
immunoelectron microscopical identification of the uncoupling protein in brown adipose tissue mitochondria.the distribution of the uncoupling protein (ucp) in brown adipocyte mitochondria of the hibernant muscardinus avellanarius was obtained by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. in both cryosections and sections of lowicryl-embedded material ucp was localized in the mitochondrial cristae of brown adipocytes, but not in liver mitochondria. it should now be possible to easily identify the morphology of cells committed to bat differentiation in the tissue as well as in cell culture.19892620168
the autecology of small rodents and insectivores of the tribec mountain range.small rodents and insectivores have become the main reservoirs of tick-borne encephalitis virus. in order, therefore, to demonstrate the dynamic and structural changes occurring in a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis, information has been collected on the distribution, habitat, life-cycle, population density and extent of tick infestation of the rodents and insectivores that inhabit the tribec region and adjacent parts of the hronský inovec mountains. the following mammals are discussed: ...19675298539
emmonsiosis of wild rodents and insectivores in czechland.adiaspores of the fungus emmonsia crescens were detected microscopically in the lung tissue of 13% of 10.081 small mammals belonging to 24 species examined in 14 areas of the czech republic between 1986 and 1997; 441/1.934 (23%) clethrionomys glareolus, 1/6 (17%) arvicola terrestris, 357/2.172 (16%) apodemus flavicollis, 220/1.981 (11%). a sylvaticus, 23/265 (9%) a. microps, 11/81 (14%) microtus subterraneus, 93/1.275 (7%) m. arvalis, 98/1.439 (7%) m. agrestis, 1/3 (33%) ondatra zibethicus, 1/1 ...199910231750
the kidney during hibernation and arousal from hibernation. a natural model of organ preservation during cold ischaemia and reperfusion.during hibernation the kidney is in a hypothermic condition where renal blood flow is minimal and urine production is much reduced. periodical arousal from hibernation is associated with kidney reperfusion at increasing body temperature, and restored urine production rate.199910462281
the cerebellum at birth in therian mammals, with special reference to rodents.the stage of cerebellar development at birth was assessed in 23 species of placental mammals. serial histological sections were examined and five stages in the differentiation of the cerebellar cortical layers were defined. a wide diversity of conditions at birth was found. the available evidence (after parsimony reconstruction) suggests that the last common ancestor of placentals was born with an altricial cerebellum in which the molecular layer was just present between the external granular la ...200212119530
nematode infestation with heligmosomoides polygyrus in captive common dormice (muscardinus avellanarius). 200616699139
molecular survey of zoonotic agents in rodents and other small mammals in croatia.croatia is a focus for many rodent-borne zoonosis. here, we report a survey of 242 rodents and small mammals, including 43 myodes glareolus, 131 apodemus flavicollis, 53 apodemus agrarius, three apodemus sylvaticus, six sorex araneus, four microtus arvalis, one microtus agrestis, and one muscardinus avellanarius, collected at eight sites in croatia over an 8-year period. multiplex masstag polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used for detection of borrelia, rickettsia, bartonella, babesia, ehrlich ...201626711522
protecting free-living dormice: molecular identification of cestode parasites in captive dormice (muscardinus avellanarius) destined for reintroduction.the success of any population translocation programme relies heavily on the measures implemented to control and monitor the spread of disease. without these measures, programmes run the risk of releasing immunologically naïve species or, more dangerously, introducing novel infectious agents to native populations. as a precaution, a reintroduction programme for the common or hazel dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius, in england screens dormice before release following captive breeding. using pcr s ...201726957436
take only photographs, leave only footprints: novel applications of non-invasive survey methods for rapid detection of small, arboreal animals.the development of appropriate wildlife survey techniques is essential to promote effective and efficient monitoring of species of conservation concern. here, we demonstrate the utility of two rapid-assessment, non-invasive methods to detect the presence of elusive, small, arboreal animals. we use the hazel dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius, a rodent of conservation concern, as our focal species. prevailing hazel dormouse survey methods are prolonged (often taking months to years to detect dorm ...201626789632
a tendon-locking mechanism in two climbing rodents, muscardinus avellanarius and micromys minutus (mammalia, rodentia).having compared the microanatomy of the toes of a terrestrial to two climbing species, adaptations were found in the flexor tendons and in the integument. in contrast to crocidura russula, both muscardinus avellanarius and micromys minutus have a tendon-locking mechanism (tlm) that is engaged when the middle phalanx is bent. a ventral thickening of the flexor tendon is situated deep to a thickened portion of the ventral tendon sheath. when twigs or stalks are grasped, the tlm allows less muscula ...19968755339
fleas (siphonaptera) in the nests of dormice (gliridae: rodentia) in lithuania.negative effects of flea (siphonaptera) parasitism on the host may be expressed in different ways. the aim of this study was to assess distribution of the flea fauna in nests of dormice in lithuania. nests of glis glis (l.), dryomys nitedula (pallas), and muscardinus avellanarius (l.) were collected from nest boxes in 2012 and 2013. fleas were collected from nests in the laboratory and put into plastic tubes with 70% ethanol. flea species were identified using morphological keys. from 400 nest b ...201526334823
nuclear bodies are usual constituents in tissues of hibernating previous studies we demonstrated in several tissues of the hazel dormouse muscardinus avellanarius that during hibernation cell nuclei contain particular structural constituents absent in euthermia. in the present study we examine the same tissues in euthermic and hibernating individuals of the edible dormouse glis glis in order to investigate possible modifications of nuclear structural constituents occurring during hibernation in this species. edible dormice were captured in the wild and ma ...199910096671
whisker touch guides canopy exploration in a nocturnal, arboreal rodent, the hazel dormouse (muscardinus avellanarius).dormouse numbers are declining in the uk due to habitat loss and fragmentation. we know that dormice are nocturnal, arboreal, and avoid crossing open spaces between habitats, yet how they navigate around their canopy is unknown. as other rodents use whisker touch sensing to navigate and explore their environment, this study investigates whether hazel dormice (muscardinus avellanarius) employ their whiskers to cross between habitats. we analysed high-speed video footage of dormice exploring freel ...201728105489
silvicolous on a small scale: possibilities and limitations of habitat suitability models for small, elusive mammals in conservation management and landscape planning.species distribution and endangerment can be assessed by habitat-suitability modelling. this study addresses methodical aspects of habitat suitability modelling and includes an application example in actual species conservation and landscape planning. models using species presence-absence data are preferable to presence-only models. in contrast to species presence data, absences are rarely recorded. therefore, many studies generate pseudo-absence data for modelling. however, in this study model ...201525781894
movement patterns and genetic diversity of wild and reintroduced common dormice, muscardinus avellanarius.movement is an important life history trait that can have an impact on local adaptation, and other evolutionary phenomena. we used a combination of nestbox survey data and genetic techniques (genotyping at 10 microsatellite loci) to quantify patterns of movement in common dormice muscardinus avellanarius at two distinct sites in the uk: 1) bontuchel (a natural population) and 2) wych (captive-bred individuals that were reintroduced to this site), over three consecutive years (2006-2008). both me ...201424446300
high survival during hibernation affects onset and timing of reproduction.the timing of reproduction is one of the most crucial life history traits, with enormous consequences for the fitness of an individual. we investigated the effects of season and timing of birth on local survival probability in a small mammalian hibernator, the common dormouse (muscardinus avellanarius). local monthly survival probability was lowest in the early active season (may-august, ϕ(adult) = 0.75-0.88, ϕ(juvenile) = 0.61-0.68), increased during the late active season (august-october), and ...201222095523
patterns of genetic divergence among populations of the common dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius in the uk.quantitative descriptions of population genetic structure allows the delineation of population units and is therefore of primary importance in population management and wildlife conservation. yet, predicting factors that influence the gene flow patterns in populations particularly at landscape scales remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. here we report a population genetic study of the common dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius, a species that is seriously threatened due to anthropog ...201221603855
immunoelectron microscopic characterization of nucleolus-associated domains during hibernation.the nucleolus represents a highly dynamic nuclear compartment involved in multiple functions and able to promptly respond to variations of metabolic needs. in the hibernator dormouse, which drastically modifies its metabolic activity during the seasonal cycle, the nucleolus undergoes structural and molecular changes during the torpor bouts; in particular, it shows many nucleoplasmic invaginations containing weakly contrasted areas of unknown nature. to analyze the molecular composition of these ...201121181709
isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci in the common dormouse muscardinus assess the level and spatial pattern of genetic diversity of the common dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius, we developed polymorphic microsatellite loci from partial genomic libraries enriched for microsatellite motifs. ten dinucleotide polymorphic microsatellites were isolated and levels of genetic diversity were assessed in 139 individuals from bontuchel, (denbighshire, wales). we observed high levels of heterozygosity (mean h(o)  = 0.792 ± 0.077; mean h(e)  = 0.730 ± 0.084) and a large num ...200921564822
hibernation as a far-reaching program for the modulation of rna eukaryotic cells, pre-mrnas undergo several transformation steps to generate mature mrnas ready to be exported to the cytoplasm. the molecular and structural apparatus for mrna production is generally able to promptly respond to variations of metabolic demands. hibernating mammals, which periodically enter a hypometabolic state, represent an interesting physiological model to investigate the adaptive morpho-functional modifications of the pre-mrna transcriptional and processing machinery unde ...200818398834
quantitative ultrastructural changes of hepatocyte constituents in euthermic, hibernating and arousing dormice (muscardinus avellanarius).hibernating animals represent a suitable model for investigating the structural effects of drastic changes in cell activity under physiological conditions. in this study we investigated by means of electron microscopy and morphometrical analysis the fine structural counterpart of functional rest in hepatocytes of the hibernating dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius, in comparison with arousing and euthermic dormice. our observations demonstrate that during hibernation several structural constituen ...200212441092
fine structural modifications of liver, pancreas and brown adipose tissue mitochondria from hibernating, arousing and euthermic ultrastructural and morphometric study was performed on mitochondria of euthermic, hibernating and arousing hazel dormice (muscardinus avellanarius), in order to investigate possible modifications during the seasonal cycle. hepatocytes, pancreatic acinar cells and brown adipocytes were considered. our results demonstrated that: (1) the general morphology of mitochondria of all cell types shows slight modifications during the seasonal cycle; (2) mitochondrial size and inner membrane length sig ...200111237417
behaviour of specialist species in habitat corridors: arboreal dormice avoid corridor gaps.linear habitat elements (corridors) may be important for species survival if they promote dispersal between fragments of suitable habitat, although there is little understanding of the behavioural basis for their use. i conducted experiments to determine how the movement of an arboreal habitat specialist species (the dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius) was affected by gaps in corridors (hedgerows) and the presence of food resources. movements in noncorridor habitat were also assessed. translocat ...19989933546
ultrastructural, morphometrical and immunocytochemical analyses of the exocrine pancreas in a hibernating dormouse.pancreatic acinar cells of euthermic, hibernating and arousing individuals of the hazel dormouse muscardinus avellanarius (gliridae) have been observed at the electron-microscopic level and analysed by means of ultrastructural morphometry and immunocytochemistry in order to investigate possible fine structural changes of cellular components during periods of strikingly different degrees of metabolic activity. during hibernation, the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) flatten assu ...19989582410
ultrastructure of the adrenal cortex of hibernating, arousing, and euthermic dormouse, muscardinus avellanarius.the adrenal gland is a key organ for hibernation (a condition characterized by striking reduction of body functions). very limited information is available on the fine structure of the gland during hibernation and on the periodical arousal from hibernation.19979372169
ocular disease associated with rhabditis orbitalis nematodes in a common dormouse (muscardinus avellanarius). 19968873402
morphology and topography of dormouse (muscardinus avellanarius l.) and gopher (spermophilus suslicus güld.) olivary nucleus. the comparative studies. 19969243943
novel nuclear ribonucleoprotein structural components in the dormouse adrenal cortex during hibernation.adrenocortical cell nuclei of the dormouse muscardinus avellanarius were investigated by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry in hibernating, arousing and euthermic individuals. while the basic structural constituents of the cell nucleus did not significantly modify in the three groups, novel structural components were found in nuclei of hibernating dormice. lattice-like bodies (lbs), clustered granules (cgs), fibrogranular material (fgm) and granules associated with bundles of nucleoplasmic ...19958585989
cytochemical and immunocytochemical characterization of nuclear bodies during hibernation.brown adipose tissue and liver of hibernating, arousing and euthermic individuals of the dormouse muscardinus avellanarius were studies using ultrastructural cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry with the aim to investigate possible fine structural modifications of the cell nucleus during the seasonal cycle. the general morphology of brown adipocyte and hepatocyte nuclei was similar in the three experimental groups. however, three nuclear structural constituents were identified only in hibernati ...19947889998
the bladder wall under extreme stress condition: ultrastructural observations in a hibernating mammal.comparative ultrastructural observations are presented of the distended bladder of a hibernating dormouse (muscardinus avellanarius) and a relaxed organ taken from an active animal. the distended bladder of the hibernating animal has an extremely thin wall lined with a three-layer urothelium. an osmiophilic coat lines the luminal surface of the urothelium in the hibernating animal, but it is very thin indeed in the specimen from the active dormouse. in the urothelium of the distended bladder, a ...19938269409
ultrastructural and morphometrical analyses of the brown adipocyte nucleus in a hibernating dormouse.the fine morphology, size, and perichromatin granule frequency were analysed in brown adipocyte nuclei from hibernating, arousing, and euthermic dormice, muscardinus avellanarius. unusual nuclear structural constituents such as nuclear amorphous bodies, coiled body-like constituents and bundles of nucleoplasmic filaments were described as typical of hibernating nuclei. morphometrical findings showed significant difference in total nuclear and nucleolar size in the three physiological conditions ...19938118411
partial arousals from hibernation in a pair of common dormice, muscardinus avellanarius (rodentia, gliridae), in their natural hibernaculum.a pair of common dormice discovered while torpid in their natural hibernaculum on december 5, was studied continously outdoors, exposed to natural fluctuations in temperature and rainfall. temperature inside and outside the nest ball and motor activity were recorded. the first emergence from hibernaculum occurred on march 4, after which the dormice were daily active, chiefly during evening and night hours. nest departures lasted on average 10.5 h (6.5-14 h) per day.during the 88 days while the a ...197628309198
some aspects of the metabolism of hibernating and recently aroused common dormouse muscardinus avellanarius l. (rodentia, gliridae).a dormouse found in hibernation in its winter nest on january 26 was studied continously from february 5 until may 11 by recording ambient temperature, temperatures inside the nest ball and 5 cm from it, and by recording any possible motor activity. the first emergence from hibernaculum occurred on april 3 after which the animal was active each day with the exception of april 11, 13 and 14. activity mainly occurred during evening and night hours and lasted on average 4 hrs (2-8 hrs) per day. out ...197628308902
[relation between phloxinophile neurosecretion of the latero-dorsal hypothalamic nucleus and the genital glands in the muscardin (muscardinus avellanarius)]. 19695310972
small terrestrial mammals of albania: distribution and diversity (mammalia, eulipotyphla, rodentia).in this paper new records are reported for 23 species of small terrestrial mammals (stm) of albania collected during the field work campaigns organised in the framework of the project "strengthening capacity in national nature protection - preparation for natura 2000 network" (natural) in albania during the summer and autumn of 2016 and 2017 data on small mammals were primarily collected through sherman live-trapping campaigns in six high priority protected areas of albania: korab-koritnik, bred ...201829670434
new records for anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in small mammal species.tick-borne diseases pose a major threat in public health. the epidemiological dynamics of these diseases depends on the tick vector species and their hosts, as well as the geographical distribution and ecology of both. among many possible hosts for ticks, small mammals have a major role in the development of immature stages of several tick species. small mammals are also important reservoir hosts for several pathogenic agents and possible reservoirs for anaplasma phagocytophilum. in this context ...201829558990
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