
the eye of a procellariiform seabird, the manx shearwater, puffinus puffinus: visual fields and optical structure.the manx shearwater, puffinus puffinus, is a pelagic sea bird which feeds from the surface of the sea and by shallow surface and plunge dives. visits to breeding colonies are made at night. the mononuclear retinal field of the manx shearwater eye is 148 degrees wide and is asymmetric with respect to the optic axis. the nasal and temporal hemi-fields equal 65 and 83 degrees, respectively. the binocular field is long and narrow, and the central placement of the bill suggests that vision is used to ...19912054585
novel area serving binocular vision in the retinae of procellariiform seabirds.procellariiforms are pelagic seabirds which fly close to the sea surface and feed either by taking items from the surface or by shallow diving. the retinal ganglion cells in five species (manx shearwater, puffinus puffinus, kerguelen petrel, pterodroma brevirostris, great shearwater, puffinus gravis, broad-billed prion, pachyptila vittata, and common diving petrel, pelecanoides urinatrix) were examined by nissl staining and also by silver staining in the case of the common diving petrel. in all ...19912054586
poxvirus infection of the manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus).during studies on the etiology of puffinosis, a disease of the manx shearwater, 1 to 4% of full-grown birds were found to have dry, non-pigmented lesions on the webs of the feet. poxvirus infection was detected in six of seven full-grown birds with such lesions. the lesions contained large encapsulated inclusions which were packed with mature and immature poxvirus particles. poxvirus infection was not apparent in shearwater fledglings during puffinosis epizootics, and its spatial distribution wa ...19852987548
isolation of a coronavirus during studies on puffinosis, a disease of the manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus).a virus was isolated from 2 day-old mice inoculated with homogenates of either the lungs or blood of 2 different shearwaters affected by puffinosis. examination of infected suckling mouse brain and infected nctc-1469 (mouse liver) cell cultures, by electron microscopy, revealed virus particles and inclusion bodies characteristic of a coronavirus. neutralization, complement fixation and fluorescent antibody tests showed that the virus was related to mouse hepatitis virus. the virus was not isolat ...19827125912
coronaviruses in poultry and other birds.the number of avian species in which coronaviruses have been detected has doubled in the past couple of years. while the coronaviruses in these species have all been in coronavirus group 3, as for the better known coronaviruses of the domestic fowl (infectious bronchitis virus [ibv], in gallus gallus), turkey (meleagris gallopavo) and pheasant (phasianus colchicus), there is experimental evidence to suggest that birds are not limited to infection with group 3 coronaviruses. in china coronaviruse ...200516537157
ancient dna of the extinct lava shearwater (puffinus olsoni) from the canary islands reveals incipient differentiation within the p. puffinus complex.the loss of species during the holocene was, dramatically more important on islands than on continents. seabirds from islands are very vulnerable to human-induced alterations such as habitat destruction, hunting and exotic predators. for example, in the genus puffinus (family procellariidae) the extinction of at least five species has been recorded during the holocene, two of them coming from the canary islands.201021209838
the manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus) as a candidate sentinel of atlantic ocean health.seabirds have been historically used to monitor environmental contamination. the aim of the present study was to test the suitability of a species belonging to the procellariiformes group, the manx shearwater, puffinus puffinus, as a sentinel of environmental health, by determining contaminant levels (trace metals and organochlorine compounds) from carcass tissues and by isolating vibrio spp. and aeromonas spp. from live specimens. to this end, 35 puffinus puffinus carcasses wrecked on the north ...201425191536
inter- and intraspecific variation of the nucleotide sequence of the cytochrome b gene in cory's (calonectris diomedea), manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus) and the fulmar (fulmarus glacialis).the cytochrome b gene of three european taxa of the family of procellariidae was amplified from total dna and sequenced. the sequence comparison shows that the fulmar (fulmarus glacialis) is significantly distinct from shearwaters, whereas cory's (calonectris diomedea) and manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus) are closely related. although the populations of c. diomedea can be distinguished morphologically, the sequences of cyt b differ only slightly between the atlantic and mediterranean subspeci ...20098363711
identification of parasites in puffinus puffinus (birds, procellariiformes) from northeastern brazil.studies on the parasitic fauna of migratory sea birds of the puffinus genus are scarce. therefore, the aim of this study was to identify parasites of 16 specimens of puffinus puffinus (procellariiformes, procellariidae) that died during the period of june 2011 to december 2011 at the wildlife screening center (cetas) of the brazilian institute of environment and natural resources (ibama) in cabedelo, paraíba. during necropsy, biting lice and/or gastrointestinal helminths were collected in seven ...201222833284
remotely sensed wind speed predicts soaring behaviour in a wide-ranging pelagic wind patterns affect flight strategies in many birds, including pelagic seabirds, many of which use wind-powered soaring to reduce energy costs during at-sea foraging trips and migration. such long-distance movement patterns are underpinned by local interactions between wind conditions and flight behaviour, but these fine-scale relationships are far less well understood. here we show that remotely sensed ocean wind speed and direction are highly significant predictors of soaring behaviour ...201728701505
carry-over effects on the annual cycle of a migratory seabird: an experimental study.long-lived migratory animals must balance the cost of current reproduction with their own condition ahead of a challenging migration and future reproduction. in these species, carry-over effects, which occur when events in one season affect the outcome of the subsequent season, may be particularly exacerbated. however, how carry-over effects influence future breeding outcomes and whether (and how) they also affect behaviour during migration and wintering is unclear. here we investigate carry-ove ...201627576353
breeding phenology and winter activity predict subsequent breeding success in a trans-global migratory seabird.inter-seasonal events are believed to connect and affect reproductive performance (rp) in animals. however, much remains unknown about such carry-over effects (coes), in particular how behaviour patterns during highly mobile life-history stages, such as migration, affect rp. to address this question, we measured at-sea behaviour in a long-lived migratory seabird, the manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus) and obtained data for individual migration cycles over 5 years, by tracking with geolocator/im ...201526510674
dual foraging and pair coordination during chick provisioning by manx shearwaters: empirical evidence supported by a simple model.the optimal allocation of time and energy between one's own survival and offspring survival is critical for iteroparous animals, but creates a conflict between what maximises the parent's fitness and what maximises fitness of the offspring. for central-place foragers, provisioning strategies may reflect this allocation, while the distance between central-places and foraging areas may influence the decision. nevertheless, few studies have explored the link between life history and foraging in the ...201525964419
predictive ethoinformatics reveals the complex migratory behaviour of a pelagic seabird, the manx shearwater.understanding the behaviour of animals in the wild is fundamental to conservation efforts. advances in bio-logging technologies have offered insights into the behaviour of animals during foraging, migration and social interaction. however, broader application of these systems has been limited by device mass, cost and longevity. here, we use information from multiple logger types to predict individual behaviour in a highly pelagic, migratory seabird, the manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus). using ...201323635496
behavioural mapping of a pelagic seabird: combining multiple sensors and a hidden markov model reveals the distribution of at-sea behaviour.the use of miniature data loggers is rapidly increasing our understanding of the movements and habitat preferences of pelagic seabirds. however, objectively interpreting behavioural information from the large volumes of highly detailed data collected by such devices can be challenging. we combined three biologging technologies—global positioning system (gps), saltwater immersion and time–depth recorders—to build a detailed picture of the at-sea behaviour of the manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus ...201323034356
stress and parental care: prolactin responses to acute stress throughout the breeding cycle in a long-lived bird.while the role of corticosterone in mediating the response of birds to acute stress is well established, it has recently been proposed that a decrease in prolactin levels following stress may complement corticosterone in redirecting resources away from breeding activities and towards behaviors promoting immediate survival. here, for the first time, we detail changes in the prolactin stress response of birds throughout the breeding cycle. we then discuss the modulation of the corticosterone and p ...201020331990
migration and stopover in a small pelagic seabird, the manx shearwater puffinus puffinus: insights from machine learning.the migratory movements of seabirds (especially smaller species) remain poorly understood, despite their role as harvesters of marine ecosystems on a global scale and their potential as indicators of ocean health. here we report a successful attempt, using miniature archival light loggers (geolocators), to elucidate the migratory behaviour of the manx shearwater puffinus puffinus, a small (400 g) northern hemisphere breeding procellariform that undertakes a trans-equatorial, trans-atlantic migra ...200919141421
parent-offspring interactions in food provisioning of manx shearwaters: implications for nestling obesity.procellariiform seabirds such as the manx shearwater puffinus puffinus, rear only one chick at a time but may breed many times in their lives; parents should thus limit food delivery to the chick in keeping with the balance between current and future reproductive output. yet procellariiform chicks accumulate large quantities of lipid, which may provide a buffer against pronounced and unpredictable variation in food provisioning, resulting in part from an inability of parents to regulate food sup ...199910196052
hematology of fledgling manx shearwaters (puffinus puffinus) with and without 'puffinosis'.hematological parameters were measured in 14 fledgling manx shearwaters (puffinus puffinus), with the disease puffinosis and in 10 birds that did not have the disease, on the island of skomer between 2 and 11 september 1991. the mean plasma fibrinogen concentration was significantly higher in the diseased birds and some of these had abnormally elevated monocyte counts. no other significant differences were observed.19957563435
in situ clock shift reveals that the sun compass contributes to orientation in a pelagic seabird.compass orientation is central to the control of animal movement from the scale of local food-caching movements around a familiar area in parids [1] and corvids [2, 3] to the first autumn vector navigation of songbirds embarking on long-distance migration [4-6]. in the study of diurnal birds, where the homing pigeon, columba livia, has been the main model, a time-compensated sun compass [7] is central to the two-step map-and-compass process of navigation from unfamiliar places, as well as guidin ...201829337074
acuariidae (nematoda) in procellariiformes (aves) on the southern coast of rio grande do sul, brazil.acuariidae nematodes are normally found in the digestive tract of aquatic birds, including procellariiformes. were examined calonectris borealis (n = 4), diomedea exulans (n = 1), macronectes giganteus (n = 8), thalassarche chlororhynchos (n = 5), thalassarche melanophrys (n = 15), procellaria aequinoctialis (n = 4), puffinus gravis (n = 2) and puffinus puffinus (n = 6), collected on the southern coast of rs, brazil. a total of 16 birds (35.5%) were parasitized by two species of acuariidae. steg ...201929513781
combined measurements of prey availability explain habitat selection in foraging seabirds.understanding links between habitat characteristics and foraging efficiency helps predict how environmental changes influence populations of top predators. this study examines whether measurements of prey (clupeids) availability varied over stratification gradients, and determined if any of those measurements coincided with aggregations of foraging seabirds (common guillemot uria aalge and manx shearwater puffinus puffinus) in the celtic sea, uk. the probability of encountering foraging seabirds ...201830068542
short-term behavioural impact contrasts with long-term fitness consequences of biologging in a long-lived seabird.biologging has emerged as one of the most powerful and widely used technologies in ethology and ecology, providing unprecedented insight into animal behaviour. however, attaching loggers to animals may alter their behaviour, leading to the collection of data that fails to represent natural activity accurately. this is of particular concern in free-ranging animals, where tagged individuals can rarely be monitored directly. one of the most commonly reported measures of impact is breeding success, ...202032929167
natal imprinting to the earth's magnetic field in a pelagic migratory animals for whom post-natal care is limited, it is essential that there are inherited mechanisms whereby an individual can navigate-first, to the terminus of their migration, and second, back to a suitable breeding site. in birds, empirical evidence suggests that orientation on first migration is controlled by an inherited navigational vector, a direction and a distance in which to move (the "clock and compass" model) [1-5]. the mechanism and information that underlie the return to ...202032559442
first report of avian malaria in a manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus).this study reports the case of a manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus) that died from avian malaria while under care at a rehabilitation center in espírito santo, brazil. the bird was rescued on october 2018, and remained under care until it died suddenly on january 2019. a blood smear produced 8 days before death was negative for parasites, whereas a blood smear produced post-mortem revealed a high parasitemia by a parasite resembling plasmodium cathemerium. the sequence of a 412 bp segment of th ...202032464257
manx shearwater (puffinus puffinus) rafting behaviour revealed by gps tracking and behavioural observations.before visiting or leaving their remote island colonies, seabirds often engage in a behaviour termed 'rafting', where birds sit, often in groups, on the water close to the colony. despite rafting being a widespread behaviour across many seabird taxa, the functional significance of rafting remains unknown. here we combine global positioning system (gps) tracks, observational and wind condition data to investigate correlates of rafting behaviour in manx shearwaters (puffinus puffinus) at a large c ...201931656697
shearwaters know the direction and distance home but fail to encode intervening obstacles after free-ranging foraging trips.while displacement experiments have been powerful for determining the sensory basis of homing navigation in birds, they have left unresolved important cognitive aspects of navigation such as what birds know about their location relative to home and the anticipated route. here, we analyze the free-ranging global positioning system (gps) tracks of a large sample (n = 707) of manx shearwater, puffinus puffinus, foraging trips to investigate, from a cognitive perspective, what a wild, pelagic seabir ...201931591238
molecular identification and histological aspects of renicola sloanei (digenea: renicolidae) in puffinus puffinus (procellariiformes): a first record.renicolids are parasites that inhabit the renal tubules and ureters of molluscivorous and piscivorous birds. puffinus puffinus is a migratory seabird that was identified as the definitive host of renicola spp. studies focusing on the renicolid species and the resulting renal lesions are valuable for their association with causes of stranding in seabirds. the aim of this study was to identify the renicolid trematodes and evaluate the histological findings in two p. puffinus stranded on the coast ...201931483030
sampling strategies for species with high breeding-site fidelity: a case study in burrow-nesting seabirds.sampling approaches used to census and monitor populations of flora and fauna are diverse, ranging from simple random sampling to complex hierarchal stratified designs. usually the approach taken is determined by the spatial and temporal distribution of the study population, along with other characteristics of the focal species. long-term monitoring programs used to assess seabird population trends are facilitated by their high site fidelity, but are often hampered by large and difficult to acce ...201931454375
Displaying items 1 - 29 of 29