
desulfomusa hansenii gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine propionate-degrading, sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from zostera marina roots.the physiology and phylogeny of a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium, isolated from surface-sterilized roots of the marine macrophyte zostera marina, are presented. the strain, designated p1t, was enriched and isolated in defined oxygen-free, bicarbonate-buffered, iron-reduced seawater medium with propionate as sole carbon source and electron donor and sulfate as electron acceptor. strain p1t had a rod-shaped, slightly curved cell morphology and was motile by means of a single polar flagellum. cel ...200111760947
characterization of the marine propionate-degrading, sulfate-reducing bacterium desulfofaba fastidiosa sp. nov. and reclassification of desulfomusa hansenii as desulfofaba hansenii comb. nov.a rod-shaped, slightly curved sulfate reducer, designated strain p2(t), was isolated from the sulfate-methane transition zone of a marine sediment. cells were motile by means of a single polar flagellum. the strain reduced sulfate, thiosulfate and sulfite to sulfide and used propionate, lactate and 1-propanol as electron donors. strain p2(t) also grew by fermentation of lactate. propionate was oxidized incompletely to acetate and co(2). the dna g+c content was 48.8 mol%. sequence analysis of the ...200415023950
competition and coexistence of sulfate-reducing and methanogenic populations in anaerobic biofilms.the microbial population structure and function of natural anaerobic communities maintained in laboratory fixed-bed biofilm reactors were tracked before and after a major perturbation, which involved the addition of sulfate to the influent of a reactor that had previously been fed only glucose (methanogenic), while sulfate was withheld from a reactor that had been fed both glucose and sulfate (sulfidogenic). the population structure, determined by using phylogenetically based oligonucleotide pro ...199616535428
sulfate-reducing bacteria in rice field soil and on rice roots.rice plants that were grown in flooded rice soil microcosms were examined for their ability to exhibit sulfate reducing activity. washed excised rice roots showed sulfate reduction potential when incubated in anaerobic medium indicating the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria. rice plants, that were incubated in a double-chamber (phylloshpere and rhizosphere separated), showed potential sulfate reduction rates in the anoxic rhizosphere compartment. these rates decreased when oxygen was allowed ...199910390878
characterization of microbial communities in anaerobic bioreactors using molecular probes.the microbial community structure of twenty-one single-phase and one two-phase full-scale anaerobic sewage sludge digesters was evaluated using oligonucleotide probes complementary to conserved tracts of the 16s rrnas of phylogenetically defined groups of methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria. these probe results were interpreted in combination with results from traditional chemical analyses and metabolic activity assays. it was determined that methanogens in "healthy" mesophilic, single-pha ...19958821785
complete oxidation of benzoate and 4-hydroxybenzoate by a new sulfate-reducing bacterium resembling desulfoarculus.a new sulfate-reducer "strain sax" was isolated from an anaerobic marine sediment [saxild, denmark]. the isolate was a gram-negative, motile and non-spore-forming rod which sometimes appeared as a curved rod. strain sax differed from all described desulfovibrio-, desulfobotulus- and desulfoarculus-species by the ability to degrade aromatic compounds such as benzoate, 4-hydroxybenzoate and phenol completely to co2. electron donors used included lactate, pyruvate, malate, fumarate, crotonate and b ...19938439232
diversity and composition of sulfate- and sulfite-reducing prokaryotes as affected by marine-freshwater gradient and sulfate availability.sulfate- and sulfite-reducing prokaryotes (ssrp) communities play a key role in both sulfur and carbon cycles. in estuarine ecosystems, sulfate concentrations change with tides and could be limited in tidal freshwater reach or deep sediments. in a subtropical estuary of northern taiwan in december 2007, we examined the compositional changes of ssrp communities. we examined three sites: from the lower estuarine brackish-water reach (site gr and mangrove vegetation site, gm) to the upper estuarine ...201121785985
propionate and butyrate dependent bacterial sulfate reduction at extremely haloalkaline conditions and description of desulfobotulus alkaliphilus sp. nov.evidence on the utilization of simple fatty acids by sulfate-reducing bacteria (srb) at extremely haloalkaline conditions are practically absent, except for a single case of syntrophy by desulfonatronum on acetate. our experiments with sediments from soda lakes of kulunda steppe (altai, russia) showed sulfide production with sulfate as electron acceptor and propionate and butyrate (but not acetate) as an electron donor at a ph 10-10.5 and a salinity 70-180 g l(-1). with propionate as substrate, ...201019888546
competitive oxidation of volatile fatty acids by sulfate- and nitrate-reducing bacteria from an oil field in argentina.acetate, propionate, and butyrate, collectively referred to as volatile fatty acids (vfa), are considered among the most important electron donors for sulfate-reducing bacteria (srb) and heterotrophic nitrate-reducing bacteria (hnrb) in oil fields. samples obtained from a field in the neuquén basin, western argentina, had significant activity of mesophilic srb, hnrb, and nitrate-reducing, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria (nr-sob). in microcosms, containing vfa (3 mm each) and excess sulfate, srb first ...200818502934
sulfate-reducing bacteria in tubes constructed by the marine infaunal polychaete diopatra cuprea.marine infaunal burrows and tubes greatly enhance solute transport between sediments and the overlying water column and are sites of elevated microbial activity. biotic and abiotic controls of the compositions and activities of burrow and tube microbial communities are poorly understood. the microbial communities in tubes of the marine infaunal polychaete diopatria cuprea collected from two different sediment habitats were examined. the bacterial communities in the tubes from a sandy sediment di ...200415574900
polyhydroxyalkanoate (pha) accumulation in sulfate-reducing bacteria and identification of a class iii pha synthase (phaec) in desulfococcus strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria (srb) were tested for the accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (phas). during growth with benzoate desulfonema magnum accumulated large amounts of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [poly(3hb)]. desulfosarcina variabilis (during growth with benzoate), desulfobotulus sapovorans (during growth with caproate), and desulfobacterium autotrophicum (during growth with caproate) accumulated poly(3hb) that accounted for 20 to 43% of cell dry matter. desulfobotulus sapovor ...200415294771
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