
sequence analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer dna of the crayfish parasite psorospermium haeckeli.two morphotypes of the crayfish parasite psorospermium haeckeli were isolated from 2 crayfish species of different geographical origin. the oval-shaped sporocysts were obtained from the epidermal and connective tissue beneath the carapace of the noble crayfish astacus astacus from sweden and finland. elongated spores were isolated from the abdominal muscle tissue of the red swamp crayfish procambarus clarkii from usa. to compare genetic divergence of 2 morphotypes of the parasite, the ribosomal ...200111710556
psorospermium haeckelii: a cause of pseudoparasitosis.a 42-year-old man had nausea, vomiting, periumbilical pain, tenesmus, and diarrhea shortly after eating seafood. stool microscopy showed "beaver bodies," or psorospermium haeckelii, a nonpathogenic algal organism often confused with enteric pathogens and commonly found in the excrement of persons consuming crayfish.200111235040
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