
antigenic and molecular characterization of bat rabies virus in europe.the predominant role of eptesicus serotinus in the epizootic of bat rabies in europe was further outlined by the first isolation of the rabies virus from this species in france. the distribution of the virus was studied in naturally infected e. serotinus bats at the time of death and suggested that the papillae of the tongue and the respiratory mucosa may play a role in virus production and excretion. the analysis of 501 french rabies virus isolates from various animal species by antinucleocapsi ...19921401009
from rabies to rabies-related viruses.antigenic differences between rabies virus strains characterized with monoclonal antibodies presently define at least four serotypes within the lyssavirus genus of the rhabdoviridae family: classical rabies virus strains (serotype 1), lagos bat virus (serotype 2), mokola virus (serotype 3) and duvenhage virus (serotype 4). the wide distribution of rabies-related virus strains (serotypes 2, 3 and 4) and above all, the weak protection conferred by rabies vaccines against some of them (principally ...19902205967
immunity against the european bat rabies (duvenhage) virus induced by rabies vaccines: an experimental study in experiments were performed in mice with different inactivated vaccines prepared with the fixed rabies virus strains: pm (pitman-moore), pv4 (pasteur virus) and lep (flury lep) against an intracerebral challenge with a european bat virus (duvenhage, strain hamburg, duv3). all vaccines protected mice against challenge with cvs (challenge virus standard). vaccines prepared with pv4 protected mice against a duv3 challenge. on the contrary, pm or lep vaccines did not protect mice against a ...19882461007
rabies: ocular pathology.ocular pathology in the first european case of human bat-borne rabies is described. the patient was a 30-year-old bat scientist who seven weeks after bat bite developed neurological symptoms and died 23 days later. rabies virus antigens were detected in brain smears. after extensive virological studies the virus turned out to be a rabies-related virus, closely resembling the duvenhage virus isolated from bats in south africa in 1980. by light microscopy focal chronic inflammatory infiltration of ...19892920157
murine t cell clones directed to rabies virus: isolation and some of their properties.seventeen thy-1+ cell clones were induced in a/j mice immunized with the hep-flury strain of rabies virus after repeated stimulations with antigens in vitro. ten clones with cell surface phenotypes thy-1+, lyt-1-,2+ were cytotoxic t lymphocytes (ctl) which lysed the virus-infected target cells under h-2 restriction. target cells expressed the g and m2 structural proteins of rabies virus on their surface; however, target lysis by ctl clones was not blocked by anti-rabies antibody or by monoclonal ...19873106564
protection from rabies by a vaccinia virus recombinant containing the rabies virus glycoprotein gene.inoculation of rabbits and mice with a vaccinia-rabies glycoprotein recombinant (v-rg) virus resulted in rapid induction of high concentrations of rabies virus-neutralizing antibodies and protection from severe intracerebral challenge with several strains of rabies virus. protection from virus challenge also was achieved against the rabies-related duvenhage virus but not against the mokola virus. effective immunization by v-rg depended on the expression of a rabies glycoprotein that registered p ...19846095272
use of anti-glycoprotein monoclonal antibodies to characterize rabies virus in formalin-fixed tissues.seventy anti-rabies virus monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were tested for reactivity with rabies and rabies-related viruses in formalin-fixed (ff) tissues. forty-three of the mabs were directed against the glycoprotein and 27 were directed against the nucleocapsid as determined by enzyme immunoassays and neutralization tests. twenty of the anti-glycoprotein mabs and one of the anti-nucleocapsid mabs reacted with the rabies challenge virus strain (cvs) in ff tissue. these 21 mabs were screened again ...199910029326
fatal human infection with rabies-related duvenhage virus, south africa.duvenhage virus was isolated from a patient who died of a rabies-like disease after being scratched by a bat early in 2006. this occurred approximately 80 km from the site where the only other known human infection with the virus had occurred 36 years earlier.200617326954
fatal human rabies due to duvenhage virus from a bat in kenya: failure of treatment with coma-induction, ketamine, and antiviral drugs. 200919636367
cross-reactive antigenicity of nucleoproteins of lyssaviruses recognized by a monospecific antirabies virus nucleoprotein antiserum on paraffin sections of formalin-fixed tissues.diagnosis of rabies is routinely confirmed by detection of rabies virus antigens in acetone-fixed frozen brain tissues or imprint smears using an immunofluorescence method with commercial antirabies virus antibodies. since recent molecular analyses disclosed wide heterogeneity in the genome sequences of rabies virus strains and related lyssaviruses, it is necessary to confirm the presence of common epitopes in these lyssaviruses. in this study we confirmed the presence of cross-reactive antigens ...200312895231
experimental utility of rabies virus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies in post-exposure prophylaxis.rabies immune globulin (rig) is essential for post-exposure prophylaxis but is expensive and not widely available. rabies virus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were evaluated in vitro and in a syrian hamster model as a potential future alternative. seven mabs neutralized representative rabies virus variants. however, a european bat lyssavirus was not neutralized by either mabs or rig. moreover, duvenhage virus was neutralized by rig, but not by mabs, and lagos bat and mokola viru ...200111427255
evidence of two lyssavirus phylogroups with distinct pathogenicity and immunogenicity.the genetic diversity of representative members of the lyssavirus genus (rabies and rabies-related viruses) was evaluated using the gene encoding the transmembrane glycoprotein involved in the virus-host interaction, immunogenicity, and pathogenicity. phylogenetic analysis distinguished seven genotypes, which could be divided into two major phylogroups having the highest bootstrap values. phylogroup i comprises the worldwide genotype 1 (classic rabies virus), the european bat lyssavirus (ebl) ge ...200111238853
molecular diversity of the lyssavirus genus.the sequence of 5568 nucleotides of the 3' moiety of the mokola virus genome (serotype 3 of lyssaviruses) encompassing the nucleoprotein (n), phosphoprotein, matrix protein, and glycoprotein genes is presented and compared to that of the vaccinal strains of serotype 1. it allowed us to determine consensus sequences derived from the transcriptional start/stop signals and the order of protein conservation (nucleoprotein > matrix protein > phosphoprotein) in lyssaviruses. the sequences of the n gen ...19938386891
rabies and bats in a rabies-endemic area of southern africa: application of two commercial test kits for antigen and antibody southern africa, isolates of rabies-related viruses (i.e. duvenhage virus and lagos bat virus) have been made from insectivorous and frugivorous bats. as no recent formal bat virus survey has been reported in southern africa, a survey of bats in rabies-endemic areas was undertaken. five hundred and forty-seven bats (13 species) were collected from 21 localities in the orange free state, lesotho and the northern cape province. none of the 190 bat sera tested using the "trousse platelia rage" e ...19937970582
monoclonal antibody studies on rabies-related viruses.rabies and rabies-related viruses are divided into four serotypes, although it has been suggested that the inclusion of european bat lyssaviruses results in six genotypes. sixty-four rabies-related viruses were tested against a panel of 36 anti-nucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies prepared from the immunization of balb/c mice with five prototypic rabies-related viruses. reaction patterns obtained confirmed the original distinction between serotype 1-4 viruses and revealed multiple variants of lago ...19937777312
rabies serogroup viruses in neuroblastoma cells: propagation, "autointerference," and apparently random back-mutation of attenuated viruses to the virulent state.each of several strains of fixed rabies virus was found to replicate to high titers in c1300 mouse neuroblastoma (clone na) cells, without adaptation. rabies serogroup lagos bat, mokola, and duvenhage viruses also replicated efficiently in na cells. kotonkan and obodhiang viruses replicated efficiently after adaptation, to titers not previously obtained in vitro. infection in na cells was frequently more cytopathic than in bhk-21 cells, allowing titration of kotonkan and obodhiang viruses by pla ...19807380549
rabies-related viruses.five viruses related to rabies occur in africa. two of these, obodhiang from sudan and kotonkan from nigeria, were found in insects and are only distantly related to rabies virus. the other three are antigenically more closely related to rabies. mokola virus was isolated from shrews in nigeria, lagos bat virus from fruit bats in nigeria, and duvenhage virus from brain of a man bitten by a bat in south africa. the public health significance of the rabies-related viruses was emphasized in zimbabwe ...19826758373
efficacy of rabies vaccines against duvenhage virus isolated from european house bats (eptesicus serotinus), classic rabies and rabies-related viruses.isolates of rabies from separate enzootics can be distinguished by their reactions with panels of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) directed to different sites on the nucleocapsid and glycoproteins of the virus. estimates of antigenic relatedness can be made by comparing similarities among groups. in this manner it can be shown that while classic strains of rabies react with most of the mabs, the rabies related lyssaviruses (mokola, lagos and duvenhage) react with only a few of the mabs and isolates ...19883245296
immunological relationships between rabies virus and rabies-related viruses studied with monoclonal antibodies to mokola virus.specific monoclonal antibodies (mab) were prepared against a rabies-related lyssavirus, mokola virus. a strain isolated in the central african republic, mok-3, was used as immunogen. after 3 fusions more than 90 hybridoma cultures secreting mab were identified. according to their different patterns of reactivity against rabies and rabies-related viruses, 61 ascites fluids were obtained. the antibody class was igm for 2 of them and igg for 59. they were specific for one of the 4 major viral prote ...19883207504
monoclonal antibodies to mokola virus for identification of rabies and rabies-related viruses.rabies and rabies-related virus strains were studied by using a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against either nucleocapsid proteins or cell surface antigens of mokola virus (mok-3). each strain was used in parallel to infect cultured cells and mice. then, the patterns of reactivity of the different monoclonal antibodies were determined by the immunofluorescent-antibody staining procedure. on cells, the monoclonal antibodies differentiated fixed rabies virus strains (serotype 1) from rab ...19883068246
rabies-related yuli virus; identification with a panel of monoclonal antibodies.yuli virus was isolated by intracerebral (i.c.) inoculation of suckling mice with a 10% brain suspension from 11-year-old patient who died under signs of atypical hydrophobia after a bat bite into lower lip. identification with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (moab) to nucleocapsid protein (np) confirmed that yuli virus belongs to lyssavirus genus, as an antigenic variant of the european duvenhage virus.19892576595
in vitro and in vivo isolation and characterization of duvenhage virus.a fatal human case of duvenhage virus (duvv) infection in a dutch traveller who had returned from kenya was reported in 2007. she exhibited classical symptoms of rabies encephalitis with distinct pathological findings. in the present study we describe the isolation and characterization of duvv in vitro and its passage in balb/c mice. the virus proved to be neuroinvasive in both juvenile and adult mice, resulting in about 50% lethality upon peripheral infection. clinical signs in infected mice we ...201222654660
comparison of pathogenic domains of rabies and african rabies-related lyssaviruses and pathogenicity observed in mice.several lyssavirus species occur in africa (rabies virus, lagos bat virus, mokola virus, duvenhage virus, shimoni bat virus and ikoma lyssavirus), displaying a high sequence diversity between isolates belonging to the same species. there is limited information about comparative pathogenesis of these african lyssaviruses and this precludes authoritative opinion on the potential public and veterinary health impact. in this study, an analysis of representative african lyssaviruses attempted to corr ...201323718883
interaction of rabies virus p-protein with stat proteins is critical to lethal rabies disease.rabies virus (rabv) causes rabies disease resulting in >55,000 human deaths/year. the multifunctional rabv p-protein has essential roles in genome replication, and forms interactions with cellular stat proteins that are thought to underlie viral antagonism of interferon-dependent immunity. however, the molecular details of p-protein-stat interaction, and its importance to disease are unresolved.201424367042
antibodies against duvenhage virus in insectivorous bats in swaziland.several rabies-related lyssaviruses have been associated with bat species in southern africa, the rarest of these being duvenhage virus (duvv), for which only five isolations have been made over five decades. three of these were from human fatalities, and it is not known which bat species acts as reservoir. in studying a population of nycteris thebaica in the kingdom of swaziland, a landlocked country bordering mozambique and south africa, we found evidence of the circulation of a lyssavirus. vi ...201324502729
antigenic characterisation of lyssaviruses in south africa.there are at least six lyssavirus species that have been isolated in africa, which include classical rabies virus, lagos bat virus, mokola virus, duvenhage virus, shimoni bat virus and ikoma lyssavirus. in this retrospective study, an analysis of the antigenic reactivity patterns of lyssaviruses in south africa against a panel of 15 anti-nucleoprotein monoclonal antibodies was undertaken. a total of 624 brain specimens, collected between 2005 and 2009, confirmed as containing lyssavirus antigen ...201425685866
serological evidence of lyssaviruses among bats on southwestern indian ocean islands.we provide serological evidence of lyssavirus circulation among bats on southwestern indian ocean (swio) islands. a total of 572 bats belonging to 22 species were collected on anjouan, mayotte, la réunion, mauritius, mahé and madagascar and screened by the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test for the presence of neutralising antibodies against the two main rabies related lyssaviruses circulating on the african continent: duvenhage lyssavirus (duvv) and lagos bat lyssavirus (lbv), representing ...201627501458
cross-neutralization of antibodies induced by vaccination with purified chick embryo cell vaccine (pcecv) against different lyssavirus species.rabies is a neglected zoonotic disease caused by viruses belonging to the genus lyssavirus. in endemic countries of asia and africa, where the majority of the estimated 60,000 human rabies deaths occur, it is mainly caused by the classical rabies virus (rabv) transmitted by dogs. over the last decade new species within the genus lyssavirus have been identified. meanwhile 15 (proposed or classified) species exist, including australian bat lyssavirus (ablv), european bat lyssavirus (eblv-1 and -2) ...201425483634
analysis of the complete genome of the first irkut virus isolate from china: comparison across the lyssavirus genus.the genome of irkut virus, isolate irkv-thchina12, the first non-rabies lyssavirus from china (of bat origin), has been completely sequenced. in general, coding and non-coding regions of this viral genome are similar to those of other lyssaviruses. however, alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of the structural proteins of irkv-thchina12 with those of other lyssavirus representatives revealed significant variability between viral species. the nucleoprotein and matrix protein were found ...201323872529
a robust lentiviral pseudotype neutralisation assay for in-field serosurveillance of rabies and lyssaviruses in africa.the inflexibility of existing serological techniques for detection of rabies in surveillance constrains the benefit to be gained from many current control strategies. we analysed 304 serum samples from tanzanian dogs for the detection of rabies antibodies in a pseudotype assay using lentiviral vectors bearing the cvs-11 envelope glycoprotein. compared with the widely used gold standard fluorescent antibody virus neutralisation assay, a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 94.4% with a strong c ...200919925950
epidemiology and pathogenicity of african bat lyssaviruses.lyssaviruses belonging to all four known african lyssavirus genotypes (gts) have been reported and isolated from southafrica over the past few decades. these are: (1) duvenhage virus (gt4), isolated again in 2006 from a human fatality; (2) mokola virus (gt3), isolated irregularly, mostly from cats; (3) lagos bat virus (gt2) continually isolated over the past four years from epomophorus fruit bats and from incidental terrestrial animals and (4) rabies virus (gt1) - with two virus biotypes endemic ...200818634494
fatal case of human rabies (duvenhage virus) from a bat in kenya: the netherlands, december 2007. 200818445390
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