
persistent chromosome changes in hepatic cells of adult mice infected with coxsackievirus a 13. 19769813
alteration of capsid proteins of coxsackievirus a13 by low ionic concentrations.several group a coxsackieviruses (a13, 15, 18, and 21), but not polioviruses or group b coxsackieviruses, are rapidly inactivated in low ionic strength solutions at neutral ph. the extent of inactivation is dependent upon temperature and molarity. virions inactivated in this manner contain a normal complement of infectious rna which remains in a state resistant to the action of ribonuclease. however, more than 95% of the virus particles are unable to attach to susceptible cells. sodium dodecyl s ...1975163352
characterization of virucidal agents in activated sludge.a comprehensive study was carried out to determine the properties of agents responsible for loss of virus infectivity in mixed-liquor suspended solids (mlss) of activated sludge. initial experiments revealed that model enteric viruses (poliovirus-1 and rotavirus sa-11) were irreversibly inactivated in mlss and released their rna genomes. enteric viruses belonging to other genera (echovirus-12, coxsackievirus a13, reovirus-3) were also shown to lose infectivity in mlss. although the virucidal act ...19873034153
evidence for the susceptibility of primary fetal mouse cells in culture to coxsackievirus a13. 19694311211
susceptibility of differentiating muscle cells of the fetal mouse in culture to coxsackievirus a13.the interaction of coxsackievirus a13 with differentiating muscle cells, cultured from tissues of the fetal mouse, was studied. cultures infected at that stage of myogenic differentiation characterized by the rapid formation of multinucleated myotubes produced maximum virus titers of over 10(7) plaque-forming units. virus-induced cytopathic effect was characterized by a marked diminution in the number of multinucleated cells. the susceptibility of these cultures decreased appreciably when infect ...19714327585
functional impairment and killing of human beta cells by enteroviruses: the capacity is shared by a wide range of serotypes, but the extent is a characteristic of individual virus infection of beta cells could explain the diabetogenic effect of enteroviruses. primary adult human beta cells are susceptible to coxsackievirus infections, which could result in impaired beta-cell function or cell death (coxsackieviruses b3, b4, b5) or both, or no apparent immediate adverse effects (coxsackievirus a9). we extended these studies to additional enterovirus serotypes including several echoviruses, some of which have been associated clinically with the development of type i ( ...200212107750
sequencing of 'untypable' enteroviruses reveals two new types, ev-77 and ev-78, within human enterovirus type b and substitutions in the bc loop of the vp1 protein for known types.the n-terminal part of vp1 was sequenced for 43 enterovirus isolates that could not initially be neutralized with lbm pools or in-house antisera. most isolates were found to belong to human enterovirus type a (hev-a) and hev-b (18 isolates of each). all hev-a isolates could be typed by sequencing, with cv (coxsackievirus)-a16 and ev (enterovirus)-71 being dominant (nine and seven isolates, respectively). these types thus seem to have diverged more from their prototypes than the other types. amon ...200312655083
enterovirus infection and activation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells.gastrointestinal tract associated lymphoid tissue is considered to be the main replication site for enteroviruses. in order to invade tissues to reach pancreatic islets, cardiac muscles, and other secondary replication sites, the virus has to survive circulation in the blood and find a way to get through endothelial cells. in the present study, the susceptibility of human endothelial cells to infections caused by human parechovirus 1 and several prototype strains of enteroviruses, representing d ...200312767007
cellular receptor interactions of c-cluster human group a coxsackieviruses.the cellular receptor complex of coxsackievirus a21 (cva21), a c-cluster human enterovirus, is formed by the subtle interaction of individual cellular receptors, decay accelerating factor (daf) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1). in this receptor complex, daf functions in the membrane sequestration of the virus, while the role of icam-1 is as the functional cellular internalization receptor. however, despite the elucidation of the cva21-cell receptor interactions, there have been few ...200314573809
evidence for coxsackievirus infection in primary sjögren's syndrome.primary sjögren's syndrome (ss) is an autoimmune disease characterized by activation of minor salivary gland (msg) epithelial cells and b and t lymphocytic infiltrates. these findings have long encouraged the hypothesis that a persistent viral infection of the msg epithelial cells may drive the autoimmune response; however, the identity of that virus has remained elusive. the aim of this study was to test this hypothesis.200415457458
high frequency of human enterovirus species c circulation in madagascar.four poliomyelitis outbreaks caused by vaccine-derived polioviruses have been reported recently, including one in madagascar in 2002. in all cases, the viral strains involved were recombinant between poliovirus vaccine strains and nonpoliovirus strains, probably enterovirus species c. nevertheless, little is known about the circulation and epidemiology of enteroviruses in the regions where these outbreaks occurred. to assess the circulation of enteroviruses (particularly enterovirus species c) i ...200515634978
new enteroviruses, ev-93 and ev-94, associated with acute flaccid paralysis in the democratic republic of the congo.surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis often identifies enteroviruses not typeable by virus neutralization in cell culture. during 2000 and 2001, 186 isolates from 138 children with acute flaccid paralysis in the democratic republic of the congo were sent for typing to the national reference centre for enteroviruses in lyon, france. the 5' utr of the viral genome could be amplified by pcr for 158 isolates from 114 patients. isolates from 89 patients were neutralizable, and contained non-polio e ...200717311342
oncolysis of malignant human melanoma tumors by coxsackieviruses a13, a15 and a18.many rna viruses are displaying great promise in the field of oncolytic virotherapy. previously, we reported that the picornavirus coxsackievirus a21 (cva21) possessed potent oncolytic activity against cultured malignant melanoma cells and melanoma xenografts in mice. in the present study, we demonstrate that three additional group a coxsackieviruses; coxsackievirus a13 (cva13), coxsackievirus a15 (cva15) and coxsackievirus a18 (cva18), also have similar oncolytic activity against malignant mela ...201121241513
characterization of enteroviruses from non-human primates in cameroon revealed virus types widespread in humans along with candidate new types and species.enteroviruses (evs) infecting african non-human primates (nhp) are still poorly documented. this study was designed to characterize the genetic diversity of evs among captive and wild nhp in cameroon and to compare this diversity with that found in humans. stool specimens were collected in april 2008 in nhp housed in sanctuaries in yaounde and neighborhoods. moreover, stool specimens collected from wild nhp from june 2006 to october 2008 in the southern rain forest of cameroon were considered. r ...201425079078
environmental surveillance of enterovirus in northern india using an integrated shell vial culture with a semi-nested rt pcr and partial sequencing of the vp1 gene.enteroviruses have been reported in epidemic form during last 10 years in northern india. environmental surveillance of sewage is the method of choice in limited resources countries for detection of enterovirus serotypes circulating in the community. twenty-four sewage samples collected between january, 2009 and december, 2010 were tested for enterovirus by using a new modified integrated shell vial culture (isvc) with a semi-nested rt-pcr of a partial vp1 gene and virus isolation integrated wit ...201323341372
high frequency and diversity of species c enteroviruses in cameroon and neighboring countries.human enteroviruses (hevs) are endemic worldwide and among the most common viruses infecting humans. nevertheless, there are very limited data on the circulation and genetic diversity of hevs in developing countries and sub-saharan africa in particular. we investigated the circulation and genetic diversity of hevs among 436 healthy children in a limited area of the far north region of cameroon in 2008 and 2009. we also characterized the genetic biodiversity of 146 nonpolio enterovirus (npev) iso ...201323254123
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