
[probable outbreak of oral transmission of chagas disease in turbo, antioquia].chagas' disease is endemic in 21 countries of south and central america, including colombia, where 700,000 to 1.2 million persons are infected and eight millions are at risk. in endemic areas, chronic cases are predominant. however, in recent years, increasing reports of acute oral transmission have appeared. objective. an outbreak of acute chagas' disease was verified in the municipality of turbo (antioquia), and the most probable cause of transmission was determined in order to establish preve ...201122159534
[studies on wild reservoirs and vectors of trypanosoma cruzi. lxiii: natural infection of the marsupial caluromys lanatus ochropus (wagner, 1842) by t. cruzi]. 1977403576
behavior and maintenance of the woolly opossum (caluromys) in captivity.circadian activity, general behavior, dietary requirements, and reproductive activity were recorded in a small laboratory colony (four females, six males) of two species of the woolly opossum (caluromys lanatus and c derbianus) over a period of 3 years. the two species were indiscernable in all aspects of their behavior. both were completely nocturnal and rarely active during daylight hours. general behavior was apparently related to many variables, particularly individual temperament and cage s ...1977599876
evolution of transthyretin gene expression in the liver of didelphis virginiana and other american marsupials.the occurrence of the thyroid hormone-binding plasma protein transthyretin in the bloodstream was investigated for four american marsupial species. serum samples were analyzed by incubation with radioactive t4, followed by electrophoresis, then autoradiography, and western blotting. transthyretin was found in serum from monodelphis domestica, didelphis virginiana, caluromys lanatus, and dromiciops australis. for unambiguous identification, transthyretin from d, virginiana was purified from serum ...19968754780
cytogenetic analysis of some brazilian marsupials (didelphidae: marsupialia).three species of marsupials from the amazon region (marmosa cinerea, caluromys lanatus, and didelphis marsupialis) and two from the region of são paulo (didelphis marsupialis and didelphis albiventris) were studied. the g-banding pattern of the species with 2n = 14 (m. cinerea and c. lanatus) was very similar, as well as the pattern of g-bands in the species with 22 chromosomes (didelphis). all of the autosomes of m. cinerea and d. albiventris have centromeric c-bands and the y chromosome is tot ...19863697826
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