
successful eradication of the european rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus) and house mouse (mus musculus) from the island of selvagem grande (macaronesian archipelago), in the eastern atlantic.the portuguese island of selvagem grande (great salvage) in macaronesia is an important seabird breeding station in the eastern atlantic. significant populations of cory's shearwater calonectris diomedea (scopoli, 1769), bulwer's petrel bulweria bulweria (jardine & selby, 1828) and little shearwater puffinus assimilis baroli (bonaparte, 1857) are present, and white-faced storm-petrel pelagodroma marina (latham, 1790) and madeiran storm-petrel oceanodroma castro (harcourt, 1851) populations are o ...201021392324
elevated mercury concentrations in the feathers of grey-faced petrels (pterodroma gouldi) in new zealand.our objective was to measure the concentrations of hg, as, cd, co, cr, cu, pb, sb, v and zn in the body feathers of grey-faced petrel (pterodroma gouldi), fluttering shearwater (puffinus gavia), little shearwater (puffinus assimilis) and common diving petrel (pelecanoides urinatrix) from breeding colonies in new zealand between 2006 and 2013. the mean hg concentration (36.48ppm; sd=9.59) in grey-faced petrel feathers was approximately 8.5 to 14 times that detected in the other three species samp ...201728372818
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