evolutionary origins and genetic variation of the seychelles treefrog, tachycnemis seychellensis (duméril and bibron, 1841) (amphibia: anura: hyperoliidae). | the hyperoliid frog tachycnemis seychellensis, the only species of its genus, is endemic to the four largest granitic islands of the seychelles archipelago and is reliant on freshwater bodies for reproduction. its presence in the seychelles is thought to be the product of a transoceanic dispersal, diverging from the genus heterixalus, its closest living relative (currently endemic to madagascar), between approximately 10-35ma. a previous study documented substantial intraspecific morphological v ... | 2014 | 24555995 |
molecular phylogeny of malagasy reed frogs, heterixalus, and the relative performance of bioacoustics and color-patterns for resolving their systematics. | the members of the genus heterixalus constitute one of the endemic frog radiations in madagascar. here we present a complete species-level phylogeny based on dna sequences (4876 base pairs) of three nuclear and four mitochondrial markers to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among and within all known species of this genus, as well as the phylogenetic position of the monospecific seychellean tachycnemis seychellensis. although the performance to resolve supported clades of heterixalus specie ... | 2007 | 17825584 |