
compensation of thermal constraints along a natural environmental gradient in a malagasy iguanid lizard (oplurus quadrimaculatus).physiological or behavioural adjustments are a prerequisite for ectotherms to cope with different thermal environments. one of the world's steepest environmental gradients in temperature and precipitation can be found in southeastern madagascar. this unique gradient allowed us to study the compensation of thermal constraints in the heliothermic lizard oplurus quadrimaculatus on a very small geographic scale. the lizard occurs from hot spiny forest to intermediate gallery and transitional forest ...201728689717
molecular homology assessment and phylogeny in the lizard family opluridae (squamata: iguania).the effect of utilizing secondary structure on multiple alignment and phylogeny reconstruction was examined for the mitochondrial 12s ribosomal rna and valine transfer rna genes in the lizard family opluridae. computer-generated multiple alignments were performed under parsimony using gap costs of 1-10 both with and without reference to secondary structure. alignments performed without secondary structure resulted in disruption of positional homology in some stems at all gap costs. number of mis ...19968812305
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