
a comparison of oral and topical vitamin a supplementation in african foam-nesting frogs (chiromantis xerampelina).vitamin a is essential for a variety of functions, including cellular differentiation, morphogenesis, growth, vision, immune response, and reproduction. a captive population of african foam-nesting frogs (chiromantis xerampelina) with a known history of vitamin a deficiency had higher than expected incidence of sudden death, bacterial osteomyelitis, and stunted growth. due to the high prevalence and untreatable nature of the diseases in the population, euthanasia of the population was recommende ...201020945643
embryonic and larval respiration in the arboreal foam nests of the african frog chiromantis zimbabwe, female chiromantis xerampelina construct spherical foam nests that are suspended above temporary water. the nests average 624 ml in volume and contain 854 eggs. the 1.7 mm ova have exceptionally thin jelly capsules and are dispersed in the foamy core of the nest, which is surrounded by a layer of eggless foam. at 25 degrees c, each embryo requires 3.5 days to reach hatching at developmental stage 22, during which it consumes 30 microliters of oxygen. after hatching, each larva remai ...19947852908
a comparative study of enzymes of urea and uric acid metabolism in different species of amphibia, and the adaptation to the environment of the tree frog chiromantis xerampelina peters. 1976939096
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