accumulation of cadmium, copper and zinc in the liver of some passerine species wintering in central norway. | the concentration (mg kg-1 dry weight) of cadmium (cd), copper (cu) and zinc (zn) in the liver of parus palustris, p. montanus, p. major, carduelis chloris and pyrrhula pyrrhula was determined in birds collected in october-march, 1992-1995, in central norway. this study is especially focused on interspecific and age-dependent variations. the metal concentrations in liver are generally higher for adults than for juveniles, and there is an accumulation of cd in the parus species during winter. the ... | 1996 | 8633220 |
comparative aspects of circadian rhythms in homeotherms, re-entrainment after phase shifts of the zeitgeber. | re-entrainment of circadian activity of 3 avian species (fringillidae: fringilla coelebs, carduelis chloris, pyrrhula pyrrhula) and 4 mammalian species (rodentia: eutamias sibiricus, funambulus pennanti, glis glis, mesocricetus auratus), subjected to 12:12 h light-dark (ld) cycles as zeitgeber, was studied after shifting the ld cycle by different amounts (hours) and in different directions (advances and delays). the properties of the zeitgeber were changed by varying light intensity during dark- ... | 1978 | 700901 |
[comparative study on the uropygial gland lipids of the greenfinch (carduelis chloris), bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) and the linnet (carduelis cannabina)]. | | 1971 | 4401890 |
carotenoids in bird plumage: the complement of red pigments in the plumage of wild and captive bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula). | we have studied the carotenoid pigments in the red plumage of male bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) immediately following capture and after the completion of the moult in captivity under dietary control. astaxanthin, adonirubin, and alpha-doradexanthin, as well as papilioeritrinone and canthaxanthin (in lower amounts) are in every case the dominant carotenoids in the plumage pigment of wild individuals. alpha-doradexanthin is responsible for the reddish-rose colour, which captive individuals adopt ... | 2001 | 11250548 |
salmonellae in avian wildlife in norway from 1969 to 2000. | postmortem records of wild-living birds in norway with laboratory-confirmed findings of salmonella infection were summarized for the period from 1969 to 2000. salmonella spp. were isolated from 470 birds belonging to 26 species. the salmonella-positive birds included 441 small passerines, 15 gulls, 5 waterfowl, 4 birds of prey, 3 doves, and 2 crows. the bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) was by far the most frequently recorded species (54% of the cases). salmonella enterica serover typhimurium was re ... | 2002 | 12406754 |
role of birds in thuringia, germany, in the natural cycle of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the lyme disease spirochaete. | three hundred and twenty-two birds belonging to 35 species were live-captured in reifenstein, middle germany, from march to october 2004, to investigate their role as hosts of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and its vector ticks. a total of 141 ixodes ricinus ticks collected from 53 birds belonging to eight species was investigated for the prevalence of b. burgdorferi by a pcr-rflp analysis of the ospa gene. three of these bird species, the blackbird (turdus merula), the song thrush (t. philomel ... | 2006 | 16530003 |
[new species of mites of the genus ptilonyssus (gamasina: rhinonyssidae) isolated from passeriformes (aves: passeriformes) from russia and neighboring countries]. | eight new species of the genus ptilonyssus (berl. et troues.) (gamasina: rhinonyssidae) from nasal cavities of the passeriformes from territory of the former ussr are described: p. ammomani sp. n. from ammomanus deserti (alaudidae) collected in turkmenistan; p. spini sp. n. from spinus spinus (fringillidae) of kaliningrad district (russia); p. ripariae sp. n. from riparia riparia (hirundinidae) and p. acanthopneustes sp. n. from phylloscopus borealis (sylviidae) collected in tjumen district (rus ... | 2003 | 12677669 |
characterization of two novel polyomaviruses of birds by using multiply primed rolling-circle amplification of their genomes. | polyomaviruses are small nonenveloped particles with a circular double-stranded genome, approximately 5 kbp in size. the mammalian polyomaviruses mainly cause persistent subclinical infections in their natural nonimmunocompromised hosts. in contrast, the polyomaviruses of birds--avian polyomavirus (apv) and goose hemorrhagic polyomavirus (ghpv)--are the primary agents of acute and chronic disease with high mortality rates in young birds. screening of field samples of diseased birds by consensus ... | 2006 | 16537620 |
detection of the european epidemic strain of trichomonas gallinae in finches, but not other non-columbiformes, in the absence of macroscopic disease. | finch trichomonosis is an emerging infectious disease affecting european passerines caused by a clonal strain of trichomonas gallinae. migrating chaffinches (fringilla coelebs) were proposed as the likely vector of parasite spread from great britain to fennoscandia. to test for such parasite carriage, we screened samples of oesophagus/crop from 275 apodiform, passeriform and piciform birds (40 species) which had no macroscopic evidence of trichomonosis (i.e. necrotic ingluvitis). these birds wer ... | 2016 | 27180976 |
detection of usutu virus in a bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) and a great spotted woodpecker (dendrocopos major) in north-west europe. | in october 2012, a 3-year-old bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) held in captivity for its entire lifespan and a wild adult great spotted woodpecker (dendrocopos major), both with neurological signs, were found 4 km from each other and 5 days apart in the meuse valley, belgium. non-suppurative encephalitis and mild degeneration and necrosis were identified in the brain and cerebellum, and usutu virus antigen and rna were detected by immunohistochemistry and real-time reverse transcriptase pcr, respec ... | 2014 | 24268481 |
separation and identification of carotenoids in bird's plumage by high-performance liquid chromatography--diode-array detection. | the coloured feathers of carduelis spinus (siskin), c. flammea (redpoll), serinus serinus (serin), loxia curvirostra (crossbill), pinicola enucleator (grossbeak), carpodacus roseus (pallas rosefinch) and pyrrhula pyrrhula (bullfinch) have been extracted with a new procedure using mild conditions (a few minutes at room temperature). after the separation of melanines and proteins, the extracts were analyzed by hplc-ms and hplc-uv-vis. the main components of the pigments were identified in all the ... | 1995 | 8548026 |
polyomavirus infection in gouldian finches (erythrura gouldiae) and other pet birds of the family estrildidae. | a syndrome characterized by apathy, diarrhoea and high mortality of nestlings was observed in a flock of pet birds of the family estrildidae. enlargement of the liver, pulmonary congestion and urate accretions in the kidney were observed. microscopically, there was glomerular atrophy, oedema and congestion of the lungs and necrosis and fibrosis of the liver. cowdry type b intranuclear inclusion bodies were detected in the tissues. polyomavirus was detected by polymerase chain reaction. the entir ... | 2017 | 28238305 |
bullfinches and ash trees : assessing the role of plant chemicals in controlling damage by herbivores. | wild bullfinches (pyrrhula pyrrhula) feed heavily on the seeds of ash trees (fraxinus excelsior). field and laboratory studies show that individual trees with high levels of fat and low levels of phenolic chemicals in their seeds are especially liable to predation. this paper discusses (1) the complexity of effects that need to be examined in order to identify the role of secondary chemicals in determining herbivore preferences, and (2) the consequences of seed predation for the dispersal of see ... | 1988 | 24277101 |
a review of the subfamily harpypalpinae fain, 1972 (acariformes: harpirhynchidae)--parasites of passerine birds. | the subfamily harpypalpinae fain, 1972 (acariformes: cheyletoidea: harpirhynchidae) is revised. diagnoses of the subfamily and its two constituent genera, harpypalpus dubinin, 1957 and harpypalpoides lombert and moss, 1979, and keys to females of all known species are provided. data on harpypalpine hosts and distribution are summarized, and nine new species are described: harpypalpus lonchura sp. nov. from lonchura castaneothorax (gould) (estrildidae) in australia, harpypalpus pyrrhula sp. nov. ... | 2014 | 25283118 |
complete genome sequence of a variant pyrrhula pyrrhula polyomavirus 1 strain isolated from white-headed munia (lonchura maja). | a novel variant of finch polyomavirus has been identified and sequenced from a diseased white-headed munia (lonchura maja). | 2016 | 27908985 |
construction patterns of birds' nests provide insight into nest-building behaviours. | previous studies have suggested that birds and mammals select materials needed for nest building based on their thermal or structural properties, although the amounts or properties of the materials used have been recorded for only a very small number of species. some of the behaviours underlying the construction of nests can be indirectly determined by careful deconstruction of the structure and measurement of the biomechanical properties of the materials used. here we examined this idea in an i ... | 2017 | 28265501 |
human melody singing by bullfinches (pyrrhula pyrrula) gives hints about a cognitive note sequence processing. | we studied human melody perception and production in a songbird in the light of current concepts from the cognitive neuroscience of music. bullfinches are the species best known for learning melodies from human teachers. the study is based on the historical data of 15 bullfinches, raised by 3 different human tutors and studied later by jürgen nicolai (jn) in the period 1967-1975. these hand-raised bullfinches learned human folk melodies (sequences of 20-50 notes) accurately. the tutoring was int ... | 2014 | 23783267 |
clinical and pathological changes associated with atoxoplasma in a captive bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula). | | 1995 | 7771072 |
plant regeneration from embryogenic cell suspensions derived from anther cultures of barley (hordeum vulgare l.). | we have established embryogenic cell suspension cultures of barley (hordeum vulgare l. cultivars igri, gimpel, princesse, and baronesse) from anther-derived embryogenic callus. suspension cultures of cultivars igri and gimpel were regenerable. the most successful cultivar was igri, from which a number of independent cell lines producing plantlets were established. plants could be transferred to soil; up to now, 50% of more than 200 regenerated plants were morphologically normal and fertile. the ... | 1991 | 24212863 |
a specific method for the determination of soluble sugars in plant extracts using enzymatic analysis and its application to the sugar content of developing pear fruit buds. | a simple manual method for the routine analysis of glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, and sucrose in plant material is described. the technique is demonstrated using various seeds known to form part of the diet of the bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula l.), a pest of commercial orchards in southeast england. the method involves the overnight extraction of the sugars with 62.5% aqueous methanol, followed by the conversion of the individual sugars to gluconate 6-phosphate (or, in the case of galacto ... | 1985 | 4096378 |
variation in the temporal characteristics of the vocalizations of bullfinches, pyrrhula pyrrhula. | temporal characteristics of the vocalizations of bullfinches were investigated. the calls produced by experimentally isolated bullfinches were subjected to sonagraphic analysis. within individual, between individual, and local variation in these calls was demonstrated. several categories of calls were described, of which those termed "sequence calls" contained the greatest amount of information on which individual recognition could be based. contact calls were individually distinctive in terms o ... | 1975 | 1189652 |
identification and genetic characterization of polyomaviruses in estrildid and fringillid finches. | polyomavirus infections were detected in 40 companion bird individuals belonging to a broad species range of estrildid and fringillid finches and originating from 21 different bird aviaries. based on partial virus protein 1 (vp1) sequences, the viruses were identified as serinus canaria polyomavirus 1 and pyrrhula pyrrhula polyomavirus 1. serinus canaria polyomavirus 1 was found in 18 birds belonging to one estrildid and four fringillid species. pyrrhula pyrrhula polyomavirus 1 was detected in 2 ... | 2018 | 29294182 |
infrared thermography provides insight into the thermal properties of bird nests. | thermal properties of nests have been investigated using a variety of techniques. infrared (ir) thermography has the advantage of being a non-invasive technique allowing the integrity of the nest wall to be retained during measurement. this study investigated the insulative properties of nests of the eurasian bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula), the common blackbird (turdus merula) and the song thrush (turdus philomelos) using ir thermography. nests were inverted over a heat source and the temperature ... | 2018 | 30143304 |
spatio-temporal dynamics and aetiology of proliferative leg skin lesions in wild british finches. | proliferative leg skin lesions have been described in wild finches in europe although there have been no large-scale studies of their aetiology or epizootiology to date. firstly, disease surveillance, utilising public reporting of observations of live wild finches was conducted in great britain (gb) and showed proliferative leg skin lesions in chaffinches (fringilla coelebs) to be widespread. seasonal variation was observed, with a peak during the winter months. secondly, pathological investigat ... | 2018 | 30305642 |
the cassava mealybug, phenacoccus manihoti matile-ferrero (hemiptera: coccomorpha: pseudococcidae) arrives in india. | invasive species threaten the ecological and economic wellbeing of a country (pimentel et al. 2001). in the last decade, several mealybugs and soft scale insects have been accidentally introduced to india, of which some have become serious pests (e.g., phenacoccus solenopsis tinsley, paracoccus marginatus williams granara de willink, phenacoccus madeirensis green and pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi gimpel miller); others are widening their host ranges and spreading rapidly. kilifia acuminata (signor ... | 2020 | 33055629 |
mealybug species (hemiptera: coccomorpha: pseudococcidae) on soursop and sugar apple (annonaceae) in north-east brazil, with description of a new species of pseudococcus westwood. | several species of annonaceae are economically important fruit-tree crops in north-east brazil, including pernambuco state. however, in several regions within the state, the fruits are commonly infested by mealybugs (hemiptera: coccomorpha: pseudococcidae). there is a lack of information about the mealybug species damaging this produce, so a survey of mealybug species associated with commercial sugar apple (annona squamosa l.) and soursop (a. muricata l.) was conducted in the main production are ... | 2019 | 31717182 |
first record of the invasive pest pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi (hemiptera: pseudococcidae) on the chinese mainland and its rapid identification based on species-specific polymerase chain reaction. | the jack beardsley mealybug, pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi gimpel & miller (hemiptera: pseudococcidae), a globally devastating, invasive polyphagous insect, causes great damage to many fruits, ornamentals, vegetables, and food crops worldwide. it is of neotropical origin and has invaded throughout america and in parts of asia, africa and oceania, and is still expanding its invasion ranges. therefore, a method for quick and correct identification of this invasive species is crucial for quarantine a ... | 2018 | 30060026 |
estimating mortality rates among passerines caught for ringing with mist nets using data from previously ringed birds. | mist netting is the most commonly used method for catching birds for scientific ringing, but despite decades of use, there have been few attempts to quantify the associated potential risks to the individuals caught. any incidence of mortality through capture and handling, however low, is of potential ethical concern and may also introduce biases into the data. we estimate the mortality rate associated with capture of previously ringed (recaptured) passerines from the british and irish ringing sc ... | 2018 | 29876090 |
[detection of dna of the finch polyomavirus in diseases of various types of birds in the order passeriformes]. | between 2000 and 2004 a disease occurred in an aviary in germany affecting various bird species belonging to the order passeriformes including collared grosbeaks (mycerobas affinis), eurasian bullfinches (pyrrhula pyrrhula griseiventris), brown bullfinches (pyrrhula nipalensis), grey-headed bullfinches (pyrrhula erythaca) and yellow-bellied tits (periparus venustulus). the major clinical signs included increased mortality of fledglings and young birds, as well as feather disorders and feather lo ... | 2007 | 17416133 |
epidemiologic and pathologic aspects of salmonella typhimurium infection in passerine birds in norway. | septicemic salmonellosis caused by salmonella typhimurium 4, 12: i:1, 2 was diagnosed in 94 (64.8%) of 145 small passerines comprising nine species, examined in norway during 1999-2000. the birds were found dead at private feeding places throughout the country. the bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula), eurasian siskin (carduelis spinus), common redpoll (carduelis flammea), and eurasian greenfinch (carduelis chloris) were the most frequently affected species. pathologic findings in 94 carcasses included ... | 2003 | 12685069 |
spontaneous toxoplasmosis in canaries (serinus canaria) and other small passerine cage birds. | an outbreak of spontaneous toxoplasma gondii infection on an italian bird-farm is described. small passerine birds (serinus canaria, carduelis chloris, carduelis carduelis, carduelis spinus, carduelis cannabina, pyrrhula pyrrhula) showed clinical signs consisting of anorexia, prostration, weight loss, diarrhoea and dyspnoea accompanied by a high mortality rate. clinical, pathological, biological and serological investigations were performed. characteristic lesions and toxoplasma gondii specimens ... | 1986 | 18766519 |