
characterization of glycerol nonutilizing and protoperithecial mutants of neurospora.mutants defective in polyol metabolism and/or in protoperithecial development were selected in neurospora tetrasperma, a species in which protoperithecial development occurs at nonpermissively high temperature if certain polyols are used in lieu of sucrose as carbon source. mutants selected for nonutilization of one of the four polyols tested, glycerol, mannitol, sorbitol, or xylitol, were usually found to be nonutilizers of the other three polyols as well. mutants blocked at various stages of p ...1977887070
soil fungistasis: role of the microbial nutrient sink and of fungistatic substances in two soils.sensitivity of conidia of cochliobolus victoriae to fungistasis decreased markedly following incubation on moist sand for at least 1 h. germination was greater on conover loam or on sand being leached with water than on an alkaline clay loam soil known to produce a volatile fungistatic substance. evolution of 14co2 began within 3 min after [14c]glucose was applied to the soils; the rate of 14co2 evolution was faster with conover loam. germination of thielaviopsis basicola conidia per unit of glu ...19751236932
control of mating type heterokaryon incompatibility by the tol gene in neurospora crassa and n. tetrasperma.the mating-type of neurospora crassa (a and a) have a dual function: a and a individuals are required for sexual reproduction, but only strains of the same mating type will form a stable vegetative heterokaryon. neurospora tetrasperma, in contrast, is a naturally occurring a+a heterokaryon. it was shown previously that the mating-type genes of both species are functionally the same and are not responsible for this difference in heterokaryon incompatibility. this suggests that a separate genetic ...19921535606
respiration and gene expression in germinating ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma.cellular proteins were not synthesized by germinating ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma until 90 min after spore activation. nevertheless, immediately after activation these ascospores developed a cyanide-sensitive respiration which increased throughout this 90-min period. at 90 min the respiratory rates accelerated rapidly, protein synthesis was initiated, and transcripts for a subunit of the mitochondrial atpase, employed here as a representative mrna, began to accumulate.19921537538
heat shock gene expression in germinating ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma.the activated ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma were inactive in protein synthesis and did not accumulate transcripts for a constitutive protein until after 90 min of incubation. these spores were blocked even longer in the expression of a gene encoding a heat shock protein, hsp30, which could not be induced until after 300 min of spore germination. early in germination the ascospores were highly susceptible to damage from moderately high temperatures. at the same time that spores became capa ...19921537539
expression of meiotic drive elements spore killer-2 and spore killer-3 in asci of neurospora was shown previously that when a chromosomal spore killer factor is heterozygous in neurospora species with eight-spored asci, the four sensitive ascospores in each ascus die and the four survivors are all killers. sk-2k and sk-3k are nonrecombining haplotypes that segregate with the centromere of linkage group iii. no killing occurs when either one of these killers is homozygous, but each is sensitive to killing by the other in crosses of sk-2k x sk-3k. in the present study, sk-2k and sk-3k ...19911834522
activity and heat stability of trehalase from the mycelium and ascospores of neurospora.trehalases from the ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma and the mycelium of n. crassa were compared. enzymes from both sources have identical electrophoretic mobilities, k(m)'s, responses to ph, immunological reactions, and activities in low-molarity buffers. because both enzymes are so similar, conclusions about the properties of the ascospore enzyme may, be made by studying mycelial trehalase. mycelial trehalase is most active and stable in low-molarity buffers. the enzyme exists in at least ...19734269376
behaviour of neurospora tetrasperma mating-type genes introgressed into n. crassa. 19734271648
a dominant round spore mutant in neurospora tetrasperma and its implications for ascospore development. 19734781364
ultrastructural changes during germination of ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma. 19684872425
notes on meiosis in neurospora tetrasperma. 19725029642
genetic alterations of ascus development in neurospora tetrasperma. 19715569207
means for the recovery of homokaryotic segregants following sexual crosses in neurospora tetrasperma. 19715569208
ascospore linearity in the four-spored ascus of neurospora tetrasperma. 19685702345
genetic analysis of eight-spored asci produced by gene e in neurospora tetrasperma. 19685728739
glucose-c14 metabolism of dormant and activated ascospores of neurospora.budd, kenneth (the university of michigan, ann arbor), alfred s. sussman, and frederick i. eilers. glucose-c(14) metabolism of dormant and activated ascospores of neurospora. j. bacteriol. 91:551-561. 1966.-dormant and activated ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma, incubated in c(14)-labeled glucose, absorb and metabolize this sugar. at the same time, up to 55% of the co(2) production from endogenous substrates is quenched, whereas total co(2) production is unchanged. glucose-carbon appears in ...19665883091
linkage group establishment in neurospora tetrasperma by interspecific hybridization with n. crassa. 19665961484
mechanisms of protection of trehalase against heat inactivation in neurospora.the half-life of trehalase and invertase at 65 and 60 c was found to be much greater when intact ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma were heated, as compared with extracts. by contrast, no protection was afforded these enzymes when they were heated in intact conidia and mycelium of n. crassa or n. tetrasperma. the protective effect of ascospores for trehalase was further investigated by heating ascospore extracts before and after dialysis. the removal of small molecules by dialysis lowered the ...19676057791
nuclear orientation in the ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma. 19676077530
distribution and evolutionary significance of mitochondrial plasmids in neurospora spp.a mitochondrial plasmid line in the fungal genus neurospora is geographically widely distributed and occurs in isolates of at least two species. on the basis of characterization with restriction endonucleases, it is apparent that plasmids from isolates of neurospora tetrasperma are more closely related to one another than to an evolutionarily homologous plasmid from neurospora intermedia; n. tetrasperma plasmids from surinam and hawaii differed from one another only slightly by our analysis, whe ...19846330036
effect of n-alcohols and high pressure on the heat activation of neurospora tetrasperma ascospores. 19836870459
a kalilo-like linear plasmid in louisiana field isolates of the pseudohomothallic fungus neurospora tetrasperma.two louisiana strains of neurospora tetrasperma contain a linear plasmid (la-kaldna) with a restriction map identical to the hawaiian neurospora intermedia senescence plasmid, kaldna, but with termini 100 nucleotide pairs shorter. one of these strains also bore a circular plasmid similar to the hawaiian circular plasmid hanalei-2. one species probably acquired both plasmids from the other by horizontal transfer, at a time sufficiently distant for sequence divergence to take place. many la-kaldna ...19947882428
uniparental inheritance and replacement of mitochondrial dna in neurospora tetrasperma.this study tested mechanisms proposed for maternal uniparental mitochondrial inheritance in neurospora: (1) exclusion of conidial mitochondria by the specialized female reproductive structure, trichogyne, due to mating locus heterokaryon incompatibility and (2) mitochondrial input bias favoring the larger trichogyne over the smaller conidium. these mechanisms were tested by determining the modes of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) inheritance and transmission in the absence of mating locus heterokaryon ...19938104158
diverse programs of ascus development in pseudohomothallic species of neurospora, gelasinospora, and podospora.meiosis and ascospore development in the four-spored pseudohomothallic ascomycetes neurospora tetrasperma, gelasinospora tetrasperma, podospora anserina, and p. tetraspora have been reexamined, highlighting differences that reflect independent origins of the four-spored condition in the different genera. in these species, as in the heterothallic eight-spored n. crassa, fusion of haploid nuclei is followed directly by meiosis and a postmeiotic mitosis. these divisions take place within a single u ...19948187347
pseudohomothallism and evolution of the mating-type chromosome in neurospora tetrasperma.ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma normally contain nuclei of both mating-type idiomorphs (a and a), resulting in self-fertile heterokaryons (a type of sexual reproduction termed pseudohomothallism). occasional homokaryotic self-sterile strains (either a or a) behave as heterothallics and, in principle, provide n. tetrasperma with a means for facultative outcrossing. this study was conceived as an investigation of the population biology of n. tetrasperma to assess levels of intrastrain heterok ...19968725227
trichogynes and fertilization in uni- and bimating type colonies of neurospora tetraspermamicroscopic examination of living, protoperithecium-bearing colonies of a, a, and a + a that have been challenged by macroconidia from the same three colony types has shown that active trichogynes, i.e., those that grow to and fuse with a conidium, are to be found only in the first two types. thus, in the a colony the trichogynes respond to conidia from the a and a + a colonies while in the a colony they respond to conidia from a and a + a colonies. in contrast to this ability of conidia from a ...19968812291
evolution of the frequency (frq) clock locus in ascomycete fungi.the frequency (frq) locus of neurospora crassa plays a key role in the organization of circadian rhythms. similar timing systems have been found in nearly all eukaryotes as well as some prokaryotes; thus, frq may be an excellent gene with which to conduct evolutionary studies. to investigate, we used the cloned frq locus from ascomycete fungi representing two classical taxonomic classes and three orders to examine two open questions in ascomycete evolution. class pyrenomycetidae is represented b ...19968896376
transfer of neurospora kalilo plasmids among species and strains by introgression.there are four different variants of the kalilo "family" of linear mitochondrial plasmids. this family is found in several heterothallic species and one pseudohomothallic species of neurospora, as well as in one homothallic species of gelasinospora. the mode of dispersal of these plasmids is not known. horizontal transmission has proved difficult to demonstrate. another possibility is transfer by introgression, and this is modelled in the present paper. we have used introgression and subsequent ...199910591968
suppressed recombination and a pairing anomaly on the mating-type chromosome of neurospora tetrasperma.neurospora crassa and related heterothallic ascomycetes produce eight homokaryotic self-sterile ascospores per ascus. in contrast, asci of n. tetrasperma contain four self-fertile ascospores each with nuclei of both mating types (mata and mata). the self-fertile ascospores of n. tetrasperma result from first-division segregation of mating type and nuclear spindle overlap at the second meiotic division and at a subsequent mitotic division. recently, merino et al. presented population-genetic evid ...200010655216
kalilo plasmids are a family of four distinct members with individual global distributions across species.kalilo is a linear 9-kb plasmid, isolated originally from hawaiian strains of the heterothallic fungus neurospora intermedia. its properties include terminal inverted repeats, two orfs coding for a presumptive dna and an rna polymerase, and the ability to cause senescence in its original host and in the closely related species neurospora crassa. we have examined natural isolates alleged to contain plasmids homologous to kalilo. most of these isolates do in fact contain plasmids with so close an ...200010672443
possible benefits of kalilo plasmids to their neurospora hosts.neurospora mitochondrial plasmids are ubiquitous in natural populations, yet many of them are lethal to their host strains or seem to impose a molecular genetic load. five pairs of strains of neurospora tetrasperma and n. crassa with and without kalilo-like plasmids were tested under a variety of situations. the purpose was to find possible beneficial effects of plasmids that might offset their disadvantages. we found that, in all cases tested, plasmids conferred an advantage to growth at temper ...200010686139
allelic diversity at the het-c locus in neurospora tetrasperma confirms outcrossing in nature and reveals an evolutionary dilemma for pseudohomothallic ascomycetes.vegetative cells of the filamentous ascomycete neurospora tetrasperma are typically heterokaryotic, possessing haploid nuclei of both a and a mating types. as a consequence, n. tetrasperma is self-fertile. this life cycle, referred to as pseudohomothallism, clearly derives from true heterothallism of the type exhibited by related species such as n. crassa. occasional homokaryotic, single-mating-type (heterothallic) isolates occur; in the laboratory, such strains can be outcrossed. the potential ...200111139299
heteroallelism at the het-c locus contributes to sexual dysfunction in outcrossed strains of neurospora tetrasperma.neurospora tetrasperma is naturally heterokaryotic, with cells possessing haploid nuclei of both a and a mating types. as a result, isolates are self-fertile (pseudohomothallic). occasional homokaryotic ascospores and conidia arise, however, and they produce strains that are self-sterile and must outcross to complete sexual reproduction. invariably, laboratory crosses employing sibling a and a strains from the same parental heterokaryon restore the pseudohomothallic, heterokaryotic state. in con ...200111686677
a cytosine methyltransferase homologue is essential for repeat-induced point mutation in neurospora crassa.during sexual development, neurospora crassa inactivates genes in duplicated dna segments by a hypermutation process, repeat-induced point mutation (rip). rip introduces c:g to t:a transition mutations and creates targets for subsequent dna methylation in vegetative tissue. the mechanism of rip and its relationship to dna methylation are not fully understood. mutations in dim-2, a dna methyltransferase (dmt) responsible for all known cytosine methylation in neurospora, does not prevent rip. we u ...200212072568
the effect of heterocyclic and other compounds upon the germination of ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma. 195313044900
changes in the permeability of ascospores of neurospora tetra-sperma during germination.the respiration and germination of activated ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma have been shown to be almost completely inhibited by concentrations of ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (edta) as low as 0.0035 m. in contrast, however, dormant ascospores are insensitive to this chelating agent. at any time up to about 150 minutes after activation ca(++) or mg(++) can completely reverse this toxicity but cu(++), co(++), and mn(++) only partially reverse it. after this time, the minerals of the neu ...195413192316
[characteristics of neurospora tetrasperma strains obtained by the action of indolacetic acid]. 195613317154
markers and centromere distances in neurospora tetrasperma. 196313955153
[isocitratase activity and type of sporulation in neurospora tetrasperma and n. sitophila, normal stain and microconidial mutant]. 196213994855
sources of error in genetic analysis in neurospora tetrasperma. 196414191349
[normal development without exogenous biotin of certain strains of neurospora tetrasperma]. 196014427998
abnormal ascospore morphology in the bud mutant of neurospora tetrasperma.a recessive ascospore mutant of neurospora tetrasperma, named bud, was isolated from a wild-collected heterokaryotic strain with four different nuclear components. bud segregates as a single mendelian gene. when bud is homozygous, meiosis is apparently normal but postmeiotic events are not. abnormal orientation of spindles at the postmeiotic mitosis often results in failed pair-wise association of nuclei and their irregular distribution along the length of the ascus prior to spore delimitation. ...200415121081
genetic transformation of neurospora tetrasperma, demonstration of repeat-induced point mutation (rip) in self-crosses and a screen for recessive rip-defective mutants.the pseudohomothallic fungus neurospora tetrasperma is naturally resistant to the antibiotic hygromycin. we discovered that mutation of its erg-3 (sterol c-14 reductase) gene confers a hygromycin-sensitive phenotype that can be used to select transformants on hygromycin medium by complementation with the n. crassa erg-3+ and bacterial hph genes. cotransformation of hph with pcr-amplified dna of other genes enabled us to construct strains duplicated for the amplified dna. using transformation we ...200415280231
polymorphism for pkalilo based senescence in hawaiian populations of neurospora intermedia and neurospora tetrasperma.the natural population of neurospora intermedia from hawaii is polymorphic for the presence of the linear mitochondrial plasmid pkalilo that is associated with an infectious senescence syndrome. although inter-specific horizontal transmission is experimentally possible, thus far pkalilo associated senescence has never been found outside n. intermedia in nature. here, we demonstrate that it is not limited to the natural population of the heterothallic species n. intermedia, but also present in th ...200515707843
[intratetrad mating and its genetic and evolutionary consequences].genetic characteristics of intratetrad mating, i.e., fusion of haploid products of one meiotic division, are considered. upon intratetrad mating, the probability of homozygotization is lower than that upon self-fertilization, while heterozygosity at genes linked to the mating-type locus, which determines the possibility of cell fusion, is preserved. if the mating-type locus is linked to the centromere, the genome regions adjoining the centromeres of all chromosomes remain heterozygous. intratetr ...200515909911
blocked recombination along the mating-type chromosomes of neurospora tetrasperma involves both structural heterozygosity and autosomal genes.the neurospora tetrasperma mating-type chromosomes have been shown to be structurally heterozygous by reciprocal introgression of these chromosomes between n. tetrasperma and n. crassa. this structural heterozygosity correlates with both a previously described recombination block and cytologically visible unpaired chromosomes at pachytene. genes on the autosomes are also implicated in blocking recombination.200516020785
fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and germination of fungal spores.induction of germination of phycomyces blakesleeanus spores by a heat shock and subsequent incubation at 25 degrees c in a glucose- or 6-deoxyglucose-containing culture medium resulted in an intense (20-40 times the initial value) rise in the concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and hexose 6-phosphates. the increase in the concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate but not that of hexose 6-phosphates was restricted to a 25-min period during which the spores acquired an irreversible capacit ...198316593387
respiratory block in the dormant spores of neurospora tetrasperma. 193816653489
the terminal respiratory enzymes in neurospora tetrasperma. 195416654697
endogenous substrates of dormant, activated and germinating ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma. 195916655255
studies on pyruvate metabolism and cytochrome system in neurospora tetrasperma. 196016655420
ancestral polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium at the het-6 region in pseudohomothallic neurospora species of neurospora, non-self recognition is mediated by at least 11 heterokaryon (het) incompatibility loci. previously, we identified ancient allelic variation at het-c in pseudohomothallic n. tetrasperma, which confirmed outcrossing in this species. here, we report distinct ancestral alleles at het-6 and un-24, two closely linked genes with het incompatibility function in n. crassa. the pattern of variation at het-6 and un-24 in n. tetrasperma is similar to that observed for n. crassa, w ...200717576083
role of trehalose in ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma.the anthrone-positive material extractable in 80 percent alcohol, whose disappearance is correlated with the breaking of dormancy, has been found to be a non-reducing sugar which yields only glucose upon hydrolysis. on the basis of its crystal structure, infrared spectrum, melting point, specific rotation, and chromatographic properties, this material has been identified as trehalose.195917753095
evidence for the absence of meiotic silencing by unpaired dna in neurospora tetrasperma.meiotic silencing by unpaired dna is a posttranscriptional gene silencing process in neurospora crassa. any gene without a homolog in the same chromosomal position during meiotic prophase generates a sequence-specific signal that prevents expression of all copies of that gene, but only during meiosis. meiotic silencing is epigenetic and involves components of a meiosis-specific rna silencing machinery. although n. tetrasperma is closely related to n. crassa, its sexual biology is significantly d ...200818023372
studies relative to a temporary revision of neurospora tetrasperma to an 8-spored type. 194818207963
the mating-type chromosome in the filamentous ascomycete neurospora tetrasperma represents a model for early evolution of sex chromosomes.we combined gene divergence data, classical genetics, and phylogenetics to study the evolution of the mating-type chromosome in the filamentous ascomycete neurospora tetrasperma. in this species, a large non-recombining region of the mating-type chromosome is associated with a unique fungal life cycle where self-fertility is enforced by maintenance of a constant state of heterokaryosis. sequence divergence between alleles of 35 genes from the two single mating-type component strains (i.e. the ho ...200818369449
explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi have drag-minimizing shapes.the forcibly launched spores of ascomycete fungi must eject through several millimeters of nearly still air surrounding fruiting bodies to reach dispersive air flows. because of their microscopic size, spores experience great fluid drag, and although this drag can aid transport by slowing sedimentation out of dispersive air flows, it also causes spores to decelerate rapidly after launch. we hypothesize that spores are shaped to maximize their range in the nearly still air surrounding fruiting bo ...200819104035
phylogenetic and biological species diversity within the neurospora tetrasperma complex.the objective of this study was to explore the evolutionary history of the morphologically recognized filamentous ascomycete neurospora tetrasperma, and to reveal the genetic and reproductive relationships among its individuals and populations. we applied both phylogenetic and biological species recognition to a collection of strains representing the geographic and genetic diversity of n. tetrasperma. first, we were able to confirm a monophyletic origin of n. tetrasperma. furthermore, we found n ...200919682307
influence of death criteria on the x-ray survival curves of the fungus, neurospora.1. when ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma were irradiated with 11 kv. x-rays, the single spore cultures obtained displayed a wide variety of mutated forms. 2. control germinations of ascospores showed uniform behavior, ranging from 92-95 per cent germination. 3. the shape of the survival curves was found to be a function of the criterion of death. the following criteria were used: germination, growth, production of mature ascospores, and the production of normal perithecia. 4. the germination ...193419872801
the reversible heat activation inducing germination and increased respiration in the ascospores of neurospora tetrasperma.the heat activation of neurospora tetrasperma ascospores is a reversible process, since activated spores may be returned to secondary dormancy by preventing respiration, and these secondarily dormant spores may be induced to germinate by reheating. activation of the spores brings about a large increase in respiration prior to the germination of the spores. as the spores are reversibly activated or deactivated the rate of respiration is increased or is decreased. by poisoning the cells with iodoa ...193519872913
the chromosomes of neurospora tetrasperma. 194620281567
dynamic linkage relationships to the mating-type locus in automictic fungi of the genus microbotryum.regions of the chromosomes determining mating compatibility in some fungi, including microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae and neurospora tetrasperma, exhibit suppressed recombination similar to sex chromosomes in plants and animals, and recent studies have sought to apply basic theories of sex chromosome evolution to fungi. a phylogeny of the mtl1 locus in microbotryum indicates that it has become part of the nonrecombining regions of the mating-type chromosomes in multiple independent events, and tha ...201020561135
gene genealogies indicates abundant gene conversions and independent evolutionary histories of the mating-type chromosomes in the evolutionary history of neurospora tetrasperma.the self-fertile filamentous ascomycete neurospora tetrasperma contains a large (approximately 7 mbp) and young (< 6 mya) region of suppressed recombination within its mating-type (mat) chromosomes. the objective of the present study is to reveal the evolutionary history, including key genomic events, associated with the various regions of the mat chromosomes among ten strains representing all the nine known species (lineages) contained within the n. tetrasperma species complex.201020673371
maintenance of heterozygosity in a homothallic species of the neurospora tetrasperma type. 194621066723
degeneration in codon usage within the region of suppressed recombination in the mating-type chromosomes of neurospora tetrasperma.the origin and early evolution of sex chromosomes are currently poorly understood. the neurospora tetrasperma mating-type (mat) chromosomes have recently emerged as a model system for the study of early sex chromosome evolution, since they contain a young (<6 million years ago [mya]), large (>6.6-mb) region of suppressed recombination. here we examined preferred-codon usage in 290 genes (121,831 codon positions) in order to test for early signs of genomic degeneration in n. tetrasperma mat chrom ...201121335530
evidence of the accumulation of allele-specific non-synonymous substitutions in the young region of recombination suppression within the mating-type chromosomes of neurospora tetrasperma.currently, little is known about the origin and early evolution of sex chromosomes. this is largely due to the fact that ancient non-recombining sex chromosomes are highly degenerated, and thus provide little information about the early genomic events in their evolution. the neurospora tetrasperma mating-type (mat) chromosomes contain a young (<6 mya) and large region (>6.6ôçëmb) of suppressed recombination, thereby providing a model system to study early stages of sex chromosome evolution. here ...201121386869
evolution of synonymous codon usage in neurospora tetrasperma and neurospora discreta.neurospora comprises a primary model system for the study of fungal genetics and biology. in spite of this, little is known about genome evolution in neurospora. for example, the evolution of synonymous codon usage is largely unknown in this genus. in the present investigation, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of synonymous codon usage and its relationship to gene expression and gene length (gl) in neurospora tetrasperma and neurospora discreta. for our analysis, we examined codon usage amo ...201121402862
massive changes in genome architecture accompany the transition to self-fertility in the filamentous fungus neurospora tetrasperma.a large region of suppressed recombination surrounds the sex-determining locus of the self- fertile fungus neurospora tetrasperma. this region encompasses nearly one-fifth of the n. tetrasperma genome and suppression of recombination is necessary for self-fertility. the similarity of the n. tetrasperma mating chromosome to plant and animal sex chromosomes and its recent origin (<5 mya), combined with a long history of genetic and cytological research, makes this fungus an ideal model for studyin ...201121750257
Meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA is expressed more strongly in the early than the late perithecia of crosses involving most wild-isolated Neurospora crassa strains and in self-crosses of N. tetrasperma.Meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA is a presumed RNAi-mediated elimination of the transcripts of any gene that is not properly paired with a homolog in meiosis. Eighty wild-isolated strains of Neurospora crassa were classified into three types based on the apparent strength of meiotic silencing of the bml (ß-tubulin) and mei-3 genes in crosses with the ::Bml(r) and ::mei-3 tester strains. "OR" and "Sad" type wild-isolates, respectively, did or did not silence both the genes, whereas the "Esm" typ ...201122056520
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