
isolation of mycoplasmas from prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster).a new species of mycoplasmas was isolated from the lungs and nasopharyngeal washings of prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster). clinical signs of disease and microscopic lesions were not observed at the time of this isolation. the organism was cultured in sp4 medium; it grew aerobically, anaerobically, and in 5% co2 in 5 to 7 days, and fermented glucose. transmission electron microscopy revealed the organism to lack a cell wall and to have typical mycoplasmal ultrastructural morphology. the comple ...19958746521
pathogenicity of mycoplasma volis in mice and rats.a new species of mycoplasma, m. volis, was isolated from the respiratory tract of clinically normal field-trapped prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster) that were to be housed in close proximity to other rodents. to determine the pathogenic potential of the new mycoplasmal isolate, three groups of rodents (sprague dawley rats, balb/c mice, and severe combined immunodeficient [scid] mice) were intranasally inoculated with 2 x 10(8) color-changing units (ccu) of m. volis and were observed for 4 to 6 ...19989517888
mycoplasma microti sp. nov., isolated from the respiratory tract of prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster).mycoplasmas were isolated from the respiratory tracts of prairie voles (microtus ochrogaster). this paper presents biochemical, serological and molecular genetic characterizations of those organisms and proposes a new species, mycoplasma microti sp. nov. the type strain of mycoplasma microti is strain il371t (atcc 700935t).200111321086
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