. we examined the influence of body size and sex on the position of, and spatial associations between, the heart, liver, small intestine, and right kidney for ten phylogenetically diverse species of snakes that vary in body shape and habitat. snake snout-vent length explained much of the variation in the position of these four organs. fo ...201526358987
characterization of carbonic anhydrase xiii in the erythrocytes of the burmese python, python molurus bivittatus.carbonic anhydrase (ca) is one of the most abundant proteins found in vertebrate erythrocytes with the majority of species expressing a low activity ca i and high activity ca ii. however, several phylogenetic gaps remain in our understanding of the expansion of cytoplasmic ca in vertebrate erythrocytes. in particular, very little is known about isoforms from reptiles. the current study sought to characterize the erythrocyte isoforms from two squamate species, python molurus and nerodia rhombifer ...201526005204
effects of feeding on luminal ph and morphology of the gastroesophageal junction of the gastroesophageal junction, most vertebrates possess a functional lower esophageal sphincter (les) which may serve to regulate the passage of liquids and food into the stomach and prevent the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. snakes seemingly lack an les and consume meals large enough to extend anteriorly from the stomach into the esophagus thereby providing the opportunity for the reflux of gastric juices. to explore whether snakes experience or can prevent gastric reflux, we ...201222938694
nidovirus-associated proliferative pneumonia in the green tree python (morelia viridis).in 2014 we observed a noticeable increase in sudden deaths of green tree pythons (morelia viridis). pathological examination revealed accumulation of mucoid material within airways and lung, associated with enlargement of the entire lung. we performed full necropsy and histological examination on 12 affected green tree pythons from 7 different breeders to characterise the pathogenesis of this "mucinous" pneumonia. by histology we could show a marked hyperplasia of the airway epithelium and of fa ...201728794044
growth and stress response mechanisms underlying post-feeding regenerative organ growth in the burmese python.previous studies examining post-feeding organ regeneration in the burmese python (python molurus bivittatus) have identified thousands of genes that are significantly differentially regulated during this process. however, substantial gaps remain in our understanding of coherent mechanisms and specific growth pathways that underlie these rapid and extensive shifts in organ form and function. here we addressed these gaps by comparing gene expression in the burmese python heart, liver, kidney, and ...201728464824
evidence of igy subclass diversification in snakes: evolutionary implications.mammalian igg and ige are thought to have evolved from igy of nonmammalian tetrapods; however, no diversification of igy subclasses has been reported in reptiles or birds, which are phylogenetically close to mammals. to our knowledge, we report the first evidence of the presence of multiple igy-encoding (υ) genes in snakes. two υ genes were identified in the snake elaphe taeniura, and three υ genes were identified in the burmese python (python molurus bivittatus). although four of the υ genes di ...201222933626
environmental dna (edna) sampling improves occurrence and detection estimates of invasive burmese pythons.environmental dna (edna) methods are used to detect dna that is shed into the aquatic environment by cryptic or low density species. applied in edna studies, occupancy models can be used to estimate occurrence and detection probabilities and thereby account for imperfect detection. however, occupancy terminology has been applied inconsistently in edna studies, and many have calculated occurrence probabilities while not considering the effects of imperfect detection. low detection of invasive gia ...201525874630
morphological pulmonary diffusion capacity for oxygen of burmese pythons (python molurus): a comparison of animals in healthy condition and with different pulmonary infections.a qualitative and quantitative morphological study of the pulmonary exchange capacity of healthy and diseased burmese pythons (python molurus) was carried out in order to test the hypothesis that the high morphological excess capacity for oxygen exchange in the lungs of these snakes is one of the reasons why pathological processes extend throughout the lung parenchyma and impair major parts of the lungs before clinical signs of respiratory disease become apparent. twenty-four burmese pythons (12 ...201526410400
physiology: postprandial cardiac hypertrophy in pythons.oxygen consumption by carnivorous reptiles increases enormously after they have eaten a large meal in order to meet metabolic demands, and this places an extra load on the cardiovascular system. here we show that there is an extraordinarily rapid 40% increase in ventricular muscle mass in burmese pythons (python molurus) a mere 48 hours after feeding, which results from increased gene expression of muscle-contractile proteins. as this fully reversible hypertrophy occurs naturally, it could provi ...200515744290
ventilatory and cardiovascular responses of a python (python molurus) to exercise and investigate the potential limiting steps of peak metabolic rates, we examined gas exchange rates ( vdot (o2), vdot (co2)), respiratory exchange ratio (rer), breathing frequency, tidal volume, minute ventilation volume (v.e) as well as the heart rate, systemic blood flow and stroke volume of burmese pythons (python molurus) while fasting at rest, exercising, digesting and exercising while digesting. all measured variables increased significantly during exercise (crawling at 0.4 km h(-)(1) and ...200010903159
computed tomography for the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of bacterial pneumonia in indian pythons (python molurus).eight indian pythons (python molurus) with clinical and microbiological evidence of pneumonia were examined by computed tomography (ct) before and after treatment. the results were assessed subjectively and measurements were taken following a standard protocol. changes in the lung tissue of all the pythons were diagnosed, and the extent of the disease could be assessed. ct examinations after treatment showed an improvement in the six pythons whose clinical condition had improved, but in the othe ...200818676999
the effects of fasting duration on the metabolic response to feeding in python molurus: an evaluation of the energetic costs associated with gastrointestinal growth and upregulation.the oxygen uptake of python molurus increases enormously following feeding, and the elevated metabolism coincides with rapid growth of the gastrointestinal organs. there are opposing views regarding the energetic costs of the gastrointestinal hypertrophy, and this study concerns the metabolic response to feeding after fasting periods of different duration. since mass and function of the gastrointestinal organs remain elevated for several days after feeding, the metabolic increment following a se ...201312324892
computed tomography of the lungs of indian pythons (python molurus).to evaluate the use of computed tomography (ct) for detection of pneumonia in snakes.200717397300
gastrin-like activity in an indian python. 1975208
oral fibroma in a captive python.a massive growth in the lower jaw of an indian python (python molurus) was diagnosed from biopsy samples as a fibroma. moderately satisfactory treatment was achieved by surgical excision.19751142553
a histochemical study of the steroid synthesizing sites in the testes of the reptiles, chamaeleon calcaratus boulenger, python molurus gray & crocodilus porosus schneider. 19744457462
lymphoid leucosis in an indian python (python molurus). 19724663737
studies on the morphology and function of the skull in the boidae (serpentes). ii. morphology and function of the jaw apparatus in phython sebae and python molurus. 19665948607
molecular cloning and characterization of satellite dna sequences from constitutive heterochromatin of the habu snake (protobothrops flavoviridis, viperidae) and the burmese python (python bivittatus, pythonidae).highly repetitive dna sequences of the centromeric heterochromatin provide valuable molecular cytogenetic markers for the investigation of genomic compartmentalization in the macrochromosomes and microchromosomes of sauropsids. here, the relationship between centromeric heterochromatin and karyotype evolution was examined using cloned repetitive dna sequences from two snake species, the habu snake (protobothrops flavoviridis, crotalinae, viperidae) and burmese python (python bivittatus, pythonid ...201526205503
homing of invasive burmese pythons in south florida: evidence for map and compass senses in snakes.navigational ability is a critical component of an animal's spatial ecology and may influence the invasive potential of species. burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus) are apex predators invasive to south florida. we tracked the movements of 12 adult burmese pythons in everglades national park, six of which were translocated 21-36 km from their capture locations. translocated snakes oriented movement homeward relative to the capture location, and five of six snakes returned to within 5 km o ...201424647727
reduction of blood oxygen levels enhances postprandial cardiac hypertrophy in burmese python (python bivittatus).physiological cardiac hypertrophy is characterized by reversible enlargement of cardiomyocytes and changes in chamber architecture, which increase stroke volume and via augmented convective oxygen transport. cardiac hypertrophy is known to occur in response to repeated elevations of o2 demand and/or reduced o2 supply in several species of vertebrate ectotherms, including postprandial burmese pythons (python bivittatus). recent data suggest postprandial cardiac hypertrophy in p. bivittatus is a f ...201424311803
rapid microsatellite marker development using next generation pyrosequencing to inform invasive burmese python-python molurus bivittatus-management.invasive species represent an increasing threat to native ecosystems, harming indigenous taxa through predation, habitat modification, cross-species hybridization and alteration of ecosystem processes. additionally, high economic costs are associated with environmental damage, restoration and control measures. the burmese python, python molurus bivittatus, is one of the most notable invasive species in the us, due to the threat it poses to imperiled species and the greater everglades ecosystem. ...201323449030
ecological correlates of invasion impact for burmese pythons in invasive population of burmese pythons (python molurus bivittatus) is established across several thousand square kilometers of southern florida and appears to have caused precipitous population declines among several species of native mammals. why has this giant snake had such great success as an invasive species when many established reptiles have failed to spread? we scored the burmese python for each of 15 literature-based attributes relative to predefined comparison groups from a diverse ...201222938523
snakes antibodies.immunoglobulins are basic molecules of the immune system of vertebrates. in previous studies we described the immunoglobulins found in two squamata reptiles, anolis carolinensis and eublepharis macularius. snakes are squamata reptiles too but they have undergone an extreme evolutionary process. we therefore wanted to know how these changes affected their immunoglobulin coding genes. to perform this analysis we studied five snake transcriptomes and two genome draft sequences. sequences coding for ...201222426516
autonomic control of heart rate during orthostasis and the importance of orthostatic-tachycardia in the snake python molurus.orthostasis dramatically influences the hemodynamics of terrestrial vertebrates, especially large and elongated animals such as snakes. when these animals assume a vertical orientation, gravity tends to reduce venous return, cardiac filling, cardiac output and blood pressure to the anterior regions of the body. the hypotension triggers physiological responses, which generally include vasomotor adjustments and tachycardia to normalize blood pressure. while some studies have focused on understandi ...201425017862
rapid microsatellite identification from illumina paired-end genomic sequencing in two birds and a snake.identification of microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (ssrs), can be a time-consuming and costly investment requiring enrichment, cloning, and sequencing of candidate loci. recently, however, high throughput sequencing (with or without prior enrichment for specific ssr loci) has been utilized to identify ssr loci. the direct "seq-to-ssr" approach has an advantage over enrichment-based strategies in that it does not require a priori selection of particular motifs, or prior knowledge of ge ...201222348032
prevalence ofamblyomma gervaisiticks on captive snakes in tamil nadu.ticks are the important ectoparasites that occur on snakes and transmit rickettsiosis, anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis. a total of 62 snakes (reticulated python, indian rock python, rat snakes and spectacled cobra) were examined for tick infestation at chennai snake park trust (guindy), arignar anna zoological park (vandalur) and rescue centre (velachery) in tamil nadu from september, 2015 to june, 2016. ticks from infested snakes were collected and were identified asamblyomma gervaisi(previously ...201729114125
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 129