
[biosynthesis of extracellular proteolytic enzymes in aspergillus candidus]. 197831946
onychomycosis due to aspergillus candidus: case report.a patient is described who suffered from chronic fungal involvement of right great toe nail. serial cultures of the removed nail demonstrated a non-dermatophyte, aspergillus candidus, as the causative agent.1975125865
t-2 toxin degradation by micromycetes.the biodegradation of t-2 toxin was studied by strains of micromycetes which were isolated from the environment. the 26 tested strains were divided into three groups. group contains strains which degraded t-2 toxin very fast. this toxin could not be chromatographically determined in the medium even after 48 hours of incubation and the antifungal activity of residua against kluyveromyces fragilis ccy-51-1-2 was low or zero. there were strains of alternaria sp., ulocladium sp., aspergillus candidu ...19911880407
water relations of paecilomyces variotii, eurotium amstelodami, aspergillus candidus and aspergillus sydowii, xerophilic fungi isolated from indonesian dried fish.the water relations of four xerotolerant fungi, paecilomyces variotii, eurotium amstelodami, aspergillus candidus and aspergillus sydowii, isolated from dried salt fish, were examined at 25 degrees c, on media in which water activity (aw) was controlled by nacl or a glucose/fructose mixture. all fungi were less tolerant of nacl than glucose/fructose at low aw. p. variotii grew 2 to 3 times faster on glucose/fructose media than on nacl. the minimum aw permitting germination varied from 0.753 for ...19883275312
eurotium spp. and echinulin in feed refused by swine.feed refused by swine contained a high-propagule density of eurotium chevalieri mangin (anamorph, aspergillus chevalieri (mangin) thom and church), eurotium amstelodami mangin (anamorph, aspergillus amstelodami (mangin thom and church), and aspergillus candidus link. echinulin (8 micrograms/g of feed) was detected in the feed. isolates of e. chevalieri and e. amstelodami but not a. candidus produced echinulin on rice or cracked corn. mice refused to drink water containing 90 micrograms of echinu ...19883377495
solid solitary aspergillotic granuloma of the brain. report of a case due to aspergillus candidus and review of the literature. 19714157397
d-mannitol metabolism by aspergillus candidus.pathways of mannitol biosynthesis and utilization in aspergillus candidus nrrl 305 were studied in cell-free extracts of washed mycelia prepared by sonic and french pressure cell treatments. a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-linked mannitol-1-phosphate (m1p) dehydrogenase was found in french pressure cell extracts of d-glucose-grown cells, whereas a specific mannitol-1-phosphatase was present in extracts prepared by both methods. the existence of these two enzymes indicated that mannitol may b ...19694304850
toxic metabolites of aspergillus candidus. 19744833684
production of d-mannitol by conidia of aspergillus candidus.conidia of aspergillus candidus converted glucose and other sugars to mannitol. low ph (ca. 3.0) apparently favored the percentage yield but decreased the fermentation rate.19715119211
[physicochenical properties of 3 aspergillus candidus extracellular proteases]. 19826759883
[extracellular protease biosynthesis in aspergillus candidus in the absence of carbon or sulfur sources].the absence of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur sources in the medium was shown to be a prerequisite for the production of exocellular proteases by aspergillus candidus. the biosynthesis of proteases stops as soon as a limiting substrate is added to the medium. the rate of protease biosynthesis noticeably decreases if proline, alanine, glycine, valine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, aspartic and glutamic acids are added, particularly during the first hours of incubation. cysteine increases the del ...19817035850
[characteristics of the extracellular proteolytic complexes of aspergillus candidus synthesized with deficient sources of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur]. 19826755192
purification of amyloglucosidase.amyloglucosidase (glucoamylase; ec has been purified from the culture filtrates of aspergillus candidus link var. aureus using hydrophobic interaction chromatography and deae-cellulose treatment. the enzyme thus obtained has a specific activity of 329 units/mg protein with the overall recoveries between 70 and 75%. the process appears to be of industrial promise.19836416109
production of chlorflavonin, an antifungal metabolite of aspergillus candidus.production of chlorflavonin, a new antifungal antibiotic, by strains of aspergillus candidus is described. two wild strains of the fungus had distinctly different chlorflavonin-producing capabilities. one strain produced 25 mug of chlorflavonin per ml per 4 to 5 days in a pilot scale fermentor with stirring, using a medium containing corn steep liquor and glucose. production of antibiotic was favored by high rates of agitation-aeration. crude chlorflavonin was extracted from the whole brew with ...19705463573
[production of inoculate for submerged cultivation of aspergillus candidus]. 19704925040
[the metabolism of aflatoxin b1 by "aspergillus candidus" link (author's transl)]. 19744478798
[onychomycosis due to aspergillus candidus]. 19744279144
[occurrence of molds in airborne dusts in poultry farms].to reach conclusions in terms of industrial hygiene, mycological samples were taken in modern poultry farms between 1979 and 1981. sedimentation plates, the krotow slit collector and the spg-10 airborne dust sampler were used to determine the mould content of the air. the lowest germ counts were made in cage systems, while somewhat higher numbers were recorded among adult bids kept in the floor systems. unexpectedly high numbers of mould germs were found in the air of large poultry houses where ...19854082801
a new mycotoxin from aspergillus candidus link isolated from rough rice.a new mycotoxin (act1) was obtained from the mycelium of aspergillus candidus link isolated from rough rice stored under tropical conditions. act1 with the mol-formula c28h40o showed bright greenish blue fluorescence under uv (254 nm). the spectral and other characteristics indicated that the compound was a new one. the ld50 of the toxin on white rats was found to be 4.5 mg/kg when injected intraperitoneally.19873587332
[an operated case report of pulmonary aspergillosis by sapprophytic infection of aspergillus candidus in congenital bronchial cyst of right lower lobe].aspergillosis is a mycotic disease caused by a variety of species of the dimorphic fungus aspergillosis, especially aspergillus fumigatus. but the report of pulmonary aspergillosis by aspergillus candidus is very rare. we experienced a surgical case of pulmonary aspergillosis caused by aspergillus candidus. the patient is a 18-year-old girl. eleven years ago, she had suffered from pneumonia of rt. lower lobe, there after she often has suffered from cough and fever every year. in 1986, chest x-ra ...19912051688
[a rare case of isolated aspergilloma of the sphenoid sinus].the authors report an interesting case of an isolated pathology of the sphenoid sinus (more precisely, in this case a mycotic infection of this paranasal sinus), up to a few years ago an extremely rare disease and still today an exceptional entity in the clinical practice of an otolaryngologist. the investigations carried out indicated that the infection was caused by aspergillus candidus, a fungus which only rarely becomes pathogenic in man. the paper reports the main anamnestic data as well as ...19911820723
terphenyllin, a novel p-terphenyl metabolite from aspergillus candidus. 19751150533
species-specific production of microbial volatile organic compounds (mvoc) by airborne fungi from a compost facility.thirteen airborne fungal species frequently isolated in composting plants were screened for microbial volatile organic compounds (mvoc), i.e., aspergillus candidus, a. fumigatus, a. versicolor, emericella nidulans, paecilomyces variotii, penicillium brevicompactum, penicillium clavigerum, penicillium crustosum, penicillium cyclopium, penicillium expansum, penicillium glabrum, penicillium verruculosum, and tritirachium oryzae. air samples from pure cultures were sorbed on tenax gr and analyzed by ...199910448558
the structures of toxic metabolites of aspergillus candidus. ii. the compound b (xanthoascin), a hepato- and cardio-toxic xanthocillin analog. 19761017077
hepato- and cardiotoxicity of xanthoascin, a new metabolite of a. candidus link, to mice. i. blood chemistry and histological changes in mice.aspergillus candidus link, one of the commonest constituents of cereal mycoflora, produces two kinds of mycotoxins, terphenyllin and xanthoascin, which show different chemical and toxicological properties. the latter, xanthoascin, caused severe hepatic injury with jaundice and focal or confluent necrosis of hepatocytes, when given to mice in doses of 6 mg/kg b.w. or higher by a single subcutaneous injection. with higher doses above 15 mg/kg, myocardial degeneration and necrosis was induced after ...19761011375
the structures of toxic metabolites of aspergillus candidus. i. the compounds a and e, cytotoxic p-terphenyls. 1976949813
toxic effects of rice culture of aspergillus candidus and its metabolite, xanthoascin, on japanese quails.laying japanese quails were fed on diet of 1:1 mixture of basal diet and rice cultures of 2 strains of aspergillus candidus. during 20 days of feeding, egg production was significantly reduced in these groups compared with the birds fed unmolded rice. the liver of the quails sacrificed at 20 days showed fatty degeneration of hepatic cells. following withdrawal of the moldy rice, rate of egg production recovered in 5 days. the suppressive effect of egg production seems to be secondary to hepatic ...1978713126
a cardinal model to describe the effect of water activity on the growth of moulds.a simple model was proposed to describe the effect of water activity (aw) on the radial growth rate of moulds. this model is deduced from the cardinal model family proposed by rosso in 1995, which is only defined from cardinal values of environmental factors (minimum, optimum and maximum values), the growth rate observed at the optimal value of the environmental factors, and n, a shape parameter. for aw, a simple form of cardinal model is proposed. this form is obtained for n = 2 and aw(max) = 1 ...200111246910
[effect of amino acids as sole nitrogen sources on exoprotease biosynthesis in aspergillus candidus].aspergillus candidus produced an exocellular protease at a high rate in the absence of nitrogen sources. nineteen amino acids were added separately as sole nitrogen sources to the medium to study their effect on biosynthesis of exoproteases. all the amino acids were found to repress the biosynthesis, arginine, histidine, lysine and ornithine being most effective among them. repression of the biosynthesis of exoproteases in the presence of amino acids added as sole nitrogen sources is presumed to ...1978672680
hepato-and cardiotoxicity of xanthoascin, a new xanthocillin analogue produced by aspergillus candidus. ii. a preliminary electron microscopic observation of the heart and lung with intranuclear myelin-like figures.xanthoascin (1-4(hydroxyphenyl)-4-(2,2-dimethyl-6-chromanyl)-2,3-diisocyano-1,3-butadiene), a toxic metabolite recently isolated from rice grains infested with aspergillus candidus l., caused acute hepatic injury with jaundice in mice. following this, if the animals survived, degeneration of the myocardium developed over several weeks. myocardial cells of dilated ventricular walls were diffusely vacuolated in routine h.e. sections. electron microscopically, the vacuoles were filled with osmiophi ...1977613931
[cloning and sequencing of lactase gene from aspergillus candidus].genomic dna and cdna sequences of lactase from aspergillus candidus were cloned. sequences analysis revealed that the genomic dna was 3458 bp containing eight introns, cdna was 3015 bp and encoding a polypeptide of 1005 amino acid residues. signal peptide was 19 amino acid residues, eleven potential n-glycosylation sites were assumed. comparing the gene cdna and amino acid sequences with other lactase sequences from various sources, it showed a very low homology with most of other sequences. alt ...200212561200
3-hydroxyterphenyllin, a new metabolite of aspergillus candidus. structure elucidation by h and c nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.a new compound isolated from cultures of aspergillus candidus link is shown to be 3-hydroxyterphenyllin. the structure was assigned by comparing the 1h and 13c nmr spectra of the metabolite and its acetate derivative with those of terphenyllin and terphenyllin triacetate.1979468731
mycological survey of selected health foods.a survey was conducted to compare the total viable fungal content and the number of different mold species encountered in 10 types of health foods labeled organically grown and in the same foods without such a label. the foods were wheat flour, corn meal, brown rice, figs, split peas, pinto beans, soybeans, walnuts, pecans, and peanuts. results showed no consistent difference in either the total viable fungal content or the number of different mold species encountered between the labeled and unl ...1979453829
[effect of the medium makeup on the synthesis of exoproteases by the fungus, aspergillus candidus strain 70]. 1979223677
superoxide anion production in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide and fungal spores implicated in organic dust toxic syndrome.high amounts of fungal spores, bacteria, and bacterial endotoxin have been found in dust associated with the poorly characterized syndrome, organic dust toxic syndrome (odts). as part of an ongoing investigation to determine the etiopathogenesis for odts, this study has focused on activation of guinea pig bronchial alveolar lavage (bal) cells as evidenced by the production of superoxide anion in response to fungal spores and lipopolysaccharide (lps). fungal spores from aspergillus candidus, aspe ...19947925197
assessment of ribosomal large-subunit d1-d2, internal transcribed spacer 1, and internal transcribed spacer 2 regions as targets for molecular identification of medically important aspergillus species.molecular approaches are now being developed to provide a more rapid and objective identification of fungi compared to traditional phenotypic methods. ribosomal targets, especially the large-subunit rna gene (d1-d2 region) and internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (its1 and its2 regions), have shown particular promise for the molecular identification of some fungi. we therefore conducted an assessment of these regions for the identification of 13 medically important aspergillus species: aspergill ...200515872227
[overexpression of aspergillus candidus lactase and analysis of enzymatic properties].the lactase gene lacb' from aspergillus candidus was fused behind alpha-factor signal sequence in the pichia pastoris expression vector ppic9, then integrated into the genome of p. pastoris by recombination events. the p. pastoris recombinants for lactase overexpression were screened by enzyme activity analysis and sds-page. the lactase expressed in p. pastoris was glycosylated protein with an apparent molecular weight of 130 kd, while the deglycosylated lactase treated with endo h had an appare ...200515989270
biocontrol of mold growth in high-moisture wheat stored under airtight conditions by pichia anomala, pichia guilliermondii, and saccharomyces cerevisiae.pichia anomala inhibits the growth of penicillium roqueforti and aspergillus candidus on agar. in this investigation, antagonistic activity on agar against 17 mold species was determined. the abilities of pichia anomala, pichia guilliermondii, and saccharomyces cerevisiae to inhibit the growth of the mold penicillium roqueforti in nonsterile high-moisture wheat were compared by adding 10(3) penicillium roqueforti spores and different amounts of yeast cells per gram of wheat. inoculated grain was ...19957793907
[amino acid pool dynamics and extracellular protease biosynthesis in aspergillus candidus].the biosynthesis of exocellular proteases by aspergillus candidus is inhibited if a source of energy, carbon and nitrogen is added to the medium lacking one of these elements. the biosynthesis is not entirely inhibited if a sulfur source is added to the medium deficient in sulfur. the dynamics of free amino acid pool was studied under the conditions of deficiency of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur sources. the absence of a carbon or nitrogen source causes a decrease in the overall amino acid pool. t ...19817033735
standardization of assay procedure and some properties of ribonuclease from aspergillus candidus.screening of several fungal cultures resulted in the selection of an isolate of aspergillus candidus which produced a considerable around of rna-degrading enzyme in both surface and submerged methods of cultivation. the conditions for the assay of the rnaase were standardized at ph 4.5, 55 degrees c and using 0.25% yeast rna as substrate. the enzyme was stable at ph 5.2. edta was found to activate the enzyme slightly. at temperatures 50-60 degrees c there was considerable loss in enzyme activity ...19816793471
toxic micromycetes in grain raw material during its 2003-2005 micromycetes were isolated and identified from wheat, barley, rye, buckwheat grain brought into mills or from processing enterprises. contamination of the produced flour with micromycete propagules (cfu g(-1)), changes in micromycete diversity and abundance in the course of flour storage, preparation and baking of bread, production of groats or other food products and fodder were determined. most attention was given to widely distributed micromycetes, known producers of toxins: alte ...200616841886
production, partial purification and characterisation of amyloglucosidase from a new variety of aspergillus candidus link var. aureus.the production of amyloglucosidase by a new variety of aspergillus candidus was studied on various natural carbon and nitrogen nutrient sources. jowar starch and peanut meal were found to be the best nutrient sources of carbon and nitrogen respectively. the maximum enzyme productivity was observed at ph 6.5 and temperature 32 degrees c. sodium fluoride was found to inhibit enzyme amyloglucosidase to an extent of 85%. addition of trace metals viz. zinc, copper and potassium in the medium impaired ...19938181947
lipolytic activity and degradation of rapeseed oil and rapeseed by spoilage fungi.aspergillus, eurotium and penicillium spp. from rapeseed were able to grow and produce lipases over a range of water activities (aw) at both 15 and 25 degrees c on tributyrin agar. the ability to produce lipases was not directly related to growth rate. the clearing zone: growth rate ratios gave lipase indices which varied markedly between test fungi and with aw. the fungi with the highest indices were aspergillus candidus and aspergillus versicolor and penicillium expansum and penicillium hordei ...19938217518
prenylterphenyllin and its dehydroxyl analogs, new cytotoxic substances from a marine-derived fungus aspergillus candidus if10.three novel cytotoxic substances named prenylterphenyllin (1), 4''-deoxyprenylterphenyllin (2), and 4''-deoxyisoterprenin (3) were isolated from a cultured marine-derived fungus of aspergillus candidus if10 together with 4''-deoxyterprenin (4). their chemical structures were elucidated on the basis of 2d nmr analysis. these compounds 1 approximately 4 showed cytotoxic activity against human epidermoid carcinoma kb cells (kb3-1) with ic(50) of 8.5, 3.0, 2.5, and 4.5 microg/ml, respectively.200717917243
incidence and detection of thermotolerant and thermophilic fungi from maize with particular reference to thermoascus species.a number of thermotolerant and thermophilic fungi were isolated from shipments of food-aid grain, and from large bag stacks of maize stored in sub-saharan africa. thermotolerant fungi included aspergillus candidus, a. fumigatus, a. flavus and paecilomyces varioti; thermophilic fungi included thermomyces lanuginosus, rhizomucor pusillus, thermoascus aurantiacus and t. crustaceous. temperature profiles for thermoascus spp. indicated that isolates of t. aurantiacus grew up to 60 degrees c, and t. c ...19979105921
in vitro interaction of alveolar macrophages and aspergillus vitro interaction of alveolar macrophages (am) from rats with conidia from aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus candidus as well as inert control particles (amorphous silica) of similar diameter (about 3 microns), was studied. experimental observations showed that both kinds of conidia were phagocytized significantly faster by am than were the control particles due to a faster rate of attachment, but even more so due to a faster rate of ingestion. quantitative nitroblue tetrazolium reduction ...19979339215
concentration- and time-dependent upregulation and release of the cytokines mip-2, kc, tnf, and mip-1alpha in rat alveolar macrophages by fungal spores implicated in airway inflammation.inhalation of fungal spores has been shown to cause primary or secondary infection and respiratory inflammation and diseases such as allergic alveolitis, atopic asthma, and organic dust toxic syndrome, which are rarely reported in the absence of predisposing factors. biochemical and molecular markers of inflammation were measured in rat bronchial alveolar lavage cells (> 95% macrophages) following stimulation with fungal spores isolated from pathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi that have been impl ...19989490662
terprenins, novel immunosuppressants produced by aspergillus candidus. 19989630870
isolation of cryptococcus, candida, aspergillus, rhodotorula and nocardia from meningitis patients in egypt.meningitis occurs throughout egypt and is largely attributed to bacterial pathogens, but there is little information on fungal etiologies of meningitis. we, therefore, investigated fungal infections among egyptian patients with acute and subacute meningitis who tested negative for bacterial and viral agents. a total of 1000 cerebrospinal fluid (csf) samples collected from nine governorates of egypt during 1998-2002 were initially stained with gram's, india ink, and lacto-phenol cotton-blue stain ...200919712658
isolation and characterisation of a prenylated p-terphenyl metabolite of aspergillus candidus possessing potent and selective cytotoxic activity; studies on mechanism of action.we describe the discovery and properties of a prenylated p-terphenyl metabolite of the fungus aspergillus candidus. the compound (1) possesses potent cytotoxic activity against a range of tumour and other hyper-proliferative cell lines. cell cycle analysis shows that in mouse keratinocyte (balb/mk) cells treated with 1, the cell cycle is arrested in early s phase, indicative of an antimetabolite effect. furthermore, cellular cytotoxicity can be reversed by addition of exogenous pyrimidine but no ...199910344561
tolerance and removal of arsenic by a facultative marine fungus aspergillus candidus.the objective of the work was to investigate tolerance to and removal of arsenic by a facultative marine fungus aspergillus candidus. the fungus showed luxuriant growth in different concentrations (25 and 50mg/l) of trivalent and pentavalent forms of arsenic. biomass accumulation data substantiate tolerance of a. candidus towards the test concentrations of trivalent and pentavalent forms of arsenic. highest arsenic removal (mg/g) was recorded on day 3. as removal increased with an increase in co ...201020022490
asterriquinones produced by aspergillus candidus inhibit binding of the grb-2 adapter to phosphorylated egf receptor tyrosine kinase.five new asterriquinone analogs (2-4, 6, 7), together with previously identified neoasterriquinone (1) and isoasterriquinone (5), were isolated from a fermentation broth of the fungus aspergillus candidus and purified by hsccc (high speed counter current chromatography) followed by hplc. the structures were determined by 1d and 2d nmr and ms/ms techniques. all seven showed inhibitory activity against the binding of a recombinant protein containing the sh2 protein domain of grb-2 to the tyrosine ...199910348035
medium optimization for the production of antioxidants from aspergillus candidus.the objective of this study was to optimize the factors for the production of antioxidant from aspergillus candidus ccrc 31543. extracts of broth filtrate had higher antioxidant activity (inhibition of peroxidation [ip] >98%) when sucrose or lactose was used as a carbon source. sucrose in the medium also resulted in a higher yield of extracts. ethyl acetate extracts had the highest yield and antioxidant activity compared with the other two solvents. for the production of antioxidant, inorganic n ...199910382656
ecology of cycloheximide-resistant fungi in field soils receiving raw city wastewater or normal irrigation water.the effect of raw city wastewater irrigation on biodiversity and population densities of a cycloheximide-resistant (ch) fungal community was studied in 13 field soils receiving either raw city wastewater or normal irrigation, and in raw city wastewater in the nablus area, using the hair baiting technique (hbt) and a surface soil dilution plating (ssdp) technique. three of these fields [one had been receiving raw city wastewater for more than ten years and was designated a heavily polluted field, ...199810422272
an amendment of aspergillus section candidi based on chemotaxonomical evidence.a novel 2,2'-epoxy-terphenyllin, candidusin c, in addition to the well known secondary metabolites terphenyllin, 3-hydroxyterpenyllin and chlorflavonin, has been isolated from the chemically unexplored fungus aspergillus campestris. the latter three are known secondary metabolites from aspergillus candidus and therefore a large number of aspergilli were screened for production of these compounds to see whether they could be regarded as chemotaxonomical indicators of section membership in the mon ...200010724184
tyrosine kinase activation in response to fungal spores is primarily dependent on endogenous reactive oxygen production in macrophages.studies from our laboratory (shahan, t. a., sorenson, w. g., and lewis, d. m. (1994) environ. res. 67, 98-104) demonstrated that spores from different fungal species differentially activate rat alveolar macrophages as detected by the measurement of superoxide anion and cytokine production (shahan, t. a., siegel, p. d., sorenson, w. g., kuschner, w. g., and lewis, d. m. (1998) am. j. respir. cell mol. biol. 18, 435-441). spores from aspergillus candidus stimulated production of the highest levels ...200010744701
[microflora of the farming work environment as an occupational risk factor].the paper presents the results of the studies concerning the air mould fungi concentration in the work environment during grain threshing, flax breaking and thyme cleaning. a high level of fungi was observed in the air at all workplaces with the highest concentrations during grain threshing. of the total number of 12 farms, in 8 the air mould fungi concentration exceeded the proposed standard of 50,000 cfu/m3. among the species containing cereals, flax and thyme, mould fungi of alternaria altern ...200011059408
aspergillus candidus: a respiratory hazard associated with grain dust.the concentration of aspergillus candidus in samples of grain dust and of air polluted with grain dust was found to be large (respectively 3.0 x 10(5) - 3.0 x 10(9) cfu/g and 5.0 x 10(3) - 6.47 x 10(5) cfu/m(3)) and proved to be significantly greater compared to samples of other organic dusts (p<0.001). rabbits exposed to long-term inhalation of the cell extract of a. candidus revealed a positive cellular and humoral response, demonstrated by the significant (p<0.01) inhibition of leukocyte migr ...200011153039
isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from aspergillus candidus broth filtrate.the objectives of this study were to isolate the antioxidative components in the broth filtrate of aspergillus candidus (ccrc 31543), to characterize their antioxidative properties, and to evaluate their safety. three major compounds were isolated and identified as 3,3' '-dihydroxyterphenyllin, 3-hydroxyterphenyllin, and candidusin b. in the linoleic acid peroxidation system, the inhibition of peroxidation in these three compounds was greater than 95% and was significantly higher than that of al ...200111312875
isolation and identification of nematode-antagonistic compounds from the fungus aspergillus candidus.culture medium from an isolate of the fungus aspergillus candidus was extracted, fractionated and examined to discover compounds antagonistic to plant-parasitic nematodes that are important pathogens of agricultural crops. column, thin layer and preparative chromatographies and spectral and elemental analyses, were used to isolate and identify two major constituents of an active fraction (fraction f) obtained from the medium. compound 1 was identified as 2-hydroxypropane-1, 2, 3-tricarboxylic ac ...201626850440
total synthesis of terprenin, a novel immunosuppressive p-terphenyl derivative.we achieved a total synthesis of terprenin, a novel potent immunoglobulin e antibody suppressant which was obtained from the fermentation broth of aspergillus candidus rf-5672 and has a highly oxygenated p-terphenyl skeleton with a prenyloxy side chain. the key steps relied on the suzuki reaction to construct the terphenyl skeleton and on regioselective halogenations to selectively combine the aromatic rings. the highly efficient and practical production of this important natural product offers ...199811672184
fungal mycoflora and mycotoxins in korean polished rice destined for humans.rice samples collected from the republic of korea were analyzed for fungal mycoflora and mycotoxins: fumonisins, ochratoxin a, trichothecenes, and zearalenone. the potential of the fungi to produce each mycotoxin was also examined, so that the fungal isolates associated with mycotoxins occurring in rice could be verified. penicillium citrinum and aspergillus candidus were the most prevalent species infecting the samples, while fusarium proliferatum was found as the dominant fusarium species. och ...200516099315
a novel cause of invasive pulmonary infection in an immunocompetent patient: aspergillus candidus.aspergillus candidus, a common contaminant of grain dust, may represent an important respiratory hazard to grain workers, considering its immunomodulating capability by producing p-terphenyl metabolites and terprenins, potent cytotoxic substances. however, there are only three cases of a. candidus infection in the english literature, one fatal solitary brain mass and two onychomycosis. we describe the first case of invasive pulmonary infection and skin abscesses due to a. candidus, determination ...200516291268
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of extract obtained from aspergillus candidus mtcc 2202 broth filtrate.antioxidant potential of aspergillus candidus mtcc 2202 broth filtrate extract was studied using different antioxidant models, whereas anti-inflammatory potential was studied using carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema model. the ethyl acetate extract at 1000 microg/ml showed maximum scavenging activity of the stable radical 1,1-diphenyl,2-picryl hydrazyl upto 96.65% (ic50=430.36 microg/ml) and scavenging of the radical cation, 2,2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) upto 92.25% (ic50=60 ...200616784117
production of galacto-oligosaccharides by immobilized recombinant beta-galactosidase from aspergillus candidus.the preparation of galacto-oligosaccharides (goss) was studied using the immobilized recombinant beta-galactosidase from aspergillus candidus cgmcc3.2919. the optimal ph and temperature for the immobilized enzyme were observed at ph 6.5 and 40 degrees c, respectively. increasing the initial lactose concentration increased the yield of goss. the dilution rate was found to be a key factor during the continuous production of goss. the maximum productivity, 87 g/l.h was reached when 400 g/l lactose ...200617161020
efficacy of plant extracts against stored-products fungi.the fungistatic activity of six aqueous extracts of plants were tested against aspergillus candidus, aspergillus niger, penicillium sp. and fusarium culmorum. the plants were, chamomile (anthemis nobilis l.), cinnamon (cinnamomum verum j. presl.), french lavender (lavandula stoechas l.), garlic (allium sativum l.), malva (malva sylvestris l.) and peppermint (mentha piperita l.). the more concentrated extracts of chamomile and malva inhibited totally the growth of the tested fungi with malva the ...200617196025
isolation and biochemical characterization of an antifungal peptide from amaranthus hypochondriacus antifungal peptide, ay-amp, was isolated from amaranthus hypochondriacus seeds by acidic extraction and then purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. the molecular mass of this peptide, as determined by mass spectrometry, is 3184 da. the peptide belongs to the superfamily of chitin-binding proteins, containing a single cysteine/glycine-rich chitin-binding domain, and it was found that ay-amp degrades chitin. ay-amp inhibits the growth, at very low doses, of different pat ...200718031007
candidulin; an antibiotic from aspergillus candidus. 194918136952
analyzing the relation between the microbial diversity of daqu and the turbidity spoilage of traditional chinese vinegar.vinegar is a traditional fermented condiment, and the microbial diversity of daqu makes the quality of vinegar products. recently, turbidity spoilage of vinegar sharply tampered with the quality of vinegar. in this study, the relation between the microbial diversity of daqu and turbidity spoilage of vinegar was analyzed by plating technique, pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge), and high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). the 16s rrna sequencing and dgge analysis indicated t ...201424691870
development and application of a predictive model of aspergillus candidus growth as a tool to improve shelf life of bakery products.molds are responsible for spoilage of bakery products during storage. a modeling approach to predict the effect of water activity (aw) and temperature on the appearance time of aspergillus candidus was developed and validated on cakes. the gamma concept of zwietering was adapted to model fungal growth, taking into account the impact of temperature and aw. we hypothesized that the same model could be used to calculate the time for mycelium to become visible (tv), by substituting the matrix parame ...201324010605
[filamentous fungi preservation in distilled water.].some methods for keeping the fungal culture collection have been used. however, the choice of either one on the basis that must ensure the cultural genetic stability and its phenotipic characteristics. in this work the preservation method in distilled water recognized in the literature as a single, economic and certain method that guarantie the survival of fungus cultures for long periods was used. 26 strains of generus and species: aspergillus niger, aspergillus candidus, fusarium sp., fusarium ...199818473541
an endophytic taxol-producing fungus from taxus x media, aspergillus candidus endophytic taxol-producing fungus (strain md3) isolated from the inner bark of taxus x media was identified as aspergillus candidus according to its morphological characteristics, physiological and biochemical characteristics, and 18s rrna gene sequence analysis. taxol produced by a. candidus md3 was shown to be identical to authentic taxol analyzed by uv, hplc, ms and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. the gene encoding the 10-deacetylbaccatin iii-10-o-acetyl transferase, which catalyz ...200919239498
variation of soil mycoflora in decomposition of rice stubble from rice-wheat cropping system.the colonization pattern and extent of decay produced in paddy stubble by soil inhabiting mycoflora were done by using nylon net bag technique. among the three methods used for isolation of fungi, dilution plate technique recorded the highest number of fungi followed by damp chamber and direct observation method. nutrient availability and climatic conditions (temperature, humidity and rainfall) influenced the occurrence and colonization pattern of fungi. maximum fungal population was recorded in ...200724015096
comparison in antioxidant and antitumor activities of pine polyphenols and its seven biotransformation extracts by fungi.microbial transformation can strengthen the antioxidant and antitumor activities of polyphenols. polyphenols contents, antioxidant and antitumor activities of pine polyphenols and its biotransformation extracts by aspergillus niger, aspergillus oryzae, aspergillus carbonarius, aspergillus candidus, trichodermas viride, mucor wutungkiao and rhizopus sp were studied. significant differences were noted in antioxidant and antitumor activities. the highest antioxidant activities in trolox equivalent ...201728560092
diphenamid metabolism in plants.diphenamid, a herbicide, is metabolized to n-methyl 2,2-diphenylacetamide and 2,2-diphenylacetamide by the common soil fungi trichoderma viride and aspergillus candidus within 48 hours. the two metabolites are more toxic than diphenamid to both tomato and barnyard-grass seedlings under sterile conditions. this finding indicates that the phytotoxic moiety is not diphenamid but one of its metabolites-probably the n-methyl derivative.196717738227
interaction of radio-frequency, high-strength electric fields with harmful insects.the objective of the research reported here is to investigate the influence of radio-frequency electric fields of high strength on insect mortality. the experiments were accomplished at the frequencies 47.5, 900 and 2,450 mhz for the pulse modulated radiation treatment and the continuous wave rf radiation. two types of systems, which are the coaxial irradiation chamber and the irradiation chamber with plane capacitor are presented in this work. the experiments in the coaxial type radiation chamb ...200921384727
hypersaline waters - a potential source of foodborne toxigenic aspergilli and penicillia.previous studies of hypersaline environments have revealed the dominant presence of melanized yeast-like fungi and related cladosporium spp. in this study, we focused on the genera aspergillus and penicillium and their teleomorphic forms. from oligotrophic and eutrophic hypersaline waters around the world, 60 different species were identified, according to their morphological characteristics and extrolite profiles. for the confirmation of five new species, additionally, sequence analysis of the ...201121477006
[screening and identification of hemicellulose degrading microorganisms in acid soil].the aim of this study was to screen hemicellulose degrading microorganisms.201223289324
the effect of saprotrophic fungi on the development and hatching of fasciola hepatica eggs.the aim of this study was to determine the effect of 6 common soil fungi species: alternaria alternata (fr.) keissl., aspergillus candidus link, penicillium chrysogenum thom, p. commune thom, trichothecium roseum (pers.) link and ulocladium sp., on the hatching of miracidia, i.e., free living larvae of liver fluke (fasciola hepatica). to this end, the eggs of f. hepatica were incubated in water in the presence of one of the aforementioned fungi species and in tap water (control) at a temperature ...201425134345
effects of initial moisture content of korean traditional wheat-based fermentation starter nuruk on microbial abundance and diversity.the brewing of makgeolli, one of korea's most popular alcoholic beverages that is gaining popularity globally, is facilitated by nuruk, a traditional korean cereal starter. the nuruk microbiome greatly influences the fermentation process as well as the nutritional, hygienic, and aromatic qualities of the product. this study is a continuation of our efforts to examine nuruk biodiversity at a depth previously unattainable. in this study, microfloral dynamics in wheat-based nuruk c, composed of tra ...201727975136
microbial biotransformation of furosemide for environmental risk assessment: identification of metabolites and toxicological evaluation.some widely prescribed drugs are sparsely metabolized and end up in the environment. they can thus be a focal point of ecotoxicity, either themselves or their environmental transformation products. in this context, we present a study concerning furosemide, a diuretic, which is mainly excreted unchanged. we investigated its biotransformation by two environmental fungi, aspergillus candidus and cunninghamella echinulata. the assessment of its ecotoxicity and that of its metabolites was performed u ...201627557972
metagenomic analysis of fungal diversity in korean traditional wheat-based fermentation starter nuruk.nuruk, a traditional natural starter, is extensively used in the brewing of makgeolli, one of korea's most popular alcoholic beverages that has been recently gaining global popularity. thus, the quality of traditional nuruk needs to be enhanced. the nuruk mycobiome greatly influences both fermentation process as well as palatability enhancement. limitations of culture-dependent identification restrict an accurate analysis of fungal diversity and distribution in nuruks. 454 pyrosequencing of two ...201627554148
aspergivones a and b, two new flavones isolated from a gorgonian-derived aspergillus candidus fungus.two new flavones, aspergivones a (1) and b (2), were isolated from the fungus aspergillus candidus cultured from the gorgonian coral anthogorgia ochracea collected from the south china sea. the structures of 1 and 2 were elucidated by nmr and ms methods and comparison with relatively known compounds. only 2 showed slight inhibitory activity against alpha-glucosidase with an ic50 value of 244 μg/ml. compounds 1 and 2 were also evaluated for their cytotoxic and antibacterial activities.201727448033
the protective effects of aspergillus candidus metabolites against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative damage to int 407 cells.the protective effects of 3,3"-di-oh-terphenyllin (3,3"-dht) and 3-oh-terphenyllin (3-ht), two secondary metabolites produced by aspergillus candidus (ccrc31543), against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative damage to int 407 cells, were evaluated. the results showed that h2o2 caused an increase in lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) leakage and dna damage in int 407 cells; however, the addition of 3,3"-dht and 3-ht significantly reduced this effect (p<0.05). intracellular reactive oxygen species (ros) f ...200312963009
[aspergillus candidus link as the cause of onychomycosis]. 196214452952
aspergillus surveillance project at a large tertiary-care hospital.a one-year surveillance project was conducted at a large tertiary hospital, which had extensive indoor renovation and extensive demolition/building at several nearby sites. this study collected viable fungi samples in the hospital every six days and analysed 74 duct dust samples for aspergillus fumigatus mycelial asp f1 protein. mean total fungi were 257.8 cfu/m3 outdoors, 53.2 cfu/m3 in all indoor samples and 83.5 cfu/m3 in the bone marrow transplant patient rooms. mean total aspergillus was 6. ...200515694975
modelling the effect of ethanol on growth rate of food spoilage moulds.the effect of ethanol (e) on the radial growth rate (mu) of food spoilage moulds (aspergillus candidus, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus niger, cladosporium cladosporioides, eurotium herbariorum, mucor circinelloides, mucor racemosus, paecilomyces variotii, penicillium chrysogenum, penicillium digitatum, rhizopus oryzae and trichoderma harzianum) was assessed in potato dextrose agar (pda) medium at a(w) 0.99, 25 degrees c. in order to model this effect, the monod type equation described previousl ...200515698687
monitoring the mycobiota of three plants manufacturing culatello (a typical italian meat product).this study reports the composition of the mycobiota growing on the surface of culatello (a typical italian meat product) and occurring in the environments of three processing plants. samples were collected in both winter and summer. a total of 84 culatelli and 14 samples from the plant environment were examined. a total of 331 (from food samples) and 2030 (from air samples) fungal isolates belonging to six genera and 29 species were identified. the substantial correspondence between air- and pro ...201525791253
aspergillus species as emerging causative agents of onychomycosis.onychomycosis is a common nail infection caused by dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte molds (ndm), and yeasts. aspergillus species are emerging as increasing causes of toenail onychomycosis. the purpose of this study was species delineation of aspergillus spp. isolated from patients with onychomycosis.201525656408
biogenic unmodified gold nanoparticles for selective and quantitative detection of cerium using uv-vis spectroscopy and photon correlation spectroscopy (dls).the ability of self-functionalized biogenic gnps towards highly selective colorimetric detection of rare earth element cerium is being reported for the first time. gnps underwent rapid aggregation on addition of cerium indicated by red shift of spr peak followed by complete precipitation. hereby, this concept of co-ordination of cerium ions onto the gnp surface has been utilized for detection of cerium. the remarkable capacity of gnps to sensitively detect ce without proves beneficial compared t ...201525643600
evaluating the biodeterioration enzymatic activities of fungal contamination isolated from some ancient yemeni mummies preserved in the national museum.sophisticated mummification using chemical preservation was prevalent in ancient yemeni civilization as noted in the 4th century b.c. mummies of the national museum of yemen, sana'a, used in this study. five of these mummies were used to evaluate hydrolytic enzymes produced as a result of fungal contamination. forty-seven fungal species were isolated, thereby reflecting a high degree of contamination which may have resulted from the poor ventilation and preservation system. aspergillus was the m ...201425478228
drug interactions between voriconazole, darunavir/ritonavir and tenofovir/emtricitabine in an hiv-infected patient treated for aspergillus candidus lung abscess.we report an unusual case of pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with aids and we demonstrated the drug-drug interactions between voriconazole, darunavir/ritonavir and tenofovir/emtricitabine. the combination darunavir-ritonavir-voriconazole should be avoided.201525179636
aspergillus flavus contamination in two portuguese wastewater treatment plants.filamentous fungi from genus aspergillus were previously detected in wastewater treatment plants (wwtp) as being aspergillus flavus (a. flavus), an important toxigenic fungus producing aflatoxins. this study aimed to determine occupational exposure adverse effects due to fungal contamination produced by a. flavus complex in two portuguese wwtp using conventional and molecular methodologies. air samples from two wwtp were collected at 1 m height through impaction method. surface samples were coll ...201425072712
aspergillus pragensis sp. nov. discovered during molecular reidentification of clinical isolates belonging to aspergillus section candidi.the identity of nine clinical isolates recovered from czech patients and presumptively identified as aspergillus sp. section candidi based on colony morphology was revised using sequences of β-tubulin, calmodulin gene sequence, and internal transcribed spacer rdna. six isolates were from suspected and proven onychomycosis, one from otitis externa, and two associated with probable invasive aspergillosis. the results showed that one aspergillus candidus isolate was the cause of otitis externa, and ...201424951723
response surface optimization for xylanase with high volumetric productivity by indigenous alkali tolerant aspergillus candidus under submerged this study, a novel isolate aspergillus candidus was employed for xylanase production using low cost agro residues. a box-behnken design matrix was used to optimize the influential parameters like carbon source, nitrogen source and incubation temperature for maximum xylanase production. under optimized condition, enzyme titer level enhanced to 69 iu/ml at 48 h with volumetric productivity 1437 iu/l h. growth and enzyme production were observed even at ph 11.0, indicating its ability to sustai ...201328324567
a case of onychomycosis caused by aspergillus candidus.based on epidemiological studies, aspergillus candidus has been demonstrated as an emerging fungal agent of toenail onychomycosis. here we report a case of a toenail infection caused by a. candidus in a healthy 60-year-old woman. based on macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the culture as well as nucleotide sequencing of 28s region, the causative agent was identified as a. candidus.201224371736
conversion of dried aspergillus candidus mycelia grown on waste whey to biodiesel by in situ acid transesterification.this study reports optimization of the transesterification reaction step on dried biomass of an oleaginous fungus aspergillus candidus grown on agro-dairy waste, whey. acid catalyzed transesterification was performed and variables affecting esterification, viz., catalyst methanol and chloroform concentrations, temperature, time, and biomass were investigated. statistical optimization of the transesterification reaction using plackett-burman design showed biomass to be the predominant factor with ...201526362462
spiculisporic acid analogues of the marine-derived fungus, aspergillus candidus strain hdf2, and their antibacterial activity.two novel antibiotic spiculisporic acid analogues, named as spiculisporic acid f (1) and g (2), and two known compounds, (-)-spiculisporic acid (3) and secospiculisporic acid b (4), were isolated by bioactivity-guided fractionation from the fermentation broth of the sea urchin-derived aspergillus candidus strain hdf2. their structures were unambiguously established by comprehensive analysis of 1d and 2d nmr, and high-resolution ms spectra, and by comparison with known compounds. biological exper ...201525912731
evaluation of modified dichloran 18% glycerol (dg18) agar for enumerating fungi in wheat flour: a collaborative study.dichloran 18% glycerol agar base supplemented with 100 micrograms of chloramphenicol ml-1 (dg18 agar) was compared to dg18 agar supplemented with 100 micrograms of triton x-301 ml-1 (dg18t) and dg18 agar supplemented with 1 microgram of iprodione [3-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-n-(1-methyl-ethyl)-2,4-dioxo-1-imidazolidine- carboxamide] ml-1 (dg18i agar) for enumeration of fungi in ten brands of wheat flour. as the flours contained low fungal populations, all were inoculated with two to four strains of x ...19968796418
the biosynthetic origin of chlorflavonin, a flavonoid antibiotic from aspergillus candidus. 19734775434
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