
graft-related endocarditis caused by neosartorya fischeri var. spinosa.the first case of endocarditis caused by neosartorya fischeri var. spinosa is reported. the patient was a child who received a calf pericardium graft after removal of a previously inserted dacron graft associated with deterioration of adjacent tissue. copious vegetations removed from the heart were found to be composed of septate hyaline fungal filaments. the fungus was recognized in culture by its bivalved, winged, spiny ascospores, its aspergillus fischerianus anamorph, and its thermotolerance ...19921624579
pulmonary aspergillosis caused by aspergillus fischeri var. spinosus: report of a case and value of serologic studies. 19734202251
low genetic variation and no detectable population structure in aspergillus fumigatus compared to closely related neosartorya species.aspergillus fumigatus is an anamorphic euascomycete mold with a ubiquitous presence worldwide. despite intensive work to understand its success as a pathogen infecting immunosuppressed patients, the population dynamics and recent evolutionary history of a. fumigatus remain understudied. we examined patterns of genetic variation at three intergenic loci for 70 natural isolates from europe, north america, south america, asia, africa, and australia. the same loci were used to analyze within-populat ...200616607012
a thermostable phytase from neosartorya spinosa bcc 41923 and its expression in pichia pastoris.a phytase gene was cloned from neosartorya spinosa bcc 41923. the gene was 1,455 bp in size, and the mature protein contained a polypeptide of 439 amino acids. the deduced amino acid sequence contains the consensus motif (rhgxrxp) which is conserved among phytases and acid phosphatases. five possible disulfide bonds and seven potential n-glycosylation sites have been predicted. the gene was expressed in pichia pastoris km71 as an extracellular enzyme. the purified enzyme had specific activity of ...201121538247
inactivation of fungal spores in apple juice by high pressure homogenization.high pressure homogenization (hph) at 300 mpa in apple juice provides more than 5-log kill of ascospores of saccharomyces cerevisiae, conidiospores of filamentous fungi, and sporulated black yeasts. hph and heat treatment were more effective against vegetative cells than against the spores of yeasts used in this study. ascospores of talaromyces macrosporus and neosartorya spinosa were resistant to hph at 300 mpa. hph of ascospores of t. macrosporus may result in activation.200920003739
screening and production study of microbial xylanase producers from brazilian cerrado.hemicelluloses are polysaccharides of low molecular weight containing 100 to 200 glycosidic residues. in plants, the xylans or the hemicelluloses are situated between the lignin and the collection of cellulose fibers underneath. the xylan is the most common hemicellulosic polysaccharide in cell walls of land plants, comprising a backbone of xylose residues linked by beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds. so, xylanolytic enzymes from microorganism have attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade, ...201019898784
production of type ii ribotoxins by aspergillus species and related fungi in taiwan.a molecular investigation was conducted on the production of type ii ribotoxin of the species aspergillus and related fungi in taiwan. species that carried ribotoxin were confirmed by (1) cross-reactivity to anti-alpha-sarcin serum; (2) southern dot hybridization; (3) pcr amplification of genomic dna with specific primers; and (4) analysis of ribotoxic activity. five new strains, a. clavatus, a. oryzae var. effusus, a. ostianus, a. tamarii, and neosartorya fischeri var. spinosa, were identified ...19957778122
novel neosartorya species isolated from soil in korea.phenotypic and genotypic characters of strains of neosartorya spinosa and related taxa were analysed. n. spinosa, neosartorya botucatensis and neosartorya paulistensis had identical partial beta-tubulin and calmodulin gene sequences and could not be differentiated on macro- and micro-morphological characteristics, including by scanning electron microscopy. based on partial beta-tubulin and calmodulin gene sequences and ascospore morphology, two separate groups are distinguished and are proposed ...200616449461
chevalone c analogues and globoscinic acid derivatives from the fungus neosartorya spinosa kku-1nk1.four meroterpenoids, 1-hydroxychevalone c, 1-acetoxychevalone c, 1,11-dihydroxychevalone c, and 11-hydroxychevalone c and two ester epimers, 2s,4s-spinosate and 2s,4r-spinosate, together with seven known compounds, chevalones b, c, and e, tryptoquivaline, nortryptoquivaline, tryptoquivaline l, and quinadoline a were isolated from the fungus neosartorya spinosa. their structures were established based on spectroscopic data analyses. the theoretical ecd spectra of epimers, 2s,4s-spinosate and 2s,4 ...201627680770
a complete enzymatic recovery of ferulic acid from corn residues with extracellular enzymes from neosartorya spinosa economic ferulic acid recovery from biomass via biological methods is of interest for a number of reasons. ferulic acid is a precursor to vanillin synthesis. it is also a known antioxidant with potential food and medical applications. despite its universal presence in all plant cell wall material, the complex structure of the plant cell wall makes ferulic acid recovery from biomass a challenging bioprocess. previously, without pretreatment, very low (3-13%) recovery of ferulic acid from corn ...200616917955
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