phylogeny of the haplosporidia (eukaryota: alveolata) based on small subunit ribosomal rna gene sequence. | the phylogenetic position of the phylum haplosporidia was investigated with the complete small subunit rrna gene sequences from 5 species in the phylum: haplosporidium nelsoni and haplosporidium costale, parasites of the eastern oyster crassostrea virginica; haplosporidium louisiana, a parasite of the mudcrab panopeus herbstii; minchinia teredinis, a parasite of shipworms (teredo spp.) and urosporidium crescens, a hyperparasite found in metacercariae of the trematode megalophallus sp. in the blu ... | 1996 | 8691370 |
characterization of actin genes in bonamia ostreae and their application to phylogeny of the haplosporidia. | bonamia ostreae is a protozoan parasite that infects the european flat oyster ostrea edulis, causing systemic infections and resulting in massive mortalities in populations of this valuable bivalve species. in this work, we have characterized b. ostreae actin genes and used their sequences for a phylogenetic analysis. design of different primer sets was necessary to amplify the central coding region of actin genes of b. ostreae. characterization of the sequences and their amplification in differ ... | 2007 | 17672924 |
detection of minchinia sp., in rock oysters saccostrea cuccullata (born, 1778) using dna probes. | haplosporidian parasites infect various invertebrate hosts including some commercially important shellfish. haplosporidium nelsoni (along with perkinsus marinus) has severely affected eastern oyster production on the eastern seaboard of the united states and flat oyster production in europe has been severely impacted by bonamia ostreae. these parasites are also often present at a very low prevalence and there are a variety of morphologically similar species that can be difficult to differentiate ... | 2008 | 17709114 |
detection of bonamia ostreae based on small subunit ribosomal probe. | bonamia ostreae is a protozoan parasite of the flat oyster, ostrea edulis, which has caused significant loss of oysters in europe over the last decade. b. ostreae was purified from infected flat oysters and dna was extracted. the nearly complete small subunit rdna gene of b. ostreae was amplified using universal oligonucleotides and the pcr product was cloned and sequenced. blast research with this sequence revealed similarities to haplosporidium nelsoni, haplosporidium costale, and minchinia te ... | 2000 | 10963400 |
small subunit ribosomal rna gene sequence of minchinia teredinis (haplosporidia: haplosporidiidae) and a specific dna probe and pcr primers for its detection. | minchinia teredinis is a pathogen of wood-boring molluscs (shipworms), teredo spp., along the middle atlantic coast of the u.s. genomic dna was extracted from m. teredinis spores and small subunit (ssu) rdna was amplified by pcr, cloned, and sequenced. the sequence of m. teredinis ssu rdna was aligned with that of haplosporidium nelsoni and various protists in genbank. a 22-base oligonucleotide probe unique to m. teredinis, designated min702, was commercially synthesized and tested for sensitivi ... | 1995 | 7745284 |
molecular phylogenetic evidence that the phylum haplosporidia has an alveolate ancestry. | the phylogenetic position of the phylum haplosporidia among other protists was investigated with the complete 16s-like rrna gene sequences from two species in the phylum: haplosporidium nelsoni, a parasite of oysters, and minchinia teredinis, a parasite of shipworms. because the lack of obvious morphological homologies with other protists hampered decisions regarding taxonomic composition for sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, the complete sequences for these two haplosporidians were ... | 1995 | 7659013 |
a sensitive and specific dna probe for the oyster pathogen haplosporidium nelsoni. | haplosporidium nelsoni is a pathogen of the eastern oyster, crassostrea virginica, along the middle atlantic coast of the u.s. genomic dna was extracted from h. nelsoni plasmodia and small subunit (ssu) rdna was amplified by pcr, cloned and sequenced. the sequence of h. nelsoni ssu rdna was aligned with that of another haplosporidian, minchinia teredinis, and with ssu rdna data of c. virginica and various protists in genbank. a 21-base oligonucleotide unique to h. nelsoni, designated msx1347, wa ... | 1995 | 7620459 |