
a study of the life cycle of eimeria praecox, johnson 1930.the life cycle of a strain of eimeria praecox derived from a single oocyst which was obtained from litter removed from a broiler farm in west-germany was examined. four generations of schizonts were observed, maturing at 24 hpi, 40 hpi, 56 hpi and 68 hpi, respectively. mature gamonts were seen at 80 hpi to 84 hpi, and oocysts were detected in the faeces at less than 84 hours postinfection in two of the five propagations of the strain. results are compared with previous descriptions of the life c ...19902144393
experimental infections of the domestic fowl with a variant of eimeria praecox from the ceylon jungle fowl. 19744413378
the effect of subclinical infections with eimeria praecox and eimeria tenella on pigmentation and vitamin a absorption in broilers. 19734759986
fine structure of the schizonts of eimeria praecox. 19715161203
the pathogenic effects of eimeria praecox and e. acervulina in the chicken. 19685740550
the biology and pathogenicity of a recent field isolate of eimeria praecox johnson, 1930.a recent isolate of eimeria praecox, strain g, was obtained from georgia and purified. studies of the life history, pathogenicity, and cross-immunity of the isolate were conducted to verify its identity. in inoculated three-week-old chickens, the occurrence of merogony and gametogony was limited to the superficial epithelium of the upper intestine. oocysts, 23 x 19.5 microns, with a shape index of 1.17 were first observed 83 h after inoculation. mortality and morbidity were not observed in any o ...19827086714
phylogenetic relationships among eight eimeria species infecting domestic fowl inferred using complete small subunit ribosomal dna sequences.complete 18s ribosomal rna gene sequences were determined for 8 eimeria species of chickens and for eimeria bovis of cattle. sequences were aligned with each other and with sequences from 2 sarcocystis spp., toxoplasma gondii, neospora caninum, and 4 cryptosporidium spp. aligned sequences were analyzed by maximum parsimony to infer evolutionary relationships among the avian eimeria species. eimecia bovis was found to be the sister taxon to the 8 eimeria species infecting chickens. within the avi ...19979105308
isolation and pathogenicity of australian strains of eimeria praecox and eimeria determine the presence of e praecox and e mitis in australia, to isolate representative strains of these species from chickens and determine their pathogenicity.19979293343
intestinal digesta viscosity decreases during coccidial infection in broilers.1. the effect of intestinal digesta viscosity on bird performance in chickens with coccidiosis was compared to those without coccidiosis. 2. six hundred chicks were divided into five groups: one control group was fed a basal maize/soyabean-based diet and the other groups were fed the basal diet supplemented with 2, 4, 6 or 8 g carboxymethyl cellulose (cmc) per kg of feed. at 14 d of age half the birds were individually inoculated with sporulated oocysts of eimeria acervulina and eimeria praecox. ...200011128387
application of polymerase chain reaction based on its1 rdna to speciate eimeria.a method was developed to recover eimeria spp. oocysts directly from poultry litter and determine which species of eimeria were present using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) based on the its1 rdna sequence. the species composition of eimeria oocysts was also compared before and after propagation in susceptible chickens to determine if the relative proportion of each species changed after expansion. in samples from two broiler operations, its1-pcr was able to detect eimeria spp. oocysts recovered ...200616617992
pathogenesis of eimeria praecox in chickens: virulence of field strains compared with laboratory strains of e. praecox and eimeria acervulina.the pathogenesis in chickens of the apicomplexan eimeria praecox was compared with that of eimeria acervulina, using intestinal lesions, mucosal integrity, body weight gain (bwg) and the feed conversion ratio (fcr) as criteria. characteristics of each species were described by combinations of polymerase chain reaction assays and classic parasitological signs. there were considerable overlaps in lengths, breadths, shape indices and volumes of the oocysts of each species. both species caused stati ...200919937523
sequence diversity of internal transcribed spacer-1 (its-1) region of eimeria infecting chicken and its relevance in species identification from indian field samples.conventional method of species identification in eimeria employs phenotypic characters of the oocysts and the site of infection in the chicken intestine, which are subjective analyses. pcr-based identification of eimeria spp. is known to be specific and sensitive. we used internal transcribed spacer 1 (its-1)-based nested pcr to follow the distribution of eimeria spp. in the field, which may be of significant value in the management of coccidiosis in chickens. in the present study, intestinal sa ...201020012096
observations on the gross pathology of eimeria praecox infections in chickens.challenge infections with 10(3), 5 x 10(4), 10(5), or 5 x 10(5) sporulated eimeria praecox oocysts caused moderate but significant weight gain reduction at all infective doses. substantial reduction in plasma carotenoids and moderate but significant increases in plasma no2(-) + no3- were observed only at the two higher doses when measured at day 6 postchallenge (pc). daily monitoring of chickens after challenge with 5 x 10(4) oocysts revealed an inflammatory response in the duodenum and jejunum ...201020608527
expression of toll-like receptors and antimicrobial peptides during eimeria praecox infection in chickens.intestinal colonization of avian species by eimeria parasites results in the enteric disease, coccidiosis. a study was carried out to assess the immunologic effects of eimeria praecox infection on the gut of infected chickens. in experiment 1, birds were orally gavaged with 50,000 e. praecox oocysts; in experiment 2, an infection dosage of 500,000 e. praecox oocysts was used. duodenal and jejunal intestinal sections were sampled consecutively on days 1-7 post-infection. intestinal expression of ...201021176773
pathogenicity of eimeria praecox alone or associated with eimeria acervulina in experimentally infected broiler chickens.eimeria praecox and eimeria acervulina are two species of coccidia parasites infecting chickens, which develop in the duodenum. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the pathogenicity of e. praecox and to study interactions of this coccidium with e. acervulina. the results showed that the pathogenicity of e. praecox was related to the infective dose, and that its impact on individual weight and weight gain was significant from the lowest administered dose: 5000 oocysts per bird. no morbidity ...201122226152
diagnosis of eimeria species using traditional and molecular methods in field studies.the objective of this study was to identify and characterize species of eimeria in broiler chickens using traditional morphological and pathological plus molecular (dna amplification) diagnostic methodologies. using a combination of those techniques it was possible to identify the presence of multiple circulating species in the flock as well as higher frequencies for some of them, especially eimeria praecox and eimeria maxima, which were identified in 100% of the flocks. the frequencies of the o ...201021167646
molecular prevalence and preponderance of eimeria spp. among chickens in tamil nadu, india.coccidosis is one of the most commonly prevalent and economically important parasitic diseases of poultry worldwide. chicken coccidia are protozoan parasites of the genus eimeria. this study aimed at analysing the molecular prevalence of seven species of eimeria infecting chickens in tamil nadu, india. tissue samples (caecum, rectum and upper and mid intestines) collected from chickens exhibiting symptoms of coccidiosis were used for dna extraction, followed by amplification of the internal tran ...201020607286
co-infection of chickens with eimeria praecox and eimeria maxima does not prevent development of immunity to eimeria maxima.previous studies revealed an ameliorating effect of eimeria praecox on concurrent e. maxima infection, such that weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and intestinal lesions were nearly identical to uninfected or e. praecox-infected controls. the purpose of the present study was to determine if protective immunity against e. maxima challenge infection developed in chickens infected with both e. praecox and e. maxima. day-old chickens were infected with 10(3)e. praecox, 10(3)e. maxima, or a mixture ...200919217719
a polymerase chain reaction-coupled high-resolution melting curve analytical approach for the monitoring of monospecificity of avian eimeria species.coccidiosis is a significant disease of poultry caused by different species of eimeria. differentiation of eimeria species is important for the quality control of the live attenuated eimeria vaccines derived from monospecific lines of eimeria spp. in this study, high-resolution melting (hrm) curve analysis of the amplicons generated from the second internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal dna (its-2) was used to distinguish between seven pathogenic eimeria species of chickens, and the re ...200919156576
eimeria praecox: selection and characteristics of precocious lines.precocious lines of eimeria praecox were obtained both from the houghton laboratory strain and the progeny of a single sporocyst (derived from the houghton strain) by selection for early development of oocysts in the mature host. the prepatent times of the parasites were reduced from 84 to less than 64 hours. the evolution of the trait for precocious development appeared to be a step-wise process culminating in the depletion of, probably, the fourth generation of schizont. studies on the precoci ...198418766878
eimeria praecox infection ameliorates effects of eimeria maxima infection in chickens.the effect of eimeria praecox on concurrent eimeria maxima infection was studied in susceptible chickens. clinical signs of coccidiosis were assessed in single e. praecox or e. maxima infections and compared to dual infection with both eimeria species. groups infected solely with 10(4)e. maxima oocysts displayed weight gains that were 48% of weight gain in uninfected controls. weight gain in chickens infected only with 10(4)e. praecox oocysts was 90% of uninfected controls. average weight gain i ...200818556129
coccidial infections in commercial broilers: epidemiological aspects and comparison of eimeria species identification by morphometric and polymerase chain reaction techniques.the objective of this study was to add to existing knowledge of the epidemiology and the aetiology of coccidial infections in commercial broiler flocks. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and morphometric identification of the eimeria species were compared as means of differentiation in the field samples of faeces and litter. for morphometry, the eimeria species were categorized into three groups based on lengths of the oocysts. two random samples of commercial broilers were studied, one during 200 ...200818393094
a simplified protocol for molecular identification of eimeria species in field samples.this study aimed to find a fast, sensitive and efficient protocol for molecular identification of chicken eimeria spp. in field samples. various methods for each of the three steps of the protocol were evaluated: oocyst wall rupturing methods, dna extraction methods, and identification of species-specific dna sequences by pcr. we then compared and evaluated five complete protocols. three series of oocyst suspensions of known number of oocysts from eimeria mitis, eimeria praecox, eimeria maxima a ...200717386979
walter t. johnson (1892 to 1937): pioneer of coccidiosis research in the t. johnson (1892 to 1937), veterinarian at western washington agricultural experiment station (wwaes), puyallup, washington, usa, and subsequently poultry pathologist and professor of veterinary medicine at oregon state university agricultural experiment station (osaes), corvallis, oregon, usa, made many important contributions to our understanding of the disease coccidiosis. his pioneering work included the first description of eimeria necatrix and eimeria praecox from the chicken and id ...200415276976
modelling host cell availability and the crowding effect in eimeria infections.within-host mathematical models of eimeria maxima and eimeria praecox infections of the chicken are presented and used to investigate the role of host cell availability as a possible determinant of the so-called 'crowding effect'; whereby the fecundity of the parasites decreases as infectious dose increases. assumptions about the number of available host cells, the average lifespan of these cells and the age structure within the host-cell population were made and mathematical models were constru ...200111429170
quantification of the crowding effect during infections with the seven eimeria species of the domesticated fowl: its importance for experimental designs and the production of oocyst stocks.the 'crowding effect' in avian coccidia, following administration of graded numbers of sporulated oocysts to naïve hosts, is recognisable by two characteristics. first, increasing doses of oocysts give rise to progressively higher oocyst yields, until a level of infection is reached (the 'maximally producing dose') above which further dose increases result in progressive decreases in oocyst yields. second, the number of oocysts produced per oocyst administered (the 'reproductive potential') tend ...200111429169
eimeria brunetti and eimeria necatrix in chickens of argentina and confirmation of seven species of eimeria.ten poultry farms (broiler breeder pullets, layer pullets, and broilers) in the provinces of entre rios and buenos aires in argentina were examined for presence of eimeria spp. litter samples obtained from flocks 7-11 wk old were taken to the laboratory for oocyst counting and sporulation, then concentrated for inoculation into coccidia-free chickens. species were identified by prepatent period, oocyst size, location and appearance of lesions in the intestine, microscopic examination of mucosal ...200011007025
epidemiological aspects of the use of live anticoccidial vaccines for chickens.this review address the epidemiology (epizootiology) of coccidiosis in commercial chickens with emphasis on the effects on the use of live vaccines. surveys suggest that all seven valid species of chicken coccidia (eimeria acervulina, eimeria brunetti, eimeria maxima, eimeria mitis, eimeria necatrix, eimeria praecox and eimeria tenella) are ubiquitous. all species are pathogenic to various extents. new results are presented on the pathogeneicities of e. acervulina, e. mitis and e. praecox. unles ...19989724880
a survey of coccidia on 43 poultry farms in argentina.fecal samples from 43 broiler and breeder farms in the entre rios and buenos aires districts of argentina were examined for coccidia. thirty-eight samples were positive by microscopic examination after salt flotation, with counts of 138 to 415,800 oocysts per gram of feces. samples were aerated for 2 days and inoculated into 21-day-old chicks for determination of prepatent period. eimeria praecox was conclusively identified in 56% of the samples by producing typical oocysts (17 x 21 microns) in ...19979454927
a novel method for cloning eimeria praecox in the chicken.a new method for producing clones of eimeria praecox by infection of chickens with a single sporozoite retained within a sporocyst is described.19892926598
studies on site finding and site specificity of eimeria praecox, eimeria maxima and eimeria acervulina in chickens.sporozoites of 3 species of eimeria were introduced into the caecum of young chickens. e. praecox and e. maxima failed to develop in this site, but light infections of e. acervulina were detected. infection of the small intestine with all 3 species occurred when sporozoites were introduced via the caecum. infections were produced when mucosal scrapings of small intestine from birds, inoculated via the caecum 1-4 h previously, were inoculated orally to susceptible chickens. experiments with 51cr- ...19761012749
prevalence of eimeria species in domestic chickens in anhui province, china.prevalence studies can adequately assist in the design of prophylaxis strategies for disease control. here, the prevalence of eimeria species in chickens was investigated in anhui province, china, from july to september 2016. a total of 171 samples were tested by microscopic examination and molecular methods. the prevalence of coccidiosis in anhui province was found to be 87.75% (150/171). eimeria tenella was the most prevalent species (80.67%, 121/150), and eimeria necatrix, eimeria mitis, eime ...201729114135
eimeria oocyst concentrations and species composition in litter from commercial broiler farms during anticoccidial drug or live eimeria oocyst vaccine control programs.the purpose of this study was to determine if eimeria oocyst concentrations and species composition in commercial broiler house litter changed during different cycles of anticoccidial drug (acd) or live eimeria oocyst vaccine (vac) control programs and if there was a correlation between eimeria oocyst levels and broiler performance. litter samples were collected from a total of 15 different broiler farms encompassing a total of 45 individual houses during at least one complete grow-out cycle ove ...201728665719
changes in expression of an antimicrobial peptide, digestive enzymes, and nutrient transporters in the intestine of e. praecox-infected chickens.coccidiosis is a major intestinal disease of poultry, caused by several species of the protozoan eimeria. the objective of this study was to examine changes in expression of digestive enzymes, nutrient transporters, and an antimicrobial peptide following an eimeria praecox challenge of chickens at days 3 and 6 post-infection. gene expression was determined by real-time pcr and analyzed by one-way anova. in the duodenum, the primary site of e. praecox infection, a number of genes were downregulat ...201526015586
prevalence of eimeria spp. in broilers by multiplex pcr in the southern region of brazil on two hundred and fifty farms.parasitic infections caused by eimeria species are responsible for most economic losses in poultry production. prevalence studies can adequately assist the design of prophylaxis strategies for disease control. therefore, stool samples from 251 flocks of broilers from 28 to 48 days old were collected in 21 municipalities in the state of santa catarina, brazil, to detect and examine the prevalence of eimeria acervulina, eimeria maxima, eimeria tenella, eimeria mitis, eimeria praecox, eimeria necat ...201526473679
cryptic eimeria genotypes are common across the southern but not northern hemisphere.the phylum apicomplexa includes parasites of medical, zoonotic and veterinary significance. understanding the global distribution and genetic diversity of these protozoa is of fundamental importance for efficient, robust and long-lasting methods of control. eimeria spp. cause intestinal coccidiosis in all major livestock animals and are the most important parasites of domestic chickens in terms of both economic impact and animal welfare. despite having significant negative impacts on the efficie ...201627368611
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