
isolation of rabies virus from bats in bolivia.rabies virus was isolated from apparently normal blood-sucking (desmodus rotundus) and insectivorous (artibeus planirostris) bats caught in bolivia. the virus was identified by immunofluorescence, biological and sero-neutralisation tests.1978664008
trypanosoma rangeli isolates of bats from central brazil: genotyping and phylogenetic analysis enable description of a new lineage using spliced-leader gene sequences.trypanosoma rangeli infects several mammalian orders but has never confidently been described in chiroptera, which are commonly parasitized by many trypanosome species. here, we described trypanosomes from bats captured in central brazil identified as t. rangeli, t. dionisii, t. cruzimarinkellei and t. cruzi. two isolates, tra643 from platyrrhinus lineatus and tra1719 from artibeus planirostris were identified as t. rangeli by morphological, biological and molecular methods, and confirmed by phy ...200919063857
mites (mesostigmata: spinturnicidae and spelaeorhynchidae) associated with bats in northeast this article, we present the results of a study about mites associated with bats collected in the state of pernambuco, northeast brazil. of the 331 bats collected, 23 were found naturally infested by mites, corresponding to an overall prevalence of 6.9% (95% confidence interval: 4.5-10.2). four mite species were collected from seven bat species. the following mite-bat associations were recorded: periglischrus acutisternus machado-allison on phyllostomus discolor wagner; periglischrus ojastii ...200919496446
species richness and abundance of bats in fragments of the stational semidecidual forest, upper paraná river, southern brazil.the upper paraná river floodplain is inserted in a region of the mata atlântica biome, which is a critical area to preserve. due to the scarcity of researches about the chiropterofauna in this region, the present study investigated species richness and abundance of bats in remnants from the stational semidecidual forest of the upper paraná river, southern brazil. samplings were taken every month, from january to december 2006, using 32 mist nets with 8.0 x 2.5 m, resulting in 640 m2/h and totali ...200919738978
time and seasonal patterns of activity of phyllostomid in fragments of a stational semidecidual forest from the upper paraná river, southern brazil.bats may exhibit different patterns of activity, considering aspects concerning niche dynamics as well as the establishment and permanence of the communities in the ecosystems. in this way, the present study analyzed the time and seasonal patterns of activity in different species of frequent phyllostomid bats in remnants of the stational semidecidual forest from the upper paraná river, southern brazil. captures were performed between january and december, 2006, using 32 mist nets set above the s ...201021180897
bat-species richness in the pantanal floodplain and its surrounding uplands.we studied the bat fauna of the pantanal floodplain and its surrounding plateaus in mato grosso do sul, brazil, based on the scientific collection at universidade anhanguera-uniderp and on the projeto morcegos do pantanal data bank at ufms, comprising 9,037 captures of 56 species recorded from 1994 to 2007. the pantanal surveys were carried out in the nhecolândia, aquidauana, miranda, and paraguai sub-regions; the uplands surveys took place in the maracaju, bodoquena, and urucum formations. bat ...201121537604
bat flies on phyllostomid hosts in the cerrado region: component community, prevalence and intensity of parasitism.streblidae flies are specialised parasites of bat hosts, mainly phyllostomids. there is a high richness of streblids in the savannah-like cerrado region; however, there is little quantitative data available in parasitological indices. here, we describe the component community, prevalence and intensity of a streblid infestation on a phyllostomid bat assemblage in serra da bodoquena, a cerrado region in southwest brazil. we conducted surveys by capturing and inspecting bat hosts during the seven-m ...201121655813
detection of leishmania spp. in bats from an area of brazil endemic for visceral leishmaniasis.the multihost parasites leishmania spp. infect a broad range of wild mammalian species including bats. several species of bats have adapted to a variety of food resources and shelters in urban areas. this study aimed to detect leishmania spp. dna in bats present in forest fragments located in metropolitan areas endemic for leishmaniasis in campo grande, mato grosso do sul (ms), brazil. blood samples were obtained from 80 individuals, including eight species of phyllostomidae and one species of v ...201728233434
virological and serological diagnosis of rabies in bats from an urban area in the brazilian amazon.the outbreaks of rabies in humans transmitted by desmodus rotundus in 2004 and 2005, in the northeast of the brazilian state of para, eastern amazon basin, made this a priority area for studies on this zoonosis. given this, the present study provides data on this phenomenon in an urban context, in order to assess the possible circulation of the classic rabies virus (rabv) among bat species in capanema, a town in the amazon basin. bats were collected, in 2011, with mist nets during the wet and dr ...201527049703
ticks parasitizing bats (mammalia: chiroptera) in the caatinga biome, this paper, the authors report ticks parasitizing bats from the serra das almas natural reserve (rppn) located in the municipality of crateús, state of ceará, in the semiarid caatinga biome of northeastern brazil. the study was carried out during nine nights in the dry season (july 2012) and 10 nights in the rainy season (february 2013). only bats of the phyllostomidae and mormoopidae families were parasitized by ticks. the species artibeus planirostris and carolia perspicillata were the most ...201627982297
the cytoarchitectonic and th-immunohistochemical characterization of the dopamine cell groups in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area and retrorubral field in a bat (artibeus planirostris).the dopamine (da) neurons of the retrorubral field (rrf - a8), the substantia nigra (sn - a9), and the ventral tegmental area (vta - a10) have been implicated in motor regulation, reward, aversion, cognition, and several neuropsychiatric disorders. a series of studies have identified subdivisions of these cell groups in rodents, but these cell groups have not been well described in bats. an understanding of the motor system organization in bats would provide a context for comparing motor systems ...201627349153
emended description of litomosoides molossi (nematoda: onchocercidae) and first records of litomosoides species parasitizing argentinean bats.:  during a long-term study on biodiversity of bats in the yungas and entre ríos provinces, 1,304 specimens of bats included in the families noctilionidae, phyllostomidae, vespertilionidae, and molossidae were collected and checked for filarioids. litomosoides molossi esslinger, 1973 was recovered from the thoracic and abdominal cavities of molossus molossus (prevalence [p] = 6.4%); litomosoides chandleri esslinger, 1973 from artibeus planirostris (p = 6.9%), sturnira oporaphilum (p = 66.6%), st ...201627098753
the effects of castration followed testosterone supplementation in prostatic complex of artibeus planirostris (chiroptera: phyllostomidae).the prostatic complex (ventral and dorsal regions) of artibeus planirostris exhibits seasonal variations throughout the year. circulating testosterone was correlated with prostate weight, showing an increase from autumn to summer, with the highest peak in summer corresponding to the largest breeding season. this indicates that the level of serum testosterone influences variations in both testicular and prostatic weights. serum testosterone levels seem to be closely related to the different respo ...201627032910
ticks infesting bats (mammalia: chiroptera) in the brazilian pantanal.ticks associated with bats have been poorly documented in the neotropical zoogeographical region. in this study, a total of 1028 bats were sampled for tick infestations in the southern portion of the brazilian pantanal. a total of 368 ticks, morphologically identified as ornithodoros hasei (n = 364) and o. mimon (n = 4), were collected from the following bat species: artibeus planirostris, platyrrhinus lineatus, phyllostomus hastatus, mimon crenulatum and noctilio albiventris. morphological iden ...201626912332
seasonal changes in the prostatic complex of artibeus planirostris (chiroptera: phyllostomidae).the male reproductive accessory glands are important organs that secrete products that ensure the survival, viability and motility of spermatozoa, not only in the male reproductive tract, but also in the female. most studies relating to the reproduction of bats do not include these glands, and detailed studies of these glands describing annual variations in the morphology and physiology are scarce. the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of these variations on morphophysiology of the pr ...201424345383
effects of anthropogenic disturbance and climate on patterns of bat fly parasitism.environmental conditions, including anthropogenic disturbance, can significantly alter host and parasite communities. yet, our current knowledge is based mainly on endoparasites, while ectoparasites remain little studied. we studied the indirect effects of anthropogenic disturbance (human population density) and climate (temperature, precipitation and elevation) on abundance of highly host-specific bat flies in four neotropical bat species across 43 localities in venezuela. we formulated a set o ...201222829953
genetic variability in species of bats revealed by rapd analysis.random amplified polymorphic dna molecular marker was utilized as a means of analyzing genetic variability in seven bat species: molossus molossus, m. rufus, eumops glaucinus, e. perotis, myotis nigricans, eptesicus furinalis, and artibeus planirostris. the determination of genetic diversity was based on 741 bands produced by a 20-random primer set. only eight bands were considered monomorphic to one species. the greatest number of bands and the most polymorphic condition were exhibited by m. mo ...200617183488
leishmania (v.) braziliensis infecting bats from pantanal wetland, brazil: first records for platyrrhinus lineatus and artibeus the new world genus leishmania parasites are etiological agents of neglected zoonoses known as leishmaniasis. its epidemiology is very complex due to the participation of several species of sand fly vectors and mammalian hosts, and man is an accidental host. control is very difficult because of the different epidemiological patterns of transmission observed. studies about leishmania spp. infection in bats are so scarce, which represents a large gap in knowledge about the role of these animals ...201728502644
atlantic bats: a dataset of bat communities from the atlantic forests of south america.bats are the second most diverse mammal order and they provide vital ecosystem functions (e.g., pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient flux in caves) and services (e.g., crop pest suppression). bats are also important vectors of infectious diseases, harboring more than 100 different virus types. in the present study, we compiled information on bat communities from the atlantic forests of south america, a species-rich biome that are highly threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. atlantic ...201728875505
protein markers of synaptic behavior and chromatin remodeling of the neo-xy body in phyllostomid bats.the xx/xy system is the rule among mammals. however, many exceptions from this general pattern have been discovered since the last decades. one of these non-conventional sex chromosome mechanisms is the multiple sex chromosome system, which is evolutionary fixed among many bat species of the family phyllostomidae, and has arisen by a translocation between one original gonosome (x or y chromosome), and an autosome, giving rise to a "neo-xy body." the aim of this work is to study the synaptic beha ...201626661581
cytotaxonomy of the subgenus artibeus (phyllostomidae, chiroptera) by characterization of species-specific markers.the genus artibeus represents a highly diverse group of bats from the neotropical region, with four large species occurring in brazil. in this paper, a comparative cytogenetic study was carried out on the species artibeus obscurus schinz, 1821, artibeus fimbriatus gray, 1838, artibeus lituratus olfers, 1818 and artibeus planirostris spix, 1823 that live sympatrically in the northeast of brazil, through c-banding, silver staining and dna-specific fluorochromes (cma3 and dapi). all the species had ...201224260649
serological investigation of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies in bats captured in the eastern brazilian 2004 and 2005 a total of 38 cases of human rabies transmitted by the hematophagous bat desmodus rotundus were registered in the brazilian state of pará; 23 (60.5%) cases occurred in the northeastern region. because of this, a serological investigation for the antibodies of rabies virus was performed in municipalities of the northeastern state of pará, in order to assess whether the virus was circulating among different bat species.201324100701
new world bats harbor diverse influenza a viruses.aquatic birds harbor diverse influenza a viruses and are a major viral reservoir in nature. the recent discovery of influenza viruses of a new h17n10 subtype in central american fruit bats suggests that other new world species may similarly carry divergent influenza viruses. using consensus degenerate rt-pcr, we identified a novel influenza a virus, designated as h18n11, in a flat-faced fruit bat (artibeus planirostris) from peru. serologic studies with the recombinant h18 protein indicated that ...201324130481
structure, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the male reproductive accessory glands in the neotropical flat-faced fruit-eating bat artibeus planirostris (chiroptera: phyllostomidae).chiroptera, the second largest mammalian order, presents different reproductive strategies and unique reproductive features. however, there are few reports regarding male reproductive accessory glands (rags) in chiroptera. thus, the aim of the present study was to characterise the rags of the exclusively neotropical bat artibeus planirostris (chiroptera: phyllostomidae) macroscopically, microscopically and ultrastructurally. the rags were composed of a prostatic complex with two regions (ventral ...201322985988
annual reproductive cycle of males of the flat-faced fruit-eating bat, artibeus planirostris (chiroptera: phyllostomidae).artibeus planirostris is an endemic species of phyllostomid bat from the neotropical region. some studies have indicated that it exhibits seasonal bimodal polyestry; however, others postulate that it may be able to produce young at any time during the year. thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the annual variations in testicular and epididymal parameters of this species in southeast brazil and try to understand how the reproduction of this species is regulated in this environment. sixty m ...201323356978
the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the intergeniculate leaflet of the flat-faced fruit-eating bat (artibeus planirostris): retinal projections and neurochemical mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and the intergeniculate leaflet (igl) are the main components of the circadian timing system. the scn, classically known as the master circadian clock, generates rhythms and synchronizes them to environmental cues. the igl is a key structure that modulates scn activity. strategies on the use of time by animals can provide important clues about how some species are adapted to competitive process in nature. few studies have provided information about t ...201829867376
structural, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical evidence of testosterone effects and its ablation on the bulbourethal gland of the artibeus planirostris bat (chiroptera, mammalia).this study evaluated the effects of testosterone in the bulbourethral glands (bg) of the bat, artibeus planirostris, by performing castration and posterior hormonal supplementation of the animals. the results showed a decrease in testosterone levels in animals 15days after castration, which induced a small reduction in epithelium height, percentage of ar+ cells, and an increase in the amount of basal cells. this reduction became more severe in groups castrated for longer periods (19 and 22days), ...201728610826
retinofugal projections into visual brain structures in the bat artibeus planirostris: a ctb study.a well-developed visual system can provide significant sensory information to guide motor behavior, especially in fruit-eating bats, which usually use echolocation to navigate at high speed through cluttered environments during foraging. relatively few studies have been performed to elucidate the organization of the visual system in bats. the present work provides an extensive morphological description of the retinal projections in the subcortical visual nuclei in the flat-faced fruit-eating bat ...201830135648
bat flies aggregation on artibeus planirostris hosts in the pantanal floodplain and surrounding plateaus.for parasites in natural systems, the most common pattern of spatial distribution is aggregation among hosts. the main causes of such aggregation are variable exposure of hosts to parasites and heterogeneity in host susceptibility. the objective of this study was to determine if there are differences in the aggregation pattern of two species of ectoparasitic flies between the pantanal and cerrado regions of brazil on the bat artibeus planirostris. we collected the ectoparasites from bats capture ...201931142391
detection of "candidatus rickettsia wissemanii" in ticks parasitizing bats (mammalia: chiroptera) in the northern brazilian amazon.a total of 482 bats representing 32 species and two families were captured in the amazon forests of the amapá state in northern brazil. nineteen artibeus planirostris bats (3.9 %) were infested with 160 ticks, all identified as ornithodoros hasei. three pools of larvae were screened for rickettsial dna via polymerase chain reaction (pcr) targeting three rickettsial genes: glta, ompa and htra. only one of them yielded an amplicons of the expected size for all three molecular assays. comparisons o ...201931473856
a new species of bidigiticauda (nematoda: strongylida) from the bat artibeus planirostris (chiroptera: phyllostomidae) in the atlantic forest and a molecular phylogeny of the molineid bat parasites.the nematode genus bidigiticauda has 2 species (bidigiticauda vivipara and bidigiticauda embryophilum), which are parasites of bats from the neotropical region. the present paper describes a new species of bidigiticauda from a male artibeus planirostris specimen collected in the pratigi environmental protection area in bahia state, brazil. the new species, bidigiticauda serrafreirei n. sp., differs from b. embryophilum by having longer spicules, rays 5 and 6 arising from a common trunk and bifur ...201931633437
molecular detection of bartonella spp. and rickettsia spp. in bat ectoparasites in brazil.the family streblidae comprises a monophyletic group of hippoboscoidea, hematophagous dipterans that parasitize bats. bartonella spp. and rickettsia spp. have been reported in bats sampled in europe, africa, asia, north, central and south america. however, there are few reports on the bartonella and rickettsia bacteria infecting hippoboscoidea flies and mites. while spinturnicidae mites are ectoparasites found only in bats, those belonging to the family macronyssidae comprise mites that also par ...201829870549
frugivorous bats in the colombian caribbean region are reservoirs of the rabies virus.bats are an important ecological group within ecosystems. the rabies virus is a lyssavirus, and haematophagous bats are the principal reservoir; however, the virus has also been detected in non-haematophagous bats. the objective was to determine the rabies virus in non-haematophagous bats in the colombian caribbean region.201930890183
habitat amount partially affects physiological condition and stress level in neotropical fruit-eating bats.hematological measures are increasingly being used to analyse the impact of several stressors on the physiological condition of animals. landscape degradation and habitat loss impacts terrestrial and volant mammals occurrence, however rarely the effects of these factors on physiological conditions and stress levels were analyzed. here, we measured several hematological parameters to analyse the impacts of habitat amount on the physiological condition (body condition and health status) and stress ...201931400499
molecular and cellular evidence of natural venezuelan equine encephalitis virus infection in frugivorous bats in colombia.venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (veev) is an alphavirus that causes encephalitis with a high impact on public health in latin america. however, only in guatemala, trinidad and tobago, and mexico have found antibodies in veev in bats, using immunohistochemistry, the sensitivity and specificity are improved; thus, it is better for demonstrating natural infection in bats as potential hosts. this study aimed to determine the presence of veev in tissues of frugivorous bats.202032367955
characterization of experimental oro-nasal inoculation of seba's short-tailed bats (carollia perspicillata) with bat influenza a virus 2012 and 2013, the genomic sequences of two novel influenza a virus (iav) subtypes, designated h17n10 and h18n11, were identified via next-generation sequencing in the feces of the little yellow-shouldered fruit bat (sturnira lilium) and the flat-faced fruit-eating bat (artibeus planirostris), respectively. the pathogenesis caused by these viruses in their respective host species is currently insufficiently understood, which is primarily due to the inability to obtain and keep these bat speci ...202032093076
eco-epidemiology of the venezuelan equine encephalitis virus in bats of córdoba and sucre, colombia.alphavirus infection associated encephalitis is an emerging infectious disease with a high impact on public health in latin america.201930578748
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