
[prevalence of hantavirus infection in small mammals in the south moravian region].in 1987 to 1990 in the south moravian region 1094 lungs of small terrestrial mammals were examined for hantavirus antigen and sera of 525 rodents and 93 hares for antibodies against these viruses. in the majority the materials were not from the same individual. lungs were examined by the elisa method, antibodies were assessed by the indirect immunofluorescence reaction. an antigen resembling the western subtype (puumala) was found in 65 animals (5.9%) of two rodent species (microtus arvalis--63 ...19921387051
[leptospirosis in rodents in the old natural focus of eastern slovakia].a total of 770 rodents (40 rats, 100 hamsters and 630 rodents) were serologicall examined in the old natural foci in some of the eastern slovakia regions; there were 10.6% of positive reactions to leptospirosis in dilutions ranging from 1 : 100 to 1 : 1600. in rats 17 sers (40%) proved to be positive to leptospira, mostly reacting with the l. icterohaemorrhagiae. a positive reaction with the leptospira antigen was found in 13 sera (15%) of hamsters; the sera reacted with the leptospira grypposa ...19761007726
the occurrence of babesiasis affecting small terrestrial mammals and the importance of this zoonosis in europe.a short survey is given of the occurrence of babesiasis affecting small terrestrial mammals in some parts of europe. results obtained in studies of 7,038 small terrestrial mammals (42 species) from czechoslovakia, austria, hungary, yugoslavia and bulgaria, show the distribution of babesia microti in these countries. the authors found babesias in the following host species: neomys anomalus, clethrionomys glareolus. microtus arvalis, m. agrestis, apodemus agratius, a. flavicollis, a. sylvaticus an ...1977903030
[on echinococcus multilocularis in southern germany ii. development of the larval stages and histopathological reactions in common vole, microtus arvalis (author's transl)]. 1977601851
plasma and pituitary levels of lh in field voles, microtus arvalis, reared under two different photoperiods.10 plasma lh levels were measured in voles reared under long (15 l: 9 d) or short (10 l: 14 d) light photoperiods by radioimmunoassay from a rat lh-anti ovine lh system. 20 the number of animals exhibiting a detectable lh level (i.e. greater than 1 ng per ml) and the mean plasma lh values were higher for long days than for short days in spite of a very large variability between animals. 30 the sensitivity of the hypophysis towards lh. rh increased after gonadectomy, but is not controlled by the ...1975772188
[change in phagocytic activity toward the agent of tularemia in highly sensitive animals with mixed infections].an increase of the ingestive and digestive capacity of neutrophils to the homologous causative agent and tularemia microbe was revealed by the opsonophagocytic test in microtus arvalis, albino mice and guinea pigs infected with sublethal yersinia pseudotuberculosis and salmonella typhimurium doses. in subsequent tularemia infection some of the animals displayed a reduction of the septicemia intensity, prolongation of the disease and elevation of the susceptibility threshold. period of manifestat ...1977325967
susceptibility of some species of rodents to rickettsiae.the present study was designed to test the susceptibility of free-living rodents, viz apodemus flavicollis, microtus arvalis, clethrionomys glareolus, mus musculus, and outbred white mice from dobrá voda farm, csfr, to coxiella burnetii, rickettsiae of the spotted fever group (rickettsia sibirica, r. conorii, r. slovaca and r. akari) and rickettsiae of typhus group (r. typhi and r. prowazekii) by various routes of administration. the highest levels of antibodies to c. burnetii were found in a. f ...19921427494
[the postnatal growth of the skull in the house mouse mus musculus linné, 1758, and in 2 different large subspecies of the field mouse microtus arvalis pallas, 1779. i. introduction, materials and methods].in order to describe postnatal skull growth in mus musculus, microtus arvalis arvalis and m. a. asturianus, a total of 408 animals were raised and measured. the growth rate of single bones was followed by means of a maximum-likelihood estimator for the parameters a, b and c of the growth function y(t) = a-b exp(-ct). supplementary techniques used to estimate the morphological divergence of the different taxa included methods of allometry research and multivariate statistical methods such as disc ...1979396167
isolation of francisella tularensis from mites haemogamasus nidi and laelaps hilaris in western slovakia.isolating of f. tularensis from gamasid mites h. nidi parasitizing on the bank vole (cl. glareolus) and l. hilaris on the common vole (m. arvalis) are reported. the epidemiological significance of this finding is discussed.1979388944
[an assessment of the status of natural foci of crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever in the crimea].the parasitological data and the results of the virological and serological investigations of materials, collected in nature and in the course of study of the immune structure of the population, are indicative of the circulation of chf virus in the crimea and the possibility of human infection. data on spontaneous infection of four species of ixodes ticks with chf virus have been confirmed, including the data, obtained for the first time for this region, on the participation of dermacentor margi ...19921379771
[the biology of the warble-fly oestromyia leporina pallas 1778 (diptera, hypodermatidae), a parasite of the field-mouse microtus arvalis pall (author's transl)].the present paper deals with the discovery of the warble-fly oestromyia leporina in the surrounding of giessen. the behaviour of the flies in the field is described; in particular the behaviour of both sexes before and during mating and of the female during the oviposition period is described for the first time. the relations between host and parasite are explained as well as the development from third-instar larvae into the puparaium and then into the imago. by further experiments it is attempt ...19751179796
[small mammals at community refuse dumps as reservoirs of pathogens and parasites].five-year studies (1981-1986) were performed to investigate a total number of 2589 small mammals of 18 species. refuse dumps are marked for highly specific conditions. the difference between refuse dumps and natural habitats consists in more sufficient quantity of food, better sheltering possibilities and in highly specific microclimate particularly. as a result of aerobic and anaerobic decompositions of organic materials, temperature in dumps is approximately 50 degrees c. from ecological point ...19911807042
[blood parasites of small wild mammals in czechoslovakia].the author investigated 4,853 specimens of wild living small mammals (43 species: insectivora, chiroptera, lagomorpha, rodentia, carnivora) from czechoslovakia for blood parasites. trypanosomes were found in talpa europaea, sorex alpinus, crocidura suaveolens, myotis myotis, apodemus sylvaticus, apodemus flavicollis, mus musculus, rattus norvegicus, clethrionomys glareolus and microtus agrestis. babesia was detected in myotis emarginatus, myotis myotis, clethrionomys glareolus, microtus arvalis ...19751158292
[the ability of flea species on the common vole from mountainous dagestan to transmit and preserve the causative agent of plague].the infection ability and terms of preservation of plague microbe in fleas of common vole from dagestan high-mountain plague focus (frontopsylla causasica, megabothris turbidus, ctenophthalmus intermedius and amphipsylla rossica) was studied experimentally. block formation and transmission of the infection by f. caucasica and m. turbidus was observed. the transmission of plague microbe by ct. intermedius fleas was first carried out. these species of fleas preserve the infection for a long time. ...19902195439
isolation of emmonsia crescens emmons et jellison 1960 from small mammals in bulgaria.authors examined a total of 3849 specimens of mammals included in 36 species from different region of bulgaria. adiaspiromycosis was detected microscopically in 18 mammals species. strains of emmonsia crescens emmons et jellison 1960 was isolated from 6 species--apodemus flavicollis, apodemus sylvaticus, clethrionomys glareolus, microtus arvalis, musmusculus and rattus norvegicus.19751171369
sex preference and species specificity of rodent (mus musculus and microtus arvalis pheromones.the behavioural response to the sex pheromones in the externally voided urine of field voles (microtus arvalis) and laboratory mice (cflp, cba strains) although specific for species showed no strain specificity. bladder urine (free of accessory sex-gland secretions) and the preputial glands of cflp and cba mice contain sex attractants. ether extracts made of blood of male cflp mice attracted cflp female mice.19751241218
[pathogenicity of mastophorus muris in microtus arvalis]. 1977931120
[a study of the polyploid nuclei of the giant trophoblast cells of several species of rodents using phase contrast microscopy].patterns of chromosome morphology in high polyploid trophoblast nuclei of placenta were compared in the rat, rabbit and microtus arvalis. in the rat and rabbit placenta two types of nuclei were recognized. some nuclei have ribbon-like chromosomes, while others display thin oligotene fibrils with paired chromomers evenly distributed throughout all karyoplasm. in the latter case, the polytenic structure of chromosomes is seen preserved only near the nucleoli. in the rat and rabbit trophoblast nucl ...1976821193
composition of helminth-fauna of microtus arvalis in various biotops. 1976797149
spontaneous infection of white laboratory mice with emmonsia crescens emmons et jellison, 1960 under natural conditions.fifty white laboratory mice were planted in a microbiotope in which adiaspiromycosis has been detected in 52 microtus arvalis during the last 10 years. four of the white mice became infected with adiaspiromycosis. serological tests revealed the infection in two mice exposed for 3 months. after 4 months' exposure, another two mice were found to be infected and the positive serological results were confirmed by microscopical examination which revealed adiaspores in their lungs. the infection was t ...1978570537
infection of microtus arvalis (common vole) with mycobacterium tuberculosis and mycobacterium bovis.the aim of the study has been to ascertain whether microtus arvalis (common vole) is strongly susceptible to m. bovis but resistant to m. tuberculosis, as is the case with other members of the vole family, or whether it is susceptible to both species as demonstrated by robert koch. groups of common voles have been injected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with varying doses of finely dispersed suspensions of a virulent strain of m. bovis or m. tuberculosis. m. bovis multiplies strongly in the ...1975808093
[post-natal growth of the skull in the house mouse mus musculus linné, 1758, and in 2 different large subspecies of the field mouse microtus arvalis pallas, 1779. ii. results (i)].postnatal skull ontogeny of mus musculus, microtus arvalis arvalis and m. a. asturianus was studied qualitatively and quantitatively. to facilitate age determination for undated specimens, the most important stages in ossification of the skull bones are described, with drawings of selected ontogenetic stages (part i). using parameter c of the growth function y(t) = a - b exp (- ct), it is possible to establish skull growth gradients. the growth functions are subdivided into 3 classes, based on p ...1979540747
[postnatal skull growth in the domestic mouse (mus musculus) linné 1758 and in 2 large subspecies of the fieldmouse (microtus arvalis) pallas 1779. iii. results (ii), discussion, summary and bibliography]. 1979397912
yersinia enterocolitica among small wild mammals in france.a survey of yersinia enterocolitica was made in two french areas (indre and alsace) in several components of the terrestrial ecosystem. y. enterocolitica has been isolated from several habitats and from numerous species of small mammals. the trap line method enabled us to estimate the density of the two abundant small mammal species, microtus arvalis and apodemus sylvaticus, and the densities of y. enterocolitica carriers. the frequency of isolation was high when temperatures were low, but did n ...1979400946
study on the population of the warble fly, oestromyia leporina (pallas. 1778) (diptera, hypodermatidae) in bohemia.a new population of the warble fly, oestromyia leporina from western bohemia is described. the parasite was recorded on microtus arvalis and m. agrestis. the infection of offspring in the den did not occur.19902196209
comparative characteristics of three cytomegaloviruses from cytomegalovirus isolate from the vole (microtus arvalis) and 2 cutomegalovirus strains from mice (apodemus sylvatious and mus musculus) were compared. the rates of inactivation of these 3 viruses were virtually identical after each of 3 treatments: repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, ultrasonic vibration, and exposure to trypsin and chymotrypsin. the replication of the 3 viruses was similar in each of 3 types of mouse embryo fibroblast cells tested. a number of other characteristics of ...1975171981
massive occurrence of rickettsiae of the spotted fever group in fowl tampan, argas persicus, in the armenian s.s.r.fowl tampans (argas persicus) collected in oktemberyan in the armenian s.s.r. in 1974 were found to be massively infected with rickettsiae of the spotted fever (sf) group. one isolated rickettsial strain, designated armenia 9, is antigenically related to, and probably identical with, strain armenia 11 and strain b of rickettsia slovaca, isolated from dermacentor marginatus ticks. strain armenia 9 grows readily in chick embryo yolk sacs and in chick embryo cell (cec) and l-cell cultures. it cause ...197722239
[exploration of natural foci of tularemia and plague in armenia using the serological examination of bird droppings and excrements of predatory mammals].forty strains of tularemia and 619 of plague microbes were isolated in 1974 in bacteriological examination of natural plague and tularemia foci from a great number of small mammals and their ectoparasites. at the same time in serological examination (in the antibody neutralization test) of bird pellets, 52 mummified cadavers, and 34 excretion samples of mammalian beasts of prey collected in armenia (its central and north-western part) in 1973 the antigen of tularemia microbe was revealed in 73, ...1978149478
[the significance of small mammals in the epizootiology of leptospirosis in livestock].1. favourite species of rodents in sheds and their surroundings are rats (rattus norvegicus, r. rattus) and house mouse (mus musculus). from the epizootiological point of view only r. norvegicus is important as the maintenance host of l. copenhageni. 2. in surrounding of sheds vole (microtus arvalis) and back-striped field mouse (apodemus agrarius) are sources of infection for livestock. 3. transmission of leptospira occurs via infected environment. the tenacity of leptospira mozdok and l. gripp ...19921622379
[an evaluation of the status of natural foci of crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever in the crimea].parasitological data, the results of virological and serological investigations of materials, collected in nature and during the study of the immune structure of the population and indicative of the circulation of cchf, virus in the crimea and the possibility of human infection, are presented. the data on the spontaneous cchf virus infection of 4 tick species belonging to the genus ixodes have been confirmed, and evidence on the participation of dermacentor marginatus in this process obtained fo ...19911759520
[changes in the synthesis of the virion antigen of the tick-borne encephalitis virus after passage through ixodid ticks and small mammals].large-plaque strains of tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus possess a high peripheral activity, and in acute infection in continuous pig embryo kidney cells (pek) synthesize a virion antigen (va) whose subpopulations differ in their mobility in agarose gel electrophoresis: the bulk portion of va moves towards the cathode and a small one towards the anode. after long-term passages of these strains in ixodid ticks they lose their peripheral activity and produce only small plaques. in reproduction ...19873318134
the role of the common vole (microtus arvalis) in the epidemiology of bovine infection with leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo.control of leptospirosis in cattle depends on the presence of other possible maintenance hosts, with which cattle may have contact. twenty-seven common voles (microtus arvalis) were trapped on a dairy farm where the cattle were infected with leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (hardjo). in the sera of 11 voles, titres greater than or equal to 100 against serogroup grippotyphosa were measured with the microscopical agglutination test (mat). from 8 of these 11 voles, which also showed interstiti ...19911949549
[possible atypical course of tularemia (persistence) in the common vole microtus arvalis pall].the possibility of the atypical course of tularemia with the prolonged persistence of francisella tularensis in common voles (m. arvalis), the twin species of east european voles (m. rossiaemeridionalis), was studied. experiments were made on 33 animals grown in the laboratory. f. tularensis strain 165 was used. the animals were infected by feeding them according to the previously developed scheme. 7 out of 33 voles showed the atypical course of tularemia: in 3 voles the disease took a prolonged ...19873296576
the hair of the common hare (lepus europaeus pall.) and of the common vole (microtus arvalis pall.) as indicator of the environmental pollution.we made the inaa of hair of the common hare (lepus europaeus pall.) and of the common vole (microtus arvalis pall.) living in the emission zones. both the hare and the vole are almost exclusively herbivores; they consume relatively large amounts of contaminated food and mirror reliably the contamination degree of the respective ecosystem. the use of free-living animals for the control of the environmental quality may complete effectively the information obtained by examination of habitants. thou ...19863517159
[harvest mites of the family trombiculidae in the steppe zone of the southeastern ukraine].virgin and cultivated biotopes of the sea of azov area of donetsk province were investigated for parasite coenoses of small mammals. 469 animals and 210 nests were collected, apodemus sylvaticus, mus musculus, microtus arvalis and cricetulus migratorius being the most abundant species. in all 2940 larvae of trombiculids (18 species) were found on animals and in their nests (2846 specimens on animals and 94 specimens in nests). two species, hoffmannina theodori and doloisia skljari, are new for s ...19892717200
isolation of members of the haemophilus-pasteurella-actinobacillus group from feral rodents.46 feral rodents, including a common vole (microtus arvalis), house mice (mus musculus), muskrats (ondatra zibetica), house rats (rattus rattus) and brown rats (r. norvegicus) were examined for bacteria of the haemophilus-pasteurella-actinobacillus group. haemophilus spp. (only m. musculus examined) were not obtained. all animal species were found contaminated by p. pneumotropica and/or actinobacillus spp. almost all m. musculus (96%) and most rattus spp. (76%) were contaminated by p. pneumotrop ...19863512906
longitudinal study of natural foci of central european encephalitis virus in west slovakia.a total of 2922 small terrestrial mammals of 12 species were collected in six localities of west slovakia between 1981 and 1986. when examined for the prevalence of neutralizing antibodies (na) to central european encephalitis (cee) virus we found that 14.6% had antibody. nearly all (97%) of the 426 animals with antibody were clethrionomys glareolus, the most abundant species (52.6% of mammals collected, 15.1% of those with antibody). apodemus flavicollis (22.5% of mammals collected, 18.1% of th ...19901983180
ecology of the murine alphaherpesvirus and its isolation from lungs of rodents in cell culture.together 381 sera of murine rodents (apodemus flavicollis, clethrionomys glareolus, microtus arvalis and mus musculus) trapped in different localities of czechoslovakia were examined for the presence of antibodies to a murine alphaherpesvirus (mhv) and to murine cytomegalovirus (cmv). positivity of rodent sera to the two mhv and one murine cmv strains varied from none to 12.5% and from none up to 11.3%, respectively, depending on the locality under study. from the lungs of a. flavicollis showing ...19852864834
serological survey with the antigen of haemorrhagic fever virus with renal syndrome in small rodents in slovakia.results of serological survey in small rodents with the antigen of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (hfrs) virus indicate the existence of a natural focus of this virus in slovakia. antibodies were found in the following free-living rodent species: clethrionomys glareolus, apodemus agrarius, apodemus sylvaticus, pitymys subterraneus, microtus arvalis and microtus economus. a total 10 out of 120 (8.2%) small rodents trapped in investigated localities of western and eastern slovakia had anti ...19862873734
use of recombinant vaccinia-rabies glycoprotein virus for oral vaccination of wildlife against rabies: innocuity to several non-target bait consuming species.the pathogenicity of a vaccinia recombinant virus expressing the rabies glycoprotein (vvtggrab) was tested in several wild animal species which could compete with the natural rabies host, the red fox (vulpes vulpes) in consuming vaccine baits in europe. the following species were included in this study: wild boar (sus scrofa), eurasian badger (meles meles), wood mouse (apodemus sylvaticus), yellow-necked mouse (apodemus flavicollis), bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus), common vole (microtus arv ...19892681844
detection of the antigen and antibodies to the eastern subtype of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus in small rodents in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was used for the demonstration of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (hfrs) virus antigen in lung tissue of small rodents trapped in eastern and western slovakia. the eastern subtype of hfrs virus antigen was demonstrated in the lungs of apodemus agrarius and of the western subtype in the lungs of microtus arvalis. antibodies to hfrs virus antigen have been detected in apodemus species (a. agrarius and a. flavicollis) in higher titres to the e ...19882899965
[glycogen-containing cells in the maternal and embryonic portions of the placenta in the rat and the common vole microtus subarvalis].differentiation sequences and further transfiguration of glycogen-rich cells during placenta development were investigated for the rat and field vole microtus subarvalis (11-20 day gestation). the presence of glycogen is a characteristic feature of decidual cells located in the region of lateral sinusoids, as well as of metrial gland cells, secondary giant trophoblast cells and trophoblast cells in the connective zone of placenta. glycogen-containing metrial gland cells and trophoblast cells of ...19883072744
[gamasid mites of common voles in the central volga river region].the specific composition of gamasid mites from three species of voles (microtus arvalis pall., m. agrestis l., m. oeconomus pall.) is given. forest, field and flood-land groupings of the common vole having distinct phenotypical differences are characterized by differences in the structure of their parasite fauna. in the forest the number of meadow and meadow-field species decreases while that of forest species of mites regularly increases.19862942832
[1st cases of adiaspiromycosis observed in small mammals in turkey. 3 new host species].the authors examine the lungs of 193 small mammals caught in different places in west turkey and belonging to 11 different species. six species have one or many adiaspores in their lungs. those are microtus arvalis, apodemus flavicollis and a. sylvaticus already found parasited by chrysosporium parvum in many countries particularly france. these are m. guentheri, pitymys majori and a. mystacinus which have never been mentioned before this day having adiaspiromycosis.19853986950
hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in czechoslovakia: detection of antigen in small terrestrial mammals and specific serum antibodies in man.a direct elisa technique was used for demonstration of hfrs virus antigen in suspensions of the lungs obtained from 774 wild small mammals belonging to 13 zoological species trapped in 21 localities in czechoslovakia between 1983 and 1984. western serotype of hfrs virus was demonstrated in the lungs of 8 microtus arvalis voles caught in the areas of central bohemia, southern moravia and western slovakia, and in one clethrionomys glareolus vole from the area of eastern slovakia. the eastern serot ...19863084630
histopathological changes in the liver tissue of house mouse and common vole during sarcocytosis.the asexual reproduction of sarcocystis dispersa was studied in the liver of the house mouse. histopathological examinations revealed infection of parenchymal cells with the parasite and diffuse cellular infiltrations with the presence of polymorphonuclear cells, monocytes and eosinophilic leukocytes. the volume and number of cellular infiltrates increased gradually from day 3 till day 10 p.i. then appeared necrotic foci and both phenomena reached the maximum on days 10-12 p.i. on days 21-34 p.i ...19863087845
the concurrence of two species of nematodes of the genus heligmosomum in a field-vole (microtus arvalis) population in large-acreage lucerne fields. 19744454301
[finding of the flea xenopsylla cheopis roths. in nests of the common vole (microtus arvalis pall.) in leningrad]. 19853156305
[intermediate hosts of echinococcus multilocularis in northeastern france. description of lesions found in 3 naturally infested rodent species].the authors describe lesions of echinococcus multilocularis larvae found in one of 476 clethrionomys glareolus and one of 16 arvicola terrestris examined from lorraine and in four microtus arvalis from jura. the receptivity of each of these host-species is discussed.19863524402
seasonal dynamics of parasitocoenosis in field-vole (microtus arvalis, pallas, 1778) populations living in large-acreage lucerne fields. 19744454298
[rise in the epizootic activity of a natural focus of steppe-type tularemia in stavropol territory and its epidemic consequences].one of recurrent autumn and winter rises in the epizootic activity of the steppe-type focus of tularemia in the stavropol territory is described. during the tularemia epizooty of 1981-1982 the population of common voles (microtus arvalis) was very numerous, while the population of house mice (mus musculus) was comparatively scarce. francisella tularensis strains were isolated from different species of rodents (microtus arvalis, mus musculus, apodemus sylvanicus, rattus norvegicus, lepus, etc.), ...19853158139
comparative studies on susceptibility of the mouse (mus musculus) and the vole (microtus arvalis) to listeria monocytogenes and erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.the susceptibility of mice and voles to intraperitoneal and subcutan injection of virulent strains has been tested comparatively on 261 mice and 120 voles. using various germ-doses, 50 per cent lethality has been established. listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2a killed mice in doses of 120,000 and 1.5 x 10(6) germs when injected intraperitoneally and subcutaneously and voles in doses of 1800 and 12,000 germs, respectively. thus voles proved 100 to 120 times more susceptible than mice. erysipeloth ...19892517160
[seasonal changes in the number of gamasid mites in the nests of the common vole (microtus arvalis pall.)]. 19744456268
[findings of yersinia in slaughter pigs, synantropic animals and workers in meat products in a defined region].in 15 selected stocks in the strakonice district, 507 slaughter pigs, 708 small terrestric mammals and 110 free-living birds were examined in a two-year period (1986-1987) to study the occurrence of carriers of yersiniae and their elimination. rectal smears from 243 persons working in livestock production were examined in the same way. standard bacteriological methods, recent examination procedures (aulisio et al., 1980; aldová, 1981) and a diagnostic antiserum (03 imuna sarisské michalany) were ...19892588433
[biological and hematochemical characteristics of herbivorous common voles (microtus arvalis pallas)].in 1979, some pairs of voles (microtus arvalis pallas) were introduced to our laboratory from hungary. thereafter, they were successfully bred and increased in number, as experimental small animals for herbivorous domestic animals. they have been raised in a room and fed with pelleted feed for herbivores and chopped hay-cubes. we can change the high-fiber-containing rations from the chopped hay-cube to the alfalfa pellet that is widely available in laboratories. regarding the breeding characteri ...19873545856
[increased risk of infection by echinococcus multilocularis for people in the endemic "schwaebische alb" region?].the infestation by the larva of echinococcus multilocularis, also known as alveolar echinococcosis, is the most dangerous parasitic disease of man in middle europe. this is due to the location in the liver but still more so because of the proliferative and infiltrating growth of the larval tissue. the basic infective cycle of the parasite is a zoonosis between foxes as final hosts and small rodents such as common voles as intermediate hosts. man can be a false intermediate host and thus a carrie ...19853901604
[towards a strategy for the epidemiological study of alveolar echinococcosis. apropos of cases of infestation seen in microtus arvalis p. in the doubs (france)].the aim of the authors is to give some precisions about the relationship between the cycle of echinococcus multilocularis and the dynamics of the different potential hosts (rodents and carnivorous) existing on the area under study (sept-fontaines, doubs, france), by analysing the results of rodents trapping operation (mainly on microtus arvalis) some of it are infested by the parasite. for this purpose they include the parasite in a prey-predator system and show how the behavioural pattern of th ...19853909889
the role of small rodents and hedgehogs in a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis.the role of small rodents and hedgehogs in the circulation of tick-borne encephalitis in natural foci in the tribec region of czechoslovakia has been studied. isolation of virus from the blood of apodemus flavicollis, clethrionomys glareolus and erinaceus roumanicus, as well as the demonstration of antibodies in the sera of these mammals and of a. sylvaticus, microtus arvalis and sciurus vulgaris, showed that these mammals had been in contact with the virus in recent years. the proportion of pos ...19675298543
are there multiple sex chromosomes in the meadow mouse, microtus arvalis pallas?]. 19695392724
the autecology of small rodents and insectivores of the tribec mountain range.small rodents and insectivores have become the main reservoirs of tick-borne encephalitis virus. in order, therefore, to demonstrate the dynamic and structural changes occurring in a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis, information has been collected on the distribution, habitat, life-cycle, population density and extent of tick infestation of the rodents and insectivores that inhabit the tribec region and adjacent parts of the hronský inovec mountains. the following mammals are discussed: ...19675298539
course of trichinella spiralis intestinal phase in common vole (microtus arvalis pallas) and house mouse (mus musculus l.). 19695367755
small wild rodents rabies in czechoslovakia.during a period of 1969-1979 a total of 3174 small wild rodents of the genus muridae and microtinae (predominantly microtus arvalis) were examined. the animals were trapped in five localities differing both in type of ecological conditions and epizootologic situation. fox-rabies occurred here either enzootically, or epizootologically, or had been completely absent for many years in one of the localities investigated. of the 71 isolated strains of rv 18 strains were isolated from brain, 25 from b ...19826749977
experimental characteristics of viraemia caused by two strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus in small rodents.two strains of tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus differing in virulence for subcutaneously (s.x.) inoculated adult white mice elicited different levels of viraemia in small rodents. strain skalica of a lowered virulence caused no detectable viraemia in adult clethrionomys glareolus and only negligible viraemia in adult apodemus sylvaticus, microtus arvalis and pitymys subterraneus species. the virulent strain 204 gave rise to higher levels of viraemia, sufficient for infection of tbe virus vec ...19816116416
[the life-history of sarcocystis singaporensis zaman and colley, 1976 in the definitive and intermediate host (author's transl)].sporulated oocysts and sporocysts (9.3 x 7.3 micrometer) of sarcocystis singaporensis - isolated from freshly imported snakes (python reticulatus) - were fed to various animals to test their function as suitable intermediate hosts (nmri-mice, albino rats, meriones unguiculatus, golden hamsters, guinea pigs, mastomys natalensis, field-voles [microtus arvalis], pigeons, and chickens). only in rats were muscle-cysts formed. the optimal dose was 150 sporocysts per rat. two generations of merogony co ...19806771934
[cysticercus longicollis in the brain of a field mouse (microtus arvalis)]. 19675628639
[seasonal changes in the population dynamics of hirstionyssus isabellinus oudemans, 1913 and hyperlaelaps arvalis zachvatkin, 1948 on the common vole (microtus arvalis pall.)]. 19705534564
basic carriers of trichophyton mentagrophytes var. gypseum in the sverdlovsk region.tests for myococarriers were made on 4.297 wild small mammals. clinical examinations only were carried out on 1,204 animals, both clinical and laboratory examinations on 3,093 animals. the suppurative form of trichophytosis was diagnosed in only one specimen of microtus oeconomus out of 1,204 animals examined. t. ectothrix microides was found in the hair taken from the focus. t. mentagrophytes var. gypseum was obtained by culture on nutrient media. no clinical signs of mycosis were found in 3,09 ...19873680938
[dynamics of rickettsemia in common voles and steppe lemmings with different infective doses of rickettsia sibirica]. 19853897820
the common vole, microtus arvalis pall. as intermediate host of mesocestoides (cestoda) in germany.tetrathyridia of mesocestoides leptothylacus loos-frank, 1980 were found in 1.4% of 513 common voles (microtus arvalis) in a district of southwest germany where foxes (vulpes vulpes) are frequently infected with this tapeworm. the tetrathyridia measured 1 to 1.5 mm in length and 0.5 to 1 mm in width. when injected intraperitoneally into white mice, jirds, or common voles, the tetrathyridia did not multiply. cats fed with the larvae shed proglottids from the 21st day onwards. in one experimentall ...19807006239
small terrestrial mammals as reservoirs of leptospires in the sava valley (croatia).small mammals trapped in seven sites along the river sava in croatia were examined for leptospiral infection by renoculture and serological methods. of the 1749 animals caught 702 were examined by renoculture method and 626 were tested by microagglutination-lysis. the dominant animals species caught were microtus arvalis (672 animals) and apodemus agrarius (552 animals). of the 115 strains of leptospires isolated the dominant serotypes were l. grippotyphosa (40) and l. pomona (35). five strains ...19827049871
[contribution to the knowledge of taenia crassiceps (zeder, 1800) rudolphi, 1810 (cestoda, taeniidae) (author's transl)].the occurrence of taenia crassiceps in naturally infected dogs is mentioned, and a brief description of the gravid proglottids is given. oral infection of several rodent species with eggs showed that the field vole (microtus arvalis) is the most susceptible intermediate host for this tapeworm. the cysticercus often develops in the brain of the rodent and causes disturbances of coordinated movements. two foxes (vulpes vulpes) were infected with cysticerci of the strains cola and giks. these strai ...19817314812
[detection of the tularemia zoonosis in the territory of the kartlian plain].the natural focus of tularemia was found to cover the whole territory of the kartlian plain. epizooty occurred mainly among common voles with the involvement of insectivorous voles. hard ticks, gamasids and fleas infected with francisella tularensis were detected. rodents highly sensitive to tularemia can be affected by this infection. water rats were not involved into the enzootic process. further studies are necessary for the final solution of this problem.19836225274
[activation of natural tularemia foci of the field-meadow and steppe types on the territory of tula province 1977-1978].natural tularemia foci of the meadow and steppe type are extremely stable and become active in those years when the most favourable living conditions for rodents appear. for the first time during the last 30 years a great increase in the number of common voles, accompanied by widely spread epizooty covering the whole territory of the tula region, was observed. house mice, common field mice, harvest mice and black rats were also involved in this epizooty and 235 tularemia patients with all clinic ...19826211008
[experimental tick-borne rickettsiosis in murine rodents].the comparative study of the duration and level of rickettsiemia in wild rodents, natural carriers of rickettsiosis, after their experimental infection with rickettsia sibirica has been carried out. all those species under study (common voles, meadow mice and great gerbils) have been found to be faintly susceptible to this infective agent. large infective doses produce no visible signs of the disease in these animals, rickettsiemia for a short time and its level is not high. great gerbils have b ...19836342312
[erysipeloid as an occupational disease of workers in shoe enterprises].an outbreak of erysipeloid among the workers of a shoe factory is described. the spread of infection occurred due to contact with infected raw materials, which was confirmed by the isolation of erysipelotrix rhusiopathiae from washings made from chrome and russia leather supplied by different tanneries, as well as from casein glue. the raw materials could be additionally infected by rodents, in particular by common voles; the above-mentioned infective agent had been repeatedly isolated from thes ...19836229115
[structure of arthropod population occurring on microtus arvalis (pall.) in various environments. ii. dynamics of mean intensity of infection of m. arvalis by more frequently occurring arthropods in the areas not subjected to agrotechnical procedures]. 19836359723
the ultrastructure of the intestinal microvillous border in the common vole (microtus arvalis) naturally infected with giardia microti.the anterior jejunum from common vole naturally infected with giardia microti (kofoid et christiansen, 1915) was examined by tem and compared with the anterior jejunum from control (metronidazole-treated, giardia-free) common voles (pallas, 1778). giardia microti infection resulted in significant diffuse shortening of microvilli and significant greater microvillous diameters. in addition, deformations of the microvilli were observed at the margin of the ventral disc. the microvilli attached to t ...19947883257
influence of environmental factors on the infectivity of echinococcus multilocularis eggs.the sensitivity of eggs of echinococcus multilocularis to environmental and controlled laboratory conditions was tested. egg material was exposed and the infectivity was subsequently monitored by in vitro activation and by oral infection of the natural host, microtus arvalis. to study the impact of environmental conditions in an endemic area of south-western germany, eggs were sealed into bags of nylon mesh and exposed to the natural climate during various seasons. the maximal survival time of e ...19957845716
[blood parasites of small wild mammals in steiermark and burgenland].a total of 488 wild small mammals (16 species) trapped in two federate units of austria, steiermark and burgenland, were examined on the presence of blood parasites. in steiermark grahamelles were detected in neomys fodiens, clethrionomys glareolus, microtus arvalis, m. agrestis, apodemus flavicollis and a. sylvaticus, while trypanosoma evotomys and hepatozoon erhardovae were found in c. glareolus, and babesia microti in pitymys subterraneus and m. agrestis. in burgenland grahamelles were demons ...19806778802
[detection of the larva of taenia multilocularis in 2 voles (microtus arvalis and clethrionomys glareolus) in a focus of alveolar echinococcosis in the massif central (france)].small wild rodents were collected and examined during 1983-1984 to investigate parasite-host relationships of echinococcus multilocularis in one habitat suitable for red foxes of auvergne (france). the natural infestation of the liver of two different voles, microtus arvalis and clethrionomys glareolus, by the larval stage of the cestode is recorded for the first time. in the both cases, the larvae were fully developed and numerous protoscolices were present with some calcareous corpuscules; the ...19846440675
mus musculus and microtus arvalis in the rice-fields areas as carriers of leptospirae. 19724631702
fungi from interior organs of free-living small mammals in czechoslovakia and yugoslavia.a total of 308 fungi was isolated from interior organs (lungs, spleen, liver) of 529 small mammals belonging to 21 species, 7 families and 3 orders (insectivora, chiroptera, rodentia), some of these being potentially pathogenic to vertebrates (e.g. aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, geotrichum candidum, mucor pusillus, rhizopus arrhizus). in one vole (microtus arvalis) captured in south moravia, adiaspiromycosis (emmonsia crescens) was demonstrated. comparison of mycoflora of hair and that of int ...19807419129
[experimental latent tularemia in common voles].common voles (microtus subarvalis) were infected with tularemia by feeding them with the corpses of the animals which had been infected with francisella tularensis strain having somewhat decreased virulence. this resulted in nonlethal infection in 14 out of 433 voles used in the experiment. a considerable part of the animals having had the infection developed bacterial carriership (11 out of 13 animals) with bacteriuria (8 out of 11 animals) lasting up to 2 months. the persistence of francisella ...19827043979
tula virus: a newly detected hantavirus carried by european common voles.a novel hantavirus has been discovered in european common voles, microtus arvalis and microtus rossiaemeridionalis. according to sequencing data for the genomic rna s segment and nucleocapsid protein and data obtained by immunoblotting with a panel of monoclonal antibodies, the virus, designated tula virus, is a distinct novel member of the genus hantavirus. phylogenetic analyses of tula virus indicate that it is most closely related to prospect hill, puumala, and muerto canyon viruses. the resu ...19947966573
mixed natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis, tularemia and haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in west of 923 small mammals of 7 species were collected in locality záhorská ves, west slovakia, in 1990-1992. among examined small mammal species it was clethrionomys glareolus (48.7% of total, 17.5% positive for tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus antibodies), apodemus flavicollis (29.7% of total, 17.5% positive), a. sylvaticus (11.3% of total, 16.3% positive), and microtus arvalis (6.2% of total, 10.5% positive). the most abundant tick species (larval and nymphal stages) on small mammals was i ...19957676942
a heterogeneous distribution of emmonsia parva var. crescens in an agro-ecosystem.the lung tissue of 1143 rodents of five species, caught at a number of sites and habitats in an agro-ecosystem (southern moravia, czech republic) in 1988-1993, was examined for the presence of adiaspores of emmonsia parva var. crescens (emmons et jellison) van oorschot. the overall prevalence of adiasporomycosis was 16.6%, but its distribution varied significantly according to rodent species (clethrionomys glareolus 37.6%, apodemus flavicollis 33.3%, a. sylvaticus 21.1%, a microps 9.2%, microtus ...19957666301
encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus infection in the common vole, microtus arvalis.encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus infection in the common vole was examined for the first time. sixteen 8-week-old males inoculated intraperitoneally with 10(5) plaque-forming units (pfu)/animal of the d variant of emc virus were killed 3 and 7 days after inoculation (3 and 7 dai). viral replication was detected in the brain (10(5) pfu/g), heart (10(4) pfu/g) and pancreas (10(7) pfu/g) of all 8 animals at 3dai. it was found in the pancreas (10(3) pfu/g) of all 8 animals and in the brain (10(4) pf ...19957603005
quantification of residual virulence of the vnukovo-32/107 rabies virus vaccination strain.the present work summarizes the results of 11 groups of experiments carried out with the aim to complexly quantify the residual virulence of a cold mutant of the vnukovo-32/107 rabies virus vaccination strain intended for the preparation of an oral rabies vaccine (kamark) for the immunization of free-living carnivores. according to who prescriptions, residual virulence was quantified in experiments on carnivores, mainly red foxes (vulpes vulpes)--the presumed target species, and farm-bred polar ...19957740717
[occurrence of coxiella burnetti antibodies in cattle, sheep and small terrestrial mammals in the western region of bohemia].the prevalence of antibodies to c. burnetii was studied in the karlovy vary district (the czech republic) between 1987 and 1989. sera of cows, sheep and heart eluates of small ground mammals were tested using the complement fixation test with c. burnetii antigen in phase ii (bodibion, mevak nitra, slovakia). titers greater or equal to 8 or 10 were considered as positive. cows from two large-scale farms were tested four times (the average number of every sampling was 339 cows). their seroprevalen ...19957762122
[diurnal layer formation in the incisor dentin of rodents].the growth of dentin of the constantly growing lower incisors in rodents was studied using tetracycline as a vital marker of the growing parts of bones and teeth. in the common vole in nature the incisors grow in length at a rate of 490 micrometers per day; a basal-apical gradient of growth of the tooth walls in thickness was found: the minimal daily increment at the tooth base and the maximal in the apical third, it decreases again at the very apex. in the peripulp part of dentin of the apical ...19817027110
a model for the control of echinococcus multilocularis in some areas of france the prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis in foxes is as high as 50%, whereas less than one in a thousand voles (principally microtus arvalis) are infected. in these regions the control of rabies in foxes is achieved by using helicopters to spread bait containing oral vaccine in capsules. a mathematical model has been constructed in an attempt to determine if the addition of praziquantel to bait would be effective in eradicating e. multilocularis, or at least achieve ...19957732652
[differences between murine rodent species as food hosts for ixodid tick larvae (ixodidae)].tests on the feeding of larvae of ixodes persulcatus and i. ricinus on five species of muridae have shown that forest and common voles have congenital protective reactions limiting the number of successfully fed parasites. such congenital resistance is practically absent in common field mice and does not arise during the following parasitism of ixodid larvae. the congenital resistance is absent from steppe lemmings too but protective reactions limiting the number of successfully fed larvae arise ...19817027147
seasonal incidence of ixodes ricinus ticks (acari:ixodidae) on rodents in western collected from a longitudinal survey carried out over 2 years on four farms in western france were used to assess the incidence and infestation of ixodes ricinus on rodents. once a month, on each farm, 25 sherman live traps were set in hedges bordering selected pastures. a total of 799 micromammals were examined, including apodemus sylvaticus, clethrionomys glareolus, microtus agrestis, microtus arvalis, and crocidura spp. larvae and nymphs of i. ricinus were found. small numbers of ixodes ...19968771769
experimental transmission of caryospora bigenetica wacha et christiansen, 1982 (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from a rattlesnake, crotalus atrox, to rodents and pigs.caryosporan oocysts were found in the feces of a diamond rattlesnake, crotalus atrox, kept in zoo ustí nad labem, czech republic. comparison of oocyst structure with hitherto described caryospora species from snakes revealed that they were caryospora bigenetica wacha et christiansen, 1982. the rattlesnake, crotalus atrox, represents a new host for c. bigenetica. the common vole (microtus arvalis) and gerbil (meriones unguiculatus) were successfully infected with a mixture of c. bigenetica oocyst ...19938244210
virulence of ppst+ and ppst- strains of yersinia pestis for guinea-pigs.guinea-pigs were infected subcutaneously or by respiratory challenge with plasmid-containing (ppst+pcad+pfra+) yersinia pestis strain 358 and its ppst-pcad+pfra+, ppst+pcad+pfra- and ppst-pcad+pfra- derivatives, grown in vitro at 28 degrees c or at 37 degrees c. lack of plasmid ppst did not lead to an increase in ld50 with either route of challenge. when the virulence of the four y. pestis strains grown at the two temperatures was compared, the ld50 values of those grown at 37 degrees c were low ...19968958247
[occurrence of leptospira serovars in old foci of leptospirosis].in two old natural foci of leptospiroses in an eastern slovakian area an epidemiological investigation was made to detect persisting carriership in basis reservoirs-small mammals and the contact with leptospirae in population groups with an occupational risk. using the microagglutination reaction (mar), the authors examined 1,106 small mammals and detected in 50 cases, i.e. 4.5%, the presence of specific antibodies against leptospirae, most frequently in species apodemus agrarius and ap. flavico ...19948019818
[the detection of the location of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the fibroblasts of voles and mice and in rat myoblasts by using monoclonal antibodies against glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase].monoclonal antibodies (mas) were produced against glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) of two vole species--microtus arvalis and m. subarvalis. the binding level of the mas to g6pd in both species were almost the same, which suggested that these mas may be specific for the antigenic determinants common to g6pd of these species. the mas produced against the vole g6pd were used for its intracellular localization. the patterns obtained after staining cells with the use of mas against g6pd were ...19938322419
[the isolability of the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis from rodents in georgia].since 1960 the cases of isolating the pseudopathogen agent have been recorded in georgia at particular regular intervals. the accumulated material mainly involves epizootiological findings, which may provide a definite insight into the prevalence of this disease in georgia. in 1960-1990, 31 strains were isolated in particular regions and populated areas; these included 17 strains from grey rats, 4 from house mice, 9 from common voles, and 1 from field mice. the particular constancy of isolation ...19979445999
[relation between characteristics of the small mammal population and occurrence of leptospira antibodies].five rodent species (apodemus flavicollis, a. agrarius, a. microps, clethrionomys glareolus and microtus arvalis) were examined serologically for presence of antibodies to leptospira. small mammals were caught in several areas of eastern slovakia, an important part of host material coming from east slovakian lowland (45.7%), south part of kosice basin (26.5%) and slovak carst (10.1%). serological examinations were used by kmety and bakoss (1978), the sexual condition of rodents were ascertained ...19979481926
vector and host relationships of california serogroup viruses in western siberia.during 1990 and 1991, adult mosquitoes were collected along the ob river and its tributaries in western siberia from approximately 51 degrees 18'n to 66 degrees 4'n. fifteen virus strains were isolated from 74,196 mosquitoes tested in 1,874 pools. these included tahyna virus from aedes cataphylla-punctor subgroup (one) and ae. excrucians (one), and inkoo (ink) virus from ae. communis (one), ae. communis subgroup (one), ae. hexodontus (two), ae. punctor subgroup (two), ae. punctor complex (one), ...19938352392
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 577